02-07, October 2023
Yerevan, Armenia
published May 17, 2024
Entries on ADS

The International Conference on Particle Physics and Cosmology was dedicated to the memory of Valery Rubakov who passed away in October 2022. The idea of this event was to get together people from over the world to discuss the domains of physics he worked in and made breakthrough contributions. 
The Conference was aimed to bring together world leading experts and young researchers in the field of theoretical particle physics and related topics. The Conference was organized by A. Alikhanyan National Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute) and took place in Yerevan State University, Armenia.

Editorial Board

  • Eugeny Babichev
    Universite Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab
  • Mikhail Danilov
    Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI RAS)
  • Dmitry Gorbunov
    Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INR RAS)
  • Alexey Isaev
    Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) & Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)
  • Mikhail Shaposhnikov
    Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)
  • Peter Tinyakov
    Service de Physique Theorique, Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
  • Arkady Vainshtein
    William I. Fine Theoretical Physics Institute, University of Minnesota
conference main image
Plenary session
Parallel session Physics beyond the Standard Model
Parallel session Cosmology and astroparticle physics
Parallel session Gravity and its modifications
Parallel session Neutrino physics
Parallel session Quantum chromodynamics, strong interactions
Parallel session Aspects of mathematical physics
Parallel session Selected experimental results
Plenary session
Cosmic Matter-Antimatter Separation and Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter
M. Shaposhnikov
New Euclidean axion wormholes
G. Lavrelashvili
Metastable strings and grand unification
W. Buchmuller
New Insights into Properties of Matter at High Baryon Density
AdS/CFT, Wilson loops and M2-branes
Valery Rubakov and quantum cosmology: origin of the Universe
A.O. Barvinsky
Parallel session Physics beyond the Standard Model
Cold Dark Matter in the SE$_6$SSM
Dark photon emission in elastic proton bremsstrahlung
Photon Polarization Operator in External Electromagnetic Field with Account of Virtual-Fermion AMM
A.Y. Parkhomenko, A. Dobrynina, I.V. Karabanov and L.A. Vassilevskaya
New Physics at NICA
D. Kalashnikov and D. Gorbunov
Light-shining-through-wall cavity setups for probing ALPs
D. Salnikov and D. Kirpichnikov
The effects of the birth of particles in the field of waves of high intensity
E. Dmitrieva and P. Satunin
Parallel session Cosmology and astroparticle physics
Modelling the formation of structures after inflation
Curvature oscillations in modified gravitational baryogenesis and high energy cosmic rays
Lifting the tension of HST and JWST data with conventional cosmology by PBHs
On thermal false vacuum decay around black holes
Leptogenesis via absorption by primordial black holes
N.A. Pozdnyakov
Inflation without singularity
The Diversity of Gamma Ray Burtsts and Can we learn anything new from GRB 221009 A?
B.E. Stern and I. Tkachev
Quantum corrections to effective potentials of simplest $\alpha$-attractors
D.M. Tolkachev, D. Tolkachev, D. Kazakov, R. Iakhibbaev and V. Filippov
General constraints on sources of high energy cosmic rays. Updated Hillas diagrams.
Testing universal dark-matter caustic rings with galactic rotation curves
On cosmologies with “strong gravity in the past”
False vacuum decay around black holes
Parallel session Gravity and its modifications
New tests of general relativity
Geometry of teleparallel theories
Stable solutions in Horndeski theory
A. Shtennikova
Quartic Horndeski-Cartan theories: a review on the stability of nonsingular cosmologies
M. Valencia-Villegas
Parallel session Neutrino physics
All-sky Limits on Sterile Neutrino Galactic Dark Matter
Parallel session Quantum chromodynamics, strong interactions
Phase transitions between confinement and higgs phases in ${\cal N}=1\, SU(N_c)$ SQCD with $1\leq N_F\leq N_c$ quark flavors
V.L. Chernyak
Colour structure of three-reggeon cuts in QCD
Parallel session Aspects of mathematical physics
Variations of supersymmetric quantum mechanics and superconformal indices
V. Spiridonov
Generalization of the Bargmann-Wigner approach to constructing relativistic fields
A. Isaev, I. Buchbinder, S. Fedoruk and M. Podoinitsyn
Entanglement islands and black holes deformations
$\mathcal{N} = 2$ higher spin theories and harmonic superspace
N. Zaigraev, I. Buchbinder and E. Ivanov
Parallel session Selected experimental results
Muon pair production via the photon fusion at the LHC: weak interaction corrections
Recent results and prospects of the NA62 experiment at CERN
S. Kholodenko
Recent results and prospects of LBL accelerator experiments
The result of the Neutrino 4 experiment, sterile neutrinos, dark matter and the Standard Model extended by right-handed neutrinos
A. Serebrov, R.M. Samoilov, O.M. Zherebtsov and N.S. Budanov
Recent results on a machine learning approach to event position reconstruction in the DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Search Experiment
A. Ilyasov and  on behalf of the DEAP-3600 collaboration