LATTICE 2007 - (other lattice conferences)
July 30 - August 4 2007
Regensburg, Germany
published March 21, 2008

Lattice 2007, the XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, was held from July 30 to August 4, 2007 at the University of Regensburg, Germany. The scientific program contained 24 plenary session talks and 338 parallel session contributions (talks and posters).

The conference topics included: algorithms and machines; applications beyond QCD; chiral symmetry; hadron spectroscopy; hadron structure; nonzero temperature and density; standard model parameters and renormalization; theoretical developments; vacuum structure and confinement; weak decays and matrix elements.

We gratefully acknowledge financial support by the following companies and institutions, which was essential for the success of the conference: Bull, Eurotech, IBM, Intel, Sun, DESY, GSI, FZ Jülich, Vielberth Foundation, Kneitinger.

Editorial Board:
Gunnar Bali, Vladimir Braun, Christof Gattringer (chairman), Meinulf Göckeler, Andreas Schäfer, Peter Weisz, Tilo Wettig

conference main image
Plenary talks
Algorithms and machines
Applications beyond QCD
Chiral symmetry
Hadron spectroscopy
Hadron structure
Nonzero temperature and density
Standard model parameters and renormalization
Theoretical developments
Vacuum structure and confinement
Weak decays and matrix elements
C. Gattringer and T. Wettig
Plenary talks
Transport and spectral functions in high-temperature QCD
Hadron interactions from lattice QCD
Experimental Study of the Strong Interaction at FAIR
Quark Mass dependence at Two Loops for Meson Properties
2+1 flavour Domain Wall Fermion simulations by the RBC and UKQCD Collaborations
Exploring the QCD vacuum
F. Bruckmann
Why rooting fails
SM parameters and heavy quarks on the lattice
M. Della Morte
Sharing Lattices Throughout the World: An ILDG Status Report
Charmonium Radiative Physics
QCD Thermodynamics
Blue Gene: Present and future architecture challenges
Progress in hadron structure physics on the lattice
Status of Kaon physics on the lattice
Recent lattice results on finite temperature and density QCD, part II
Lattice gauge theory with staggered fermions: how, where, and why (not)
A. Kronfeld
N_f=2+1 dynamical Wilson quark simulation toward the physical point
Y. Kuramashi
Exploring the chiral regime with dynamical overlap fermions
H. Matsufuru
Hard hadron spectroscopy
A survey of large N continuum phase transitions
R. Narayanan and H. Neuberger
Determining QCD Low-Energy couplings from lattice simulations
Lattice QCD with two light Wilson quarks and maximally twisted mass
Critical phenomena and renormalization-group flow of multi-parameter Phi4 theories
Deflation Methods in Fermion Inverters
Algorithms and machines
Deflated BiCGStab for linear equations in QCD problems
A.M. Abdel-Rehim, W. Wilcox and R.B. Morgan
Luescher-Weisz algorithm for excited states of the QCD flux-tube
B. Brandt and P. Majumdar
Computational Requirements of the Rational Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm
N.H. Christ and C. Jung
Adaptive Multi-Grid Algorithm for the QCD Dirac-Wilson Operator
J. Brannick, R.C. Brower, M. Clark, J.C. Osborn and C. Rebbi
Dynamical overlap fermions with increased topological tunnelling
N.D. Cundy, S. Krieg and A. Schafer
Visualization for Lattice QCD
M. Dipierro
Performance evaluation and tuning of lattice QCD on the next generation Blue Gene
HMC algorithm for two-flavour lattice QCD: Schwarz-preconditioning with a one-dimensional domain decomposition
M. Hasenbusch
QCDMPI on Knoppix
Interactive Visualization Package for 4D LFTs
Stout smearing for twisted mass fermions
Status of (2+1) flavor, 32^3x64 domain wall fermion simulations
Speeding up HMC with better integrators
A.D. Kennedy and M.A. Clark
QCD on the Cell Broadband Engine
F. Belletti, G. Bilardi, M. Drochner, N. Eicker, Z. Fodor, D. Hierl, H. Kaldass, T. Lippert, T. Maurer, N. Meyer, A. Nobile, D. Pleiter, A. Schafer, F. Schifano, H. Simma, S. Solbrig, T. Streuer, R. Tripiccione and T. Wettig
Development of QCD-code on a CELL Machine
A. Nakamura
A status report of the QCDSF $N_f=2+1$ Project
Y. Nakamura
A solver for multiple right hand sides.
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K. Orginos
Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Extract Field Theory Mass Spectra
R. Petry, R. Lewis and G. von Hippel
Towards an interoperable International Lattice Datagrid
Spectral properties of the non-hermitean Wilson operator in the Schroedinger functional
O. Witzel, S. Takeda and U. Wolff
Dynamical simulations with highly improved staggered quarks
K.Y. Wong and R. Woloshyn
Marking up lattice QCD configurations and ensembles
Applications beyond QCD
Simulation results for U(1) gauge theory on non-commutative spaces
W. Bietenholz, A. Bigarini, J. Nishimura, Y. Susaki, A. Torrielli and J. Volkholz
Meson masses at large N
G. Bali and F. Bursa
Gauge-gravity duality -- super Yang-Mills quantum mechanics
S. Catterall
Primordial magnetic fields at preheating
A. Diaz-Gil
Phase structure of twisted Eguchi-Kawai model
T. Ishikawa
New Higgs physics from the lattice
Higgs mechanism in five dimensional gauge theories
M. Luz, F. Knechtli and N. Irges
Determination of the running coupling in pure SU(4) Yang-Mills theory
G. Moraitis and B. Lucini
Putting M theory on a computer
J. Nishimura
Baryon currents in the C-broken phase of QCD
B. Lucini, C. Pica and A. Patella
Chiral symmetry
The vector and axial vector current in Wilson ChPT
O. Bar and S. Aoki
Use and misuse of ChPT in the heavy-light systems
D. Becirevic
Schwinger model simulations with dynamical overlap fermions
W. Bietenholz, S. Shcheredin and J. Volkholz
A Schur Complement Approach to Chiral Fermions
Chiral violations from one-loop domain wall fermions
S. Capitani
Pion physics in the strong coupling limit: A poor man's QCD?
Topological susceptibility in 2-flavor lattice QCD with fixed topololgy
The complete lowest order chiral Lagrangian from a little box
How far can you go ? Surprises and pitfalls in three-flavour chiral extrapolations
S. Descotes-genon
Chiral Analysis of the Generalized Form Factors of the Nucleon
The art of smearing - can one reach M_pi = 140 MeV in quenched QCD with clover quarks ?
Meson correlators in the epsilon-regime of two-flavor lattice QCD
The phase structure of a chirally invariant lattice Higgs-Yukawa model
Surprises with the lattice index theorem
R. Höllwieser
2+1 flavor QCD with the fixed point action in the epsilon-regime
P. Hasenfratz, D. Hierl, V. Maillart, F. Niedermayer, A. Schafer, C. Weiermann and M. Weingart
Oscillatory terms in the domain wall transfer matrix
J. Negele and S. Syritsyn
Dynamical fermion simulation with the optimal domain-wall fermion
Theta-vacuum physics from QCD at fixed topololgy
T. Onogi, S. Aoki, H. Fukaya and S. Hashimoto
Remarks on left-handed lattice fermions
Results from overlap valence quarks on a twisted mass sea
L. Scorzato and N. Garron
Exploring the epsilon regime with twisted mass fermions
A. Shindler
Simulating a gauge action from the Overlap Operator with RHMC
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T. Streuer
I=2 pi-pi scattering length with dynamical overlap fermion
Hadron spectroscopy
Baryon masses with dynamical twisted mass fermions
C. Alexandrou
Taste violations in the scalar correlator in mixed action simulations
Improvement of the pion spectrum with HYP-smeared staggered fermions
Status of the MILC light pseudoscalar meson project
C. Bernard, C. DeTar, S. Gottlieb, U.M. Heller, J. Hetrick, L. Levkova, J.C. Osborn, D.B. Renner, R. Sugar and D. Toussaint
B meson excitations with chirally improved light quarks
Excited state spectroscopy in the lattice Gross-Neveu model
J. Danzer and C. Gattringer
Finite ma Errors in Overlap Fermions
Charmonium spectrum including higher spin and exotic states
C. Ehmann and G. Bali
QCD with one quark flavor: I. Numerical simulations and hadron spectrum
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F. Farchioni
Excited State Effective Masses
G. Fleming, S. Cohen, H.W. Lin and V. Pereyra
Cutoff effects for Wilson twisted mass fermions at tree-level of perturbation theory
Pseudoscalar flavor-singlet physics with staggered fermions
The B-meson mass splitting from non-perturbative quenched lattice QCD
D. Guazzini
Lattice simulation of 2+1 flavors of overlap light quarks
S. Hashimoto, S. Aoki, H. Fukaya, T. Kaneko, H. Matsufuru, J. Noaki, T. Onogi and N. Yamada
Scaling and low energy constants in lattice QCD with N_f = 2 maximally twisted Wilson quarks
R. Frezzotti, G. Herdoiza, P. Dimopoulos, C. Urbach and U. Wenger
Excited mesons on dynamical clover-Wilson lattices
M. Hetzenegger
Non-perturbative improvement of nHYP smeared Wilson fermions
R. Hoffmann, A. Hasenfratz and S. Schaefer
Dirac b quark on the lattice
T.W. Chiu, T.H. Hsieh, C.H. Huang and K. Ogawa
Dynamical QCD simulation with $\\theta$ terms
T. Izubuchi, S. Aoki, K. Hashimoto, Y. Nakamura, T. Sekido and G. Schierholz
The eigenvalue spectrum for dynamical chirally improved fermions
M. Joergler and C.B. Lang
Group Theoretical Construction of Baryon Operators using All-to-All Quark Propagators
K.J. Juge, C. Morningstar, R. Edwards, B. Joo, D.G. Richards, G. Fleming, A. Lichtl and S. Wallace
Application of chiral perturbation theory to 2+1 flavor lattice QCD with O(a)-improved Wilson quarks
Relativistic corrections to the static potential at $O(1/m)$ and $O(1/m^2)$
Y. Koma, M. Koma and H. Wittig
P- and D-wave spin-orbit splittings in heavy-light mesons
Mixed action simulations: approaching physical quark masses
Z. Fodor, S. Durr, C. Hoelbling, S.D. Katz, S. Krieg, T. Kurth, L. Lellouch, T. Lippert, K. Szabo and G. Vulvert
Dynamical Chirally Improved Quarks: First Results for Hadron Masses
C. Gattringer, C.B. Lang, M. Limmer, D. Mohler, A. Schafer, T. Maurer and R. Frigori
Chiral behavior of pseudo-Goldstone boson masses and decay constants in $2+1$ flavor QCD
L. Lellouch, S. Durr, Z. Fodor, C. Hoelbling, S.D. Katz, S. Krieg, T. Kurth, T. Lippert, K. Szabo and G. Vulvert
Effects of the disconnected flavor singlet corrections on the hyperfine splitting in charmonium
Charm spectroscopy on dynamical 2+1 flavor domain wall fermion lattices with a relativistic heavy quark action
M. Li and H.W. Lin
The spectral structure of correlator matrices
Parameter Tuning of Three-Flavor Dynamical Anisotropic Clover Action
Chiral Limit and Light Quark Masses in 2+1 Flavor Domain Wall QCD
M. Lin and E.E. Scholz
Study of Hadron Scattering Using an Asymmetric Box
Neutral mesons and disconnected diagrams in Twisted Mass QCD
Meson spectroscopy with derivative quark sources
D. Mohler, C. Gattringer, S. Prelovsek, C.B. Lang and L. Glozman
Charm and bottom heavy baryon mass spectrum from lattice QCD with 2 +1 flavors
H. Na and S. Gottlieb
Staggered Diquarks for Singly Heavy Baryons
Light meson spectrum with $N_f=2$ dynamical overlap fermions
Glueball spectroscopy from Nf=2 anisotropic lattice QCD.
$D_s$ spectrum from $N_f=2$ anisotropic lattices
Probing the chiral limit with clover fermions II: The baryon sector
D. Pleiter, M. Goeckeler, P. Haegler, R. Horsley, Y. Nakamura, M. Ohtani, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schafer, G. Schierholz, W. Schroers, H. Stuben and J. Zanotti
I=2 Two-Pion Wave Function with Non-zero Total Momentum
Identification of shallow two-body bound states in finite volume
Dynamical simulations with HYP-link Wilson fermions
S. Schaefer, A. Hasenfratz and R. Hoffmann
Probing the chiral limit with clover fermions I: The meson sector
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G. Schierholz
Pion mass difference from vacuum polarization
E. Shintani
QCD with one quark flavor: II. Analysis and chiral perturbation theory
F. Farchioni and T. Sudmann
Revisiting the pentaquark episode for lattice QCD
A.S.B. Tariq
Baryon masses with improved staggered quarks
D. Toussaint, C. Bernard, C. DeTar, S. Gottlieb, U.M. Heller, J. Hetrick, L. Levkova, J.C. Osborn, D.B. Renner, R. Sugar and C. Davies
Light hadron spectrum with 2+1 flavor dynamical O(a)-improved Wilson quarks
Hadron structure
Strange quark contribution to nucleon form factors
Quark distributions in the pion
D. Broemmel, M. Diehl, M. Goeckeler, P. Haegler, R. Horsley, Y. Nakamura, D. Pleiter, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schafer, G. Schierholz, H. Stuben and J. Zanotti
Disconnected contributions to hadronic structure: a new method for stochastic noise reduction
Exploring the transition into the chiral regime of QCD using the interacting instanton liquid model
M. Cristoforetti
Electric polarizability of the neutron in dynamical quark ensembles
M. Engelhardt
Distribution Amplitudes of Vector Mesons
R. Horsley, V. Braun, D. Broemmel, M. Goeckeler, Y. Nakamura, H. Perlt, D. Pleiter, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schafer, G. Schierholz, A. Schiller, W. Schroers, T. Streuer, H. Stuben and J. Zanotti
The Pion Form Factor at Large Momentum Transfer
Lattice QCD approach to nuclear force
Moments of nucleon distribution amplitudes from irreducible three-quark operators
M. Goeckeler, R. Horsley, T. Kaltenbrunner, Y. Nakamura, D. Pleiter, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schafer, G. Schierholz, H. Stuben, N. Warkentin and J. Zanotti
Pion form factor from all-to-all propagators of overlap quarks
Electromagnetic form factors of the Delta baryon
C. Alexandrou, T. Korzec, T. Leontiou, J. Negele and A. Tsapalis
Pion and rho-meson form factors using four-point functions in N_F=2 QCD
G. Koutsou and C. Alexandrou
Magnetic Moment of Vector Mesons in the Background Field Method
Neutron Electric Dipole Moment at Fixed Topology
Moments of meson distribution functions with dynamical twisted mass fermions
The glue content of the pion
H. Meyer and J. Negele
Transverse Momentum Distributions of Quarks from the Lattice using Extended Gauge Links
Hyperon-nucleon potentials from lattice QCD
Moments of generalized parton distributions and quark angular momentum of the nucleon
M. Ohtani, D. Broemmel, M. Goeckeler, P. Haegler, R. Horsley, Y. Nakamura, D. Pleiter, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schafer, G. Schierholz, W. Schroers, H. Stuben and J. Zanotti
The Operator Product Expansion on the lattice
P.E.L. Rakow, W. Bietenholz, N.D. Cundy, M. Goeckeler, R. Horsley, H. Perlt, D. Pleiter, G. Schierholz, A. Schiller and J. Zanotti
Generalized parton distributions from domain wall valence quarks and staggered sea quarks
D.B. Renner
Nucleon electromagnetic form factors with Wilson fermions
W. Schroers, M. Gockeler, P. Haegler, R. Horsley, Y. Nakamura, M. Ohtani, D. Pleiter, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schafer, G. Schierholz, H. Stuben and J. Zanotti
Nucleon and Nucleon-to-Delta Axial Form Factors from Lattice QCD
C. Alexandrou, G. Koutsou, T. Leontiou, J. Negele and A. Tsapalis
Vacuum Expectation Values of Twisted Mass Fermion Operators
W. Wilcox, A.M. Abdel-Rehim and R. Lewis
Nucleon form factors and structure functions with $N_f$=2+1 dynamical domain wall fermions
T. Yamazaki and S. Ohta
Nonzero temperature and density
Model study of the sign problem in the mean-field approximation
Determination of $F_{\pi}$ from distributions of Dirac operator eigenvalues with imaginary density
Finite density simulations using a determinant estimator
A. Alexandru, A. Li and K.F. Liu
$SU(3)$ Deconfining phase transition in a box with cold boundaries
An iterative method to compute the overlap Dirac operator at nonzero chemical potential
J. Bloch, A. Frommer, B. Lang and T. Wettig
Critical behaviour of 3D U(1) LGT at finite temperature
O. Borisenko
Finite temperature LQCD with two flavors of improved Wilson fermions
V. Bornyakov
Flux tube profiles at finite temperature
Charm Quarks and the QCD Equation of State
Topological defects and equation of state of gluon plasma
M.N. Chernodub, K. Ishiguro, A. Nakamura, T. Sekido, T. Suzuki and V.I. Zakharov
Bulk Thermodynamics and charge fluctuations at non-vanishing baryon density
C. Miao and C. Schmidt
Analytic continuation of the phase of the fermionic determinant.
S. Conradi and M. D'Elia
Eta prime mass across the chiral phase transition
A QCD chiral critical point at small chemical potential: is it there or not?
P. de Forcrand
Towards a precise determination of $T_c$ with 2+1 flavors of quarks
C. DeTar and R. Gupta
High density effective theory on the lattice
Study of the critical point in lattice QCD at high temperature and density
The nature of the finite temperature QCD transition as a function of the quark masses
Screening masses in the SU(3) pure gauge theory and universality
R. Falcone, R. Fiore, M. Gravina and A. Papa
The High Density Region of QCD from an Effective Model
A. Feo, R. De-Pietri, E. Seiler and I.O. Stamatescu
Sign problem in two-color two-flavor QCD with quark and isospin chemical potentials
K. Fukushima
Two color matter in the quenched approximation
P. Giudice and S. Hands
Universality and massive excitations in 3d 3-state Potts model
R. Falcone, R. Fiore, A. Papa and M. Gravina
Curvature of the phase transition line in the $\\mu$-T plane
C. Guse, Z. Fodor, K. Szabo and S.D. Katz
The equation of state with nonzero chemical potential for 2+1 flavors
U.M. Heller and L. Levkova
Model study of the sign problem in the mean-field approximation
Quark number susceptibility of high temperature and finite density QCD
A. Hietanen and K. Rummukainen
Correlations of chiral condensate and quark number densities with static quark sources
Renormalization of Polyakov loops in fundamental and higher representations
O. Kaczmarek, S. Gupta and K. Huebner
Static quark free energies at finite temperature
S.D. Katz, Z. Fodor, A. Jakovac and K. Szabo
Spectral Properties of Quarks in the Quark-Gluon Plasma
M. Kitazawa
Finite Size Scaling for the O(N) universality class from Renormalization Group Methods
Z(3)-symmetric effective theory of hot QCD
Improving bulk QCD thermodynamics on the lattice
E. Laermann
Strong coupling expansion for Yang-Mills theory at finite temperature
J. Langelage
Worldline Approach to Chiral Fermions
New Results using the Canonical Approach to finite density QCD
A. Li, A. Alexandru and K.F. Liu
The spatial string tension and dimensional reduction in QCD.
Thermodynamical quantities for overlap fermions with chemical potential
Glueballs and mesons in the superfluid phase of two color QCD
M.P. Lombardo
Thermodynamics and heavy-quark free energies at finite temperature and density with two flavors of improved Wilson quarks
Universality and Scaling at the chiral transition in two-flavor QCD at finite temperature
Meson spectrum in the SU(3) phase of finite temperature and finite density in the strong coupling lattice QCD
Screening masses of mesons in 2+1 flavour QCD
S. Mukherjee
New Phases of Finite Temperature Gauge Theory from an Extended Action
J. Myers and M. Ogilvie
Thermodynamics of $N_f=2$ QCD on anisotropic lattices
Y. Namekawa
Exploring Partially Confined Phases
M. Ogilvie and J. Myers
Analytic continuation of the critical line in 2-color QCD at nonzero temperature and density
P. Cea, L. Cosmai, M. D'Elia and A. Papa
Thermodynamics of SU(3) gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions
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B. Petersson
Quarkonium correlators at finite temperature and potential models
P. Petreczky
Entropy and Internal energy of Heavy quark-anti-quark pair
A test of first order scaling in Nf=2 QCD
C. Pica, G. Cossu, M. D'Elia and A. Di-Giacomo
QCD plasma instability and thermalisation at heavy ion collisions
K. Rummukainen
Lattice calculation of the QGP viscosities - Present results and Next Project -
S. Sakai and A. Nakamura
The Polyakov Loop and the Eigenvalues of the Dirac Operator
W. Söldner
The distributions of individual Dirac eigenvalues for QCD at non-zero chemical potential: RMT predictions and Lattice results
G. Akemann, J. Bloch, L. Shifrin and T. Wettig
Phase Quenched Lattice QCD at Finite Density and Temperature
D. Sinclair and J.B. Kogut
The Hadronic Spectrum of 2-colour QCD at Non-zero Chemical Potential
P. Sitch, S. Hands and J.I. Skullerud
Charmonium properties in the quark-gluon plasma
J.I. Skullerud, G. Aarts, C. Allton, M.B. Oktay and M.J. Peardon
The equation of state at high temperatures from lattice QCD
K. Szabo, G. Endrodi, S.D. Katz and Z. Fodor
Simulations of one-flavor QCD at finite temperature by RHMC
T. Takaishi and A. Nakamura
Wilson loop in classical lattice gauge theory and the thermal width of heavy quarkonium
Four-loop NSPT result for a 3d condensate-contribution to hot QCD pressure
QCD finite T transition. Comparison between Wilson and Staggered results
Study of constant mode in charmonium correlators at finite temperature
Thermodynamics of 2+1 flavour QCD
J. Heide van der
The N_t=8 QCD thermal transition with DWF
Exploring the chiral phase transition of N_f=2 flavour QCD with valence overlap fermions
V. Weinberg, E.M. Ilgenfritz, Y. Koma, Y. Nakamura, G. Schierholz and T. Streuer
On the phase diagram of QCD at finite isospin density
U. Wenger, P. de Forcrand and M. Stephanov
Twisted mass QCD at finite temperature
L. Zeidlewicz, E.M. Ilgenfritz, K. Jansen, M.P. Lombardo, M. Muller-Preussker, M. Petschlies, O. Philipsen and A. Sternbeck
Standard model parameters and renormalization
Progress on Perturbative Matching Calculations for the Charm Quark Mass using the HISQ Action
E. Dalgic, K.Y. Wong, C. Davies, E. Follana, A. Hart, R. Horgan, P. Lepage, Q. Mason, J. Shigemitsu, H. Trottier and J. Wu
High loop renormalization constants by NSPT: a status report
F. Di Renzo, L. Scorzato and C. Torrero
Renormalisation of quark bilinears with Nf=2 Wilson fermions and tree-level improved gauge action
P. Dimopoulos, R. Frezzotti, G. Herdoiza, V. Lubicz, M. Papinutto, S. Simula and A. Vladikas
Perturbative matching of heavy-light currents at one-loop
A.X. El-Khadra
Heavy-Quark Masses from the Fermilab Method in Three-Flavor Lattice QCD
E. Freeland
Heavy-light decay constant at the 1/m order of HQET
Towards a non-perturbative matching of HQET and QCD with dynamical light quarks
The three-loop $\beta$ function of SU(N) lattice gauge theories with Overlap fermions
M. Constantinou
Non-perturbative renormalization of four-quark operators and $B_K$ with Schr\"{o}dinger functional scheme in quenched domain-wall QCD
Y. Nakamura
The SF running coupling with four flavours of staggered quarks
P. Pérez Rubio and S. Sint
Perturbative determination of csw with Symanzik improved gauge action and stout smearing
The lattice gluon propagator in stochastic perturbation theory
H. Perlt, E.M. Ilgenfritz and A. Schiller
Schrödinger functional renormalization schemes for Ginsparg-Wilson quarks
Higher loop renormalization of fermion bilinear operators
A. Skouroupathis
Preparing for $N_f=2$ simulations at small lattice spacings
R. Sommer, M. Della Morte, P. Fritzsch, B. Leder, H. Meyer, S. Takeda, H. Simma, O. Witzel and U. Wolff
Running alpha(s) from Landau-gauge gluon and ghost correlations
A. Sternbeck, E.M. Ilgenfritz, M. Muller-Preussker, L. von Smekal, A. Williams and K. Maltman
Automatic generation of vertices for the Schroedinger functional
Unquenching effects on the coefficients of the Luescher-Weisz action
G. von Hippel
Theoretical developments
Lattice supersymmetry in 1D with two supercharges
S. Arianos, A. D'Adda, N. Kawamoto and J. Saito
High energy scattering in AdS dual to QCD
R.C. Brower
Power-counting theorem for staggered fermions
Effective field theories for rooted staggered fermions
M. Golterman
Numerical results of two-dimensional N=(2,2) super Yang-Mills theory
H. Fukaya, I. Kanamori, H. Suzuki and T. Takimi
Low-dimensional Supersymmetric Lattice Models
T. Kästner, A. Wipf and C. Wozar
General properties of logarithmically divergent one-loop lattice Feynman integrals
Test of the Schroedinger functional with chiral fermions in the Gross-Neveu model
Fermion loop simulations in 2-d lattice theories - results and limitations
Fisher's Zeros and Perturbative Series in Gluodynamics
The two flavour Schwinger model: scaling of the scalar condensate
Lattice Formulation of N=4 D=3 Twisted Super Yang-Mills
Universal properties of large N phase transitions in Wilson loops
H. Neuberger
Layered Phase Investigations
Polyakov loops and SU(2) staggered Dirac spectra
M. Panero, F. Bruckmann, S. Keppeler and T. Wettig
On Majorana fermions on the lattice
J.M. Pawlowski
Hamiltonian Lattice QCD near the Light Cone
H.J. Pirner
O(a^2) cutoff effects in Wilson fermion simulations
The Phases of Non-Compact QED_3
C. Strouthos
Lattice Formulation of Two Dimensional Topological Field Theory
The running of the bare coupling in SU(N) gauge theories
Structure and properties of the vacuum of the Twisted Eguchi-Kawai model
H. Vairinhos
Simulations of a supersymmetry inspired model on a fuzzy sphere
J. Volkholz and W. Bietenholz
Cluster simulation of two-dimensional relativistic fermions
Monopoles, topology of the Standard Model and unification of interactions at the TeV scale.
Improved actions and lattice coarsening effects in MCRG studies in SU(2) LGT
A. Velytsky
Vacuum structure and confinement
Modified Coulomb potential of QED in a strong magnetic field
N. Sadooghi
Modified Lattice Landau Gauge
L. von Smekal, A. Sternbeck, A. Williams and D.B. Mehta
Aspects of QCD Vacuum Structure
P.J. Moran and D. Leinweber
Dynamically induced scalar quark confinement: A link between chiral symmtry breaking and confinement
R. Alkofer, C. Fischer and K. Schwenzer
Numerical Study of the mass spectrum in the 2D O(3) sigma model with a theta term
B. Alles Salom and A. Papa
The spectrum of closed loops of fundamental flux in D=2+1 SU(N) gauge theories.
A. Athenodorou
Thin and dressed Polyakov loops from spectral sums of lattice differential operators
E. Bilgici, C. Hagen, F. Bruckmann and C. Gattringer
Landau-gauge gluon and ghost propagators in 4D SU(3) gluodynamics on large lattice volumes
I.L.v. Bogolubsky, E.M. Ilgenfritz, M. Muller-Preussker and A. Sternbeck
Strings in SU(N) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions: beyond the fundamental representation
B. Bringoltz and M. Teper
Vortex topology and the continuum limit of lattice gauge theories
Static potential for the quark-antiquark-gluon hybrid system in lattice QCD
Effective string theory description of the interface free energy.
Perturbing QCD with external fields
Confinement: G(2) group case
What's up with IR gluon and ghost propagators in Landau gauge? An answer from huge lattices
A. Cucchieri
Confining properties of two-color QCD at finite density
A. D'Alessandro
Disorder parameter for confinement and vacuum field strength correlators.
A. Di-Giacomo
Large volume behaviour of Yang-Mills propagators
C. Fischer, R. Alkofer, A. Maas, J.M. Pawlowski and L. von Smekal
Roles of the quark field in the infrared lattice Coulomb gauge and Landau gauge QCD
S. Furui and H. Nakajima
On the Conformal anomaly of k-strings
P. Giudice, F. Gliozzi and S. Lottini
Theta dependence of the vacuum energy in the SU(3) gauge theory from the lattice
Confining vacua and Q-state Potts models with Q<1
Yang-Mills Ground State in 2+1 Dimensions and Temporal Gauge
J. Greensite
On the ratio of string tensions in the 3D Z_4 lattice gauge theory
P. Grinza, M. Caselle, P. Giudice, F. Gliozzi and S. Lottini
On the structure of QCD confining string
F.V. Gubarev
The impact of localized overlap eigenmodes on RMT measurements and topology
A. Hasenfratz, R. Hoffmann and S. Schaefer
The 2+1 flavor topological susceptibility from the asqtad action at 0.06 fm
J. Hetrick, C. Bernard, C. DeTar, L. Levkova, S. Gottlieb, U.M. Heller, J.C. Osborn, D.B. Renner, D. Toussaint and R. Sugar
Localization of overlap modes and topological charge, vortices and monopoles in SU(3) LGT
E.M. Ilgenfritz, Y. Koma, G. Schierholz, T. Streuer, V. Weinberg, M. Quandt and K. Koller
Precision Study of the Topological Susceptibility in the Continuum
Z. Fodor, S. Durr, C. Hoelbling and T. Kurth
An update in monopole condensation in two-flavour Adjoint QCD
G. Lacagnina
Universal properties of the confining string in the random percolation model
Study of the topological structure of SU(2) gluodynamics vacuum with overlap fermions and improved action at T>0.
E. Luschevskaya
Subleading properties of the QCD flux-tube in 3-d lattice gauge theory
P. Majumdar and N. Hari Dass
Instantons in Two-Dimensional Noncommutative U(1) Gauge Theory
Lattice Landau gauge gluon propagator: an SU(2) investigation with improved gauge fixing
M. Muller-Preussker
Color confinement and the Faddeev-Popov ghosts in Coulomb gauge QCD
Y. Nakagawa
Pure Gauge Compact QED in the Ice Limit
file missing
T. Neuhaus
Centre Vortices in SU(3)
A. O Cais and L. von Smekal
SU(2) meets SU(3) in lattice-Landau-gauge gluon and ghost propagators
O. Oliveira
The gluon propagator from large asymmetric lattices
O. Oliveira
Rigidity and percolation of center vortices
M.I. Polikarpov, P.V. Buividovich and V.I. Zakharov
Coulomb gauge Green functions and Gribov copies in SU(2) lattice gauge theory
Hamilton approach to Yang-Mills theory in Coulomb gauge
H. Reinhardt
Long-distance color-dependent quark potentials in the Coulomb gauge QCD
Adjoint zero-modes as a tool to understand the Yang-Mills vacuum
Lower dimensional Yang-Mills theory as a laboratory to study the infrared regime
R. Alkofer, C. Fischer and K. Schwenzer
Study of the structure of the QCD vacuum with valence overlap fermions and monopoles.
Toward gauge-independent study of color confinement in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory
Infrared exponents of gluon and ghost propagators from Lattice QCD
O. Oliveira and P.J. Silva
Gauge fixing methods and Gribov copies effects in lattice QCD
P.J. Silva and O. Oliveira
Quantitative comparison of filtering methods in lattice QCD
S. Solbrig, F. Bruckmann, C. Gattringer, E.M. Ilgenfritz, M. Muller-Preussker and A. Schafer
Gauge independence of Abelian confinement mechansim in SU(2) gluodynamics
T. Suzuki, K. Ishiguro, Y. Koma and T. Sekido
Deriving confinement via RG decimations
T.E. Tomboulis
Lattice study of monopoles in the Electroweak theory.
A.I. Veselov
Coulomb gauge studies of SU(3) Yang-Mills theory on the lattice
Fermionic fields in the pseudoparticle approach
Comparing SU(2) to SU(3) gluodynamics on large lattices
A. Sternbeck, L. von Smekal, D. Leinweber and A. Williams
Z_3 Polyakov loop models and inverse Monte-Carlo methods
C. Wozar, T. Kästner and A. Wipf
Weak decays and matrix elements
Eradication of singularities in the next-to-leading order RG evolution for the $\Delta S=1$ effective Hamiltonian with 3 quark flavours
Decays of mesons with charm quarks on the lattice
A. Ali Khan, V. Braun, T. Burch, M. Goeckeler, G. Lacagnina, A. Schafer and G. Schierholz
Heavy-light matrix elements in static limit with domain wall fermions
Twisted mass QCD in the charm sector
B. Blossier
The kaon B-parameter from 2+1-flavor Domain-Wall-Fermion lattices
S. Cohen and D. Antonio
Nucleon Decay Constants from 2+1 Flavour Domain Wall Fermions
B_s and B_d mixing in full lattice QCD using NRQCD b quarks
E. Gamiz, C. Davies, P. Lepage, J. Shigemitsu and M. Wingate
Sigma meson contribution in the $\\Delta I = 1/2$ rule
The Static Approximation to B Meson Mixing using Light Domain Wall Fermions: Perturbative Renormalization and Ground State Degeneracies
T. Dumitrescu
Elastic $s$-wave scattering phase shifts and $|V_{ub}|$ from lattice calculations of form factors for exclusive semileptonic decays
J. Flynn and J. Nieves
High precision determination of the D and Ds decay constants and masses from lattice QCD
E. Follana, C. Davies, P. Lepage and J. Shigemitsu
A Determination of the $B^0_s$ and $B^0_d$ mixing parameters in $2+1$ lattice QCD
E. Gamiz, R. Evans, A.X. El-Khadra and M. Dipierro
Semileptonic D-decays and Lattice QCD
B. Haas, D. Becirevic and F. Mescia
Weak low-energy couplings from topological zero-mode wavefunctions
P. Hernandez
Using $K^0 \\rightarrow \\pi^- \\pi^-$ transitions to compute $K \\rightarrow (\\pi \\pi)_{I=0} $ decay amplitudes at NLO in the chiral expansion
C. Kim and C. Sachrajda
$B \\rightarrow D^* l \\nu$ with 2+1 flavors
Kaon Weak Matrix Elements in 2+1 flavor DWF QCD
S. Li and R. Mawhinney
$K \\to \\pi \\pi$ Amplitudes at Unphysical Kinematics Using Domain Wall Fermions
M. Lightman
Chiral behavior of matrix elements of $\\Delta B = 2$ and $\\Delta C = 2$ operators
C.J. David Lin and W. Detmold
Kaon semileptonic decay form factors with N_f = 2 non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson fermions
D. Broemmel, R. Horsley, S.M. Morozov, Y. Nakamura, D. Pleiter, G. Schierholz, H. Stuben and J. Zanotti
High precision study of $B^*B\\pi$ coupling in unquenched QCD
First quenched results for the matrix elements of the B_s mixing parameter in the static limit from tmQCD
Non-perturbative renormalisation of four-fermion operators in $N_f=2$ QCD
Lattice Results for Vector Meson Couplings and Parton Distribution Amplitudes
C. Sachrajda
The decay constants fB and fD+ from three-flavor lattice QCD
J.N. Simone
Pseudo-scalar meson form factors with maximally twisted Wilson fermions at Nf=2
Challenges of non-leptonic weak decays on the lattice
Semileptonic decays of heavy-light pseudoscalar mesons
Light quark masses and pseudoscalar decay constants from Nf=2 Twisted Mass QCD
V. Lubicz, S. Simula and C. Tarantino
The kaon B-parameter from unquenched mixed action lattice QCD
R. Van de Water, C. Aubin and J. Laiho
B-Bbar Mixing with Domain Wall Fermions in the Static Approximation
J. Wennekers
Moving NRQCD and $B \\to K^* \\gamma$
S. Meinel, R. Horgan, L. Khomskii, L.C. Storoni and M. Wingate
B Semileptonic Decays at High Recoil Momentum
C. Davies, E. Follana, P. Lepage, J. Shigemitsu and K.Y. Wong
B_K with dynamical overlap fermions
Kl3 form factor with 2+1 dynamical domain wall fermions
J. Zanotti, P.A. Boyle, A. Juttner, C. Sachrajda, J. Flynn and A. Soni