ISGC2024 - (other isgc conferences)
24-29 March, 2024
Academia Sinica Computing Centre (ASGC), Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica Taipei, Taiwan
published October 29, 2024
Entries on ADS

The ISGC is one of the most important annual international events in Asia, uniting scientists
and engineers globally to exchange ideas on Open Data and Open Science.

ISGC 2024 promotes open data/science collaboration, offering an opportunity to learn from
the latest achievements globally. ISGC 2024 aims to create a venue for communities and
national representatives to present solutions to global challenges. We welcome your

conference main image
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Health & Life Sciences Applications
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisations
Network, Security, Infrastructure and Operations
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Virtual Research Environment
Data Management & Big Data
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Leveraging OpenAI’s LLMs and Cloud-based Learning-as-a-Service (LaaS) Solutions to Create Culturally Rich Conversational AI Chatbot: ChatLoS - A Study Using the Legacy of Slavery Dataset
R.K. Gnanasekaran and R. Marciano
Nonlinear fusion of multiple efficient manifold rankings in content-based medical image retrieval
T.V. Dao, T. Văn Huy, N. Nguyen Khoi, P. Thi Kim Dzung, N. Hoang Huy, B. Dinh Chien and T. Cong Hung
Wireless Broadcasting for Efficiency and Accuracy in Federated Learning
J. Wessner
Evaluation on Momentum Contrastive Learning with 3D Local Parts
X. Sha and T. Mashita
An Artificial Intelligence-based service to automatize the INFN CNAF User Support
E. Ronchieri, M. Barbetti, A. Trashaj, C. Pellegrino, D. Cesini, F. Fornari, D. Lattanzio, L. Morganti, A. Pascolini, A. Rendina and C. Giugliano
Data Center IT Anomaly Prediction and Classification: an INFN CNAF experience
L. Torzi, E. Ronchieri, L. Giommi, A. Costantini and L.B. Scarponi
An application-agnostic AI platform to accelerate Machine Learning adoption for basic to hard ML/DL scientific use cases
M. Gattari, L. Giommi, M. Antonacci and G. Vino
An investigation about pretrainings for the multi-modal sensor data
T. Mashita, K. Tamata, R. Ioka, R. Itoh, H. Matsuzaki and T. Miyake
Deep learning approaches for prevention of Japanese local monkey trespassing in a sweet potato field
A. Sang-ngenchai, H. Ogawa and M. Nakazawa
OMAI: A Specialized Large Language Model for Operational Maintenance in Institute of High Energy Physics
S. Chen, H. Li, Z. Zhang, Z. Sun and Y. Cheng
Health & Life Sciences Applications
Computational Genomics platform: a Cloud-enabled approach
J. Gasparetto, L. Magenta, F. Sinisi, S. Zotti, A. Costantini, B. Martelli, T. Giangregorio and T. Pippucci
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Applications
A Lexicon for Social Media-Based Cultural Heritage Information in Crisis Situations: A Proposal
E. Ronchieri, A. Sopyryaeva, A. Alkhansa, A. Costantini and A. Bombini
Fusion of Participatory Design and Digital Learning with Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content for Costume Art and Craft Education
Y.I. Wu and S.M. Wang
Participatory Artificial Intelligence Generated Music for Pressure Healing
T.h. Chen and S.M. Wang
Speculative Design for Sustainable Urban Mobility: E-Bike Futures and Data-Driven Innovation
R.S.M. Wang, Y.C. Liao, T.H. Feng, N. Srisung, C.Y. Chang and C.H. Lung
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisations
Supporting Native Cloud Tools in the EGI Federated Cloud via the FedCloud Client
Towards Privacy and Accessible Through Resource Integration
K. Thonglek, C. Lee, H. Abe, A. Endo, K. Taniguchi and S. Date
Federation-registry: the renovated Configuration Management Database for dynamic cloud federation
G. Savarese, M. Antonacci and L. Giommi
Efficient management of INDIGO-IAM clients and S3 buckets via INDIGO PaaS Orchestrator in INFN Cloud
L. Giommi, M. Antonacci, E. Vianello, R. Miccoli, F. Agostini, F. Fornari, G. Vino, G. Savarese, G. Donvito and A. Costantini
HA Kubernetes cluster using Octavia Ingress Controller
F. Sinisi, A. Alkhansa, A. Costantini and D. Michelotto
Network, Security, Infrastructure and Operations
A comprehensive initiative to enhance the security posture of open-source software
M. Antonacci, V. Ciaschini, G. Donvito and B. Martelli
NOTED: a congestion driven network controller
C. Misa Moreira and E. Martelli
Ensuring High-Availability and Security for Secret Management in EGI Cloud
Evolution of SSH with OpenId Connect
M. Hardt, D. Gudu, G. Zachmann and L. Brocke
INDIGO IAM migration to Spring Authorization Server framework with a new customizable React user dashboard
E. Vianello, F. Agostini, A. Casale, J. Gasparetto, F. Giacomini, D. Marcato, R. Miccoli and S. Zotti
China-Europe data transfer challenge with upgrading LHCONE Network at IHEP
Y. Li, X. Zhang and X. Zhang
Sentence-BERT and Transformer-Based Log Anomaly Detection
Y. Liu, J. Wang, T. Yan and F. Qi
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Signal model parameter scan using Normalizing Flow
M. Saito, M. Morinaga, T. Kishimoto and J. Tanaka
Management of Physics Simulations with Databases
V.M.P. Pauw, D. Číž, V. Mlýnský, P. Banáš, M. Otyepka, S. Hachinger and J. Martinovič
Content Delivery Network solutions for the CMS experiment: the evolution towards HL-LHC
F.M. Josep, C. Pérez, A. Sikora, P. Serrano and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Fundamental Research and Space Economy: the Italian strategy in the new "High-Performance Computing, Big Data e Quantum Computing Research Centre"
D. Bonacorsi, T. Boccali and S. Malvezzi
Data Management & Big Data
Enhancing StoRM WebDAV data transfer performance with a new deployment architecture behind NGINX reverse proxy
F. Giacomini, F. Agostini, L. Bassi, J. Gasparetto, R. Miccoli and E. Vianello
Blockchain-Enabled Secure Management of Scientific Data in Permissioned Networks: a Metadata-Centric Approach
D. Ranieri, A. Costantini and B. Martelli