The European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP) is one of the major international conferences that reviews the field every second year since 1971 organized by the High Energy and Particle Physics Division of the European Physical Society. The latest conferences in this series were held in Venice, Vienna, Stockholm, Grenoble, Krakow, Manchester, Lisbon and Aachen.
In 2019 the EPS-HEP conference will take place in Ghent, Belgium from 10 to 17 July. The 2019 conference is organized by the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Ghent University in collaboration with Universiteit Antwerpen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Universite Libre de Bruxelles and Universite Catholique de Louvain. The conference will review latest results in Astroparticle Physics and Gravitational Waves, Cosmology, Neutrinos and Dark Matter, Flavour and CP Violation, Standard Model and Beyond, Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, Quantum Field and String Theory, QCD and Heavy Ions, Accelerators and Detectors, Outreach, Education and Diversity
Accelerators for HEP |
DAFNE as Test Facility for future colliders
Muon Collider. A Path to the Future?
Application of machine learning techniques at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
NICA accelerator complex project at JINR
Emittance Tuning for the Future Circular e+/eCollider (FCC-ee)
Gamma Factory for CERN initiative - progress report
Bridging mathematics and physics: models of the evolution of dynamic aperture in hadron colliders and applications to LHC
Emittance exchange in MICE
Progress on Muon Ionization Cooling Demonstration with MICE
Astroparticle Physics and Gravitational Waves |
The Latest Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer
The DAMPE experiment: performances and results
Astrophysical neutrinos in Hyper-Kamiokande
Status of the Virgo gravitational-wave detector and the O3 Observing Run
Latest results of the LHCf experiment
The High Energy cosmic-Radiation Detection facility (HERD)
Measurement of single and multiple cosmic muons at high altitudes with the MEV telescope
LHCb inputs to astroparticle physics
The Sub-TeV transient Gamma-Ray sky: challenges and opportunities
Atmospheric neutrino spectrum reconstruction with JUNO
High-Energy Neutrino Astronomy: Current Status and Prospects
Anisotropy of Cosmic Ray Fluxes measured with AMS-02 on the ISS
Recent progress of the Baikal-GVD project
Search for long distance time correlations between cosmic air showers with the MRPC telescopes of the EEE network
An overview of CALET observations after three years on the International Space Station
Multi-peaked signatures of primordial gravitational waves from multi-step electroweak phase transition
Recent results of the ANTARES neutrino telescope.
Bounds on Plack-scale deformation of CPT from lifetimes and interference
Cosmology |
Status and perspectives of the Euclid mission
Towards Understanding the Origin of Cosmic-Ray Electrons
Perturbations for Slotheon Field Dark Energy and its Evolution
Cosmology with the Dark Energy Survey
Systematic uncertainties in the AMS-02 antiproton excess
New Einstein-Hilbert type action for space-time and matter -Nonlinear-supersymmetric general relativity theory
A feeble window on leptophilic dark matter
Relic neutrinos: local clustering and consequences for direct detection
Where do AMS-02 anti-helium events come from?
Probing self-interacting dark matter through neutron stars
Dark Matter |
DarkSide-50 Results and the Future Liquid Argon Dark Matter Program
Global study of effective Higgs portal dark matter models using GAMBIT
Search for a stable six-quark state in $\Upsilon$ decays at $BABAR$
Directional Dark Matter Search with Nuclear Emulsion
Searches for dark matter with CMS
A radiative seesaw model with GeV singlet-doublet fermion and TeV triplet scalar dark matter
Phase transitions and gravitational waves in models of $\mathbb{Z_N}$ scalar dark matter
Dark Sector Physics with Belle II
Can Pulsars in the inner parsecs from Galactic Centre probe the existence of Dark Matter?
A multicomponent dark matter scenario and the experimental evidence supporting it
CAPP-8TB: Search for Axion Dark Matter in a Mass Range of 6.62 to 7.04 μeV
Detector R&D and Data Handling |
Upgrade of the ALICE Time Projection Chamber for the LHC Run3
Precision Timing with the CMS MIP Timing Detector
The Gigatracker of the NA62 experiment at CERN
Fluoride production in CMS Resistive Plate Chambers and aging study
Reconstruction in an imaging calorimeter for HL-LHC
The JUNO experiment and its electronics readout system
A comprehensive real-time analysis model in Run 2 at the LHCb experiment
Application of Quantum Machine Learning to High Energy Physics Analysis at LHC using IBM Quantum Computer Simulators and IBM Quantum Computer Hardware
Characterization of planar and 3D Silicon pixel sensors for the high luminosity phase of the CMS experiment at LHC
Detector Performances Studies at Muon Collider
The ATLAS Hardware Track Trigger design towards first prototypes
The PADME experiment
ATLAS Level-0 Endcap Muon Trigger for HL-LHC
Commissioning of the Belle II Pixel Vertex Detector
The GEM (GE1/1) Phase II Upgrade for the CMS muon system: results from in-situ tests, production detector qualification, and commissioning plans
Modeling Radiation Damage to Pixel Sensors in the ATLAS Detector
Performance of the SoLid reactor neutrino detector
Commissioning of the Cylindrical Drift Chamber for the COMET experiment
4D particle tracking with Resistive AC-Coupled Silicon Detectors
High time resolution, two-dimensional position sensitive MSMGRPC for high energy physics experiments
The FAMU experiment at RIKEN RAL for a precise measure of the proton radius
Level-1 Muon Triggers for the CMS Experiment at the HL-LHC
The CMS Tracker Upgrade for the High Luminosity LHC
Data Scouting and Data Parking with the CMS High level Trigger
Status of the TORCH time-of-flight detector
ATLAS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger for Run 3
Fast Online Trigger using FPGA-based Event Classification for the COMET Phase-I
The Data Quality Monitoring and Data Certification for the CMS experiment at the LHC
Heavy flavour jet identification with the CMS experiment in Run 2
Performance of the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector
The Phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
Investigation of crosstalk effects in RD53A modules with 100 and 150 $\mathrm{\mu m}$ thick n-in-p planar sensors
The design and layout of the Phase-II upgrade of the Inner Tracker of the ATLAS experiment
Real-time alignment and temperature dependency of the LHCb Vertex Detector
Muon performance with CMS detector in Run-2 of LHC
Upgrades of the CMS muon detectors: from Run 3 towards HL-LHC
Progress in the development of Fast Timing Micro-pattern Gaseous Detectors
Optimising the performance of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter to measure Higgs properties during Phase I and Phase II of the LHC
The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter performance in the LHC Run 2 and its upgrade towards the High-Luminosity LHC
Studies of RPC detector operation with eco-friendly gas mixtures under irradiation at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility
CMS Run 2 High Level Trigger Performance
OT-μDTC, a test bench for testing CMS Outer Tracker Phase-2 module prototypes
The Micromegas chambers for the upgrade of the forward muon detector of ATLAS
Study of the Effects of Radiation at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility on the CMS Drift Tubes Muon Detector for the HL-LHC on the CMS DT for the HL-LHC
Design of Radiation Tolerant Electronics for StrECal System in COMET Experiment
Expected tracking performance with the HL-LHC ATLAS detector
Towards Realistic Implementations of Large Imaging Calorimeters
Performances of multi-PMT photodetector for the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment
Calibration of the highly segmented SoLid antineutrino detector
The Aerogel RICH detector of the Belle II experiment
Design of the CMS upgraded trigger from Phase I to Phase II of the LHC
ATLAS Transverse Missing Energy Trigger Performance
The ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition Upgrades for the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC)
High rate performance of Small-pad Resistive Micromegas. Comparison of different resistive protection concepts.
The deployment of the ICARUS LAr detector on the short baseline (SBN) neutrino beam at FNAL
Mechanical properties of the thin-walled welded straws for the COMET experiment
The CMS ECAL calibration and monitoring
Emittance Scans for CMS Luminosity Calibration in run 2
Performance of the BRIL luminometers at CMS in Run 2
Precision luminosity measurement of proton-proton collisions at the CMS experiment in Run 2
Studies of the factorisation of proton densities in van der Meer scans and its impact on precision luminosity measurements for CMS
The back-end electronics card of the JUNO experiment
New Level-1 jet feature extraction modules for ATLAS phase-I upgrade
The Phase-I Trigger Readout Electronics Upgrade of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeters
Performance of the ATLAS tau-lepton trigger at the LHC in Run 2.
Soft $b$-hadron tagging with the ATLAS detector
Time-of-flight particles identification in the MultiPurpose Detector at NICA
Luminometers for Future Linear Collider Experiments
Upgrade of the CSC Muon System for the CMS Detector at the HL-LHC
Operational Experience and Performance with the ATLAS Pixel detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
Flavour Physics and CP Violation |
Measurement of the weak mixing phase $\phi_s$ through time-dependent CP violation in $B_s^0\rightarrow J/\psi \phi$ decay in ATLAS
CP violation in multi-body charmless b-hadron decays at LHCb
Measurement of ${\cal{B}}(\tau \to K\,n\pi^0 \nu)$, $n=0,1,2,3$, and ${\cal{B}}(\tau \to \pi\,n\pi^0 \nu)$, $n=3,4$ by $BABAR$
Improved determination of $|V_{us}|$ with $\tau$ decays
Searches for lepton flavour and lepton number violation in K+ decays
Recent results from LHCb on charged-current decays of b-hadrons
Recent KLOE-2 results on kaon physics and discrete symmetries tests
Nonfactorizable charm-loop effects in exclusive FCNC B-decays
$\mu \rightarrow$ e conversion and the Mu2e experiment at Fermilab
Observation of the decay $D^0\to K^-\pi^+e^+e^-$
The K$^{±}$ → π$^{±}$π$^0$e$^+$e$^−$ decay: first observation and study with the NA48/2 experiment at CERN
A complete update of $\varepsilon'/\varepsilon$ in the Standard Model
On the viable two leptoquark model for the $B$-physics anomalies
First look at CKM parameters from early Belle II data
Rare and Semi-Rare Decays in ATLAS
BSM search with high intensity muon beam in MEG II experiment
Time-dependent CP violation in charmless b decays at LHCb
Rare $b$-hadron decays at LHCb
Probing the flavor of New Physics with dipoles
Search for lepton flavour violating decays at LHCb
Precision predictions for $B \rightarrow \rho \tau \nu_\tau$ and $B \rightarrow \omega \tau \nu_\tau$ in the SM and beyond
First measurements of the $\phi_3$-sensitive decay $B^{\pm} \to D(K_{\rm S}^0 \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^0) K^{\pm}$ with Belle
Rare decays in CMS
Measurement of Lepton Flavor Universality in $B$ decays at Belle
Searches for direct CP violation in quasi-two-body B meson decays at LHCb
Semileptonic and missing energy results from early Belle II data
Precise predictions for $\Lambda_{b} \rightarrow \Lambda_{c} \ell^{-} \bar{\nu}_{\ell}$ decays
Time-dependent CP violation in B decays at Belle
A search for a charged lepton flavour violating process; muon to electron conversion in COMET
Inclusive $B_s -> D_s X$ decays with $B_s$ semi-leptonic tagging at Belle
Weak Decays of Charmed Baryons
Search for the forbidden charm decays $D^0\to h’hl’l$
Spontaneous CP Violation in a 2HDM with Controlled Scalar FCNC
A global fit to $b\rightarrow c\tau\bar{\nu}$ anomalies after Moriond 2019
On the spin correlations of final leptons produced in the annihilation processes $e^+ e^- \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-, e^+ e^- \rightarrow \tau^+ \tau^-$
Heavy Ion Physics |
Rapidity distributions of pions in p+p and Pb+Pb collisions at CERN SPS energies
Do electromagnetic effects survive in the production of lepton pairs in nucleus-nucleus collisions?
System and event activity dependent inclusive jet production with ALICE
Study of $R_{\rm AA}$ and $v_{2}$ of non-strange D mesons and D-jet production in $\rm Pb-Pb$ collisions with ALICE
Heavy-Flavour production in fixed-target mode with LHCb
Probing heavy quark dynamics in PbPb collisions with CMS
Quarkonia production in pPb and PbPb collisions at LHCb
Jet Measurements in Heavy Ion Collisions with the ATLAS Experiment
J/$\psi$ production measurements at mid-rapidity using the ALICE detector at the LHC
Recent boson+jet results in heavy-ion collisions with CMS
Snapshots of fireballs at freeze-out from heavy-ion collisions at different energies
Multiplicity and centre-of-mass energy dependence of light-flavor hadron production in pp, p$-$Pb, and Pb$-$Pb collisions with ALICE
Recent results on spectator-induced electromagnetic effects in ultrarelativistic light- and heavy-ion collisions
Measurement of long-range correlations in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$ 13 TeV with ALICE at the LHC
Broadening and saturation effects in dijet azimuthal correlations in p-p and p-Pb collisions at the LHC
Quarkonium production measured by the STAR experiment
Time evolution of a medium-modified jet
Measurement of $\Lambda_{\rm c}$ baryons and D$_{\rm s}^{+}$ mesons in Pb–Pb collisions with ALICE
$J/\psi$ production in hadron scattering: three-pomeron contribution
Photonic billiards in ultra-peripheral heavy-ion collisions
Production of electroweak bosons in Pb+Pb, p+Pb and pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Investigating charm and beauty production and elliptic flow with leptons in Pb—Pb with ALICE
Inclusive and diffractive dijet photoproduction in UPCs at the LHC in NLO QCD
Light neutral meson production in the era of precision physics at the LHC
Searching for the critical point of strongly interacting matter in nucleus-nucleus collisions at CERN SPS
Baryon production from small to large collision systems at ALICE
Relating CGC and TMD factorization frameworks beyond leading twist
Relative Yield of Neutral and Charged Kaons in Pb-Pb Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV
Low-mass dielectron measurements in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
Measurement of open-charm hadron production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 200 GeV with the STAR experiment
Machine Learning based jet momentum reconstruction in Pb-Pb collisions measured with the ALICE detector
(Anti-)nuclei production and flow in pp, p–Pb and Pb–Pb collisions with ALICE
Azimuthal anisotropy in Pb+Pb, Xe+Xe and p+Pb collisions and vn–pt correlations in Pb+Pb and p+Pb collisions with the ATLAS experiment
On the pair correlations of neutral $K, D, B$ and $B_s$ mesons with close momenta produced in inclusive multiparticle processes
Observation of light-by-light scattering and new results from ultra-peripheral heavy-ion collisions in the ATLAS experiment
Analysis of b jets in p–Pb collisions at $\sqrt{sNN}$ = 5 TeV with ALICE
Forward-backward correlations and multiplicity fluctuations in Pb–Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}= 2.76$ TeV from ALICE at the LHC
Possible effect of mixed phase and deconfinement upon spin correlations in the $\Lambda \bar{\Lambda}$ pairs generated in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Higgs Physics |
Searches for non-resonant HH production at CMS
Observation of the Higgs boson production in association with a $t\bar{t}$ pair with the ATLAS detector
Flavor Changing Neutral Higgs Bosons Meet the Top and the Tau at Hadron Colliders
Measurements of ttH and tH production at CMS
Measurements of Higgs boson production in decays to two tau leptons with the ATLAS detector
Searches for additional neutral Higgs bosons at CMS
Measurements of Higgs boson properties in bosonic final states at CMS
Search for di-Higgs production at 13 TeV and prospects for the HL-LHC
Top-Higgs Associated Production involving $A^0$, $H^0$ with Mass at 300 GeV
Searches for rare and lepton-flavour-violating Higgs boson decays in ATLAS
Measurement of cross sections in Higgs boson decays to two photons with the ATLAS detector
Measurements of Higgs boson properties in hadronic final states at CMS
Probing light Yukawa couplings in Higgs pair production
A Composite 2-Higgs Doublet Model
Measurement of Higgs boson couplings and differential distributions at CMS
Measurements of Higgs boson properties in leptonic final states at CMS
Higgs Boson Measurements at the HL-LHC with CMS
Measurements of Higgs boson production using decays to two b-quarks with the ATLAS detector
Precision Higgs Physics at the International Linear Collider
Measurement of cross sections in Higgs boson decays to four leptons with the ATLAS detector
Probing the dark sector via searches for invisible decays of the Higgs boson at the ILC
Measurements of the Higgs production cross section in the $H \rightarrow \tau \tau$ decay channel with the ATLAS experiment
Search for 2HDM neutral Higgs bosons through the process H $\rightarrow$ ZA $\rightarrow l^+l^-b\overline{b}$ with the CMS detector
Resonances in unitarized HEFT at the LHC
Higgs to WW measurements with CMS
Search for a heavy Higgs boson decaying to a pair of W bosons in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV with CMS
Constraining the Higgs boson self-coupling via single-Higgs production measurements
Search for the Higgs boson in the associated vector boson production mode where the vector boson decays leptonically and the Higgs boson decays to a pair of bottom quarks
Higgs to tau tau measurements with CMS
Measurement of the top-Higgs Yukawa coupling in the tHq process with CMS
Search for lepton flavour violating decays of the Higgs boson with CMS
Neutrino Physics |
Neutrino physics with the SHiP experiment at CERN
Sterile neutrino searches with the ICARUS detector
Electromagnetic properties of neutrinos
Possible Precise Neutrino Unitarity?
Results from the CUORE experiment
The KM3NeT project: status and future perspectives
Coherent Meson Production in the NOMAD Experiment
Status of ProtoDUNE Dual Phase
Neutrino oscillation and CPT violation due to quantum decoherence at DUNE
The ENUBET Project. A high precision narrow-band neutrino beam
The legacy of the OPERA experiment on neutrino oscillations
Reactor antineutrino flux and spectrum measurement of Daya Bay Experiment
Status of the SoLid experiment at the BR2 reactor
Status of the DUNE Experiment
The ESS$ν$SB project
Genuine and Matter-induced Components of the CPV Asymmetry for Neutrino Oscillations
Recent T2K Neutrino Oscillation Results
Latest three-flavor neutrino oscillation results from NOvA
JUNO potential for neutrino oscillation physics
Comprehensive measurement of pp-chain solar neutrinos with Borexino
Recent results of the DANSS experiment
NEXT: results from NEXT-White and roadmap toward the $\beta\beta0\nu$ search
Water phase results and 0νββ prospects of the SNO+ experiment
Study of high-energy neutrinos in the FASER experiment at the LHC
Interference effects in semileptonic decays from heavy Majorana neutrinos
Neutrino evolution in external environments: New effects
Impact of magnetic field on beta-processes in partially transparent medium
Supernova Neutrino Detection in the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
Neutrino eigenstates and oscillations in a magnetic field
Testing The MSW Effect in Supernova Explosion with Neutrino Event Rates
Statistical Methods for the Neutrino Mass Hierarchy Determination
Analysis framework for sensitivity studies of the SoLid experiment
Measurement of Charged Current anti-neutrino cross-section on water and hydrocarbon with limited acceptance at 1.5 deg off axis with the T2K beam
Constraints on neutrino millicharge and charge radius from neutrino-atom scattering
The effect of neutrino quantum decoherence
Neutrino spin and spin-flavor oscillations in matter currents and magnetic fields
Current status of JUNO Top Tracker
Water Cherenkov detector of the JUNO Veto System
NA65/DsTau: Study of tau-neutrino production at the CERN SPS
Daya Bay neutrino oscillation results
ZICOS - Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay experiment using Zr-96 with an organic liquid scintillator -
Outreach, Education, and Diversity |
A low cost reconfigurable mini-array facility for (under)graduate studies in cosmic ray physics
Beauty in Particle Physics
Outreach activities at LHCb
Art and Physics
Art as a language to represent Science: a project for Lyceum
Netzwerk Teilchenwelt: Where High School Students Participate in HEP Research and Young Talents are Promoted
Developments in International Masterclasses
QCD and Hadronic Physics |
The role of angular ordering condition in Parton Branching transverse momentum dependent (TMD) PDFs and DY transverse momentum spectrum at LHC
NNLO QCD fits to extract PDFs from HERA inclusive and jet data
The ${\gamma^* \gamma^* \to \eta_c (1S,2S)}$ transition form factors for two spacelike photons
Production of $\chi_c(i) \chi_c(j)$ pairs in proton-proton collisions in $k_t$-factorization and collinear approaches
Color-allowed Bottom Baryon to $s$-wave and $p$-wave Charmed Baryon non-leptonic Decays
Dissociative production of vector mesons within the energy-dependent hot-spot model
The strong coupling from $e^+e^-$ → hadrons below charm threshold
Flavour-Exotic Tetraquarks in Large-$N_c$ QCD:Do They Exist?
Determination of proton parton distribution functions using ATLAS data
Measurements of the Absolute Branching Fractions of $B^{\pm} \to K^{\pm} X_{c\bar{c}}$
Two-loop five-point amplitudes in QCD from Feynman diagrams
Measurement of heavy-quark production via dielectrons in pp and p–Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
D-meson and charmed-baryon production in small systems with ALICE
Production and modification of hadronic resonances measured with ALICE
Analytical results for hadronic contributions to the muon $g-2$
Exotic and Conventional Quarkonium Physics Prospects at Belle II
Results and prospects with the CMS-TOTEM Precision Proton Spectrometer
Generalized Parton Distributions from charged current meson production
Searches for Dark Matter at the LHC in forward proton mode
Particle production as a function of system size and underlying-event activity measured with ALICE at the LHC
Transverse Momentum Dependent splitting kernels from kT -factorization
The onset of spin rotation effects in electroproduction of heavy quarkonia
Measurement of jet substructure observables using the ATLAS detector
Measurement of jet fragmentation using the ATLAS detector
Diffractive PDF determination from HERA inclusive and jet data at NNLO QCD
Investigation of parton densities at very high x
Monte Carlo modeling and tuning studies at CMS
Inclusive jet results from the CMS experiment
Physics at FCC-ee
Study of $e^+e^-$ annihilation into hadrons with the SND detector at the VEPP-2000 collider
Measurement of hadronic cross sections at CMD-3
Low-energy hadron physics at KLOE/KLOE-2
A new evaluation of the hadronic vacuum polarisation contributions to the muon $\mathbf{g-2}$ and $\mathbf{\alpha(m^2_Z)}$
Soft drop thrust in lepton collisions
Measurement of the $\psi(2S)$ and $J\psi$ cross section ratio in photoproduction with the ZEUS detector at HERA
Study of $e^{+}e^{-}\to\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{0}$ process using initial state radiation at KLOE
Intermediate dynamics of the four pions production in $e^+e^-$ annihilation and tau decay processes
QCD evolution based evidence for the onset of gluon saturation in exclusive photo-production of vector mesons
Searching for odderon exchange in exclusive $pp \to pp \phi \phi$ reaction
Lévy imaging of elastic scattering and proton hollowness at 13 TeV
Recent results on hadronic cross sections measurements at BABAR for the $g - 2$ calculation
Tetraquark-Adequate QCD Sum Rules
Semirelativistic Bound States: (Pseudo-) Spinless-Salpeter Approaches Reassessed
Quantum Field and String Theory |
Analysis of singularities and the four-dimensional representation of physical observables within the LTD formalism
Some Quantum Mechanical Relations in case of Singular Operators
Mathematical aspects of the scattering amplitude for $H\to gg$ within the loop-tree duality
Electron coherent states in strained graphene
Searches for New Physics |
Searches for new phenomena in final states involving leptons and jets using the ATLAS detector
Limits on contact interactions and leptoquarks at HERA
Search for new physics with the SHiP experiment at CERN
Exclusion Limits on Neutral, Singly and Doubly Charged Vector Bosons at LHC
BSM Physics from Enlarged Gauge Symmetry: the 331 Model, a case of study.
Recent Results and Future Plans of the MoEDAL Experiment
Searches for new heavy particles coupling to third-generation quarks at CMS
Searches for direct production of third generation squarks at CMS
Beyond the Standard Model physics at the LHeC and the FCC-he
Searches for resonant di-boson production at CMS
Searches for new resonances decaying to leptons, photons or jets with CMS
Inert Doublet Model signatures at future $e^+e^-$ colliders
Search for an invisible vector boson from π 0 decays at NA62
Searches for ultra long-lived particles with MATHUSLA
Search for BSM physics using challenging signatures with the ATLAS detector
Searches for leptoquarks in CMS
Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles involving the Higgs boson and the higgsino with ATLAS
Status of the MUonE experimental proposal
The milliQan experiment: search for milli-charged particles at the LHC
LHC constraints on the minimal Dirac gaugino model.
Searches for right-handed neutrinos at accelerators
Searches for direct pair production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector
Searches for BSM Higgs bosons in ATLAS
Searches for Exotic Higgs-like boson decays at LHCb
Measuring the muon precession frequency in the E989 Fermilab g-2 experiment
Electroweakino and slepton pair production at the LHC in NLO+NLL with resummation-improved PDFs
New Physics interpretations with GAMBIT
The ILC as a natural SUSY discovery machine and precision microscope: From light higgsinos to tests of unification
Search for high-mass resonances decaying into leptonic final states using the ATLAS detector
Technicolor coupled models
Search for the strong pair production of squarks and gluinos in events with an isolated lepton, jets and missing transverse momentum at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector
Search for squarks and gluinos in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector
Sensitivity for Heavy Resonances at the HighLuminosity LHC with the Phase-2 CMS Detector
Search for supersymmetric partners of third-generation quarks in 139 fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector.
Sedenions, the Clifford algebra $\mathbb{C}l(8)$, and three fermion generations
Intrinsic quantum mechanics behind the Standard Model?
Search For Dark Matter produced in association With a Higgs Boson in the four lepton final state at 13 TeV With CMS Experiment
Search for a $W'$ boson decaying to a $\tau$ lepton and a neutrino in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with CMS
Super-weak force
Search for direct top squark pair production in the 3-body decay mode with one-lepton final states in √s=13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Top and Electroweak Physics |
Determination of the electroweak couplings of the 3rd generation of quarks at the ILC
Recent top quark properties in CMS
Top-quark physics at CLIC
Comparison of direct and indirect constraints on anomalous tWb couplings
Boosted Top quark polarization
Probing standard-model Higgs substructures using tops and weak gauge bosons
Top and Electroweak Physics at the LHeC and the FCC-eh
Charming Top Decays with a Flavor Changing Neutral Higgs Boson at Hadron Colliders
Precision Electroweak Measurements at FCC-ee
Increasing the precision for Z production at colliders: mixed QCD-QED effects
Measurement of electroweak-boson production in p–Pb and Pb–Pb collisions at the LHC with ALICE
Effective theories and resonances in strongly-coupled electroweak symmetry breaking scenarios
$t\overline{t}$+X and t+X production in CMS: $t\overline{t}$Z, $t\overline{t}$Z, $t\overline{t}$W, $t\overline{t}\gamma$, tZq, $t\gamma q$ in CMS
Measurement of photon production in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Recent $\mathrm t\bar {\mathrm{t}}$ and single top inclusive cross sections results in CMS
Vector boson plus heavy flavor jets and constraints to PDFs
The EFT and FCNC interpretations in the processes with top quarks at CMS
Modified interactions in the top-quark electroweak sector: exploiting unitarity violating effects at the amplitude level to probe New Physics
Reconstruction of the W mass and width at and above WW threshold at FCC-ee
Production of $W^+ W^-$ and $t \bar t$ pairs via photon-photon processes in proton-proton scattering and corresponding gap survival factor
Single top quark production cross section using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Precision electroweak measurements with ATLAS
Three-loop soft anomalous dimensions for top-quark production
Observation and measurements of vector-boson scattering with the ATLAS experiment
Measurements of inclusive WW and W Z production with ATLAS
Measurements of $ \mathsf t\overline {\mathsf t}$+jets, $ \mathsf t\overline {\mathsf t}$ $ \mathsf b\overline{\mathsf b}$ and $ \mathsf t\overline {\mathsf t}$$ \mathsf t\overline {\mathsf t}$ production with CMS
Learning to pinpoint effective operators at the LHC: a study of the $\text{t}\bar{\text{t}}\text{b}\bar{\text{b}}$ signature
Positivity bounds on vector boson scattering
Measurements of inclusive neutral diboson production with ATLAS
Electroweak and QCD aspects in V+jets in CMS
Tagging Top in Leptonic Decay
The Matrix Element Method as a tool for precision and accuracy
Recent advances in the $\mu\!-\!e$ scattering amplitude at NNLO in QED
Single top quark production and CKM matrix elements measurements with CMS
Probing QCD using top quark pair production at $\sqrt{s}=13~\mathrm{TeV}$ in CMS
Single top quark production in association with a W boson in CMS
Observation of single top quark production in association with a Z boson
ECFA-EPS Special Session |
Synergies between astroparticle, particle and nuclear physics
Plenary session |
High-energy Cosmic Rays
Status of Direct and Indirect Dark Matter Searches
Detector R&D, collider experiments
Observational Cosmology
Neutrino Physics from Natural and Reactor Beams
Beyond Standard Model Theory
Searches for Supersymmetry
Emergence of Quark–Gluon Plasma Phenomena
Highlights of EPS HEP 2019
Highlights from the LHCb Experiment
Recent Standard Model measurements
Higgs boson measurements