Our Czech particle physics community was very proud to be selected to organize the 40th ICHEP conference in Prague. Actually, it is a nice coincidence of two ICHEP jubilees as it is also exactly 70 years from the first ICHEP meeting in Rochester, New York in 1950. Prague is a city of stunning beauty and magnificent architecture. Hand in hand with culture, the tradition of science dates back to the 14th century when Charles IV established here one of the oldest universities in Europe. The list of famous scientists who have worked in Prague includes T. Brahe, J. Kepler, Ch. Doppler, B. Bolzano, E. Mach and A. Einstein. Z. Dolezal and R. Leitner, chairs of this conference, wanted to do their best to welcome all participants in a stimulating and pleasant environment. However, for the first time in its history we had to cancel this live event and did it only as a virtual conference. We had more than 3000 participants and around 1000 talks. We hope we again succeeded in bringing together experimentalists and theorists working in particle physics literally all around the world. Hopefully, it will be possible to welcome all participants in person again in Prague in 2024.
Martin Spousta (Charles University)
Plenary |
Report on the European PP Strategy Update
The importance to engage: education and outreach highlights
Rare decays of B and D mesons
Wave-like Dark Matter and Axions
LHCb highlights
Industry activities
CMS highlights
Computing and software for the High Luminosity LHC
Detector R&D's
Experimental QCD summary (ICHEP 2020)
Future collider projects
Highlights from the ALICE collaboration
Opening talk
Wrap-up and thanksgiving
Future Neutrino Experiments and Outlook
Flavor theory & outlook
Particle-like Dark Matter
CPV in the neutrino sector
ATLAS highlights
Strong interactions and hadrons, theory
CPV and CKM: Experimental Overview
CMB, cosmology, other astroparticle physics
Dark matter theory
Lepton Number Violation and Neutrino Masses
YSP 2020 award 2
Top/EW/SM Report
Theory (SM Higgs, top, EW)
High-energy cosmic particles
Charged lepton flavor: Experimental overview
Heavy Ions, Experimental Overview
Higgs boson experimental overview for ICHEP 2020
Diversity and inclusion
Rare decays of K mesons
YSP 2020 award 1
Exotic hadrons
Accelerators for HEP: Challenges and R&D
C11 Report
Conference Summary and Outlook
Quantum fields, strings, and physical mathematics
ICFA Report
Neutrino oscillation parameter measurements
Latest Results from the AMS Experiment on the International Space Station
BSM Theory
Parallel: Higgs Physics |
Measurements and searches of Higgs boson decays to two quarks at the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
Higgs boson measurements in the WW and ZZ final states with the CMS Detector
Search for rare and lepton-flavour-violating decays of the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector
Two-loop corrections to the Higgs trilinear coupling in models with extended scalar sectors
Higgs boson combination and coupling measurements at CMS
Higgs measurements at the FCC-ee
Measurements of Higgs boson production in decays to two tau leptons with the ATLAS detector
Exotic Higgs decays in ATLAS
Higgs Boson Measurements and HH production at the High-Luminosity LHC with the CMS detector
Precision Higgs physics at the ILC, and its impact on detector design.
Prospects for Higgs and di-Higgs at the ATLAS experiment
Higgs boson production in association with a ttbar pair at the ATLAS experiment
Higgs decay into two leptons and a photon revisited
Flavor Changing Neutral Higgs Boson Meets the Top and the Tau at Hadron Colliders
Search for di-Higgs production at 13 TeV in ATLAS
Higgs physics at the LHeC and the FCC-eh
Combined Higgs boson measurements at the ATLAS experiment
Measurements of anomalous Higgs boson couplings at CMS
Measurement of differential cross sections and the Higgs mass in Higgs boson decays to bosons using the ATLAS detector
Searches for additional Higgs bosons in the ATLAS detector
Higgs boson measurements in final states with photons at CMS
Measurement of production mode cross sections of the Higgs boson in decays to bosons with the ATLAS detector
Searches for Higgs boson rare and invisible decays at CMS
Searching for Light Boson via the Yukawa Process at Lepton Colliders
Searches for additional Higgs bosons with the CMS detector
Searches for non-resonant HH production at CMS
Measurement of Higgs to WW in the all-jet final state at CEPC √s=250 GeV
Expectations for Precision Tests of the Standard Model at the ILC"
Top quark loop corrections to $W^+W^-$ scattering at the LHC
Constraining resonances by using the electroweak effective theory
Searches for invisible Higgs boson decays at the ATLAS experiment
Search for resonant di-Higgs production at CMS
Measurements of $\mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}\mathrm{H}$ and $\mathrm{t}\mathrm{H}$ associated production at CMS
Suppression of fermionic operators in the HEFT
Higgs measurements at the Future Circular Collider FCC-hh
Higgs physics possibilities at a Muon Collider
Higgs boson pair production at N$^3$LO QCD
Higgs boson measurements in hadronic final states at CMS
Constraining the Higgs boson self-coupling in a combined measurement of single and double Higgs boson channels at the ATLAS experiment
A new way of understanding the role of each measurement at future Higgs factories in SMEFT
Higgs boson fiducial and differential measurements at CMS
Higgsstrahlung and double Higgs production at high-energy CLIC operation
Higgs boson measurements in final states with taus at CMS
JHU generator framework: new features for Higgs boson studies
Searches for exotic Higgs boson decays at CMS
Posters: Higgs Physics |
Higgs Boson measurements in the H$\rightarrow$WW$\rightarrow\ell\nu\ell\nu$ decay channel
Search for the Higgs boson in the final state with two leptons and a photon produced in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector
Search for a light charged Higgs boson decaying to a W boson and a CP-odd Higgs boson in trilepton final states in pp collisions at 13 TeV with CMS
Measurement of the Differential Higgs Boson Production Cross Sections in the Leptonic WW Decay Mode with CMS
CP measurement of the Higgs-tau coupling
Searching for lepton-flavour-violating decays of the Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector
Searching for Neutral BSM Higgs Bosons in the Tau Tau Final State at ATLAS
Tau-lepton Fake-Rate determination for the ttH coupling measurement using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Measurement of Higgs boson production at high transverse momentum in the $VH, H \rightarrow b\bar{b}$ channel with the ATLAS detector
Search for the Higgs coupling to the electron with the FCC-ee
t ̄tHmeasurement in final states with multileptons usingdata taken during the Run 2 of the LHC with CMS
Constraints on the Higgs boson self-coupling from the combination of single-Higgs and double-Higgs production analyses performed with the ATLAS experiment
New results of the H+->tb search using full Run-2 data with the ATLAS detector
Measurement of the Higgs boson coupling to τ-leptons in proton–proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Search for Invisibly Decaying Vector Boson Fusion Produced Higgs Bosons with 139/fb of pp collisions with the ATLAS Detector
Search for lepton flavour violating decays of the Higgs boson with Run II data
Search for new resonances in high-mass diphoton final states using proton-proton collision data collected with the ATLAS detector
Measurement of Higgs boson production in association with a top-quark pair in the di-photon decay channel using LHC data collected at √s = 13 TeV by the ATLAS experiment
Parallel: Neutrino Physics |
Reactor Antineutrino Flux and Spectrum Measurement at Daya Bay
Detecting and studying high-energy neutrinos with FASER$\nu$ at the LHC
Latest Oscillation Results Combining Neutrino and Antineutrino Data from the NOvA Experiment
Recent Progress in LArIAT
Spallation background in the Super-Kamiokande experiment
Perturbative Charm Production and the Prompt Atmospheric Neutrino Flux in light of RHIC and LHC
Nuclear Potential of Final State Nucleons and Nucleons Plus Single Pions in Lepton Nucleus Scattering
Status of the MicroBooNE Low Energy Excess Search
Neutrino interaction physics and the DUNE near detector
Recent Cross-section Measurements from MicroBooNE
New results from the DANSS experiment
Matter vs Vacuum Oscillations in Atmospheric Neutrinos
Neutrino Physics with the SHiP experiment at CERN
Astrophysical Visible Neutrino Decay
The diffuse supernova neutrino background in Super-Kamiokande
Direct comparison of sterile neutrino constraints from cosmological data, electron neutrino disappearance data and muon neutrino to electron neutrino appearance data in a 3+1 model
Sterile neutrino searches with the ICARUS detector
First Measurement of Electron Neutrino Cross Section on Argon
New constraints on heavy neutral leptons coming from oscillation data analysis and precision $e^{+}e^{-}$ physics
Implications of Rare Kaon Decays on Lepton Number Violating Interactions
Cryogenic Instrumentation at ProtoDUNE
Neutrino physics with the PTOLEMY project
New results from the CUORE experiment
Search for heavy neutral lepton production at the NA62 experiment
Results of the GERDA Phase II experiment
Near Detectors for the Hyper-K Neutrino Experiment
First results from the SoLid reactor neutrino experiment
KM3NeT: Status and Prospects for Neutrino Astronomy at Low and High Energies
Neutrino mass ordering obfuscated by the NSI
Double beta decay results from the CUPID-0 experiment
First detection of solar neutrinos from CNO cycle with Borexino
A Standard Model explanation for the MiniBooNE anomaly.
Non-Standard Interactions in Radiative Neutrino Mass Models
Deep Learning Event Reconstruction at DUNE
Testing the MSW effect in Supernova Explosion with Neutrino event rates
JUNO Physics Program
DUNE experiment physics
Neutron-antineutron oscillation search with MicroBooNE and DUNE
KM3NeT/ORCA: status and perspectives for neutrino oscillation and mass hierarchy measurements
Why matter effects are important for MBL experiments?
Constraining dark matter-neutrino interactions with IceCube-170922A
The ESSnuSB project
The COHERENT Experiment at the Spallation Neutron Source
Latest results of the STEREO search for a sterile neutrino at a research reactor
Reactor Neutrino Anomalies and Possible Solutions
Hadron-argon cross-section measurements in ProtoDUNE-SP
KATRIN experiment: first neutrino mass result and future prospects
nuSTORM; unique facility for neutrino physics and muon-collider test bed
Neutrino-Nucleus Interaction Physics with the Most Recent MINERvA Low-Energy Beam Data
Neutrino Oscillation in Dense Matter
Production of $\nu_{\tau}$ neutrinos and ${\overline \nu}_{\tau}$ antineutrinos - elaborate calculation for a fixed target experiment SHiP
Improved geoneutrino results from Borexino
Usage of PEN as self-vetoing structural material in low background experiments
Status of the SK-Gd project
Preliminary results of the R2D2 project
The PTOLEMY experiment to look at the first second of the Universe
Neutrino Oscillations Results from the T2K Experiment
Constraints on nonstandard interactions and the neutron radius from coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering experiments
Neutrino Portals to Dark Matter
Latest Reactor Neutrino Oscillation Results from the Daya Bay Experiment
Neutral Current Pi0 Rate Measurement with the MicroBooNE Detector
Hadron production measurements for neutrino oscillation experiments at NA61/SHINE
The Accelerator Neutrino Neutron Interaction Experiment (ANNIE)
Long-baseline neutrino oscillation sensitivities with Hyper-Kamiokande
The T2K ND280 Upgrade
Studies of Quantum Mechanical Coherency Effects in Neutrino-Nucleus Elastic Scattering
Recent Results from RENO
New high statistics results from the MINERvA experiment Medium Energy run
Paleo-Detectors for Galactic Supernova Neutrinos
Electromagnetic neutrino properties: new constraints and new effects
Review of Atmospheric Neutrino Results from Super-Kamiokande
The ENUBET experiment
Global fits to neutrino masses and mixings
Recent Cross-section Results from the T2K Experiment
Neutrino oscillations and flavor theories
Charged-Current Electron Neutrino measurement with the MicroBooNE detector
Experiment DsTau (NA65) - study of tau neutrino production at CERN SPS
The NOvA Test Beam Program
Neutrino event reconstruction in DUNE using Pandora
Status and Recent Results of the MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR
Sensitivity Study for Astrophysical Neutrinos at Hyper-Kamiokande
Reactor Neutrino Measurement with PROSPECT
Weak-basis invariants and CP conservation in the leptonic sector with Majorana neutrinos
Posters: Neutrino Physics |
Status of the Veto System of JUNO
Neutron Background Simulations for LEGEND-1000 in a Geant4-based Framework
Fast Neutrino Flavor Conversion at Late Time
Movable Thermometer System in ProtoDUNE
Purity monitoring for ProtoDUNE
The SuperNEMO Demonstrator calorimeter commissioning
Antineutrinos from the Sun and sterile neutrino decays
Improved Limits on Sterile Neutrino Mixing from a Joint Search of the MINOS, MINOS+, Daya Bay, and Bugey-3 Experiments
Energy and vertex reconstruction in JUNO
The 3-inch Photomultiplier System of the JUNO Experiment
CPT violation sensitivity of NoVA, T2K and INO experiments using $\nu$ and $\bar{\nu}$ oscillation parameters
Electromagnetic neutrino interactions in elastic neutrino-proton scattering
Interplay of Neutrino Flavor, Spin and Collective Oscillations in Supernovae
Daya Bay neutrino oscillation progress based on neutron captured on hydrogen
Neutrino oscillations in a magnetic field: the three-flavor case
Neutrino mass, $0\nu\beta\beta$ signature in doublet left-right symmetric theories and its cosmological implications
Systematic Uncertainties of the NOvA Neutrino Oscillation Analysis
New process in superfluid 4^He detectors: The coherent elastic neutrino-atom scattering
Effect of 1–2 oscillation parameters on the sensitivity to $\delta_{CP}$ with low energy atmospheric neutrinos
Production of 83Rb for calibration sources for dark matter and neutrino mass experiments
Comparison of symmetric and asymmetric LR model in the context of $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay
Searches for Non-Standard Interactions (NSI) of Neutrinos using the NOvA Experiment
Collective neutrino oscillations accounting for neutrino quantum decoherence
Astrophysical neutrino oscillation accounting for neutrino charge radii
Updates on the ESSnuSB Target Station potentialities for CP violation discovery
Determining cosmic and atmospheric background with (stopping) muons in the SoLid experiment
Study of Reactor Fuel Evolution and Decomposition of Isotope Contributions
Neutron beam test with 3D-projection scintillator tracker prototypes for long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments
Reactor Antineutrino Flux and Spectrum Measurement at Daya Bay and Precise Determination of Its High Energy Component
Parallel: Beyond the Standard Model |
Status of the MUonE experiment
Searches for the electroweak production of supersymmetric particles with the ATLAS detector
Exotic Vector-Like Quark Phenomenology in the Minimal Linear Sigma Model
Nucleon decay search with DUNE
Beyond Standard Model Physics at the LHeC and the FCC-eh
Searching for supersymmetric partners of top quarks at the CMS experiment
Search for CPT and Lorentz Violation Effects in the Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab
A new program of searches for baryon number violation via neutron conversions at ORNL and the ESS
Searches for Dark Photons at LHCb
Search for millicharged particles at the LHC with the milliQan prototype
Deep Learning Versatility in New Physics Searches
Exotic Searches at LHCb
Search for new physics in final states with heavy-flavour quarks using the ATLAS detector
Charged and neutral Higgs bosons in final states with 6 bottom quarks
Muon g − 2 and scalar leptoquark mixing
Uncovering hidden new physics patterns in collider events using Bayesian probabilistic models
Resummation effects in weak SUSY processes
Precession Frequency Analysis of the E989 Muon g-2 Experiment’s Run 1 Dataset
Explaining the SM flavor structure with grand unified theories
Search for new physics with unconventional signatures at CMS
Probing Baryogenesis using Neutron-Anti-Neutron Oscillation
Search for new resonances coupling to third generation quarks at CMS
Magnetic Monopoles in pp Collisions
Search for new phenomena in leptonic final states at CMS
New bounds on sneutrino masses through collider searches
Search for heavy neutral leptons decaying into muon-pion pairs in the MicroBooNE detector
Searches for long-lived particle decays in MicroBooNE
Searches for vector-like quarks at CMS
Searches for SUSY with long-lived particles in ATLAS
Reconstruction techniques in supersymmetry searches with soft objects in the ATLAS experiment
R-parity violating SUSY searches in ATLAS
The mass exclusion limits for the BSM vector resonances with the direct couplings to the third quark generation
Search for new phenomena using jets at CMS
Search for leptoquarks at CMS
Beyond the Standard Model Physics Prospects at the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
A combined explanation of the $B$-decay anomalies with a single vector leptoquark
Polarization effects in the search for vector dark boson at $e^+e^-$ colliders
Searches for new heavy resonances in hadronic final states with the ATLAS detector
Higgs couplings: constraints and sensitivity on Supersymmetry
Searching for new resonances in partially-hadronic states in ATLAS
An extensive study of dark matter and neutrino phenomenology in the Triplet + Singlet Scotogenic Model
Searching for pair production of SUSY particle in leptonic final states at the CMS
Estimation of CP violating EDMs from known mechanisms in the SM
Sbottoms as probes to MSSM with nonholomorphic soft interactions
ILC as a SUSY discovery and precision instrument.
Search for leptoquarks using the ATLAS detector
When jets MET SUSY: ATLAS searches for squarks and gluinos
Search for long-lived particles at CMS
The MoEDAL Experiment - The LHC's First Dedicated Search Experiment – Results and Future Plans
Search for non-Newtonian gravity with optically-levitated microspheres
FASER: Forward Search Experiment at the LHC
The CLIC potential for new physics
Searches for heavy resonances decaying into Z, W and Higgs bosons at CMS
Searching outside the box for supersymmetry: beyond the cut-and-count in ATLAS analyses
Constraining anomalous $ZH$ couplings using $Z$ polarization parameters
Probing CP-violation in photon-photon interactions
Searches for heavy particles with leptons at ATLAS
Digging deeper into SUSY parameter space with the CMS experiment
Precise spectroscopy of muonium hyperfine structure at J-PARC
Search for New Physics with the SHiP experiment at CERN
On the reinterpretation of fiducial cross-section measurements in the view of new physics
Fully Hadronic Diboson searches in ATLAS
Simulating hard photon production with WHIZARD
Searches for direct pair production of stops and sbottom with the ATLAS detector
Search for Proton Decay via $p\to e^+\pi^0$ and $p\to \mu^+\pi^0$ in 450 kiloton$\cdot$years Exposure of the Super-Kamiokande Detector
First results and prospects for tau LFV decay tau -> e + alpha(invisible) at Belle II
Exploring the lifetime frontier with the proposed MATHUSLA experiment
Search for Long-lived Particles and Unconventional Signatures with the ATLAS detector
Search for heavy neutral leptons at CMS
Limits on contact interactions and leptoquarks at HERA
Search for new physics using final states with photons at CMS
BNV/LNV searches in charmonium decays at BESIII
New measurement of the neutron electric dipole moment at PSI
Posters: Beyond the Standard Model |
Observation of light-by-light scattering and search for axion-like particles with the CMS experiment
Search for Type-III SeeSaw heavy leptons in dileptonic final states using 139 fb$^{-1}$ of $pp$ collision at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Electroweak SUSY production in multileptonic final states at CMS
Search for SUSY with missing transverse momentum and multiple b-jets in ATLAS
Infinite Derivative Field Theory: Stability, Asymptotic Safety, Trnas-Planckian Scattering, Dark Matter, Inflation & LHC
Prospects for Proton Decay Searches in JUNO
Analysis of constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model in Higgs Era.
Contribution of the dipole moments of the tau-neutrino in the stellar energy loss rates
Search for excited leptons in CMS
Search for vector-like quarks (T`) with the CMS Detector.
Loop Amplitudes Induced by Tensor Fermionic Current in Constant Homogeneous Electromagnetic Fields
Muon (g-2) anomaly in extended left-right symmetric model
The Next Higgs Bosons in $E_{6}$ Inspired Supersymmetric Models with CP Violation
CP-violating Wtb anomalous couplings through top-pair production via pp collision at LHC.
Search for scalar top quark pair production in the top corridor region with CMS
Model Unspecific Search in CMS (MUSiC)
Search for Scalar Leptoquark Pair Production Decaying into Top-Quarks and Leptons at √s = 13 TeV with ATLAS detector
Search for high mass resonance in di-jet and di-b-jet events using 139 fb−1 of pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Parallel: Top Quark and Electroweak Physics |
Precise predictions for electroweak $t\bar{t}$ production at the LHC in models with flavour non-diagonal $Z'$ boson couplings and $W'$ bosons
Measurement of four-top-quarks production with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider
Top quark pair and single top differential cross sections in CMS
Boosted Top Quark Tagging and Polarization 2 Measurement using Machine Learning
Precision Top and EW measurements at the LHeC and the FCC-eh
Measurements of ${\rm t\bar t+jets}$, ${\rm t\bar t}+{\rm b\bar b}$, and ${\rm t\bar t}{\rm t\bar t}$ production at CMS
Measurements of photon-photon fusion at ATLAS
New results from TopFitter
Enhancing fits of SMEFT Wilson coefficients in the top-quark sector
Measurements of vector-boson production via weak-boson fusion at ATLAS
First observation of production of three massive gauge bosons
Heavy quark production in high energy electron positron collisions
Measurement of top-quark properties with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Measurements of differential cross-sections of top-quark-antiquark pair-production with the ATLAS detector
$\gamma \gamma \to \gamma \gamma$ in heavy ion collisions -- new results and prospects
Searches for flavour violation and flavour changing neutral currents in top quark final states
Production of heavy particle pairs via photon-photon processes at the LHC in proton-proton scattering
Electroweak and QCD aspects in V+jets in CMS
FCNC and EFT interpretations in top quark events in CMS
Recent ttbar and single top inclusive cross sections results in CMS
Recent measurements of top quark properties in CMS
Observations of weak boson scattering with the ATLAS detector
Optimising top-quark pair-production threshold scan at future $e^+e^-$ colliders
Recent measurements of the top-quark mass using the ATLAS detector at the LHC
t$\bar{\mbox t}$+X and t+X production in CMS: t$\bar{\mbox{t}}$Z, t$\bar{\mbox{t}}$Z, t$\bar{\mbox{t}}$W, t$\bar{\mbox{t}}\gamma$, tZq, t$\gamma$q in CMS
The electro-weak couplings of the top quark: current constraints, prospects and impact in a combined top-Higgs EFT fit
W boson measurements with the CMS experiment
Recent Vector Boson Scattering results from CMS
Electroweak and Top Physics in the Forward Region
Measurements of inclusive multi-boson production at ATLAS
Probing QED in the strong-field regime with LUXE
Recent measurements of electroweak boson properties at D0
Precision Electroweak Measurements with ILC250
Top quark pair reconstruction using an attention-based neural network
KKMC-hh for Precision Electroweak Phenomenology at the LHC
Using associated production of top quarks and neutral bosons to probe standard model couplings and search for new physics
Posters: Top Quark and Electroweak Physics |
WZ production in leptonic decays at CMS
Extraction of CKM matrix elements in the single-top t-channel events at 13 TeV with CMS
Probing the prospective FCC-he sensitivities on the electromagnetic dipole moments of the top-quark
Measurements of inclusive four-lepton production at ATLAS
Top-quark-antiquark production in association with a photon in the electron-muon channel at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Measurement of differential tt production cross sections for high-pT top quarks with CMS at 13 TeV with the CMS detector
Latest single top differential cross section measurements at CMS
Probing the structure of weak interactions
Parallel: Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics |
Heavy flavour production in ATLAS
DIPOLE-b: direct measurement of dipole moments of short-lived particles at the LHC(b)
An Experimental Search for Muon-Electron Conversion in Nuclear Field with Muonic Atoms Produced in a Primary Proton Target ---DeeMe---
Searches for CP violation in charmless b-baryon decays at LHCb
Flavor Phenomenology with Scalar Leptoquarks
New measurement of the $K^+\to\pi^+\mu^+\mu^-$ decay at NA62
Search for new physics in $b\to s\ell^+ \ell^-$ transitions at CMS
Updates on the Standard Model and beyond SM Unitarity Triangle fits and neutral charm mixing results by UTfit
Rare Radiative decays at LHCb
Rare charm decays at LHCb
New results on inclusive $B\to X_{u} \ell \nu$ decay from the Belle experiment
Charm potential at Belle II
Latest D0 results on exotic hadrons produced in $p\bar p $ collision
Measurements of CP violation in charmless 2-body B meson decays at LHCb
Measurements of CKM matrix elements
Early charmless B physics at Belle II
Lepton Universality tests using semileptonic b-hadron decays
Electroweak Penguin Decays at LHCb
Time-dependent measurement from beauty to open charm at LHCb
A novel computational paradigm for a precise determination of the hadronic contribution to $(g-2)_\mu$ from lattice QCD
Measurements of CP violation in charmless 3-body B meson decays at LHCb
Confronting quark-lepton unification with LFUV
Lepton-flavour violation in hadronic tau decays and $\ell$--$\tau$ conversion in nuclei
Towards first results on $V_{ub}$ and $V_{cb}$ with the Belle II experiment
Rare and forbidden decays of D0 meson
BSM search in rare muon decay: the MEG II experiment
Measurement of muon g-2/EDM at J-PARC
Tau physics prospects at Belle II
Measurement of the weak mixing phase $\phi_s$ through time-dependent $CP$ violation in $B_s^0 \to J/\psi\phi$ decay in ATLAS
Beauty to open charm final states at LHCb
Signatures of complex new physics in charged current $B$ anomalies
Beauty to charmonuim decays at LHCb
Recent charm results from Belle
Hadronic Charm Meson Decays at BESIII
Measurement of hadronic cross sections at CMD-3
Rare decays of $\Lambda_b^0$, $B_c^+$, and other $b$-hadrons at LHCb
CPV in B hadron decays at CMS
Time-integrated measurements of the CKM angle gamma
Angular analysis of modes with $b \to c \ell \bar \nu$ transition and New Physics
New result on the search for the $K^+ \to \pi^+ \nu\bar\nu$ decay at the NA62 experiment at CERN
Production studies of D and B mesons at CMS
Lepton Flavour Universality tests in electroweak penguin decays at LHCb
The Data Driven Flavour Model
Leptonic and semileptonic decays with taus at the Belle II experiment
Probing Lepton Flavor Violating decays in MSSM with Non-Holomorphic Soft Terms
Flavourful Inert Doublet Dark Matter
Study of $B$ and $B_{s}$ Decays at Belle
Searching for New Physics with $B^{0} \to K^{*0} \mu^+ \mu^-$
The COMET experiment: A search for muon-to-electron conversion at J-PARC
Search for New Physics with rare decays at CMS
New results in $\Lambda_{\mathrm{b}}^0$ baryon physics at CMS
Search for QCD exotic states at CMS
Oscillations of $B_s^0$ mesons as a probe of decays with unreconstructed particles
Semileptonic and leptonic charm decays at BESIII
Latest results on rare kaon decays from the NA48/2 experiment at CERN
Complementary test of lepton flavor universality violation in $B_s\, \to\, f_{2}^{\prime}\,(1525)\,(\to K^+\,K^-)\,\mu^+ \,\mu^-$ decays
Study of b-hadron properties with semileptonic b-hadron decays
Measurement of $\gamma$ ($\phi_3$) and first results on CP violation at Belle II
Tests of lepton flavour universality and a search for lepton and baryon number violation at Belle
Results and Prospects of Radiative and Electroweak Penguin Decays at Belle II
ATLAS results on heavy flavor production and decays
Search for New Physics via the $K_L \to \pi^0 \nu \bar{\nu}$ decay at the J-PARC KOTO experiment
$\tau-\mu$ lepton flavor universality in $\Upsilon(3S)$ decays at the $BABAR$ experiment
Flavor Physics and Discrete Symmetries at KLOE-2
Production studies of double Bottomonia and of Bottomonium in association with an electroweak Boson at CMS
Study of $B \to D^* l \nu$ and $B \to D l \nu$ decays with a full angular analysis at BABAR
Recent gems from kaon and their repercussions for future directions
Lepton-flavor universality violations & their repercussions for IF & for EF
Isospin amplitudes in b-baryon decays at LHCb
Lepton Flavor Violation and Dilepton Tails at the LHC
Study of time-dependent and direct CP violation at Belle
Searches for lepton flavour and lepton number violation in K+ decays at NA62
Search for the Lepton Flavour Violating decays $\Upsilon(3{\mathrm{S}}) \to e^{\pm}\mu^{\mp}$ and $\Upsilon(2{\mathrm{S}}) \to e^{\pm}\mu^{\mp}$
CP violation and mixing in charm hadrons at LHCb
ATLAS studies of Spectroscopy and exotics
Using dipole processes to constrain the flavour of four-fermion effective interactions
Lepton Flavour Violation at LHCb
Nonperturbative calculations of form factors for exclusive semileptonic B(s) decays
Towards establishing the second b-flavored CKM unitarity triangle
Purely Leptonic Rare decays at LHCb
Muon to electron conversion search in the presence of Al nuclei at the Fermilab Mu2e experiment: Motivation, Design and Progress
Radiative and Rare Charm Decays at BESIII
Charmed hadron properties and spectroscopy at LHCb
Posters: Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics |
Measurement of CP Violation in the B0s to J/psi(mu+mu-)phi(K+K-) decay with 2017 and 2018 data in CMS
The study of the rare decays $B^{0}_s \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^-$ at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Untagged analysis of B → πlν̄ and first measurement of |Vub| at Belle II
Statistical combination of ${\it{X}}$(5568) $\rightarrow$ ${\it{B^0_s π ^±}}$ searches
Discriminating New Physics in $b\rightarrow s\mu^+\mu^-$ via Transverse Polarization Asymmetry of $K^*$ Meson
Improved determination of |$V_{us}$| with $\tau$ decays
Parallel: Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics |
Dedicated data analyses for improving PDFs: Study of proton parton distribution functions at high x and charm production in charged DIS at HERA
Production of $\eta_c(1S,2S)$ in $\e^+ e^-$ and $p p$ collisions
Multi-Differential and Unbinned Measurements of Hadronic Event Shapes in e+e- Collisions at sqrt(s)=91 GeV from ALEPH Open Data
Jet measurements at CMS
Recent results from SND detector at VEPP-2000 collider
Parton branching TMD method and multi-jet production
Measurement of rho(770) photoproduction at HERA
Exclusive and semiexclusive production of vector mesons in proton-proton collisions with electromagnetic of proton dissociation
HERA jet data in NNLO fits of HERAPDF and diffractive PDFs
First direct measurement of the dead-cone effect at colliders with iterative declustering techniques in pp collisions at 13 TeV with ALICE
Soft-gluon effective coupling
Results and perspectives on hadron physics at KLOE/KLOE-2
Light meson decays at BESIII
Drell-Yan Measurements with the CMS experiment
Precision QCD at the LHeC and the FCC-eh
Study of phi(2170) at BESIII
Radiative corrections for the decay $\Sigma^0\to\Lambda e^+e^-$
QCD effects in lepton angular distributions of Drell-Yan/$Z$ production and jet discrimination
Color-allowed Bottom Baryon to s-wave and p-wave Charmed Baryon non-leptonic Decays
Study of conventional and non-conventional hadrons at Belle
Studies of exotic baryonic states at LHCb
ω and η' production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC measured with ALICE
Overview of the Electron Ion Collider physics program
Green Functions of Chiral Currents within OPE
Transverse momentum dependence of fragmentation functions from Belle data
Three flavour order parameters of chiral symmetry in low energy QCD
How can the photon-like heavy quarkonium $V\to Q\bar Q$ transition falsify our predictions ?
Revealing proton structure with neural networks
Going off-shell: matrix element, parton densities and shower
Searching for odderon exchange in exclusive $pp \to pp \phi$ and $pp \to pp \phi \phi$ reactions at the LHC
Lambdac physics and prospects at BESIII
Recent result on XYZ states at BESIII
DVCS and exclusive meson production measurements at the COMPASS experiment
Precision measurements of single vector boson production at ATLAS
Inclusive jet measurements with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
Investigation of high energy behaviour of HERA data
Light hadron spectroscopy at BESIII
Studies of b-hadrons at LHCb
Investigating the hyperon-nucleon strong interaction with a precision measurement of the hypertriton lifetime in ALICE
Heavy-flavour correlations, jets and multiplicity dependent studies on heavy-flavour hadrons in small systems with ALICE
Drell-Yan measurements at the COMPASS experiment
Study of $e^+e^-$ annihilation processes into 6 and 7 pion final states
First results from Belle II on exotic and conventional quarkonium
Parton color reconnection in Herwig 7 using a spacetimeevent topology
Central exclusive production of axial-vector $f_{1}$ mesons in proton-proton collisions
Tetraquark Interpretation and Production Mechanism of the Belle $Y_b (10750)$-Resonance
Excited charm meson spectroscopy from B decays at LHCb
Measurement of jet substructure and jet fragmentation using the ATLAS detector
Comparison of differential elastic cross sections in pp and p ̄p collisions as evidence of the existence of the colourless C-odd three-gluon state
New measurement of inclusive cross-section of light charged hadrons
Polarised and entangled hyperon-antihyperon pairs in BESIII
QCD Instantons at the LHC
Measurements of prompt photon production with the ATLAS detector
Central exclusive production of charged particle pairs in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 200$~GeV with the STAR detector at RHIC
Study of resonant-states production in $e^+e^-$ annihilation in the energy region around 2.2 GeV
New observation of Charmonium decays at BESIII
Measurements of soft-QCD and diffractive processes with ATLAS
The associated production of vector bosons and jets originating from heavy-flavour quarks and constrain on PDFs in CMS
Isolated photon production and pion-photon correlations in high-energy pp and pA collisions
Jet substructure and boosted jet measurements at CMS
Central exclusive and diffractive physics measurements at CMS and TOTEM
Determination of the Parton Density Functions of the Proton with the ATLAS data
Inclusive production of $f_2(1270)$ tensor mesons at the LHC via gluon-gluon fusion in the $k_t$-factorization approach
Description of $Z+b\bar{b}$ with 4 flavour and 5 flavour transverse momentum dependent PDFs
Topological studies of light-flavor hadron production in high multiplicity pp collisions with ALICE at the LHC
HERA data on azimuthal decorrelation and charged particle multiplicity spectra probing QCD dynamics and quantum entanglement effects
Measurement of the azimuthal decorrelation angle between the leading jet and scattered lepton in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
Monte Carlo Modeling and Tuning in CMS
ALICE measurements of Ξ- and Ω-nucleon interactions and constraints on lattice QCD potentials
Measurements of W/Z boson production in association with jets at ATLAS
Study of hadronization through the measurement of light-flavour particle production in different colliding systems with ALICE
Drell-Yan production at NLO in the Parton Branching method at low and high DY masses
Role of IR-Improvement in LHC/FCC Physics
Measurement of absolute branching fractions of $B \to K + X_{cc}$
Studies of quarkonia and doubly-heavy hadrons at LHCb
On dispersive representation of kaon and eta decays to 3 pions
Hadronization studies at the LHC with ALICE
Posters: Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics |
An Inhomogeneous Phase in Quark Matter without the Sign Problem
Application of parton branching TMDs to Z-boson production
Interpretation of LHCb Hidden-Charm Pentaquarks within the Compact Diquark Model
Inclusive $\Upsilon (1S) \to \eta^{(\prime)} + X$ Decays with Account of $\alpha_s$ Running in Effective $\eta^{(\prime)} g^* g$-Vertex
Hard exclusive $\pi^{0}$ muoproduction cross-section at COMPASS experiment
Study of the central exclusive production of $\pi^+\pi^-$, $K^+K^-$ and $p \bar{p}$ pairs in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 510$ GeV with the STAR detector at RHIC
Parallel: Heavy Ions |
Measurements of $J/\psi$ photoproduction in ultra-peripheral collisions at RHIC
Universal features of the medium-induced gluon cascade and jet quenching in expanding media
Effects of initial state fluctuations on non-equilibrium phase transition on pp collisions at LHC energies
Tau g-2
Diffractive and exclusive processes in heavy ion collisions with CMS
Bottomonium measurements in nucleus-nucleus and proton-nucleus collisions with ALICE
Universality in High Energy Collisions of small and large systems
The Shape of the Correlation Function
Hadronic resonance production measured by ALICE at the LHC
Two-particle azimuthal correlations as a probe of collective behaviour in deep inelastic ep scattering at HERA
Search for long range flow-like correlation in hadronic $e^{+}e^{-}$ collisions with Belle
Precision Jet/Event Substructure Using Collinear Drop
Dilepton measurements with ALICE at the LHC
Benchmark of medium-induced radiative energy loss model for heavy-ion collisions
Overview of Upsilon production studies performed with the STAR experiment
Measurements of open heavy-flavor hadrons in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\text{NN}}=200$ GeV with the STAR experiment
Nuclear shadowing in DIS in future electron-ion colliders
Electroweak probes in heavy-ion collisions with ATLAS
In-medium transverse momentum broadening effects on di-jet observables
Exploring the QCD phase diagram in the region of highest muB with HADES
Coherent photoproduction of $J/\psi$ in nucleus-nucleus collisions in the color dipole approach
Quarkonia photo-production and Z production in heavy ion collisions at LHCb
Electron-Ion Collisions at the LHeC and FCC-he
Characterizing the particle-emitting source using femtoscopy in pp collisions at ALICE
Spin alignment measurements of vector mesons with ALICE at the LHC
Overview of the latest jet physics results from ALICE
Measurement of charmonium production in Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions at the LHC with ALICE
Fire streaks, electromagnetic effects, directed flow and lifetime of the plasma at SPS energies
Beauty production and anisotropy with ALICE at the LHC
Considerations on the suppression of charged particle production in high energy heavy ion collisions
Soft probes, heavy flavour and quarkonia production in heavy-ion collisions with CMS
Latest results on light (anti)nuclei production in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
Vector meson photoproduction in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC with ALICE
Jet Production in Heavy Ion Collisions with the ATLAS Experiment
Jet production and fragmentation at colliders
Dielectron production: QGP versus photon -- photon mechanism
Quarkonia and open heavy flavor production in pA collisions
Quantum tomography for Collider Physics
Recent ATLAS measurements of correlations in $pp$ and $p$+Pb collisions
X(3872) production in pp with particle multiplicity
Open heavy-flavour production from small to large collision systems with ALICE at the LHC
Constraining the transport properties of quark-gluon plasma with latest flow measurements in ALICE
Hard probes in heavy ion collisions with CMS
Recent ATLAS measurements of correlations in Pb+Pb and Xe+Xe collisions
Self-similarity, fractality and entropy principle in collisions of hadrons and nuclei at Tevatron, RHIC and LHC
Geometry and Dynamics in Heavy-ion Collisions Seen by the Femtoscopy Method in the STAR experiment
Measurement of electroweak-boson production in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
Posters: Heavy Ions |
Monte Carlo simulations of Upsilon meson production
A generalized approach to study low as well as high pT regime of transverse momentum spectra
Can we constrain anomalous magnetic and/or electric dipole moments of $tau$ lepton from $Pb Pb \to Pb Pb \tau^+ \tau^-$ reaction at the LHC ?
Twisted particles in heavy-ion collisions
Deuteron (and cluster) production in heavy-ion collisions
Proton number fluctuations due to mundane effects
Production of D$^{\pm}$ mesons in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 200 GeV with the STAR experiment
Parallel: Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology |
Primordial Kerr Black Holes
Production of Thermal Axions across the ElectroWeak Phase Transition
SNEWS2.0: A Supernova Early Warning System for the Multi-Messenger Era
Cosmological scalar fields and Big-Bang nucleosynthesis
Core-Collapse Supernove Burst Neutrinos in DUNE
Measurements of the Deuteron flux with the AMS-02 Detector
Dark matter Annihilation in Most Luminous and the Most Massive Ultracompact Dwarf Galaxies (UCD)
Post-Inflationary Production Of Light Dark Sector
Precision measurements of 3He-to-4He ratio and individual 3He and 4He fluxes in Cosmic Rays with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station
Can the gamma-ray bursts travelling through the interstellar space be explained without invoking the drastic assumption of Lorentz invariance violation?
Recent results of the ANTARES neutrino telescope
Electroweak monopoles and their cosmological implications
Analysis on the black hole formations inside old neutron stars by isospin-violating dark matter with self-interaction
Neutrinos from galactic sources
New Properties of primary and secondary cosmic rays measured by AMS
The GAPS Experiment: Probing Unique Dark Matter Parameter Space With Low Energy Cosmic Ray Antinuclei
Avenues to new-physics searches in cosmic ray air showers
Probing secret interactions of eV-scale sterile neutrinos with the diffuse supernova neutrino background
Supernova Neutrino Pointing with DUNE
Baikal-GVD: status and first results
Generation of magnetic fields in cosmic string wakes
EUSO-SPB2: a precursor for space observatory for multi-messenger astrophysics
Probing hadronic interactions with measurements at ultra-high energies with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter and Ways to Find It
Antiproton Flux and Properties of Elementary Particle Fluxes in Primary Cosmic Rays Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS
Precision Measurement of the Monthly Boron, Carbon and Oxygen Fluxes in Cosmic Rays with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station
Anisotropy of Elementary Particle Fluxes in Primary Cosmic Rays Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS
Measurements of Light Nuclear Isotopic Composition in Cosmic Rays with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station
Towards Understanding the Origin of Cosmic-Ray Positrons and Electrons
New Properties of Neon, Magnesium, Silicon, and Sulfur Primary Cosmic Rays observed by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station
Multi-Messenger studies with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Posters: Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology |
Constraints on the origin of the UHECR dipole anisotropy outside the Galaxy
Detector Simulation and Reconstruction of Supernova Neutrinos with JUNO
Density Dependent B-parameter model of Compact object with Strange Quark Matter
Tachyon Logamediate Inflation on DGP Braneworld Gravity
Parallel: Dark Matter Detection |
Latest Result from DarkSide-50 experiment at LNGS
Search for the axion dark matter in the mass range of 6.62–6.82 μeV
Directional dark matter search with nuclear emulsions
The SENSEI Experiment: An Ultrasensitive Search for Sub-GeV Dark Matter
Dark Matter interaction with He-4: an EFT approach
Dark Matter searches with the ATLAS detector
The DARWIN experiment: the ultimate detector for direct dark matter search.
Latest results from XENON1T and a glimpse into the future with the XENONnT experiment
MeV neutrino dark matter in the SLIM model
Axion search with BabyIAXO in view of IAXO
The Scintillating Bubble Chamber (SBC) Experiment for Dark Matter and Reactor CEvNS
Dark Sector first results at Belle II
Understanding the background in dark matter searches by studying antinucleosynthesis in the laboratory with ALICE
Axion-like particles and dark photons - hints from XENON1T and stellar cooling
New Inelastic Channels for Sub-GeV Dark Matter Scattering
Search for dark matter at CMS
Dark Matter - phonon scattering
NEWS-G: Search for Light Dark Matter with a Spherical Proportional Counter
Measurement of the anti-nuclei nuclear inelastic cross sections with ALICE and implications for indirect Dark Matter searches
SuperCDMS Searches for Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter
iDMEu: Initiative for Dark Matter in Europe and beyond
New Limits on WIMP Dark Matter from Annual Modulation Analysis of the CDEX Experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory
Recent Searches for Hidden-Sector Particles with BABAR
MADMAX: A Dielectric Haloscope Experiment
The LUX-Zeplin Dark Matter Experiment
Probing Heavy Dark Matter with the 6-year IceCube HESE data
Carbon nanostructures for directional light dark matter detection
COSINUS: Direct dark matter search with cryogenic NaI detectors
DarkSide-20k and the Direct Dark Matter Search with Liquid Argon
String fragmentation in supercool confinement as a new dark matter production mechanism
Search for an Axion-Like Particle in B -> K a, with a -> gamma gamma at BABAR
Searches for dark matter with the CRESST III-Experiment
PICO: searching for dark matter with bubble chambers
Dark matter search results from DEAP-3600 at SNOLAB
The Light Dark Matter eXperiment, LDMX
Status and Plan of PandaX Experiment
Posters: Dark Matter Detection |
Search for new phenomena in mono-X final states using pp collision data collected in Run-2 by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
Colliding light to make dark matter at the LHC
Non-commutative space-time: a viable hypothesis to explain the gamma-ray excess in the galactic center
Parallel: Formal Theory |
The scalar potential of the 331 model: theoretical constraints
Supersymmetric theories and graphene
Electroweak precision pseudo-observables at the e+e− Z-resonance peak
Coupled N = 2 supersymmetric quantum systems: Symmetries and supervariable approach
Novel methods for calculating Feynman integrals and applications to QCD processes
Predictive electroweak gauge model with strong spontaneous-symmetry-breaking dynamics
Proton decay in the minimal realistic SO(10) GUT
On soft theorems in multiflavour galileon theories
Time-loops in Dirac materials, torsion and unconventional Supersymmetry
Scalar-Vector Effective Field Theories from Soft Limits
Axial vector transition form factors in holographic QCD and their contribution to the muon g-2
Intrinsic quantum coherence in particle oscillations
Effective actions from string field theory
The Theory of Resummed Quantum Gravity: Phenomenological Implications
Composite Higgs scenario in mass-split models
From Correlation Functions to Event Shapes
Posters: Formal Theory |
Electroweak magnetic monopole: The lower mass bound
A gauge invariant description of phase transitions
Charged gravitational instantons: extra CP violation and charge quantisation in the Standard Model
GUT inspired gauge-Higgs unification model
Bekenstein bound from the Pauli principle: a brief introduction
Parallel: Accelerator: Physics, Performance, and R&D for Future Facilities |
Circular vs linear e+e- colliders, another story of complementarity
The CLIC accelerator project status and plans
A flexible tool for Beam Induced Background Simulations at a Muon Collider
Proton and x-ray irradiation of silicon devices at the TIFPA-INFN facilities in Trento
CEPC Accelerator Towards TDR
Energy Frontier DIS at CERN: the LHeC and the FCC-eh
Resonant Extraction and Extinction Measurement for the Mu2e Experiment
Making the case for a "CERN for analogs"
The Gamma Factory path to high-luminosity LHC with isoscalar beams
Polarized Beams at Future e+e- Colliders
The HL-LHC: Strategies for beam optics commissioning
New generation of compact XFEL, based on the laser wake-field acceleration: current development and future perspectives
Bridging the Machine Detector Interface
Highlights from SuperKEKB Commissioning for early stage of Nano-Beam Scheme and Crab Waist Scheme
The High intensity Muon Beam (HiMB) project at PSI: Status and Results with the new installed production target
First Demonstration of Ionization Cooling by the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment
Future prospective for bent crystals in accelerators
Upgrading SuperKEKB with polarized e- beams
J-PARC Neutrino Beamline Upgrades towards 1.3 MW Beam Power for Long-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments in Japan
Studies of the Beam backgrounds at the CEPC
Completion of ELIMAIA: a laser-based ion beamline for multidisciplinary applications
Prospects on Muon Colliders
Overview of the Path to 0.01% Theoretical Luminosity Precision for the FCC-ee and Its Possible Synergistic Effects for Other FCC Precision Theory Requirements
Recent highlights and plans of the AWAKE experiment
Posters: Accelerator: Physics, Performance, and R&D for Future Facilities |
FCC-ee : beam Energy calibration and polarization
Monte Carlo simulation of reverse emittance exchange in MICE
Radiation Protection at ELI Beamlines: A Unique Laser Driven Accelerator Facility
PERLE: an ERL Facility at Orsay
Muon Ionization Cooling Demonstration by Normalized Transverse Emittance Reduction in MICE 'Flip Mode'
Muon Trigger using Deep Neural Networks accelerated by FPGAs
Machine detector interface for FASER
Transverse Emittance Change in MICE 'Solenoid Mode' with Muon Ionization Cooling
Integrated luminosity measurement at CEPC
Parallel: Operation, Performance and Upgrade of Present Detectors |
The LHCb Upgrade Programme for Run 3 and Run 4
The Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector: Performance and Running Experience
Performance of the reconstruction and identification of high-momentum muons collected with CMS in 13 TeV data
Timepix3 as solid-state time-projection chamber in particle and nuclear physics
Construction, installation and operation of ProtoDUNE-SP
Heavy flavour tagging in CMS in Run 2
Tau identification exploiting deep learning techniques
Upstream Tracker - The silicon strip tracking detector for the LHCb Upgrade
Triggering on Hadronic Signatures with the ATLAS Detector
Luminosity measurement with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC
The AugerPrime Upgrade of the Pierre Auger Observatory.
The ATLAS Forward Proton Time-of-Flight Detector System
Tracker alignment of the CMS detector
Flexible selections at 30 MHz in the LHCb Upgrade trigger
The sPHENIX experiment at RHIC
Energy calibration of the ProtoDUNE-SP TPC
CMS track reconstruction performance during Run 2 and developments for Run 3
Large size multi-gap resistive Micromegas for the ATLAS New Small Wheel at CERN
Muon g-2 beam and spin systematic effects for Run-1
The ATLAS Inner Detector Trigger performance in pp collisions at 13 TeV during LHC Run 2
Performance of the ATLAS RPC detector and Level 1 Muon Barrel trigger at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV
Jet reconstruction and calibration in ATLAS
Performance of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter
Running Experience and Performance of the Novel Time of Propagation (TOP) Barrel PID Detector in the Belle II Experiment
Status and Performance of the Belle II DAQ System
The ATLAS Muon Trigger Design and Performance
Analysis of the magnetic field in the Fermilab muon g-2 experiment
The Belle II diamond-detector for radiation monitoring and beam abort
Track-based muon system alignment of the CMS detector
The Data Quality Monitoring in CMS experiment
The ATLAS New Small Wheel Simulation and Reconstruction Software and Detector Performance Studies
Precision luminosity measurement with proton-proton collisions at the CMS experiment in Run 2
Construction and performance of 4-D CsI calorimeter for the $K_L\to \pi^0 \nu \bar{\nu}$ search of KOTO experiment
The Alignment of the ATLAS Forward Proton Detector
ATLAS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger for Run-3
Reconstruction of jets and missing transverse momentum at the CMS experiment: Run 2 and perspective for Run 3
The Belle II Experiment: Status and Prospects
The Upgrade of the LHCb RICH Detector
Commissioning and prospects of the first GEM station at the CMS experiment
Triggering in the ATLAS Experiment
Projected ATLAS Electron and Photon Trigger Performance in Run 3
Measurement of space charge effects in ProtoDUNE-SP
Final Design and Current Status of the Mu2e Crystal Calorimeter
The pixel vertex detector at Belle II
Modeling Radiation Damage to Pixel Sensors in the ATLAS Detector
Small-Strip Thin Gap Chambers and electronics performance for the Muon Spectrometer Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment
Muon Identification and Performance in the ATLAS Experiment
Real-time alignment, calibration, and software quality assurance for the LHCb upgrade
ALICE upgrades for Run 3
Irradiation and gas studies of Micromegas production chambers for the ATLAS New Small Wheel
Performance of the LHCb detector in the Run 2
B lifetimes at Belle II
Design and Performance of the Belle II High Level Trigger
CMS High Level Trigger performance in Run 2 and new developments for Run 3
The mass production and batch test result of the 15K 20-inch MCP-PMT in NNVT for JUNO
Physics and throughput performance of the real-time reconstruction for the LHCb upgrade
Cosmic results with the final Micromegas sectors for the ATLAS Muon upgrade
Trigger efficiency measurement using e+e- → τ+τ- events at Belle II
Performance of the SoLid reactor anti-neutrino detector
Estimation of the material budget of the CMS Tracker using the triplet method
The MicroBooNE Experiment
New jet tagging techniques at CMS
Status of the Fast Interaction Trigger for ALICE Collaboration
CMS electron and photon performance at Run 2 and prospects for Run 3
Performance and upgrade of the Precision Proton Spectrometer and performance of proton reconstruction with the CMS experiment
Precision calorimetry at high luminosity: the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter from the LHC Run 2 to the HL-LHC
MURMUR: a new low-noise experiment for the search of neutron-hidden neutron transitions in the context of braneworld scenarios
Performance and background expectations of the Belle II pixel vertex detector at SuperKEKB
Preparing the ATLAS Trigger Software for Multi-threaded Operation
ATLAS LAr Calorimeter Commissioning for LHC Run-3
Early results from Full Event Interpretation at Belle II
The LHCb VELO Upgrade
Performance of photon detectors in ProtoDUNE-SP
Operational Experience and Performance with the ATLAS Pixel detector at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
Integration and commissioning of ATLAS New Small Wheel Micromegas detectors with electronics at CERN
Real-time flavour tagging selection in ATLAS
Tracking and flavor tagging performance at ATLAS
Performance studies of the Run 3 jFEX algorithms in the ATLAS calorimeter trigger
The phase-1 upgrade of the ATLAS level-1 calorimeter trigger
Boosted object identification and their usage in searches for new physics in ATLAS
Track reconstruction efficiency measurement using e+e- → τ+τ- events at Belle II
ALPIDE pixel detector for tracking in space.
Posters: Operation, Performance and Upgrade of Present Detectors |
Efficiency calibrations for ATLAS b-jet identification algorithms
Muon Radiography with the NOvA Near Detector
Measurements of Luminosity in ATLAS with Tile Calorimeter
Offline Data Analysis of the Electromagnetic calorimeter trigger in Belle II experiment
Alignment Belle II silicon vertex detector
Calibration and Performance of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter in LHC Run 2
Characterization of ALPIDE silicon sensors with inclined tracks
Performance of the CMS Level-1 Trigger during Run 2
Production and test of Micromegas boards for the ATLAS New Small Wheel project
Geometrical precision alignment of the Micromegas detectors for the ATLAS New Small Wheel upgrade
The ATLAS trigger menu: from Run 2 to Run 3
ATLAS Tile Calorimeter time calibration, monitoring and performance in Run 2
Measuring luminosity with track counting in the ATLAS experiment
Luminosity Determination using Z->ll events atp𝒔=13TeV with the ATLAS detector
The Forward Diffractive Detector for ALICE
Event plane determination with the new ALICE FIT detector
Muon reconstruction and identification performance at CMS during Run 2
Collection of web tools for ATLAS Tile Calorimeter data quality tasks
The JUNO Calibration Strategy and Simulation
Parallel: Detectors for Future Facilities (incl. HL-LHC), R&D, Novel Techniques |
Preliminary design of the Interaction Region (IR) of the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) at BNL
A detector concept proposal for a circular e+e- collider
Development of a Penetrating particle ANalyzer for high-energy radiation measurements in space
Pileup and Underlying Event Mitigation with Iterative Constituent Subtraction
Development and performance of a compact LumiCal prototype calorimeter for future linear collider experiments
Implementation of large imaging calorimeters
Development of Scintillating Fiber Detectors for Precise Time and Position Measurements Read Out with Si-PMs
Rate capability and stability studies on small-Pad resistive Micromegas
Detector Performance Studies at a Muon Collider
Upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Trigger for the HL-LHC
Strategic R&D Programme on Technologies for Future Experiments
The Radio detection of inclined showers at the PierreAuger Observatory
A Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND)
A multi-PMT photodetector system for the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment
Wireless Allowing Data and Power Transfer
RAADsat: a cubesat mission for the detection of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
Development of the CMS MTD Endcap Timing Layer for HL-LHC
Upgrade of the CMS Cathode Strip Chambers for the HL-LHC
Silicon Vertex and Tracking Detector R&D for CLIC
Status of the DUNE near detector
Flavour Physics at the High Luminosity LHC: LHCb Upgrade II
ProtoDUNE Dual Phase: Design, Construction and First Results
The LHCb VELO Upgrade Programme for High Luminosity running at the LHC and HL-LHC
Design and performance studies of the calorimeter system for an FCC-hh experiment
The CMS Muon Spectrometer Upgrade
Production of Large Area Picosecond Photo-Detectors – LAPPDTM: Status Update
ARCADIA: innovative low-power, large area MAPS for HEP and applied science
Low Radioactivity Argon for Dark Matter and Rare Event Searches
Development of structural self-vetoing scintillators for low background experiments
Level-1 Track Finding at CMS for the HL-LHC
Upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Drift Tube (MDT) electronics for HL-LHC runs
Quantum Sensors of the Dark Universe: Exploiting Quantum Entanglement in the Laboratory for Detection of Exotic Particles and Fields
Development and Test of a Micro-Pattern Resistive Plate Detector.
New beam test results of 3D pixel detectors constructed with poly-crystalline CVD diamond
The CMS tracker upgrade for the High Luminosity LHC
A Novel Two-Dimensional Readout Design for Floating Strip Micromegas Detectors
Test-beam performance of a TORCH prototype module
Development of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics for the HL-LHC
Precision Timing with the CMS MTD Barrel Timing Layer for HL-LHC
Performance studies at RPC detectors operated with new environmentally-friendly gas mixtures in presence of LHC-like radiation background
The CMS Phase-2 high-granularity 5D calorimeter
Development of a System for Abort and Luminosity of the ATLAS Experiment at the HL-LHC based on polycrystalline CVD diamond
Upgrade of ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter for the High Luminosity LHC
Photon detection system of the single phase DUNE far detector
Exploring the structure of hadronic showers and the hadronic energy reconstruction with highly granular calorimeters
Development of high resolution low power silicon pixel sensors for the CEPC vertex detector
Precision luminosity measurement with the CMS detector at HL-LHC
Calibrating the DUNE LArTPC Detectors for Precision Physics
Physics opportunities and detector challenges for a Tera-Z factory
The status of the R&D of Ultra Fast 8 times 8 Readout MCP-PMTs in IHEP
A High-Granularity Timing Detector for the ATLAS Phase-II upgrade
ALICE upgrades for LHC Run 4 and beyond
Tracking performance with the HL-LHC ATLAS detector
Radiation hard monolithic CMOS sensors with small electrodes for the HL-LHC and beyond
Next-generation ultra-compact calorimeters based on oriented crystals
The ATLAS ITk Strip Detector System for the Phase-II LHC Upgrade
Electrical Discharge Mitigation Strategies for Future CMS GEM Systems GE2/1 and ME0
ILD, a Detector for the International Linear Collider
Preparation of large aperture Photo-Detectors for the Hyper-Kamiokande
A proposal of a drift chamber for the IDEA experiment for a future e+e- collider
ATLAS ITk Pixel Detector Overview
Latest Results on the Radiation Tolerance of Diamond Pixel and Pad Detectors
The Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO)
The SiD Detector for the International Linear Collider
Status and progress of the JUNO detector
The Updated LHeC Detector
The CMS Trigger system for the HL-LHC
Paving the way to reconstruct the 5D information of the CMS HGCAL detector at the HL-LHC
The Outer Detector (OD) system for Hyper-Kamiokande experiment
Posters: Detectors for Future Facilities (incl. HL-LHC), R&D, Novel Techniques |
Measurement of Liquid Scintillator Nonlinearity
Study of a MAPS detector prototype for the upgrade of the BESIII inner tracker
Particle tracking in wide field-of-view with miniaturized pixel detector arrays for space weather and space radiation research
The CMS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger at the High-Luminosity LHC
Development and evaluation of prototypes for the ATLAS ITk pixel detector
Radiation-Hard Silicon Strip Sensors for the ATLAS Phase-2 Upgrade
A muon tracking algorithm for the Level 1 trigger in the CMS barrel muon chambers during HL-LHC
Level-1 trigger algorithms at CMS for the HL-LHC
Performing precision measurements and new physics searches at the HL-LHC with the upgraded CMS Level-1 Trigger
The Particle Flow Algorithm in the Phase II Upgrade of the CMS Level-1 Trigger
Test Beam Studies of Barrel and End-Cap Modules for the ATLAS ITk Strip Detector before and after Irradiation
The Mu3e Experiment Searching for the Lepton Flavour Violating Decay μ+ → e+e+e−
Parallel: Computing and Data Handling |
Erratic server behavior detection using machine learning on basic monitoring metrics
Using an Optical Processing Unit for tracking and calorimetry at the LHC
Generating the full SM at linear colliders
Parallelization for HEP Event Reconstruction
GPU-based online-offline reconstruction in ALICE for LHC Run 3
VegasFlow: accelerating Monte Carlo simulation across platforms
Automated selection of particle-jet features for data analysis in High Energy Physics experiments
Data Analysis with GPU-Accelerated Kernels
The ILD Software Tools and Detector Performance
What the new RooFit can do for your analysis
Migration of CMSWEB cluster at CERN to Kubernetes
Fast Entropy Coding for ALICE Run 3
Computing for the DUNE Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiment
The Data-Acquisition System of the KOTO Experiment
Fast Simulations at LHCb
Hello RNTuple and friends: what the new ROOT means for your analysis
A simulation framework for Spherical Proportional Counters
Resource provisioning and workload scheduling of CMS Offline Computing
Advances in simulation and reconstruction for Hyper-Kamiokande
Fast calorimeter simulation at LHCb
PDFflow: hardware accelerating parton density access
Conclusions from TrackML the HEP Tracking Machine Learning challenge
The evolution of the LHCb offline computing towards the Run3 Upgrade
Detector Simulation Upgrades for HL-LHC
On the impact of modern deep-learning techniques to the performance and time-requirements of classification models in experimental high-energy physics
Providing the computing and data to the physicists: Overview of the ATLAS distributed computing system
DUNE Data Management Experience with Rucio
MARTY: a new C++ framework for automated symbolic calculations in Beyond the Standard Model physics
ALICE data processing for Run 3 and Run 4 at the LHC
Application of Quantum Machine Learning to High Energy Physics Analysis at LHC using IBM Quantum Computer Simulators and IBM Quantum Computer Hardware
Towards quantum-inspired Machine Learning on high-energy physics data at LHCb
Growth and Evolution CMS Offline Computing from Run 1 to HL-LHC
Parallel: Education and Outreach |
Communicating ATLAS – Reaching new audiences
Astroparticle Physics Outreach Program for High-School Students
Global Cosmic
Netzwerk Teilchenwelt: Coordinated Outreach and Recruitment of Young Talents in Germany
Current Status of International Particle Physics Masterclasses
ATLAS Virtual Visits – Take part from anywhere in the world
Education initiatives in the Trento Proton Therapy Center experimental area
The Italian Summer Students Program at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and other US Laboratories
The ATLAS public website - Evolution to Drupal 8
The International Particle Physics Outreach Group - Reaching Across the Globe with Science
The University of Michigan Semester Research Program at CERN
An Outreach to the Public: Science of the Large Hadron Collider Exhibit
The engagement of ALICE with the public during CERN Open Days 2019
Cultural Collisions, a cross disciplinary science education format
Development of Web-Based Detector Display Application Tracer for ATLAS Experiment
Transforming the CMS Experiment site into a family village during CERN Open Days 2019
A taste of particle physics
ATLAS, Play! – Teaching particle physics through educational games
Elegance of fundamental laws of physics - outreach potential
Study on the career trajectories of people with a working experience at CERN
Creative science|arts pedagogies for the next generation of physicists
Getting the public closer to the experimental facilities: How Virtual Reality helps High Energy Physics experiments engage public interest
Development of Mixed Reality Software Applications for the ATLAS Experiment
Physics and Rock’n’Roll : Expanding to New Audiences
Social media and storytelling: tools to raise engagement with physics
ATLAS public engagement: The CERN Open Days experience
ATLAS Open Data at 13TeV - The journey to a fully educational HEP dataset
Engaging the youth in programming and physics through an online educational activity
CMS Virtual Visits: Engaging Audiences Worldwide in Conversation about Cutting Edge Science
CMS in your pocket: between serious game and demonstration tool
In Pursuit of Authenticity – CMS Open Data in Education
Spreading interest in particle physics among high-school students – What matters?
Parallel: Diversity and Inclusion |
Nurturing Girls´ Interest in Science with Particle Physics Masterclasses
LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in High Energy Physics
LHCb Early Career Initiatives
Diversity and Inclusion in the CMS collaboration
Demographics of the ALICE Collaboration
The CMS Collaboration communication efforts focused on promoting women in STEM
Difficulty of Science in times of pandemic
Evolution of Regional, Age and Gender Demographics in the ATLAS Collaboration
THE Port Humanitarian Hackathons at CERN for Diversity and Inclusion
The Early Career, Gender & Diversity at LHCb
Promoting gender equality and diversity in physics from IFIC
Diversity and Inclusion Activities in the Belle II Collaboration
Posters: Diversity and Inclusion |
Diversity + Inclusion at Belle II: : Where We Are, What We’ve Done and Where We Want To Be
Parallel: Technology Applications, Industrial Opportunities and Sustainability |
Proton tomography imaging for cancer treatment:
Strategies for reducing the use of greenhouse gases from particle detectors operation at the CERN LHC experiments
Results from the HEPD detector on-board the CSES satellite
Fast neutron spectroscopy with a nitrogen based gaseous detector
Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications (LhARA)}
Quantum Track Reconstruction Algorithms for non-HEP applications
Characterization of the muography background using the Muon Telescope (MuTe)
Posters: Technology Applications, Industrial Opportunities and Sustainability |
How HEP contributes to Sustainable Investment?
Irradiation setup at the U-120M cyclotron facility
Vertex Reconstruction in JUNO
HEP Graph Analysis to Protect Children from Violence