LATTICE2023 - (other lattice conferences)
31 July - 4 August
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
published November 06, 2024
Entries on ADS

The International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory is an annual conference that attracts scientists from around the world. Originally started as a place for physicists to discuss their recent developments in lattice gauge theory, nowadays the conference is the largest of its type and has grown to include areas like algorithms and machine architectures, code development, chiral symmetry, physics beyond the standard model, and strongly interacting phenomena in low-dimensions.

Editorial Board

  • Ian Cloet
    Australian National University
  • Aida X El-Khadra
    Physics Department, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA
  • George Fleming
  • Andreas Kronfeld
  • Henry Lamm
  • James C. Osborn
    Argonne National Laboratory
  • James N. Simone
    Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois 60510, USA
  • Mikhail Stephanov
    University of Illinois Chicago
  • Ruth Van de Water
  • Michael Wagman
  • Yong Zhao
    Argonne National Laboratory
conference main image
Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence
Hadronic and Nuclear Spectrum and Interactions
Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Plenary session
Poster session
QCD at Non-zero Density
QCD at Non-zero Temperature
Quantum Computing and Quantum Information
Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics
Software Development and Machines
Standard Model Parameters
Structure of Hadrons and Nuclei
Tests of Fundamental Symmetries
Theoretical Developments
Vacuum Structure and Confinement
Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence
Equivariant transformer is all you need
A. Tomiya and Y. Nagai
Hutch++ and XTrace to Improve Stochastic Trace Estimation
A. Cotellucci and A. Patella
Extraction of lattice QCD spectral densities from an ensemble of trained machines
A. De Santis, M. Buzzicotti and N. Tantalo
Bayesian interpretation of Backus-Gilbert methods
A. Lupo, L. Del Debbio, M. Panero and N. Tantalo
Out-of-equilibrium simulations to fight topological freezing
C. Bonanno, A. Nada and D. Vadacchino
Reducing the Sign Problem with simple Contour Deformation
C. Gäntgen, E. Berkowitz, T. Luu, J. Ostmeyer and M. Rodekamp
Trivializing Flow in 2D O(3) sigma model
C. Chamness, K. Orginos and D. Kovner
Riemannian manifold HMC with fermions
C. Jung and N.H. Christ
Practical applications of machine-learned flows on gauge fields
R. Abbott, D. Boyda, D. Hackett, G. Kanwar, F. Romero-Lopez, P. Shanahan, J. Urban and M. Albergo
Learning Trivializing Flows in a $\phi^4$ theory from coarser lattices
D. Albandea, L. Del Debbio, P. Hernandez, R. Kenway, J. Marsh Rossney and A. Ramos
Sampling Nambu-Goto theory using Normalizing Flows
M. Caselle, E. Cellini and A. Nada
Cluster-Algorithm-Amenable Models of Gauge Fields and Matter
E. Huffman
The dependence of observables on action parameters
G. Catumba, A. Ramos and B. Zaldivar
A solution for infinite variance problem of fermionic observables
H. Oh, A. Alexandru, P. Bedaque and A. Carosso
Fine grinding localized updates via gauge equivariant flows in the 2D Schwinger model
J. Finkenrath
Tuning HMC parameters with gradients
J.C. Osborn
Meron-Cluster Algorithms for Quantum Link Models
J.P. Barros, T. Budde and M.K. Marinkovic
Simple Ways to improve Discrete Time Evolution
J. Ostmeyer
Bayesian Inference for Contemporary Lattice Quantum Field Theory
Sparse modeling approach to extract spectral functions with covariance of Euclidean-time correlators of lattice QCD
J. Takahashi, H. Ohno and A. Tomiya
Application of the projective truncation and randomized singular value decomposition to a higher dimension
K. Nakayama
Performance of two-level sampling for the glueball spectrum in pure gauge theory
L. Barca, F. Knechtli, M.J. Peardon, S. Schaefer and J.A. Urrea-Niño
From Theory to Practice: Applying Neural Networks to Simulate Real Systems with Sign Problems
M. Rodekamp, E. Berkowitz, M. Dincă, C. Gäntgen, S. Krieg and T. Luu
Decimation map in 2D for accelerating HMC
N. Matsumoto, R.C. Brower and T. Izubuchi
Multiscale Normalizing Flows for Gauge Theories
R. Abbott, M. S. Albergo, D. Boyda, D. Hackett, G. Kanwar, F. Romero-Lopez, P. Shanahan and J. Urban
MLMC: Machine Learning Monte Carlo for Lattice Gauge Theory
S. Foreman, X.y. Jin and J.C. Osborn
Gauge-equivariant multigrid neural networks
D. Knüttel, C. Lehner and T. Wettig
Fixed point actions from convolutional neural networks
U. Wenger, K. Holland, A. Ipp and D.I. Müller
Multipolynomial Monte Carlo Trace Estimation
P. Lashomb, R.B. Morgan, T. Whyte and W. Wilcox
Neural Network Gauge Field Transformation for 4D SU(3) gauge fields
Fourier Acceleration of SU(3) Pure Gauge Theory at Weak Coupling
Y. Huo and N.H. Christ
Signal-to-noise improvement through neural network contour deformations for 3D 𝑺𝑼(2) lattice gauge theory
Y. Lin, W. Detmold, G. Kanwar, P. Shanahan and M. Wagman
Hadronic and Nuclear Spectrum and Interactions
Precision Determination of Baryon Masses including Isospin-breaking
A. Segner, A. Risch and H. Wittig
Progress in generating gauge ensembles with Stabilized Wilson Fermions
A. Francis, F. Cuteri, P. Fritzsch, G. Pederiva, A. Rago, A. Shindler, A. Walker-Loud and S. Zafeiropoulos
Nucleon-Pion Spectroscopy from Sparsened Correlators
A. Grebe and M. Wagman
The quenched glueball spectrum from smeared spectral densities
A. Smecca, M. Panero, N. Tantalo and D. Vadacchino
Doubly charmed tetraquark: isospin channels and diquark-antidiquark interpolators
E.O. Pacheco, S. Collins, L. Leskovec, M. Padmanath and S. Prelovsek
Isospin-$\frac{1}{2}$ $D\pi$ scattering and the $D_0^*$ resonance
H. Yan, C. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Meng and H. Xing
Exploring the anisotropic HISQ (aHISQ) action
Y. Trimis, A. Bazavov and J.H. Weber
Optimized Distillation Profiles for Heavy-Light Spectroscopy
J. Neuendorf, G. Egbring, J. Heitger, R. Höllwieser, F. Knechtli, T. Korzec and J.A. Urrea-Niño
Progress in meson-meson scattering at large $N_\text{c}$
J. Baeza-Ballesteros, P. Hernandez and F. Romero-Lopez
QED corrections to meson masses
Charmonium spectroscopy with optimal distillation profiles
J.A. Urrea Nino, J. Finkenrath, R. Höllwieser, F. Knechtli, T. Korzec and M.J. Peardon
Study on Lambda(1405) in the flavor SU(3) limit in the HAL QCD method
K. Murakami and S. Aoki
Antistatic-antistatic-light-light potentials from lattice QCD
L. Mueller, P. Bicudo, M. Marinkovic and M. Wagner
Relativistic corrections to the static potential from generalized Wilson loops at finite flow time
M. Eichberg and M. Wagner
Hybrid static potentials from Laplacian eigenmodes
R. Höllwieser, F. Knechtli, T. Korzec, M.J. Peardon and J.A. Urrea-Niño
Lattice QCD studies of the $\Delta$ baryon resonance and the $K_0^\ast(700)$ and $a_0(980)$ meson resonances: the role of exotic operators in determining the finite-volume spectrum
S. Skinner, J. Bulava, D. Darvish, A.D. Hanlon, B. Hoerz, C. Morningstar, A. Nicholson, F. Romero-Lopez, P. Vranas and A. Walker-Loud
Analytic continuation of the finite-volume three-particle amplitudes
Doubly charmed tetraquark $T_{cc}^+$ in (2+1)-flavor QCD near physical point
Y. Lyu, S. Aoki, T. Doi, T. Hatsuda, Y. Ikeda and J. Meng
Investigation of two-particle contributions to nucleon matrix elements
C. Alexandrou, G. Koutsou, Y. Li, M. Petschlies and F. Pittler
Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Mesonic decay constant and mass ratios and the conformal window
D. Nogradi and H.S. Chung
The deconfinement phase transition in $Sp(2N)$ gauge theories and the density of states method
D. Mason, B. Lucini, M. Piai, E. Rinaldi and D. Vadacchino
Lattice investigation of the general Two Higgs Doublet Model with SU(2) gauge fields
G. Catumba, A. Hiraguchi, G. W.-S Hou, K. Jansen, Y.J. Kao, C.J. David Lin, A. Ramos and M. Sarkar
Renormalization of the Yukawa and Quartic Couplings in $\mathcal{N} = 1$ Supersymmetric QCD
M. Costa, H. Herodotou and H. Panagopoulos
Chimera baryon spectrum in the Sp(4) completion of composite Higgs models
H. Hsiao, E. Bennett, D.K. Hong, J.W. Lee, C.J.D. Lin, B. Lucini, M. Piai and D. Vadacchino
Hidden Conformal Symmetry from Eight Flavors
J. Ingoldby and  on behalf of the Lattice Strong Dynamics collaboration
2-flavour $SU(2)$ gauge theory with exponential clover Wilson fermions
L. Bowes, V. Drach, P. Fritzsch, A. Rago and F. Romero-Lopez
Lattice studies of Sp(2N) gauge theories using GRID
N. Forzano, E. Bennett, P. Boyle, J.W. Lee, J. Lenz, B. Lucini, A. Lupo, M. Piai, D. Vadacchino, L. Del Debbio, D.K. Hong and C.J.D. Lin
Towards the super Yang-Mills spectrum at large $N_c$
S. Martins, M. Della Morte, B. Jäger, J.T. Tsang and F.P.G. Ziegler
Exploring Composite Dark Matter with an SU(4) gauge theory with 1 fermion flavor
V. Ayyar and  LSD Collaboration
Scattering of dark pions in an Sp(4)-gauge theory
Y. Dengler, A. Maas and F. Zierler
Plenary session
Hadron spectroscopy and few-body dynamics from Lattice QCD
The QCD phase diagram at finite temperature and density - a lattice perspective
A. Pasztor
Introducing the Lattice Virtual Academy (LaVA)
C. Bonanno, M.P. Lombardo and M.J. Peardon
Quantum simulations of lattice field thoeries
D. Grabowska
Speed of sound exceeding the conformal bound in dense 2-color QCD
E. Itou and K. Iida
The International Lattice Data Grid (ILDG 2.0)
F. Di Renzo
Flow-based sampling for lattice field theories
Transport and Connection to Heavy-ion Collisions via Heavy Flavor Probes
Renormalons in Large-Momentum Effective Theory
Strongly coupled gauge theories towards physics beyond the Standard Model
Electroweak transitions involving resonances
L. Leskovec
Isospin-breaking corrections to weak decays: the current status and a new infrared improvement
M. Di Carlo
Advances in algorithms for solvers and gauge generation
Isovector Axial Charge and Form Factors of Nucleons from Lattice QCD
R. Gupta and R. Gupta
Muon $g-2$: Lattice calculations of the hadronic vacuum polarization
S. Kuberski
Quark flavor physics with lattice QCD
Qudit-based quantum computing with SRF cavities at Fermilab
T. Roy, T. Kim, A. Romanenko and A. Grassellino
Overview of hadron structure from lattice QCD
Lattice QCD calculation of the invisible decay J/ψ→γνν
Poster session
Fast Partitioning of Pauli Strings into Commuting Families for Expectation Value Measurements of Dense Operators
N. Butt, A. Lytle, B. Reggio and P. Draper
The $\Lambda(1405)$ from Lattice QCD: Determining the Finite-volume Spectra
B. Cid-Mora, J. Bulava, A.D. Hanlon, B. Hörz, D. Mohler, C. Morningstar, J. Moscoso, A. Nicholson, F. Romero-Lopez, S. Skinner and A. Walker-Loud
Normalizing Flows for Lattice Gauge Theories: Towards Finite Temperature Simulations
C. Kirwan and S.M. Ryan
Streamlined data analysis in Python
D.A. Clarke, L. Altenkort, J. Goswami and H. Sandmeyer
New configuration set of HAL QCD collaboration
E. Itou and  for HAL QCD Collaboration
Glueballs in $N_f=1$ QCD
G. Bergner, M. Teper, U. Wenger and A. Athenodorou
Mass effects on the QCD $\beta$-function
M. Costa, D. Gavriel, H. Panagopoulos and G. Spanoudes
Tensor Renormalization Group Methods for Real-Time Evolution
M. Hite and Y. Meurice
Highly anisotropic lattices for Yang-Mills theory
P. Hotzy, K. Boguslavski, D.I. Müller and D. Sexty
The four-gluon vertex in Landau gauge
M. Colaço, O. Oliveira and P.J. Silva
Investigation of optimal smearing for mesons
R. Di Palma, G. Gagliardi and F. Sanfilippo
Variance reduction via deflation with local coherence
R. Gruber, T. Harris and M. Marinkovic
Progress report on testing robustness of the Newton method in data analysis on 2-point correlation function using a MILC HISQ ensemble
S. Jwa, T. Bhattacharya, B.J. Choi, R. Gupta, Y.C. Jang, S. Kim, S. Lee, W. Lee, J. Leem, J. Pak and S. Park
LDIC Survey 2023: Feeling Welcome in the Community
C. Aubin, B. Chakraborty, W. Detmold, S. Martins, N. Mathur, T. Mendes, F. Stokes and  on behalf of the Lattice Diversity and Inclusion Committee
The distribution amplitude of the $\eta_c$ meson
M.T. San José Pérez, B. Blossier, M. Mangin-Brinet and J.M. Morgado Chávez
Provenance model for Lattice QCD
T. Auge, G. Bali, M. Klettke, B. Ludäscher, W. Söldner, S. Weishäupl and T. Wettig
2023 update of $\varepsilon_K$ with lattice QCD inputs
W. Lee, S. Jwa, J. Kim, S. Kim, S. Lee, J. Leem, J. Pak and S. Park
Bootstrap methods for digitized scalar field theory
Z. Ozzello and Y. Meurice
QCD at Non-zero Density
QCD equation of state in the presence of magnetic fields at low density
A.D. Marques Valois, S. Borsanyi, B. Brandt, G. Endrodi, J. N. Guenther and R. Kara
Staggered rooting and unphysical phases at finite baryon density
S. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, M. Giordano, J. Guenther, S.D. Katz, A. Pasztor and C.H. Wong
Universal scaling and the asymptotic behaviour of Fourier coefficients of the baryon-number density in QCD
C. Schmidt, D.A. Clarke, P. Dimopoulos, F. Di Renzo, J. Goswami, S. Singh, V. V. Skokov and K. Zambello
Searching for the QCD critical point using Lee-Yang edge singularities
D.A. Clarke, P. Dimopoulos, F. DiRenzo, J. Goswami, C. Schmidt, S. Singh and K. Zambello
Detecting Lee-Yang/Fisher singularities by multi-point Padè
F. Di Renzo, D.A. Clarke, P. Dimopoulos, J. Goswami, C. Schmidt, S. Singh and K. Zambello
The magnetized Gross-Neveu model at finite chemical potential
M. Mandl and J. Lenz
A New Way to Compute the Pseudoscalar Screening Mass at Finite Chemical Potential
P. Hegde and R. Thakkar
Chemical potential dependence of the endpoint of first-order phase transition in heavy-quark region of finite-temperature lattice QCD
S. Ejiri, K. Kanaya and M. Kitazawa
The phase diagram at finite baryon and isospin densities at strong coupling
Applying the Worldvolume Hybrid Monte Carlo method to the finite-density complex $\phi^4$ model and the Hubbard model
Y. Namekawa and M. Fukuma
QCD at Non-zero Temperature
Thermal QCD phase transition with dynamical chiral fermions
A. Kotov, Z. Fodor and K.K. Szabo
The thermal photon emissivity at the QCD chiral crossover from imaginary momentum correlators
A. Krasniqi, M. Cè, T. Harris, R. Hudspith, H. Meyer and C. Török
Moment of inertia and supervortical temperature of gluon plasma
V. Braguta, M.N. Chernodub, I.E. Kudrov, A. Roenko and D.A. Sychev
Study of Chiral Symmetry and $U(1)_A$ using Spatial Correlators for $N_f$ = 2 + 1 QCD at finite temperature with Domain Wall Fermions
D. Ward, S. Aoki, Y. Aoki, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, I. Kanamori, T. Kaneko, J. Goswami and Y. Zhang
Chiral susceptibility and axial U(1) anomaly near the (pseudo-)critical temperature
 JLQCD Collaboration:, S. Aoki, Y. Aoki, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, I. Kanamori, T. Kaneko, K. Suzuki, D. Ward and Y. Nakamura
Axial U(1) symmetry near the pseudocritical temperature in $N_f=2+1$ lattice QCD with chiral fermions
 JLQCD Collaboration:, S. Aoki, Y. Aoki, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, I. Kanamori, T. Kaneko, Y. Nakamura, C. Rohrhofer, K. Suzukih and D. Ward
Characterizing Strongly Interacting Matter at Finite Temperature: (2+1)-Flavor QCD with Möbius Domain Wall fermions
J. Goswami, Y. Aoki, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, I. Kanamori, T. Kaneko, Y. Nakamura, Y. Zhang and  on behalf of JLQCD Collaboration
Electromagnetic effects on topological observables in QCD
B. Brandt, G. Endrodi, J.J. Hernández, G. Marko and L. Pannullo
Sphaleron rate as an inverse problem: a novel lattice approach
M. Naviglio, C. Bonanno, F. D'Angelo, M. D'Elia and L. Maio
Critical point in heavy-quark region of QCD on fine lattices
M. Kitazawa, R. Ashikawa, S. Ejiri, K. Kanaya and H. Sugawara
Partial deconfinement in QCD at $N=3$ and $N=\infty$
M. Hanada, H. Ohata, H. Watanabe and H. Shimada
Progresses on high-temperature QCD: Equation of State and energy-momentum tensor
M. Bresciani, M. Dalla Brida, L. Giusti and M. Pepe
Determination of the CP restoration temperature at $\theta=\pi$ in 4D SU(2) Yang-Mills theory through simulations at imaginary $\theta$
M. Hirasawa, K. Hatakeyama, M. Honda, A. Matsumoto, J. Nishimura and A. Yosprakob
Advancing real-time Yang-Mills: towards real-time observables from first principles
P. Hotzy, K. Boguslavski and D.I. Müller
Baryonic screening masses in high temperature QCD
P. Rescigno, L. Giusti, T. Harris, D. Laudicina and M. Pepe
Chiral transition via Strong Coupling expansion
P. Pattanaik, W. Unger and J. Kim
Finite volume effects near the chiral crossover
R. Kara, S. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, P. Parotto, A. Pasztor, J. Guenther and C.H. Wong
Reconstructed (charm) baryon methods at finite temperature on anisotropic lattices
R. Bignell, G. Aarts, C. Allton, M.N. Anwar, T. J. Burns, B. Jaeger, J.I. Skullerud and  for the FASTSUM collaboration
Charm Fluctuations and Deconfinement
High temperature $U(1)_A$ breaking in the chiral limit
T.G. Kovacs
Microscopic Encoding of Macroscopic Universality in QCD Chiral Phase Transition
W.P. Huang, H.T. Ding, S. Mukherjee and P. Petreczky
Exploring the QCD phase diagram with three flavors of Möbius domain wall fermions
Y. Zhang, Y. Aoki, S. Hashimoto, I. Kanamori, T. Kaneko and Y. Nakamura
Local Polyakov-loop fluctuation and center domains in quark-gluon plasma with many colors
Y. Nakajima and H. Suganuma
Quantum Computing and Quantum Information
Three ways of calculating mass spectra for the 2-flavor Schwinger model in the Hamiltonian formalism
A. Matsumoto, E. Itou and Y. Tanizaki
Entanglement entropy from non-equilibrium lattice simulations
A. Bulgarelli and M. Panero
Chiral fermion on quantum computers
A. Yamamoto, T. Hayata and K. Nakayama
Exploring lattice supersymmetry with variational quantum deflation
D. Schaich and C. Culver
Digital Quantum Simulation for Spectroscopy of Schwinger Model
D. Ghim and M. Honda
Improved Fermion Hamiltonians for quantum simulation
E. Gustafson and R. Van de Water
Mixed State Variational Quantum Eigensolver for the Estimation of Expectation Values at Finite Temperature
G. Clemente
Testing importance sampling on a quantum annealer for strong coupling $SU(3)$ gauge theory
J. Kim, T. Luu and W. Unger
Quantum Simulation of Finite Temperature Schwinger Model via Quantum Imaginary Time Evolution
J. Pedersen, E. Itou, R.Y. Sun and S. Yunoki
Error mitigation strategies for simple quantum systems
K. Zambello, M. D'Elia and R. Pariente
Real-time dynamics of the Schwinger model via variational quantum algorithms
L. Nagano, A. Bapat and C. W Bauer
Symmetry Breaking and Clock Model Interpolation in 2D Classical O(2) Spin Systems
L. Hostetler, R. Sakai, J. Zhang, A. Bazavov and Y. Meurice
Thermodynamics of non-Abelian $D_4$ lattice gauge theory via Quantum Metropolis Sampling
E. Ballini, G. Clemente, M. D'Elia, L. Maio and K. Zambello
Simulating Field Theories with Quantum Computers
M. Asaduzzaman, S. Catterall, Y. Meurice and G.C. Toga
Quantum computations of the 𝑶(3) model using qumodes
R. Jha, F. Ringer, G. Siopsis and S. Thompson
Testing the $\mathrm{SU}(2)$ lattice Hamiltonian built from $S_3$ partitionings
M. Garofalo, T. Hartung, T. Jakobs, K. Jansen, J. Ostmeyer, D. Rolfes, S. Romiti and C. Urbach
Measurement-based quantum simulation of Abelian lattice gauge theories
H. Sukeno and T. Okuda
Scalar QED with Rydberg atoms
Y. Meurice, J. Corona, S. Cantu, F. Liu, S. Wang, K. Heitritter, S. Mrenna, J. Zhang and S.W. Tsai
Quark and Lepton Flavor Physics
Chebyshev and Backus-Gilbert reconstruction for inclusive semileptonic $B_{(s)}$-meson decays from Lattice QCD
A. Barone, S. Hashimoto, A. Jüttner, T. Kaneko and R. Kellermann
$m_b$ and $f_{B^{(*)}}$ in 2 + 1 flavour QCD from a combination of continuum limit static and relativistic results
A. Conigli, J. Frison, P. Fritzsch, A. Gérardin, J. Heitger, G. Herdoiza, S. Kuberski, C. Pena, H. Simma and R. Sommer
Rare K decays off and on the lattice
S. Schacht and A. Soni
Extrapolating semileptonic form factors using Bayesian-inference fits regulated by unitarity and analyticity
J. Flynn, A. Juettner and J.T. Tsang
B-meson semileptonic decays from highly improved staggered quarks
A. Lytle, C. DeTar, E. Gámiz, S. Gottlieb, W. Jay, A.X. El-Khadra, A. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, J.N. Simone and A. Vaquero
Hadronic susceptibilities for b to c transitions from two point correlation functions
A. Melis, F. Sanfilippo and S. Simula
Comparing phenomenological estimates of dilepton decays of pseudoscalar mesons with lattice QCD
B.L. Hoid, M. Hoferichter and J. Ruiz de Elvira
Current progress on the semileptonic form factors for $\bar{B} \to D^\ast \ell \bar{\nu}$ decay using the Oktay-Kronfeld action
T. Bhattacharya, B.J. Choi, R. Gupta, Y.C. Jang, S. Jwa, S. Kim, S. Lee, W. Lee, J. Leem, J. Pak and S. Park
Investigation of the hadronic light-by-light contribution to the muon $g{-}2$ using staggered fermions
C. Zimmermann and A. Gérardin
$K_L\rightarrow\mu^+\mu^-$ from lattice QCD
E.H. Chao, N.H. Christ, X. Feng and L. Jin
The mixing of two-pion and vector-meson states using staggered fermions
F. Frech, F.M. Stokes, K.K. Szabó, B.C. Toth and  for the Budapest-Marseille-Wuppertal Collaboration
Form factors for semileptonic B-decays with HISQ light quarks and clover b-quarks in Fermilab interpretation
H. Jeong, C. DeTar, A.X. El-Khadra, E. Gámiz, Z. Gelzer, S. Gottlieb, W. Jay, A. Kronfeld, A. Lytle and A. Vaquero
Status update: $\pi^0\to \gamma^\ast \gamma^\ast$ transition form factor on CLS ensembles
J. Koponen, A. Gérardin, H. Meyer, K. Ottnad and G. von Hippel
Coordinate-space calculation of QED corrections to the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to $(g-2)_\mu$
E.H. Chao, J. Parrino and H. Meyer
Electroweak box diagram contribution for pion and kaon decay from lattice QCD
J.S. Yoo, T. Bhattacharya, R. Gupta, S. Mondal and B. Yoon
Towards charm physics with stabilised Wilson Fermions
J.T. Kuhlmann, P. Fritzsch, J. Heitger and F. Joswig
Using Gradient Flow to Renormalise Matrix Elements for Meson Mixing and Lifetimes
M. Black, R. Harlander, F. Lange, A. Rago, A. Shindler and O. Witzel
Structure-dependent electromagnetic finite-volume effects through order $1/L^3$
N.H. Truedsson, M. Di Carlo, M. Hansen and A. Portelli
Lattice Calculation of Electromagnetic Corrections to Kl3 decay
N.H. Christ, X. Feng, L. Jin, C.T. Sachrajda and T. Wang
$B_s \to K\ell\nu$ form factors from lattice QCD with domain-wall heavy quarks.
P. Mohanta, T. Kaneko, S. Hashimoto and  JLQCD Collaboration:
A strategy for B-physics observables in the continuum limit
R. Sommer, A. Conigli, J. Frison, P. Fritzsch, A. Gérardin, J. Heitger, G. Herdoiza, S. Kuberski, C. Pena and H. Simma
Non-perturbative mixing and renormalisation of ΔF=2 Four-Fermion Operators
R. Marinelli, I. Campos Plasencia, M. Dalla Brida, G. Maria de Divitiis, A. Lytle, M. Papinutto and A. Vladikas
Studies on finite-volume effects in the inclusive semileptonic decays of charmed mesons
R. Kellermann, A. Barone, S. Hashimoto, A. Jüttner and T. Kaneko
Status of next-generation $\Lambda_b \to p, \Lambda, \Lambda_c$ form-factor calculations
$|V_{us}|$ from kaon semileptonic form factor in $N_f = 2+1$ QCD at the physical point on (10 fm)$^4$
T. Yamazaki, K.I. Ishikawa, N. Ishizuka, Y. Kuramashi, Y. Namekawa, Y. Taniguchi, N. Ukita, T. Yoshie and  on behalf of PACS Collaboration
Form factors for the charm-baryon semileptonic decay $\Xi_c\to \Xi \ell \nu$ from domain-wall lattice QCD
C. Farrell and S. Meinel
Software Development and Machines
Exploiting Modern C++ for Portable Parallel Programming in Lattice QCD Applications
A. Strelchenko
Renormalization of Karsten-Wilczek Quarks on a Staggered Background
D. Godzieba, S. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, P. Parotto, R. Vig and C.H. Wong
NeuLat: a toolbox for neural samplers in lattice field theories
K.A. Nicoli, C. Anders, L. Funcke, K. Jansen, S. Nakajima and P. Kessel
First dynamical simulations with minimally doubled fermions
R. Vig, S. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, D. Godzieba, P. Parotto and C.H. Wong
Standard Model Parameters
Determination of the gradient flow scale $t_0$ from a Mixed Action with Wilson Twisted Mass Valence Quarks.
A. Saez-Gonzalvo, A. Conigli, J. Frison, G. Herdoiza and C. Pena
Update on the gradient flow scale on the 2+1+1 HISQ ensembles
A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. DeTar, A.X. El-Khadra, E. Gámiz, S. Gottlieb, A. Grebe, U.M. Heller, W. Jay, A. Kronfeld and Y. Lin
Quenched Static force from generalized Wilson loops with gradient flow
J. Mayer-Steudte
Charm quark mass using a massive nonperturbative renormalisation scheme
L. Del Debbio, F. Erben, J. Flynn, R. Mukherjee and J. Tobias Tsang
A non-perturbative determination of $b_{\rm g}$
M. Dalla Brida, F. Knechtli, T. Korzec, A. Ramos, S. Sint, R. Sommer and R. Höllwieser
The determination of $r_0$ and $r_1$ in Nf=2+1 QCD
T. Asmussen, R. Höllwieser, F. Knechtli and T. Korzec
Structure of Hadrons and Nuclei
Extracting the Pion Distribution Amplitude from Lattice QCD through Pseudo-Distributions
D. Kovner, J. Karpie, K. Orginos, A. Radyushkin, S. Zafeiropoulos and  for the HadStruc collaboration
Renormalization of non-local gluon operators in lattice perturbation theory
D. Gavriel, H. Panagopoulos and G. Spanoudes
Magnetic polarizability of a charged pion from four-point functions
F. Lee, W. Wilcox, A. Alexandru and C. Culver
Perturbative study of renormalization and mixing for asymmetric staple-shaped Wilson-line operators on the lattice
G. Spanoudes, M. Constantinou and H. Panagopoulos
Generalized form factors of the pion and kaon using twisted mass fermions
J. Delmar, C. Alexandrou, S. Bacchio, I. Cloet, M. Constantinou and G. Koutsou
Proton Helicity GPDs from Lattice QCD
J. Miller, S. Bhattacharya, K. Cichy, M. Constantinou, X. Gao, A. Metz, S. Mukherjee, P. Petreczky, F. Steffens and Y. Zhao
The parity-odd structure function of nucleon from the Compton amplitude
K.U. Can, R. Horsley, Y. Nakamura, P. Rakow, G. Schierholz, H. Stuben, R. Young and J. Zanotti
Comparison with model-independent and dependent analyses for pion charge radius
K. Sato, H. Watanabe and T. Yamazaki
The pion scalar form factor with $N_f=2+1$ Wilson fermions
K. Ottnad and G. von Hippel
Twist-3 axial GPDs of the proton from lattice QCD
M. Constantinou, S. Bhattacharya, K. Cichy, J. Dodson, A. Metz, F. Steffens and A. Scapellato
Quark orbital angular momentum in the proton from a twist-3 generalized parton distribution
M. Engelhardt, N. Hasan, S. Krieg, S. Liuti, S. Meinel, J. Negele, A. Pochinsky, M. Rodekamp and S. Syritsyn
Proton and neutron electromagnetic radii and magnetic moments from $N_f = 2 + 1$ lattice QCD
M. Salg, D. Djukanovic, G. von Hippel, H.B. Meyer, K. Ottnad and H. Wittig
Unveiling Generalized Parton Distributions through the Pseudo-Distribution Approach
N. Nurminen, S. Bhattacharya, W. Chomicki, K. Cichy, M. Constantinou, A. Metz and F. Steffens
Lattice QCD predictions of pion and kaon electromagnetic form factors at large momentum transfer
H.T. Ding, X. Gao, A. D. Hanlon, S. Mukherjee, P. Petreczky, Q. Shi, S. Syritsyn and Y. Zhao
Discretization effects on nucleon root-mean-square radii from lattice QCD at the physical point
R. Tsuji, Y. Aoki, K.I. Ishikawa, Y. Kuramashi, S. Sasaki, E. Shintani, T. Yamazaki and  on behalf of PACS Collaboration
Nucleon isovector form factors from domain-wall lattice QCD at the physical mass
Update on flavor diagonal nucleon charges from clover fermions
S. Park, T. Bhattacharya, R. Gupta, H.W. Lin, S. Mondal and B. Yoon
The lattice extraction of the TMD soft function using the auxiliary field representation of the Wilson line
A. Francis, I. Kanamori, C.J.D. Lin, W. Morris and Y. Zhao
How Gluon Pseudo-PDF Matrix Elements Depend on Gauge Smearing
W. Good and H.W. Lin
Parton Distributions from Boosted Fields in the Coulomb Gauge
Y. Zhao, X. Gao and W.Y. Liu
Tests of Fundamental Symmetries
Exploiting hidden symmetries to accelerate the lattice calculation of $K\to\pi\pi$ decays with G-parity boundary conditions
The calculations of Nucleon Electric Dipole Moment using background field on Lattice QCD
F. He, M. Abramczyk, T. Blum, T. Izubuchi, H. Ohki and S. Syritsyn
The Thirring Model in 2+1d with Optimised Domain Wall Fermions
S. Hands and J. Worthy
Neutron Electric Dipole Moment from Isovector Quark Chromo-Electric Dipole Moment
T. Bhattacharya, V. Cirigliano, R. Gupta, E. Mereghetti, J.S. Yoo and B. Yoon
Theoretical Developments
More on Minimal Renormalon Subtraction
A. Kronfeld
Gauge field smearing and controlled continuum extrapolations
Euclidean Weak-Field General Relativity on the Lattice
C. Bouchard
QED in external EM fields
D. Sinclair and J.B. Kogut
Non-equilibrium dynamics of topological defects in the 3d O(2) model
E. López-Contreras, J.F. Nieto Castellanos, E.N. Polanco-Euán and W. Bietenholz
A pion decay constant in the multi-flavor Schwinger model
J.F. Nieto Castellanos, I. Hip and W. Bietenholz
Spin-taste structure of minimally doubled fermions
J.H. Weber
The twisted gradient flow strong coupling with parallel tempering on boundary conditions
J.L. Dasilva Golán, C. Bonanno, M. D’Elia, M. Garcia Perez and A. Giorgieri
Tensor renormalization group study of 3D principal chiral model
J. Unmuth-Yockey, S. Akiyama and R. Jha
A qubit regularization of asymptotic freedom without fine-tuning
S. Maiti, D. Banerjee, S. Chandrasekharan and M. Krstic Marinkovic
Prospects for the stout smearing as an equivalent approach to the Wilson flow
M. Nagatsuka, K. Sakai and S. Sasaki
Lattice construction of mixed 't Hooft anomaly with higher-form symmetry
M. Abe, O. Morikawa, S. Onoda, H. Suzuki and Y. Tanizaki
Study of 3-dimensional SU(2) gauge theory with adjoint Higgs as a model for cuprate superconductors
G. Catumba, A. Hiraguchi, G.W.S. Hou, K. Jansen, Y.J. Kao, C.J.D. Lin, A. Ramos and M. Sarkar
A Microscopic study of Magnetic monopoles in Topological Insulators
N. Kan, S. Aoki, H. Fukaya, M. Koshino and Y. Matsuki
SymEFT predictions for local fermion bilinears
Higher-group symmetry in lattice gauge theories with restricted topological sectors
M. Abe, N. Kan, O. Morikawa, Y. Nagoya, S. Onoda and H. Wada
NSPT for O(N) non-linear sigma model: the larger N the better
P. Baglioni and F. Di Renzo
Negative Coupling $\phi^4$ on the Lattice
P. Romatschke
Implementation of bond weighting method for the Grassmann tensor renormalization group
S. Akiyama
A lattice regularization of Weyl fermions in a gravitational background
S. Aoki, H. Fukaya and N. Kan
Vacuum Structure and Confinement
New gauge-independent transition dividing the confinement phase in the lattice gauge-adjoint scalar model
A. Shibata and K.I. Kondo
The chiral condensate at large $N$
C. Bonanno, P. Butti, M.G. Perez, A. Gonzalez-Arroyo, K.I. Ishikawa and M. Okawa
Confining strings and glueballs in $\mathbb{Z}_N$ gauge theories
C. Luo, A. Athenodorou, S. Dubovsky and M. Teper
Extracting Instantons from the Lattice
F. Zimmermann
Chiral condensate from the spectrum of the staggered Dirac operator
F. D'Angelo, C. Bonanno and M. D'Elia
Extracting Yang-Mills topological structures with adjoint modes
I. Soler, G. Bergner and A. Gonzalez-Arroyo
Flattening of the quantum effective potential in fermionic theories
L. Pannullo, G. Endrodi, T. G. Kovács and G. Marko
Computation of the Kugo-Ojima function from lattice simulations
N. Brito, O. Oliveira, P.J. Silva, J. Papavassiliou, M.N. Ferreira and A.C. Aguilar
Testing (asymptotic) scaling in Yang-Mills theories in the large-$N_c$ limit
P. Butti and A. Gonzalez-Arroyo
Entanglement Entropy due to the Presence of Static Quarks
R. Amorosso and S. Syritsyn
New gauge-independent transition separating confinement-Higgs phase in the lattice gauge-fundamental scalar model
R. Ikeda, K.I. Kondo, A. Shibata and S. Kato
Monopoles of the Dirac type and color confinement in QCD - Study of the continuum limit -
Adjoint chromoelectric and -magnetic correlators with gradient flow