Intermediate dynamics of the four pions production in $e^+e^-$ annihilation and tau decay processes
E.A. Kozyrev*, R.R. Akhmetshin, A.N. Amirkhanov, A.V. Anisenkov, V.M. Aulchenko, V.S. Banzarov,
N.S. Bashtovoy, D.E. Berkaev, A.E. Bondar, A.V. Bragin, S.I. Eidelman, A.D. Epifanov, L.B. Epshteyn, A.L. Erofeev, G.V. Fedotovich, S.E. Gayazov, A.A. Grebenuk, S.S. Gribanov, D.N. Grigoriev, F.V. Ignatov, V.L. Ivanov, S.V. Karpov, V.F. Kazanin, I.A. Koop, A.N. Kirpotin, A.A. Korobov, A.N. Kozyrev, P.P. Krokovny, A.E. Kuzmenko, A.S. Kuzmin, I.B. Logashenko, P.A. Lukin, K.Y. Mikhailov, V.S. Okhapkin, Y.N. Pestov, A.S. Popov, G.P. Razuvaev, Y.A. Rogovsky, A.A. Ruban, N.M. Ryskulov, A.E. Ryzhenenkov, A.V. Semenov, Y.M. Shatunov, P.Y. Shatunov, V.E. Shebalin, D.N. Shemyakin, B.A. Shwartz, D.B. Shwartz, A.L. Sibidanov, E.P. Solodov, V.M. Titov, A.A. Talyshev, A.I. Vorobiov, I.M. Zemlyansky and Y.V. Yudinet al. (click to show)
Pre-published on:
June 10, 2020
Published on:
November 12, 2020
In this article we print out preliminary results of an amplitude analysis of the $e^+e^-\to 4\pi$ process. The amplitude analysis is performed using experimental data from the CMD-3 detector at the VEPP-2000 collider in the energy range 0.9--2.007 GeV. In the study the dominance of the $e^+e^- \to \omega \pi^0 \to 4 \pi$ and $e^+e^- \to a_1(1260) \pi \to 4\pi$ amplitudes is proved, as well as sizable contributions of the $\rho^+\rho^-, \rho f_0(980), \rho \sigma$ and etc. states are observed. The obtained amplitude is used for the test of the isospin relations and hypothesis of conserved vector current (CVC).
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