Editorial Board: Matthias Berwein, Nora Brambilla, Stephan Paul
Plenary Sessions |
Parton Distributions and Double Parton Scattering
Collider physics with Soft-Collinear Effective Theory
Quarkonium production review
Review of EFT treatment of quarkonium at finite temperature
Review of light scalars: from hints to precision
Heavy Quarks and Lattice QCD
Higgs Discovery: Impact on Composite Dynamics
Review of applications of ADS/CFT to heavy ion collisions
The gauge gravity duality
Holographic QCD: Status and perspectives for the future
Review of LHC results: present highlights and future
Round Table: Strongly Coupled Scenarios
Review of low energy experiments in hadron physics: highlights and future
Nuclear physics from QCD: state of the art and open challenges
Review of low-energy interaction of strange and charm hadrons with nucleons and nuclei
Review of nuclear physics results from EFTs and lattice QCD
Multi-messenger observations of neutron rich matter
Round Table: What can compact stars really tell us about dense QCD matter
Review of lattice results
Light quarks and lattice QCD
Review of X, Y, Z heavy exotics states from all experiments
Review of alpha_s determinations
Low energy precision experiments to limit extensions of the SM
Round Table: Resolving Physics BSM at Low Energies
Hot QCD vs cosmology
Review of Heavy Ion Results at LHC and RHIC – Recreating the Primordial Quark-Gluon Soup
The Exploration of Hot QCD Matter: Theory Challenges and Perspectives
Review of recent highlights in lattice calculations at finite temperature and finite density
IPPOG report on Masterclasses - Bringing LHC data into the classroom
Round Table on Quark-gluon plasma: What is it and how do we find out?
Beyond Confinement
Public Lecture |
The colourful world of Quarks and Gluons Part I: The shaping of Quantum Chromodynamics
The colourful world of Quarks and Gluons Part II: The many facets of Quantum Chromodynamics
Section A: Vacuum Structure and Confinement |
Bounds on free energy in QCD
(Lattice) Propagators and Extraction of Spectral Densities
Local and global gauge-fixing
On the foundation of the gluon chain
Hamiltonian approach to QCD: The Polyakov loop potential
Effective Field Theory for Long Strings
Anomaly Inflow and Membrane Dynamics in QCD Vacuum
The boundary action of the confining string and its universal contribution to the interquark potential
Lorentz completion of effective string action
Polyakov loop analysis with Dirac-mode expansion
Direct determination of strange and light quark condensates from full lattice QCD
Alpha, Lambda and Gluon condensate: Precision sudies with dynamical charm
Tau spectral function moments: large-order behaviour and alpha_s
The lattice gluon propagator in Landau gauge at zero and finite temperature
Lattice QCD study for stringy excitation and role of IR/UV gluons
Confinement viewed with dimeron and dyon ensembles
Thermal monopoles in lattice QCD
First SU(3) lattice QCD study of the gluon propagator in maximally Abelian gauge: off-diagonal gluon mass generation and infrared Abelian dominance
Application of Ewald's Method for Efficient Summation of Dyon Long-Range Potentials
non-Abelian dual superconductivity and Gluon propagators in the deep IR region for SU(3) Yang-Mills theory
Testing the Yang-Mills vacuum wave functional Ansatz in 3+1 dimensions
The vacuum wave functional in three dimensions
Physical unitarity of a massive Yang-Mills theory without the Higgs field from a viewpoint of confinement
Instability of Coulomb phase in QCD
Confining gauge theories with adjoint scalars on R3 X S1
Gauge invariant current and masses in 2D SU(N) Field Theory
On the Analytic Structure of Scalar Glueball Operators
The effect of an infrared divergent quark-antiquark interaction kernel on other Green functions
Going beyond the propagators of Landau gauge Yang-Mills theory
Including four-gluon interactions into Landau / maximally-Abelian gauge Dyson-Schwinger studies
Glueballs in Landau Gauge Yang-Mills theory from Dyson-Schwinger equations
Meson Spectrum, Glueball Mass and QCD Effective Coupling within Infrared Confinement
Effective spin models from the Yang-Mills action
Effective potential for Polyakov loops in SU(2) and SU(3) lattice gauge theory
Lattice BRST without Neuberger 0/0 problem
Temporal Wilson loop in the Hamiltonian approach in Coulomb gauge
Hamiltonian Dyson-Schwinger Equations of QCD
QCD in terms of gauge-invariant dynamical variables
Lifting the Gribov ambiguity in Yang-Mills theories
The Quark-Gluon Vertex in Landau gauge QCD
Another look at the Landau-gauge gluon and ghost propagators at low momentum
Lattice Coulomb propagators, effective energy and confinement
The effective gluon mass and its dynamical equation
Wilson chiral perturbation theory, Wilson-Dirac operator eigenvalues and clover improvement
Center Vortices and Topological Charge
Local Chirality and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
Chiral restoration of the momentum space quark propagator through Dirac low-mode truncation
Lattice QCD study of confinement and chiral symmetry breaking with Dirac-mode expansion
Quantum measurements and chiral magnetic effect
On electromagnetic superconductivity of QCD vacuum in very strong magnetic field
Numerical study of the effect of electromagnetic interactions on the phase structure of monolayer graphene
Topological and magnetic properties of the QCD vacuum probed by overlap fermions
Dilaton vs Higgs: Nearly Conformal theory with confinement-like pattern
From stretched horizon to observables of gluon plasma
Section B: Light Quarks |
Hadronic contributions to the muon g-2 in lattice QCD
The role of vector meson dominance and running masses in the hadronic contributions to the muon g-2
Nucleon Compton scattering in the Dyson-Schwinger approach
The sigma meson and its components in a functional approach
Unquenching the infrared sector of QCD
Baryon Resonances in Photoproduction Experiments
Nucleon Structure Overview
Nucleon structure from Lattice QCD
Definition and log resummation of TMDPDF
Lattice QCD investigation of nucleon transverse momentum-dependent parton distributions
alpha_s from tau decays
Gap and Bethe-Salpeter equations in Coulomb gauge
New results from the lattice on the theoretical inputs to the hadronic tau decay determination V_us
Delta and Omega electromagnetic form factors in a covariant three-body approach
Hadron mass effects in power corrections to Event Shapes
Nonperturbative results on the quark-gluon vertex
Scalar Mesons at BESIII
Hadron Spectroscopy in COMPASS
The Search for Exotic Mesons in $\eta\pi^-$ from Photoproduction with CLAS
Double Regge exchange phenomenology at Compass and Clas12
Scalar mesons and tetraquarks by means of lattice QCD
Chiral dynamics in the mixed-regime
Contribution of the charm quark to the \Delta I=1/2 rule
Determination of SU(2) ChPT LECs from 2+1 flavor staggered lattice simulations
The electromagnetic form factor of the pion in two-flavour lattice QCD
Neutral Pion Decays into Two Photons from Lattice QCD
A puzzle of the pi-gamma transition form factor - resolved?
A first prediction of the electromagnetic rare decays eta'\rightarrow pi0gammagamma and eta'\rightarrow etagammagamma
Dispersion relations for the S, P, D and F pi-pi amplitudes. Precise determination of the f0(600) and f0(980) parameters via dispersive analysis of the pi-pi data
Mesons in perturbative and non-perturbative regions of QCD
Decays of the pseudoscalar glueball into scalar and pseudoscalar mesons
ChiPT tests at NA62
Studies on Pion Dynamics at COMPASS
Factorization of leading chiral logarithms in the pion form factors
Low energy analysis of $\pi N$ scattering and the sigma term with Covariant Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory
1/Nc - Chiral Perturbation Theory in the One-Baryon Sector
The GlueX Experiment: Search for Gluonic Excitations via Photoproduction at Jefferson Lab
Symmetries of hadrons and confinement after restoration of the chiral symmetry
Static properties of light baryons in different large-N limits
A closer look to the H dibaryon
Correlation lengths of nonperturbative stochastic Yang-Mills fields
AdS/QCD, Light-Front Holography, and Color Confinement
Section C: Heavy Quarks |
Production and spectroscopy of heavy flavor and quarkonia with the ATLAS detector
J/psi production in NLO NRQCD: A global analysis of yield and polarization
Order-v^4 relativistic corrections to gluon fragmentation into spin triplet S-wave quarkonium
Recent BESIII results in charmonium physics
Some recent progresses on understanding double-quarkonium production at B factories
Endpoint Logarithms in e+e-\rightarrow J/psi + eta_c
Radiative decays of charmonia on the lattice
Electric dipole transitions in pNRQCD
Nonrelativistic effective field theory for meson-loop effects in heavy quarkonia
Excited heavy-quark states and the heavy quark expansion
Lorentz invariance in heavy particle effective theories
Excited D and Ds meson spectroscopy from lattice QCD
Omega_bbb excited-state spectroscopy from lattice QCD
Charmed Baryon Spectroscopy on the lattice
Charmed Deuteron and Nuclei
Lattice calculations of D_s to eta(') decay form factors
SU(4)-flavor symmetry breaking in hadron-hadron couplings
Semileptonic B decays
$b\to c$ semileptonic decay of triply heavy baryons and $c\to s,d$ semileptonic decays of ground-state $cb$ baryons
SuperB project : physics potential and project status
Radiative improvement of the lattice NRQCD action with application to hyperfine splittings
Studies on X(4260) and X(4660) particles
Excited meson spectroscopy and scattering from lattice QCD
Spectrum of heavy and light mesons from a unified covariant treatment of hyperfine splitting.
Too many $X's$, $Y's$ and $Z's$?
Exotic and non-exotic ccbar spectroscopy at PANDA
Recent Belle results in quarkonium physics
Observation of etab(2S) in Upsilon(2S)\rightarrow gamma etab(2S), etab(2S)\rightarrow hadrons, and Confirmation of etab(1S)
Inclusive tau lepton decay: the effects due to hadronization
Heavy quark spin structure in Z_b resonances
Recent results from QCD sum rule analyses based on the maximum entropy method
Determination of alpha_s from the QCD static energy
Compelling evidence of renormalons in QCD from high order perturbative expansions
The Symmetries of the Three Heavy Quark Bound State and the Singlet Static Energy
Relativistic corrections to the quark-antiquark potential from the effective string theory
A new determination of the mass of the c quark from non-analytic reconstruction
Towards a fully controlled lattice computation of m_c/m_s and m_c
Bottom mass from nonrelativistic sum rules at NNLL
Section D: Deconfinement |
Decade of hydrodynamics - what have we learnt?
Anisotropic flow measurement with ALICE at the LHC
Dissipative hydrodynamic evolution of hot quark matter at finite baryon density
Influence of Jets on Anisotropic Flow in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
High-pT processes measured with ALICE at the LHC
Quark and Gluon jet identification in pp collisions at LHC energies
Jet Tomography as a Probe of Fluctuating Initial Conditions and Jet-Medium Coupling in Heavy-Ion Collisions
Gauge invariant definition of the jet quenching parameter \hat{q}
The deconfinement phase transition in the Hamiltonian approach to Yang–Mills theory in Coulomb gauge
Effective gluon potential and Yang-Mills thermodynamics
Confinement from Correlation Functions
Center-symmetric effective theory for two-color QCD at high and moderate temperature
Thermalization in collisions of large nuclei at high energies
Parton's Energy Loss in Unstable Plasmas
Longitudinal thermalization via the chromo-Weibel instability
Gluon saturation and final states
Photonuclear vector meson production in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions studied by the ALICE experiment at the LHC
Hadronic resonances in heavy ion collisions
Measurement of light flavor hadrons and anti-nuclei with ALICE
Highlights on particle production in Pb-Pb collisions from the ALICE experiment
Lattice QCD results of the electrical conductivity and thermal dilepton rate in the QGP
Two-flavour lattice QCD correlation functions in the deconfinement transition region
QCD bulk thermodynamics and conserved charge fluctuations with HISQ fermions
Lattice QCD thermodynamics: from staggered to overlap
Quark number susceptibilities at intermediate coupling
Pion masses and chiral scalar susceptibilities at finite temperature in SU(2) ChPT
Bulk and scalar spectral densities in weakly and strongly coupled Yang-Mills theory
The QCD transition in external magnetic fields
Magnetic susceptibility of the QCD condensate at zero and at finite temperature from the lattice
Electrical conductivity of quark matter at finite T
Thermal modifcation of bottomonium spectral functions from QCD sum rules with the maximum entropy method
A renewed look at eta' in medium
Center Phase Transition from Fundamentally Charged Matter Propagators
Characterization of the pure-glue phase transition in QCD : Inclusion of the 2-body interactions thanks to the T-matrix formalism.
Overview on heavy flavour measurements in lead-lead collisions at CERN-LHC
Heavy Flavor and Quarkonium Production at RHIC and the LHC
Heavy quarkonium dissociation at finite temperature with effective field theories
The Beam Energy Scan at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
Directed flow measurement in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
Energy dependence of identified hadron spectra and event-by-event fluctuations in p+p interactions from NA61/SHINE at the CERN SPS
Identified hadron multiplicity fluctuations at the CERN SPS
Heavy-ion physics at high-intensity frontier: the CBM experiment
Heavy-flavor measurements with the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC
Measurements of inclusive J/ψ production in Pb-Pb collisions at \sqrt s_{NN} = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE experiment
Bottomonium from lattice nonrelativistic QCD as a probe of the QGP
Ultraviolet divergences in the cyclic Wilson loop and their renormalization
Thermodynamics and transport coefficients from QCD correlation functions
QCD thermodynamics of effective models with an improved Polyakov-loop potential
Polyakov loop and QCD thermodynamics from the Landau gauge gluon and ghost propagators
Physics Prospects at FAIR
Hot and cold QCD at finite density from an effective lattice theory
A Non-AdS/CFT bound on eta/s
Upsilon suppression in heavy-ion collisions at LHC energies
Anisotropic hydrodynamics - basic concepts
A condensed matter approach at the femtometer scale
Heavy ion results from the ATLAS experiment
Section E: QCD and New Physics |
Review of Recent Theoretical Developments in Higgs Physics
Hadronic top quark pair production: precision calculations
Search for resonances in top anti-top pairs with the ATLAS detector
PDF uncertainties at large x and gauge boson production
Searches for 4th generation and vector-like quarks with the ATLAS detector
The Proton Radius Puzzle - A Challenge To All Of Us
Probing non-standard charged current interactions: from beta decays to the LHC
Hadronic Light-by-Light Scattering and Muon g-2
The role of vector meson dominance and running masses in the hadronic contributions to the muon g-2
Model independent analysis of proton structure for hydrogenic bound states
Dispersion gamma-Z correction to parity-violating electron scattering
Non-perturbative QCD effects in $\eta_b$ decays into baryons and WIMP scattering off nuclei
Universal behavior in the scattering of heavy, weakly interacting dark matter on nuclear targets
Measurement of the strong coupling alpha_s from the three-jet rate in e+e- -annihilation using JADE data
Electric Dipole Moment of the Neutron
Reevaluation of Neutron Electric Dipole Moment with QCD Sum Rules
EDMs of the nucleon and light nuclei in Chiral Effective Theory
Precision tools in hadron physics for Dalitz plot studies
Flavour physics from lattice QCD
Heavy flavored probes of new physics with the ATLAS detector
High precision measurement of the form factors of the semileptonic decays K+-\rightarrow pi0 l+- nu (Kl3) in NA48
Testing the SM in B\rightarrow D tau nu decay with minimal theory input
Section F: Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics |
Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering and Large Nc QCD
The Nucleon-Nucleon Cross Section At Large Nc
Thermal production rate of non relativistic Majorana neutrinos with an effective field theory framework
Nonlocal PNJL models and quark matter in compact stars
Inhomogeneous condensates in the parity doublet model
Two solar-mass compact stars: structure, composition, and cooling
Nuclear physics from first principles: a status report
Neutron rich hypernuclei in chiral soliton model
High precision mass measurements of hypernuclei - achievements and perspectives
Constraints on the quark matter equation of state from astrophysical observations
Quark Superfluidity in the two-fluid formalism
Polarization in low-density neutron matter
R-mode spindown of young pulsars
The Hottest Superfluid and Superconductor in the Universe: Discovery and Nuclear Physics Implications
Trapped phonons
Section G: Strongly Coupled Theories |
Chiral magnetic effect and holography
Inverse magnetic catalysis in dense matter
Anomalous AVV vertex function in the soft-wall holographic model of QCD
Holography, chiral Lagrangian and form factor relations
Transport in Anisotropic Superfluids: A Holographic Description
Holographic Superfluidity from a Magnetic Field
Effects of electron-electron interactions in suspended graphene
Applications of Holography to Strongly Coupled Plasmas
Conformal or confining -- results from lattice gauge theory for higher-representation gauge theories
Carving Out the Space of Conformal Field Theories
Solving Conformal Field Theories with Bootstrap
Phases of many flavors QCD: lattice results
Signals for Strong Dynamics at the LHC
Constraining the Higgs boson mass: a non-perturbative lattice study
Confinement in large N gauge theories
Meson spectrum in large N QCD
Conformality in many-flavor strongly coupled lattice QCD
Electroweak symmetry breaking by strongly-coupled dynamics: an effective field theory approach
Poster Session |
Soft wall model with arbitrary intercept
The non-perturbative BRST quartet mechanism in Landau gauge QCD: Ghost-gluon and ghost-quark bound states
Perspectives of the Study of Charmonium and Exotics in Experiments Using Antiproton Beam with Momentum Ranging from 1 to 15 GeV/c
On the continuum limit of Landau gauge gluon and ghost propagators in SU(2) lattice gauge gluodynamics
Precision tests of the $J/\psi$ from full lattice QCD: mass, leptonic width and radiative decay rate to $\eta_c$
Hadron electromagnetic form factors in time-like region
A decompostion for SU(2) Yang-Mills fields
Interaction between vortices in CFL phase
Two-flavor Color Superconductivity at Finite Temperature, Chemical Potential and in The Presence of Strong Magnetic Fields
$D^*N$ and $B^*N$ molecules: the $\Lambda_c(2940)^+$ and the possible existence of the $\Lambda_b(6248)^+$
Running of the 3P0 strength in heavy meson strong decays
Exotic hadron holography from anomalous dimensions
The Lambda parameter and strange quark mass in two-flavor QCD
Brief report on the extended Linear Sigma Model
Large order behavior of Wilson loops from NSPT
Chiral Superfluidity for the Heavy Ion Collisions
Strange and charm meson masses from twisted mass lattice QCD
Effective strange quark (antiquark) masses from the chiral soliton model for exotic baryons
Quantized Multiskyrmions as Possible Nuclear Bound States of Antikaons
In search of the box anomaly by studying the decay eta\rightarrow pi+pi-gamma
Pseudoscalar-Meson Form Factors: A Fresh Look by QCD Sum Rules
Witten parameter in pure gauge SU(2) theory
Heavy quarkonium production in the Regge limit of QCD: from Tevatron to LHC
Upsilon suppression in PbPb collisions at LHC energies
Mass dependence of the deconfinement and chiral restoration critical temperatures in nonlocal SU(2) PNJL models
Excited state systematics in extracting nucleon electromagnetic form factors from the lattice
Chiral Vortical Effect in Superfluid
Lattice study of the gluon plasma in the center vortex picture
Moving Heavy Quarks and Mesons at Finite Chemical Potential in Gauge/Gravity Duality
Status of $\psi (3686)$, $\psi (4040)$, $\psi (4160)$, $Y (4260)$, $\psi (4415)$ and $X (4630)$ charmonia like states
Lattice caclulation of neutron and proton EDM in full QCD
b-jet production via Reggeized gluon fusion at Tevatron and LHC
Landau gauge fixing on the lattice using GPU's
The QCD Phase Transition at finite Isospin
Thermal modifications of the heavy axial vector mesons properties
Definitions of a static SU(2) color triplet potential
Search for Physics Beyond the Standard Model with the ATLAS detector