The 10th International Conference on Quarks and Nuclear Physics will be hosted by the Institute of Cosmos Sciences of the University of Barcelona on 8-12 July, 2024. This conference follows the series of meetings previously held in Adelaide, Julich, Bloomington, Madrid, Beijing, Palaiseau, Valparaiso, Tsukuba and Tallahassee.
Experimentalists and theorists discuss recent developments in the field of hadron and nuclear physics, continuing previous discussions and presenting new results on the quark and gluon structure of hadrons, hadron spectroscopy and decays, hadron interactions and nuclear structure, and hot and cold dense matter.
Scientific editorial board
Mario Centelles, mario@fqa.ub.edu, Universitat de Barcelona
Sergi Gonzalez-Solis, sergig@icc.ub.edu, Universitat de Barcelona
Volodymyr Magas, vladimir@fqa.ub.edu, Universitat de Barcelona
Vincent Mathieu, vmathieu@ub.edu, Universitat de Barcelona
Javier Menéndez, menendez@fqa.ub.edu, Universitat de Barcelona
Assumpta Parreño, assum@fqa.ub.edu, Universitat de Barcelona
Robert Perry, perryrobertjames@fqa.ub.edu, Universitat de Barcelona
Àngels Ramos, ramos@fqa.ub.edu, Universitat de Barcelona
Arnau Rios, arnau.rios@fqa.ub.edu,Universitat de Barcelona
Laura Tolos, tolos@ice.csic.es, Institute of Space Sciences & IEEC
Juan Torres-Rincon, torres@fqa.ub.edu, Universitat de Barcelona
A. Facilities and Detectors |
Progress of the Super Tau Charm Facility in China
Direct measurement of charm baryon dipole moments at LHC
Prospects for direct measurement of Lambda baryon dipole moments at LHCb
ITS3: the next upgrade of the ALICE Inner Tracking System
Overview and Future Upgrades at CERN's North and East Areas
Measurements of Light Meson Structure via Tagged Deep Inelastic Scattering with a High-Rate Capable Time Projection Chamber
QCD at intensity frontier: 22 GeV electrons at Jefferson Lab
The dRICH detector at the ePIC experiment
The SIPM-based optical readout of the ePIC-dRICH detector at the EIC
CyMBal : MPGDs for the ePIC detector at EIC
The Electron-Ion Collider Science and Project Status
The Large Angle Detector Experiment at Jefferson Lab
μRWELL detector developments at Jefferson Lab for high luminosity experiments
Polarised He3 target and other detector instrumentation of the Gen-II experiment at JLab
The FAIR Facility – Status and Perspectives
Recent Bottomonium Results From Belle II
B. Hadron Spectroscopy |
Puzzle for the Vector Meson Threshold Photoproduction
Nucleons and vector mesons in holographic QCD
Exotic spectroscopy at LHCb
Scalars in charmed meson decays
Light Hadron Spectroscopy at BESIII
Helicity states for two- and three-gluon glueballs
Hybrid baryons in a constituent model
Spin density matrix elements in polarized photoproduction of resonances
Observation of $\Lambda\Lambda$ production in the reaction $(K^-, K^+)$ with HypTPC at J-PARC
The study of unconventional baryon structure in the light quark sector with the BGOOD photoproduction experiment
Improving $\pi\pi$ dispersive analyses and resonance determination with Forward Dispersion Relations
Understanding pion exchange in meson photoproduction from a Regge theory perspective
Light hadron spectroscopy with photoproduction experiments
Analysis of hidden-charm pentaquarks as triangle singularities via deep learning
The Search for Exotic Hadrons at GlueX
One or two poles for the $\Xi(1820)$ ?
Meson-baryon interactions and $\Lambda(1405)$ in covariant chiral effective field theory
A Variational Approach to Quantum Field Theory
Deep learning the analytical structure of scattering amplitudes
Exotic Meson Phenomenology
Amplitude Analysis of $\omega\pi^0$ Photoproduction at GlueX
Exploring Photoproduced $\eta^{(}{'^{)}} \pi^{0}$ Systems in the Search for Exotic Hadrons at GlueX
A Comprehensive Study of Double pion Photoproduction: A Regge Approach
Analyzing the $D^*D^*D^*$ system: Hexaquark states and the Efimov effect
Extracting properties of the 𝑻 𝒄𝒄 state from lattice QCD
The femtoscopic technique—an invaluable tool in studies of exotic hadrons
$NDD^∗$ three-body molecular states
Pole trajectories of the \Lambda(1405) helps establish its dynamical nature
Barrelet Zeros Extraction in Pion-Nucleon Scattering
C. Hadron Structure |
Origins and impacts of dynamical diquark correlations -- A continuum Schwinger functional approach --
Exploring tetraquark mixing models for the two nonets in the $J^P=0^+$ channel
Parametrization sampling and the pion PDF in a phenomenological analysis
Heavy-light Pseudoscalar Mesons: Light-Front Wave Functions and Generalized Parton Distributions
Lattice QCD determination of unpolarized TMDPDFs of the nucleon
Transition form factor of η/ η′ at BESIII
Comparison of molecular and compact states for the 𝑻 cc (3875) and 𝑿 (3872)
Correlation functions for the Ds(2317) and N*(1535)
The $\Omega_c(3120)$ as a molecular state and its analogy with the $\Omega(2012)$
CP Violation and Mixing in Charm at LHCb
The radiative decay width measurement of the $\eta$-meson at GlueX.
Transverse Momentum Moments
Near-threshold photoproduction of J/$\psi$ of a proton with the CLAS12 experiment
Recent advances in GPD calculations from Lattice QCD
Final Attempt to Search for the S=+1 Pentaquark at J-PARC
Generalized parton distributions from lattice QCD
The role of Padé and D-Log Padé approximants in the context of the MuonE experiment
Determination of GPDs at zero skewness through the global analysis of the experimental data
Quantum computing for parton fragmentation functions
The Planned New PRad-II Experiment at Jefferson Lab
Scalar and tensor meson dominance and gravitational form factors of the pion
The graviton soft-wall model and the descriptions of mesons and exotic states
DVCS on a polarised proton target at CLAS12
N* studies using KY electroproduction at CLAS12
D. Hadron Decays |
Recent results on hyperon decays at BESIII
Measurement of the relative phase between strong and EM decays of charmonium
Dynamical generation of the scalar $f_0(500)$, $f_0(980)$ and $K^*_0 (700)$ resonances in the $D^+_s \to K^+ \pi^+ \pi^-$ reaction
A triangle singularity in the $J/\psi \to \phi \pi^+ a_0^-(\pi^- \eta) decay
The $D^+ \to \bar K^0 \pi^+ \eta$ reaction and $a_0(980)$
Charge-conjugation asymmetry and molecular content: the $T_{cc}(3875)$ and $D^*_{s0}(2317)$ in nuclear matter
The electromagnetic pion form factor and its phase
Search for a leptophobic U(1) B boson using eta->pi0gammagamma and phi->pi0etagamma decays
φ → 3π and φπ0 transition form factor from Khuri-Treiman equations
Coupling Constant g_(Λ_bB_sΛ) using the Baryonic B¯0 s → pΛK¯ Decay
Charm Meson Decays at Belle II
Experimental Status of eta Decays
E. Hadron and Nuclear Interactions |
Production of $K^{\pm}$ charged particles spectra with cosmic ray models simulation
Three-particle scattering from QCD
Interactions of ω mesons in nuclear matter and with nuclei
Recent Advances in Hadron Production in e+e- Annihilation at BESIII
Shedding Light on Exotic Hadrons: Spin-Polarized Electron-Proton collisions at the EIC for Pentaquark Production
Tensor exchange contribution to meson-meson scattering
Hadron interactions using three-quark potential in a constituent quark model
Description of femtoscopic correlations with realistic pion-kaon interactions: the 𝜿/𝑲 ∗ (700) case
Novel constraints for the multi-strange meson-baryon interaction using correlation measurements with ALICE
First measurement of the $\rho^{0}\mbox{--}\mathrm{p}$ correlation function with ALICE
Precision spectroscopy of pionic atoms for deduction of chiral symmetry in nuclear matter
Effective Lagrangians and thermal resonances under extreme conditions
Bayesian analysis of nucleon-nucleon scattering data in pionless effective field theory
Seach for $\eta^{\prime}$-mesic nuclei with the WASA detector at GSI-FRS
EXCLAIM - EXCLusive processes via Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning
Neutrino-nucleus interactions using Quantum Monte Carlo based approaches
Variational studies of the (hyper)nuclear forces from Lattice QCD
Theoretical study of the ΣN cusp in the K^- d→πΛN reaction
Possible scenario of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in the instanton liquid
Pion Pion – Scattering with IAM in the Finite Volume
Femtoscopy study of $\pi^-\Lambda$ and $K^- p$ interactions
p𝛀 femtoscopy using baryon-baryon effective potentials
Approach to meson-baryon femtoscopy using effective field theories
F. Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia |
Exploring charm-quark fragmentation with correlation and jet measurements by ALICE
Dissociation and recombination of charmonia within microscopic Langevin simulations
The high temperature QCD static potential beyond leading order
Novel Observations in Charmonium Decays
A potential approach to the X(3872) thermal behaviour
Recent open heavy flavor studies for the Electron-Ion Collider
Quarkonia in Medium and Transport in Heavy-Ion Collisions
Exploring the melting of heavy-flavor hadrons and diffusion of charm quarks
Flow harmonics of charmonium states in heavy ion collisions
Recent developments in tetraquark studies at LHCb
Experimental Overview on Heavy Flavour in Heavy-ion collisions
Long distances effects in the hyperfine splittings of heavy quarkonium hybrids
Efficient simulation of quarkonium master equation beyond the dipole approximation
Dipion transitions between heavy hybrids and heavy quarkonium excitations
Recent results on quarkonium production
Beauty hadron production in high energy proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions in the EPOS4HQ framework
G. Heavy Ion Physics |
Cluster and anti-cluster production in heavy-ion collisions and pA reactions
quark-antiquark pair production in a strong color field: toward precision
$K_1/K^*$ enhancement as a signature of chiral symmetry restoration in heavy ion collision
Recent results from NA61/SHINE strong interaction program.
Open and hidden strangeness production in heavy-ion collisions
Non-perturbative resummation to study hot and dense nuclear matter
Elliptic anisotropy measurement of the f0(980) hadron in proton-lead collisions and evidence for its quark-antiquark
Status of the CBM experiment at FAIR and results from the CBM demonstrator experiment
The impact of scale-invariant initial state for gaining insights into nucleus properties in ultra-central symmetric heavy-ion collisions.
Dilepton production rates by pion-pair annihilation in inhomogeneous chiral condensed phase
Can we measure genuine three body interactions with femtoscopy?
Recent results on exotic hadrons in heavy ion collisions
(VAH)-Vortical Waves in a plasma with massless fermions
Elucidating QCD using energy-energy correlator measurement at RHIC and LHC
Flow phenomena at high nuclear densities with HADES
Far-from-equilibrium attractors in kinetic theory with two different relaxation times
Relativistic Dissipative Magnetohydrodynamics for 2-particle species fluid
New direct and non-prompt photon yield and flow results from PHENIX in 200 GeV Au+Au collisions
Nuclear modification of the production of $\Upsilon$ mesons with CMS
Measurement of azimuthal anisotropy at high $p_\mathrm{T}$ using subevent cumulants in pPb collisions at CMS
Exploring QCD dynamics using the jet invariant mass
Vorticity evolution in hydrodynamical expansion of the fireball
Studying the nature of the lightest charmed axial mesons via femtoscopy
SUBA-Jet: a new coherent jet energy loss model for heavy-ion collisions
Dynamically generated resonances in the Lambda K- correlation function
H. Equation of State and Neutron Stars |
Zero-sound modes for the nuclear equation of state at supra-normal densities
Effect of hadron-quark phase transition on neutron star $f-$mode oscillations in general relativistic calculations
Hyperons in neutron star mergers
Exploring Composition of Neutron Star Matter with a Relativistic Density Functional
Equations of state of dense matter for neutron-star modelling and inference
General predictions of neutron star properties using unified relativistic mean-field equations of state
Tidal heating as a direct probe of Strangeness inside Neutron stars
Non-radial oscillations in newly born compact star considering effects of phase transition
Which first order phase transitions to quark matter are possible in neutron stars?
Rapidly rotating neutron stars: Universal relations and EOS inference
Radial Oscillations in Hybrid Stars with Slow Quark Phase Transition
The impact of the equation of state on superconducting phases in neutron star cores
Equation of State in the era of new nuclear physics and multimessenger constraints
Hadron-quark crossover phase transition in hybrid compact stars
Are all Equations of State in Neutron Stars born alike?
Fast cooling from young and cold isolated neutron stars constraining dense matter EoS
Neutron Star Phenomenology. Finite Range Simple Effective Interaction Predictions
CFL quark cores in low-mass neutron stars via sexaquark condensation
Dense Baryonic Matter Equation of State with Quark Pauli Blocking
Neutron Star Crusts in the Multi-Messenger Era
Energy density functional approaches to inhomogeneous superfluid neutron-star matter
Establishing connection between neutron star properties and nuclear matter parameters \\ through a comprehensive multivariate analysis
Nuclear Matter properties from the ladder resummation method
Gravitational-wave imprints of nonconvex dynamics in binary neutron star mergers
From hadron resonance gas to quark-gluon plasma by Mott dissociation of quark clusters
Damping of density oscillations from bulk viscosity in quark matter
I. Nuclear Structure and Reactions |
Measurement of Quadrupole Deformation using E2 and M1+E2 Transitions in Heavy Isotopes in the Mass Range of 150 < 𝑨 < 250
Study of the neutron-rich nucleus $\rm ^{6}H$ in electron scattering experiment at MAMI-A1
Gamow-Teller studies within the Subtracted Second RPA
Consistent description of mean-field instabilities and clustering phenomena within a unified dynamical approach
Ab initio Green's functions approach for homogeneous nuclear matter
Reactions with weakly-bound exotic nuclei using deformed two-body models
Impact of nuclear masses on the r-process nucleosynthesis
Shell-model study of $^{58}$Ni using quantum computing algorithm
Beta-decay studies with the Total Absorption Gamma-ray Spectroscopy technique
Shape and logft of forbidden $\beta$ decays within the realistic shell model
Recent experiments probing isospin symmetry
Bubble structure in 46Ar: a direct proton-transfer reaction perspective
QCD-based charge independence breaking energy density functional
Investigating finite-temperature dependence of electromagnetic dipole transitions in nuclei
Fermionic Neural Networks through the lens of Group Theory
Evolving single-particle structure probed via single-nucleon transfer reactions
Shape coexistence and superdeformation in $^{28}$Si
The AGATA physics campaign at Legnaro National Laboratories
Variational learning quantum wave functions
Precision neutrinoless double-beta decay nuclear matrix elements and related double-gamma decays
Two-neutrino double-beta decay to excited states of heavy nuclei
Quantum entanglement patterns in the structure of atomic nuclei within the nuclear shell model
Comparative analysis of variational quantum-classical algorithms for the 6Li nucleus
Extraction of the weak magnetism form factor from precision spectrum shape measurements in Gamow-Teller transitions
Nuclear Density Functional Theory (DFT): perspectives and ab initio-based functionals
QCD sum rule approach to Okamoto-Nolen-Schiffer anomaly
Nuclear magnetic dipole moments from ab initio calculation
Study of the spin-orbit splitting in n-rich Nitrogen isotopes with active targets.
Manifestation of non-uniformity in nuclei – challenges using knockout reactions
Electroweak reactions with quantum Monte Carlo methods
Recent applications of the Simple Effective Interaction: The N=50 and Z=28 shell closure and charge radii differences of mirror nuclei
Nuclear dynamics with the BCPM functional
J. Strange Nuclear Systems |
Kaonic atoms studies with the SIDDHARTA-2 experiment
Structure of light hypernuclei from view point of few-body problem
Overview of Strangeness Nuclear Physics at J-PARC
Using light hypernuclei to constrain hypernuclear interactions
“Spectroscopic study of Kaonic nuclei using inclusive and exclusive $^{12}\text{C}(K^{-}, p)$ reaction at J-PARC”
Low-energy $K^+N$ scattering revisited and in-medium strange quark condensate
Light Kaonic Nuclei at J-PARC
K. Precision and New Physics |
Search for Hidden Sector New Particles in the 3-60 MeV Mass Range Focusing on the Hypothetical X17 Particle
Probe Fundamental Symmetry and BSM Physics Via the Primakoff Effect
Radiative corrections to one- and two-meson tau decays for precise new physics tests
Compatibility between 𝒆 + 𝒆 − and 𝝉 decay data in the di-pion channel and implications for 𝒂 𝑺𝑴 𝝁 and CVC tests
Hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon g-2 on Euclidean windows from tau data
Precision tests of Standard Model with Cabibbo unitarity and nuclear beta decays
Amplitude-level Effects in Bhabha Scattering from Dark Boson Exchange
A feasibility study for the dark photon search at the BGOOD experiment
Results from the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab
Precision tests with the J-Pet detector.
Recent results from the NA62 experiment at CERN
Rare processes and precision measurements
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