The Corfu Summer Institute meetings consist of a series of high quality scientific events aiming in the training of young researchers as well as the exchange of knowledge and the collaboration among experienced scientists in the research area of Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity.
Editorial Board:
Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos National Technical University of Athens
Carlo Angelantonj University of Torino
Athanasios Chatzistavrakidis Rudjer Bošković Institute
Dumitru Ghilencea IFIN-HH, Bucharest
Jan Kalinowski University of Warsaw
Fedele Lizzi Università di Napoli Federico II and INFN
Jun Nishimura KEK Theory Center
Denjoe O'Connor Dublin Instite of Advanced Studies
Hervé Partouche Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS
Margarida Nesbitt Rebelo CFTP/IST, University of Lisbon
Harold Steinacker Vienna University
Richard Szabo Heriot-Watt University
Dimitris Varouchas CNRS, LAL, Orsay
Patricia Vitale INFN, Napoli and University of Napoli Federico II
Preface |
Nikos Antoniou memorial
Workshop on Connecting Insights in Fundamental Physics: Standard Model and Beyond |
QCD theory review
Effective Description of Critical QCD
The Steinmann Cluster Bootstrap for N=4 Super Yang-Mills Amplitudes
Gravitational Anomalies in string-inspired Cosmologies: from Inflation to Axion Dark Matter?
MoEDAL physics results and future plans
Evasive maneuvers for a sequential fourth generation to circumvent the Higgs data
Measurement of inclusive cross section and observation of electroweak production of two jets inassociation with a $Z$-boson pair in $pp$ collisions at√s=13TeV with the ATLAS detector
B anomalies linked to the problem of the origin of Yukawa couplings.
Probing New Physics with Leptonic Rare B Decays
Where we are on B-physics discrepancies
Top Physics in ATLAS and CMS
On the Mass and on the Dynamical Properties of the Sexaquark
Exploring New Physics in $B \rightarrow \pi K$ Decays
$B^0_s \rightarrow D_s^{\pm} K^{\mp}$ decays: Can they reveal New Physics?
Neutrino physics - a review
On the very nature of neutrinos: the $\beta$-decay as a test bench
TeV Scale Leptogenesis via Dark Sector
Forbidden Freeze-In
On the physics potential of ILC and CLIC
(g-2)l in the General Flavour Conserving 2HDM
NLO corrections to Vector Dark Matter Direct Detection - An update
Searching inert scalars at future $e^+e^-$ colliders
Can measurements of 2HDM parameters provide hints for high scale supersymmetry?
Several degenerate vacua and a model for DarkMatter in the pure Standard Model
SUSY searches in ATLAS and CMS
Exotics and BSM in ATLAS and CMS (Non dark matter searches)
Perturbative unitarity bounds for fermions composite models
Dark origins of matter-antimatter asymmetry
On the viable two leptoquark model for the $B$-physics anomalies
Natural Alignment in Multi-Higgs Doublet Models
New Results in Theories with Reduced Couplings
Planck scale from broken local conformal invariance in Weyl geometry
Necessity and Insufficiency of Scale Invariance for solving Cosmological Constant Problem
Single-field inflation in models with an $R^2$ term
Scale symmetry, the Higgs and the Cosmos
Gauge hierarchy problem and scalegenesis
Dark Matter with Light and Ultralight Stückelberg Axions
Challenges in supersymmetric cosmology
Leptonic Scalars versus Scalar Leptons
Forward-backward asymmetry in the gauge-Higgs unification at the International Linear Collider
Bonneau identities
Treatment of $\gamma_5$ in Dimensionally-Regularized Chiral Yang-Mills Theory with Scalar Fields
Spectrum of anomalous dimensions in hypercubic theories
Particles and the Universe
Primordial black holes and remnants of primordial black holes as dark matter: inflationary model building and observational constraints
Using LHC to Discover the Bilepton
String loop corrections and de Sitter vacua
Conference on Recent Developments in Strings and Gravity |
On Non-Supersymmetric String Model Building
$O(d,d)$ transformations preserve classical integrability
Novel Perspectives in String Phenomenology
Emergent Axions
Aspects of spontaneous breaking of conformal invariance in the Fishnet CFT
Weak gravity (and other conjectures) with broken supersymmetry
Induced cosmological and Newton constants from towers of states
Covariant Hamiltonians, sigma models and supersymmetry
Instantons, Euclidean wormholes and AdS/CFT
Consistent truncation on Calabi-Yau and Nearly-Kähler manifolds
Dark Energy in String Theory
Exponentially Suppressed Cosmological Constant with Enhanced Gauge Symmetry in Heterotic Interpolating Models
Holographic duals of refined partition functions
Janus and J-fold solutions in type IIB supergravity
Instructive Review of Novel SFT withNon-interacting consituents “objects”, and attemptGeneralization to p-adic theory
Principal Chiral Model without and with WZ term: Symmetries and Poisson-Lie T-Duality
Quintessence from higher curvature supergravity
Spontaneous Freeze Out of Dark Matter
Constructing the Supersymmetric Anti-D3-Brane Action in KKLT
Graded Geometry and Tensor Gauge Theories
Dual gravity with $R$ flux from graded Poisson algebra
Solving holographic defects
A theory for multiple partially massless spin-2 fields
Humboldt Kolleg Frontiers in Physics: From the Electroweak to the Planck Scales |
Non-relativistic String theory
Gauge hierarchy: Think again
Higher Curvature Supergravity
Fefferman--Graham and Bondi Gauges in the Fluid/Gravity Correspondence
How $N=1$, $D=4$ SYM domain walls look like
$L_\infty$-algebras and membrane sigma models
KKLT and the Swampland Conjectures
Exact results in AdS$_4$/CFT$_3$
Discovery of Chromomagnetic Gluon Condensation
Jordan algebra approach to finite quantum geometry
Moduli stability in type I string orbifold models
Wrapped Branes in Romans $F(4)$ Gauged Supergravity
Melonic CFTs
Conserved currents in the Palatini formulation of general relativity
On the counting tensor model observables as U(N) and O(N) classical invariants
Workshop on Quantum Geometry, Field Theory and Gravity |
New perspectives on the emergence of (3+1)D expanding space-time in the Lorentzian type IIB matrix model
How information geometry is encoded in bulk geometry
Emergent quantum geometry from stochastic random matrices
On boundary conditions and spacetime/fibre duality in Vasiliev's higher-spin gravity
Conserved quantities in general relativity and anomalies
Dynamical Compactification of Extra Dimensions in the Euclidean IKKT Matrix Model via Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
Fuzzy field theories and related matrix models
Generalized noncommutative Snyder spaces and projective geometry
Numerical and analytical studies of a matrix model with non-pairwise contracted indices
Diffeomorphisms and approximate invariants on fuzzy sphere
Homotopy Lie algebras of Gravity and their Braided Deformations
Perturbative Quantum Field Theory and Homotopy Algebras
On global properties of warped solutions in General Relativity with an electromagnetic field and a cosmological constant
Emergent Geometries from the BMN Matrix Model
Analog hep-th, on Dirac materials and in general
Symmetries of the curved momentum spacecompatible with $κ$-Minkowski
The Tensor Track VI: Field Theory on Random Trees and SYK on Random Unicyclic Graphs
Energy cutoff, effective theories, noncommutativity, fuzzyness: the case of $O(D)$-covariant fuzzy spheres
The Quantum Auxiliary Linear Problem & Darboux-Backlund Transformations
Noncommutative Geometry, background independence, and $B-L$ extension of the Standard Model
The nonperturbative phase diagram of the bosonic BMN matrix model
The SYK model and random tensors: Gaussian universality
Primordial Black-Hole Mimicker in Quadratic Gravity as Dark Matter
Progress in Snyder model
Horizon temperature without space-time
Noncommutative field theory from an angular twist
Invariant Differential Operators for the Real Exceptional Lie Algebra $F'_4$
Multitrace matrix models of fuzzy field theories
Gauge theory of gravity on a four-dimensional covariant noncommutative space