PoS - Proceedings of Science
PoS et cetera

PoS has been indexed in
inSpire - High-Energy Physics Literature Database
The Smithsonian/NASA Astrophysics Data System
CERN Document Server
Open Archive Initiative


Executive editorial committee

  Viatcheslav MukhanovA. Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics, Munich, Germany
  Yaron OzTel-Aviv University, Israel
  Marc MézardBocconi University, Milan, Italy
  Riccardo ZecchinaBocconi University, Milan, Italy
  Marzio NessiCERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Editorial office

Beatrice Biggio
Giulia Cassano
Gabriella Furlan (Overseer)
Maria Teresa Leo (Supervisor)
Caterina Massa


Cristiana Prever

Software and system maintenance

Michael McElroy (Supervisor)
Marco Mizzaro
Alessandro Sebastianutti


Prospero srl

Since the inception of PoS the following people contributed to the series

Loriano Bonora
Paolo Dall'Aglio
Matteo Gamboz
Amanda de Felice
Daniele Gouthier
Giuliano Lesa
Marzia Mazzonetto
Hector Rubinstein

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ISSN 1824-8039 | Published by Sissa Medialab srl Partita IVA: 01097780322