28 August - 1 September 2022
Belgrade, Serbia
published October 02, 2023
Entries on ADS

The BPU 11 Congress is part of the series of the triennial general conference of the Balkan Physical Union which was firstly organized in 1991. 

The Congress was held in a hybrid format (onsite/online) with more than 470 participants, with about 310 present on site.

The scientific program was comprised out of 15 different scientific sections, 12 plenary lectures, numerous invited talks, a special FRONTIER session, 5 round tables and 2 workshops for teachers.

The accepted and published papers give a good insight in the current scientific work and production in the Balkans, with some indications on cooperation with partners from Europe and other parts of the world.

The BPU11 Congress would not have been made possible without the great support of 10 institutional co-organizers - Serbian Faculties, Universities, Institutes and other institutions from Belgrade, Nis, Novi Sad, Kragujevac and Kosovska Mitrovica. 

The Congress as well as its parallel and satellite events are internationally advertised and financially supported by: EPS Mulhouse, CEI and ICTP Trieste, CERN Geneva, as well as EPJ and SEENET-MTP for the sponsorship for the best poster awards at the BPU11.

Finally we would like to thank the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and the Provincial Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific Research, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, for the valued financial support.

Editorial Board:
Antun Balaž, Goran Djordjević, Jugoslav Karamarković, Nenad Lazarević

Tehnical editor:
Milan Milošević

Editors for Scientific Sections: 
1. Igor Čeliković 
2. Vladimir Srećković 
3. Marko Vojinović 
4. Igor Savić 
5. Marjan Ćirković, Lidija Živković
6. Nenad Vukmirović 
7. Milutin Stepić 
8. Suzana Stamenković 
9. Igor Franović 
10. Lazar Lazić
11. Ana Umićević 
12. Marija Mitrović Dankulov 
13. Borislava Petrović 
14. Dejan Djokić
15. Marina Lekić


conference main image
Plenary talks
S01-NPNE Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Energy
S02-AA Astronomy and Astrophysics
S03-GC Gravitation and Cosmology
S04-AMP Atomic and Molecular Physics
S05-HEP High Energy Physics (Particles and Fields)
S06-CMPSP Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Physics
S07-OP Optics and Photonics
S08-PGDP Plasma and Gas-Discharge Physics
S09-TMCP Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
S10-MG Meteorology and Geophysics
S11-EPASE Environmental Physics – Alternative Sources of Energy
S12-PSSAP Physics of Socioeconomic Systems and Applied Physics
S13-BMP Biophysics and Medical Physics
S14-PEHPP Physics Education, History and Philosophy of Physics
S15-MI Metrology and Instrumentation
A. Balaž, G.S. Djordjević, J. Karamarković and N. Lazarević
Plenary talks
Structures of networks and application to models of disease spreading
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P. Argyrakis
THz waves generated by laser-plasma interactions
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L. Bergé
Verification of quantum technologies
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B. Dakić
The Nobel Prizes awarded to Marie Curie and the one not awarded to Lise Meitner
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K. Grandin
LISA: A gravitational wave observatory in space
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P. Jetzer
Promising research results on a few potential applications of non-thermal plasma
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M. Magureanu
Quantum-Orbit Theory in Strong-Laser-Field Physics
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D. Milosevic
HEP: current perspectives and future challenges
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P. Sphicas
Nature-inspired novel nanomaterials for multifunctional applications
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I. Tiginyanu
Quantitative Scanning-Free Confocal Microscopy with Single-Molecule Sensitivity and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging for the Study of Fast Dynamic Processes in Live Cells
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V. Vukojevic, S.N. Nikolic, A.J. Krmpot, S. Oasa, A.H.A. Clayton, L. Terenius, M.R. Belić and R. Rigler
Quantum Simulation and Computation with Neutral Atoms
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V. Vuletić
Quantum gravity predictions for particle physics and cosmology
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C. Wetterich
S01-NPNE Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Energy
Applications of Geant4 simulation methods in studies of nuclear processes
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D. Joković
Neutron-Gamma Emission Tomography for radioactive waste characterization and nuclear security
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B. Cederwall, V. Peters, A. Puranen and J. Vasiljevic
An alternative approach within the CDFM for studies of nuclear symmetry energy components and their ratio
M. Gaidarov, A.N. Antonov, I.C. Danchev, E. Moya de Guerra, P. Sarriguren and D.N. Kadrev
ASTECV2.2b and SUNSET uncertainty and sensitivity analyses on IVMR WWER1000 Test Case
R. Gencheva, A. Stefanova and P. Groudev
Neutral current quasielastic (anti)neutrino scattering beyond the Fermi gas model at MiniBooNE and BNL kinematics
M. Ivanov, A. Antonov, M. Barbaro, C. Giusti, A. Meucci, J. Caballero, R. Gonzalez-Jimenez, E. Moya de Guerra and J. Udias
Characterization of thermoluminescence properties of eye glasses for applications in retrospective / accidental dosimetry
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M. Karampiperi and N.A. Kazakis
Lifetime measurements in Zn, Ga and Ge isotopes around N=40
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T. Milanović, I. Čeliković, C. Michelagnoli, G. de France, A. Boso, T. Braunroth, E. Clement, A. Dewald, G. Georgiev, E. Ideguchi, B. Jacot, W. Crolas, D. Napoli, N. Lalović, K.Y. Lee, A. Lemasson, H. Li, J. Ljungvall, A. Navin, A. Nori, R. Perez-Vidal, M. Rejmund, P. Ujić, D. Wilmsen, Y. Yamamoto and M. Zielinska
Determination of Radioactivity in Soil Samples and Evaluation of Excess Lifetime Cancer Risk in Albania
E. Spahiu, I. Bërdufi and M. Shyti
Anisotropy of the QGP droplet explored through high $p_{\perp}$ data
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S. Stojku, J. Auvinen, L. Zivkovic, P. Huovinen and M. Djordjevic
HPGe detector characterisation by means of Monte Carlo simulation through application of Geant4 toolkit
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M. Travar, J. Nikolov, N. Todorovic, A. Vranicar, D. Jokovic, I. Celikovic, T. Milanovic, P. Völgyesi, D. Gergely, P. Kirchknopf and K. Soós
Seasonal Measurements of Indoor Radon Concentration Level in the Period of Summer at Technical College of Applied Sciences in Zrenjanin
I. Borjanovic, A. Rajić and Ž. Eremić
Simultaneous Deposited Energy and Interaction Position Determination in Monolithic Scintillators
S. Ivanov, S. Ivanov, V. Kozhuharov and S. Lalkovski
Radiation dosimetry applications based on silicate minerals extracted from dried oregano
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M. Karampiperi, S. Theologitis and N.A. Kazakis
Determination of 226Ra and 222Rn content in thermomineral water and assessment of radiation risk
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J. Knezevic Radic, S. Forkapic, K. Bikit, D. Mrdja, D. Velimirovic, J. Hansman, P. Kuzmanovic and I. Bikit
Radioactivity Measurements of Ceramic Tiles Produced in Serbia
J. Knezevic Radic, P. Kuzmanovic, S. Forkapic, I. Celikovic, D. Mrđa, K. Bikit and J. Hansman
Thermoluminescence study on materials used in restorative dentistry for personal dosimetry applications
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P. Taiganidis, I.K. Sfampa, L. Malletzidou, P.G. Konstantinidis, E. Kontonasaki and G. Kitis
Cosmic-ray induced background of shielded HPGe detector
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D. Velimirovic, D. Mrdja, J. Hansman, J. Knezevic Radic, K. Bikit, S. Forkapic and I. Bikit
S02-AA Astronomy and Astrophysics
Diffusive Shock Acceleration of Cosmic Rays - Quasi-thermal and Non-thermal Particle Distributions
New Technologies and HI Mapping Results from CRAFTS
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M. Krco
Updated BBN cosmological constraints on Beyond Standard Model physics
D. Kirilova, M. Panayotova and E. Chizhov
The new 1.5-meter robotic telescope for the Rozhen Observatory
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E. Semkov
Wavelet Analysis of the Near-Surface Air Temperature, Cloudiness and Precipitation in Bulgaria
G. Shirov, T. Tsvetkov, A. Karakhanyan and N. Petrov
Flares of Solar Cycle 24 Related to Active Regions
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T. Tsvetkov, D. Zhdanov, N. Petrov and L.K. Kashapova
Variability of massive stars in IC342 galaxy
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A. Valcheva, N. Tikhonov, O. Galazutdinova, O. Sholukhova and P. Nedialkov
Lightcurve analysis on asteroids from NAO Rozhen observations in 2021
V.B. Elena, G. Apostolovska, A. Kostov and Z. Donchev
Polarization of the Daytime Sky
Y. Zinkova, T. Tsvetkov, N. Petrov and R. Zlatev
Lightcurve Analysis of Asteroids at the Astronomical Station Vidojevica for the first half of 2022
G. Apostolovska, N. Todorović and E. Vchkova Bebekovska
Characteristic Emission of Star-Forming High Redshift Galaxies: Testing the IR Template
J. Bogdanoska and D. Burgarella
Flux densities and spectral indices of Relaxed Double radio galaxy 3C 84
V. Borka Jovanovic, D. Borka and P. Jovanovic
Milankovitch cycles, eighty years later
G. Jovanovic
S03-GC Gravitation and Cosmology
Theoretical and experimental challenges in quantum gravity phenomenology
J.M. Carmona
The Hubble Tension
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D. Huterer
Thin-Shell wormhole in gravity coupled with nonlinear electrodynamics
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Z. Amirabi and S.H. Mazharimousavi
Hidden Symmetries, Rapid Turns and Cosmic Acceleration
L. Anguelova
Infrared behavior in tame hyperbolizable two-field models
E.M. Babalic and C.I. Lazaroiu
Nonlocal Gravity Model and its Cosmological Solutions
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I. Dimitrijević
Spontaneously broken scale-invariant nonlinear electrodynamics and thin shell wormholes
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S.H. Mazharimousavi and Z. Amirabi
Analytical Quasinormal modes of charged fermions in Einstein-Born-Infeld dilaton black hole spacetime
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İ. Sakallı
Nonlocal de Sitter Gravity
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J. Stankovic, B. Dragovich, I. Dimitrijević and Z. Rakic
On some analytical solutions of inflationary models with DBI tachyon field
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M. Stojanovic, G.S. Djordjević, M. Milošević and D.D. Dimitrijević
Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Nambu Brackets and Induced Hessians
V. Avramov, H. Dimov, M. Radomirov, R. Rashkov and T. Vetsov
An analysis of oscillations in fuzzy dark matter cores
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M. Indjin, I.K.G. Liu, N.P. Proukakis and G. Rigopoulos
On DBI Lagrangian Dynamics and its Mechanical and Cosmological Realization
D. Delibašić, G.S. Djordjević and M. Popović
Family of Gauge Invariant Variables for Scalar Perturbations During Inflation
N. Vesić, D.D. Dimitrijević, G.S. Djordjević, M. Milošević and M. Stojanovic
S04-AMP Atomic and Molecular Physics
Quantum Computing Challenges for Transition Dynamics in Atomic and Molecular Systems
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P.S. Krstic
Experimental Quantum Control with the IBM Quantum Computers
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N. Vitanov
Tribological Properties of Selected Vanadium Oxide Stoichiometries Studied with Reactive Molecular Dynamics
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M. Dašić, I. Ponomarev, P. Nicolini and T. Polcar
NS super-excited molecular states in the collision of electrons with NS+ cation
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F.I. Iacob, Z. Mezei, I. Schneider4, J. Tennyson and T. Meltzer
Compound-state model for non-sequential double ionization
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N. Simonović
Energy dependence of $\mu^-$ transfer rate to Oxygen
D. Bakalov, P. Danev and M. Stoilov
Finite difference method calculations of three-particle energy spectra
P. Danev, H. Tonchev, Z. Stoyanov, Y. Mutafchieva and M. Stoilov
Muonium formation in collisions of positively charged muons with hydrogen and helium atoms
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N. Milojević, I. Mančev, D. Delibašić and M. Milenković
Shannon Entropy for Ground State of Harmonium in Spherically Confined Plasma
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M. Simić, L. Stevanović, N. Filipović, V. Pavlović and N. Andrejić
Extrapolation Properties of the Morse/Long-Range Potential
A. Sinanaj and A. Pashov
Drift velocity of the electron transport in RF elelectromagnetic field in $N_2$ gas
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V. Stanković, M. Vojnović, M. Ristić and G. Poparić
Investigation of the hyperfine structure of the $c^{3}\Sigma^{+}$ state in KRb
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V. Stoyanov and A. Pashov
S05-HEP High Energy Physics (Particles and Fields)
The Future Circular Collider at CERN
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E. Tsesmelis
Flavour anomalies and status of indirect probes of the Standard Model
V.V. Gligorov
Inclusive vector bosons results in CMS
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I. Bubanja
First Prototype of a Machine Learning Trigger Algorithm on FPGA for Micromegas detectors
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A. Chirosca, I.M. Dinu and C. Alexa
$K_S^0$ production in $\textit{p+p}$ interactions measured by NA61/SHINE
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M. Cirkovic
Analysis of the Radiation Monitoring System's Initial Data from the GEM Detectors at the CMS Experiment
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M. Hristova Misheva
The PADME experiment at LNF-INFN
V. Kozhuharov and  On behalf of the PADME Collaboration
Absolute Luminosity calibration in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}~=~$900 GeV in the ATLAS experiment
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V. Maksimovic, R. Hawkings, W. Kozanecki, F. Malek and N. Vranjes
Vector boson associated with jets in CMS
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J. Mijuskovic
Higgs to invisible searches
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V. Milosevic
Higher-order moments of the elliptic flow distribution in lead-lead collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{\mathrm{NN}}}} =$ 5.02 TeV
J. Milosevic and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Tensor interactions of dark bosons with Standard model leptons
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M. Naydenov and V. Kozhuharov
Physicochemical study of electrode aging in CSC longevity tests using eco-friendly gas mixture Ar/CO2/HFO1234ze
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A. Radulovic, A. Korytov, A. Lanaro, B. Rajcic, D. Milovanovic, G. Gavrilov, G. Mitselmakher, K. Kuznetsova, N. Begovic, P. Adzic and P. Milenovic
Shaping the quark-gluon plasma using measurements of anisotropic flow in Pb--Pb and Xe--Xe collisions with ALICE
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C. Ristea and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Systematic uncertainties in integrated luminosity measurement at CEPC
I. Smiljanić, I. Bozović Jelisavčić, G. Kacarevic, I. Vidaković and V. Reković
Value of event-by-event fluctuations and v4 puzzle for QGP tomography
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D. Zigic, J. Auvinen, I. Salom, M. Djordjevic and P. Huovinen
The CMS High Level Trigger System
M. Dordevic and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Upgrade and extensive hardware and software tests of the CMS ECAL detector for the upcoming LS3
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P. Milenovic, L. Cokic, A. Tsirou, G. Dissertori, R. Jimenez Estupinan, W. Lustermann, M. Mijic, P. Milenovic and P.G. Verdini
Robust and Non-destructive Readout Card Installation Algorithm for MicroMegas Modules Cosmic Ray Tests
M. Demichev
Measurements of rare B meson decays properties with CMS Run2 data
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T. Ivanov and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Measurement of the Higgs to γγ branching fraction at 3 TeV CLIC
G. Kacarevic, I. Bozović Jelisavčić, N. Vukasinovic, M. Radulovic and J. Stevanovic
Study of collective modes of gluon in an anisotropic thermomagnetic medium
B. Karmakar, R. Ghosh and A. Mukherjee
Research within LGAD R&D by developing scientific tools for testing the samples and performing the experiments at the European Research Infrastructures: The case of the Montenegro RD50 group
G. Lastovicka-Medin
Progress on characterization of LGAD sensors for the CMS ETL
L. Markovic and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Analysis of deposit accumulated on electrode samples in the course of CSC longevity tests using 40% Ar, 50% CO2 and 10%CF4 gas mixture
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D. Milovanovic, A. Radulovic, D. Milovanovic, A. Korytov, A. Lanaro, B. Rajcic, G. Gavrilov, G. Mitselmakher, J. Kovac, K. Kuznetsova, N. Begovic, P. Adzic and P. Milenovic
Measurement of the σ x BR(H→ZZ*) at 350 GeV and 3 TeV center-of-mass energies CLIC
G. Milutinovic Dumbelovic, I. Bozović Jelisavčić, N. Vukasinovic, G. Kacarevic, M. Radulovic and J. Stevanovic
Lattice QCD simulations using Borici - Creutz fermions
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R. Osmanaj, D. Xhako and E. Caca
Analysis of the strange particle transverse flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
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O. Ristea, C. Ristea, A. Jipa, M. Calin and T. Esanu
On the quarks transverse momenta in SIDIS experiments
M. Stoilov
Application of Multivariate Analysis in Separation of Higgs Boson Signal at future e+e- colliders
M. Radulovic, J. Stevanovic, I. Vidakovic and G. Kacarevic
Determination of the CPV Higgs mixing angle in ZZ-fusion at 1.4 TeV CLIC
N. Vukasinovic, I. Bozović Jelisavčić, G. Kacarevic, M. Radulovic and J. Stevanovic
S06-CMPSP Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Physics
Metal-coated microsphere arrays: versatile nanofabrication platforms for plasmon-enhanced optical spectroscopy
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C. Farcӑu
Domains of scaling in the three-dimensional random field Ising model
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D. Spasojevic
Transport in Strongly Correlated Systems: the Hubbard Model Perspective
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J. Vučičević
Linear dispersions in two-dimensional materials: a crystal with symmetry pbma1’ as an example
V. Damljanović and N. Lazić
Influence of the Size of Cation on the Structure and Tribological Properties of Ionic Liquids Studied with Molecular Dynamics
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M. Dašić and I. Stanković
Anomalous Josephson effect in $d_{x^2-y^2 }/F/I/F/d_{xy}$ junctions
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S. Djurdjević and Z. Popović
Raman Spectroscopy Study of magnetic Quasi-two-dimensional materials
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S. Djurdjic Mijin, A. Šolajić, A.M.M. Abeykoon, A. Milosavljević, M. Šćepanović, Y. Liu, J. Pešić, C. Petrovic, N. Lazarević and Z.V. Popović
Finite-Temperature Dynamical Properties of the Holstein Model: Hierarchical Equations of Motion Approach
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V. Jankovic and N. Vukmirović
Ab-initio calculations of the temperature-dependent band gap of inorganic halide perovskites
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M. Jocić and N. Vukmirović
The magnetothermopower of organic superconductor $\rm \kappa-(ET)_2Cu(NCS)_2$: possible charge density wave scenario
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D. Krstovska, E. Steven and E.S. Choi
Exciton-phonon effects in the spectra of microcavity polaritons
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I. Lalov and V. Ivanov
Spectral functions of the Holstein polaron: exact and approximate solutions
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P. Mitrić, V. Jankovic, N. Vukmirović and D. Tanasković
Effects of structural disorder on phonon spectra of $2H$-TaSe$_{2-x}$S$_x$ $(0\leq x \leq 2)$ single crystals
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M. Opačić, J. Blagojević, S. Djurdjic Mijin, J. Bekaert, Y. Liu, M.V. Milošević, C. Petrovic and N. Lazarević
DFT study of AlF3 intercalated in HOPG: a rechargeable battery application
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S.J. Rodriguez Sotelo, A.E. Candia, M.C.G. Passeggi (Jr.) and G. Ruano
Indium Antimonide Nanostrucutres: Synthesis and Properties
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I.M. Stanescu and D. Ungureanu (Dumitrica)
Graphene's striped moire acting as a switchman for metal adatoms
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S. Stavrić, S. del Puppo, V. Chesnyak, M. Panighel, C. Africh and M. Peressi
Exact solutions for Ising models with triplet interactions and external field
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V. Urumov
The dwell time of electron tunneling through a multi-barrier quantum structure based on graphene
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D.M. Bălțățeanu
Characterization of advanced technological material using X-ray techniques and SEM
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E. Delli, E. Pavlidou and G. Vourlias
Composite With Improved Dispersion Of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes In Liquid Crystalline Molecules
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G. Exner, Y.G. Marinov, B. Veerabhadraswamy, C. Yelamaggad, P. Rafailov, H.K. Koduru and V. Georgieva
Superconductor in a weak time-dependent magnetic field
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K. Ivanović and P. Miranovic
Terahertz Radiation from the BSCCO Single Crystal in resonance region
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K. Ivanović
Effect of Yttrium Substitution on Structural Properties of nanopowder nickel ferrites: X-Ray and Raman studies
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S. Jankov, E. Toth, M. Stojanovic, S. Skuban and Ž. Cvejić
Alternating-Basis Quantum Monte Carlo Method for Strongly Correlated Electrons
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V. Jankovic and J. Vucicevic
Magnetic Hyperthermia Potential of Colloidal Zinc-substituted Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and TiO2@Zinc Ferrite Hybrids
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N. Jović Orsini, M.M. Milić, T. Marić, D. Danilović and G.F. Goya
Experimental and computational study of heteroepitaxial thin Fe/Pt spintronic bilayers
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D. Karfaridis, E.T. Papaioannou, T. Kehagias, S. Giaremis, J. Kioseoglou and G. Vourlias
Structural and Optical properties of PEO/PVP-I blended polymer electrolyte membranes
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H.K. Koduru, G. Exner, Y.G. Marinov and N. Scaramuzza
Haldane Model and Molecular Excitons’ Spectra
I. Lalov and N. Kojouharova
Investigating the degradation effects of wall-paintings under a compartment fire protocol
L. Malletzidou, T. Zorba, K. Chrissafis, G. Vourlias and K.M. Paraskevopoulos
Semi-flexible interacting self-avoiding polygons on 3-simplex lattice
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D. Marčetić
Effect of polymer-coated gold nanoparticles on the flexoelectricity in planar thin films of pentylcyanobiphenyl (5CB) nematic liquid crystals
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Y.G. Marinov, G.B. Hadjichristov and A.G. Petrov
Mobility of Holstein polaron from real and imaginary time quantum Monte Carlo calculations
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S. Miladic and N. Vukmirović
Crystallization of sodium chlorate crystals by evaporation in a magnetic field
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M. Milojevic, B. Vučetić, M. Mitrović, A. Žekić and B. Maksimović
Midgap state in silicon carbide monolayer induced by atom adsorption
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M. Orozović, Ž. Šljivančanin and S. Stavrić
Monastery of the Ascension, Elassona, Mount Olympus, Greece: Characterization of Late Post-Byzantine Wall Paintings
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E. Patsiatzi, L. Malletzidou, T. Zorba, P. Beinas, V. Touli, K. Chrissafis, E. Pavlidou, G. Vourlias and K.M. Paraskevopoulos
Bose-Einstein condensate - Tunneling
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E. Pejić
Polymer nanocomposites filled with core-shell nanoparticles for nanodielectric application
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I. Petronijević, D. Dudić, D. Cerović, S. Maletić, F. Marinković, M. Pergal and L. Anđelković
Josephson current in d-wave superconductor junctions with inhomogeneous ferromagnet
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Z. Popović and S. Djurdjević
Towards the Discrimination between Natural and Synthetic Pigments: The Case of Ultramarine
A. Pourliaka, L. Malletzidou, T. Zorba, K.M. Paraskevopoulos, E. Pavlidou and G. Vourlias
Superconducting Quantum Interference Proximity Transistor (SQUIPT)
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T. Prtenjak
Synthesis, Structural and Electrical Properties of SWCNT Thin Film Electrodes - First Results
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M. Siljegovic, E. Toth, S. Joksović, J. Stanojev, B. Bajac and Ž. Cvejić
Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics investigation of a model ionic liquid lubricant for heavy-duty applications
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I. Stanković, I. Stanković and M. Dašić
Tubular structures of magnetic particles: platform for curvilinear nanomagnetism
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I. Stanković, I. Stanković, M. Dašić and C. Garcia
Planar surfaces of point dipoles as a platform for 2d magnetic structure research
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S.J. Rodriguez Sotelo, I. Stanković, M.C.G. Passeggi (Jr.), M.H. Aguirre and C. Garcia
Computational study of lead selenide doped with group IIIA elements
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E. Toth, M. Siljegovic, J. Stanojev, B. Bajac, S. Armakovic and Ž. Cvejić
Influence of magnetic field on the growth mechanisms of sodium chlorate crystals
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M. Milojevic, A. Žekić, B. Maksimović, B. Vučetić and M. Mitrović
Simulations of phonon-limited electron mobility in II-VI semiconductors
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N. Vukmirović
Effective field theory approach to low temperature thermodynamics of two-dimensional O(3) ferromagnets
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S. Radošević, V. Mrkajić, P. Mali, S. Gombar, M. Pantić and M. Pavkov-Hrvojević
Synthesis and characterization of nanosized ZnFe2O4 powders obtained by sonochemistry
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K. Krezhov
S07-OP Optics and Photonics
Net Heat Current at Zero Mean Temperature Gradient
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J. Ordonez-Miranda, M. Nomura, R. Anufriev and S. Volz
The Gouy phase of long-range Gauss-Bessel beams
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A. Dreischuh, L. Stoyanov, A. Stefanov and G.G. Paulus
ZnSe-based solar-blind ultraviolet photodetectors with hybrid Ag-nanowire and Ni/Au contacts
file missing
V. Sirkeli, O. Yilmazoglu, A. Hajo, N. Nedeoglo, D. Nedeoglo, S. Preu, F. Küppers and H. Hartnagel
Optical spectroscopy of BaF2:Pb2+ crystals
file missing
G. Buse, A. Racu, M. Stef, D. Susan-Resiga, R. Gaina, N. Stefu, M. Bunoiu and D. Vizman
Generation Gauss-Bessel beams with vortex phase plates at formally inadequate wavelengths
file missing
N. Dimitrov, L. Stoyanov, I. Stefanov, A. Dreischuh and G.G. Paulus
Еvaluation of Thermophysical Properties of Semiconductors by Photoacoustic Phase Neural Network
K. Djordjevic, S. Galović, M. Jordovic-Pavlović, D. Markushev, D. Markushev, M. Nešić and M. Popović
Compact localized modes in Dice lattice dressed by artificial flux
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A. Mančić, M. Stojanovic, A. Maluckov and M. Stepić
Experimental Study of Microhardness and Wettability of Hard Multilayer Coatings of CR-39 Spectacle Lenses
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G. Mihova, A. Andreeva and N. Zografov
Control of group index in two level system by Kerr nonlinearity
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M. Perić, L. Stevanović, N. Andrejić, N. Filipović and V. Pavlović
Existence and dynamics of eigenmodes in linear flux dressed two-dimensional plus lattice
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M. Stepić, A. Maluckov, A. Mančić and M. Stojanovic
Experimental demonstration of coherent beam recombination after controllable beam break-up and filamentation by using optical vortex lattices
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L. Stoyanov, L. Stoyanov, A. Dreischuh and G.G. Paulus
S08-PGDP Plasma and Gas-Discharge Physics
Electroerosion - a complex phenomenon of a physical-chemical nature
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P. Topala, A. Ojegov, D. Guzgan, N. Pinzaru, V. Besliu and V. Rusnac
Experimental study of Ne II spectral lines shapes in the cathode sheath of an abnormal glow discharge
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N. Ivanović, N. Nedić, N. Konjevic, D. Spasojević and I. Videnović
Determination Of The Temperature Distribution In The Cathode Sheath Region Of Hydrogen Glow Discharge Using R-Branches Of Fulcher-$\alpha$ Band
M. Vasiljevic, G. Majstorovic and D. Spasojevic
Influence of air and water vapor on OH radical’s production in atmospheric pressure low temperature helium plasmas: investigation by global model
Ž. Mladenović and S. Gocić
Stark shifts dependence on the upper level ionization potential and the rest core charge of the emitter within 3s-np transition arrays
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M. Scepanovic
S09-TMCP Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics
Fractional calculus in modelling hereditariness and nonlocality in transmission lines
D. Zorica, S.M. Cvetićanin and M.R. Rapaić
Coupled discrete solitonic equations of additive Bogoyavlensky and the periodic reduction
C.N. Babalic
A weighted particle scheme for solving the Enskog-Vlasov equation in spherical geometry
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S. Busuioc
Waves and bifurcations in describing the proliferation of the brain tumors
R. Constantinescu, A.M. Pauna and M.M. Poenaru
Dynamics of Entropy Production in Open Quantum Systems
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A. Isar and T. Mihaescu
The Role of Size and Shape in the Stability of the Quantum Brownian Rotator
I. Petrović, J. Jeknić-Dugić, M. Dugić, M. Arsenijević and S. Gocić
Steering witnesses for Gaussian quantum states
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T. Mihaescu, H. Kampermann, A. Isar and D. Bruss
Studying the robustness of quantum random walk search on Hypercube against phase errors in the traversing coin by semi-empirical methods
H. Tonchev and P. Danev
A Parallelized Soft for Lattice QCD Simulations
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D. Xhako, N. Hyka, R. Zeqirllari and E. Caca
A new nonholonomic problem: spherical ball bearings
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B. Gajić
S10-MG Meteorology and Geophysics
Physical processes of desert dust in the atmosphere
S. Solomos
Studying the Natural and Anthropogenic Factors of Climate Change
file missing
E. Batchvarova, Y. Chapanov, N. Kilifarska, K. Georgieva, V. Alexandrov, D. Barantiev and T. Velichkova
Probability seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) for East Macedonian Seismic zone
L. Jovanov, K. Drogreshka and J. Najdovska
A preliminary analysis regarding the impact of rainfall erosivity on arable irrigated and non-irrigated lands in Romania
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B. Kobulniczky
A Correct Parameter for Climate Change Estimation
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S. Mijović
Response of geomagnetic field related to atmospheric composition
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K. Peqini and N. Kilifarska
Long term analyses of extreme daily precipitation in Tirana
T. Porja
Evaluation of low-cost air quality measuring devices - Klimerko
file missing
N. Aleksandrov, D. Savic, V. Djurdjevic, I. Lazic and M. Tosic
Investigation of Dst variations in X component at mid-latitudes during three geomagnetic storms on February 2022
R. Bojilova and P. Mukhtarov
Tsunami Numerical Modelling in the Eastern Ionian Sea
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L. Dimova and R. Raykova
Determination of the maximal expected magnitude of the main neotectonic zones in North Macedonia
K. Drogreshka, L. Jovanov and J. Najdovska
Spatial distribution of the magnetic disturbances at European midlatitudes during substorms: case study
V. Guineva, R. Werner, R. Bojilova, A. Atanassov, L. Raykova and D. Valev
A case study of high PM concentration despite the low anthropogenic pollution in March 2020 during the first COVID-19 lockdown in Sofia
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N. Kolev, E. Batchvarova, M. Kolarova and P. Savov
Verification of EBU-POM regional climate model using E-OBS and ERA5-Land dataset over Pannonian Basin
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I. Lazic, V. Djurdjevic, M. Tosic, N. Aleksandrov and D. Savic
Seasonal distribution of lightning over Bulgaria and Black Sea and its relationship with sea surface temperature
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R. Mitzeva, S. Petrova, V. Kotroni and E. Peneva
Advanced Broadband DIAL Sounder of Methane
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S. Penchev, V. Pencheva and T. Dreischuh
Preliminary results on the multifractal nature of the main geomagnetic field
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K. Peqini, D. Prenga and R. Osmanaj
Autumn - diurnal variation of lightning over Black Sea and Bulgaria
S. Petrova and R. Mitzeva
Three decades of heat waves and extreme precipitation in Tirana
T. Porja and L. Nunaj
Evolution in the Semantics of the Term ‘Climate’
N.P. Takuchev
The evaluation of vulnerability to extreme climate events over Balkan Peninsula using modified Climate Extremes Index
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M. Tosic, N. Aleksandrov, V. Djurdjevic, I. Lazic and D. Savic
S11-EPASE Environmental Physics – Alternative Sources of Energy
Mineral Dust Single Scattering Albedo and Radiative Effects Based on DREAM Model
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M. Kuzmanoski, L. Ilić and S. Ničković
Pollen phenology distributions and modeled concentrations in Thessaloniki, Greece
S. Papadogiannaki, S. Kontos, D. Parliari and D. Melas
Solar Water and Air Heating Systems: Technical Aspects, Their Current and Future State
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D. Halili, U. Buzra and D. Mitrushi
Lidar Investigation and Mapping of Aerosol Loadings above Sofia, Bulgaria
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T. Dreischuh, A. Deleva, L. Vulkova, I. Grigorov and Z. Peshev
Characterization by AERONET Sun Photometer of Aerosol Events with High Aerosol Optical Depth and Ångström Exponent over Sofia, Bulgaria
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T. Evgenieva, L. Gurdev, E. Toncheva and T. Dreischuh
Coastal vs continental heatwave-induced mortality: the Piraeus and Athens cases
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S. Geronikolou and S. Tsitomeneas
Tailoring the photocatalytic properties of anatase $TiO_2$ by B - $TM$ ($TM$ = Pt, Ta, V) co-doping
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V.N. Ivanovski, J. Belošević-Čavor, V. Koteski and A. Umićević
Critical overview of renewable energy resources in Albania: Potentials, technologies and costs
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D. Mitrushi, D. Mitrushi, D. Halili and U. Buzra
The assessment of the tilt angle for optimal solar energy utilization, case southern Albania
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D. Mitrushi, D. Mitrushi, B. Urim and V. Muda
Development of a Monitoring and Forecasting Air Quality Modelling System
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S. Papadogiannaki, D. Melas, N. Liora, S. Kontos, D. Parliari, S. Cheristanidis, A. Poupkou, T. Kassandros, E. Bagkis and K. Karatzas
Developing an integrated Urban Heat Island Forecasting and Heat Health Warning System for selected Mediterranean urban areas
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D. Parliari, D. Melas, S. Keppas, S. Kontos, S. Papadogiannaki, T. Natsis, F. de’Donato, G. Casasanta and S. Argentini
Study of Zn electrode active mass with added cuprates ceramic by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
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O. Petkov, A. Stoyanova-Ivanova, E. Lefterova, Y.G. Marinov, G. Ivanova, G.B. Hadjichristov and A. Stoyanova
Formation of Copper Selenide synthesized by Mechanical Alloying
V. Pavlidis, I. Karagiannis, N. Sidiropoulos, A. Teknetzi, L. Malletzidou, F. Stergioudi, N. Michailidis, G. Vourlias and D. Stathokostopoulos
Synthesis and Characterization of Al-doped nanostructured Mg2Si and Ag2Se by Pack Cementation and Ball Milling Processes
N. Sidiropoulos, I. Karagiannis, V. Pavlidis, A. Teknetzi, L. Malletzidou, F. Stergioudi, N. Michailidis, G. Vourlias and D. Stathokostopoulos
Seperation, characterization and identification of microplastics collected from the Axios river in Greece
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E. Tarani, N.M. Ainali, D. Kalaronis, D.A. Lambropoulou, D.N. Bikiaris, G. Vourlias and K. Chrissafis
Optimal design of hybrid PV-Wind-Battery systems for supply of microgrids
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D. Halili
S12-PSSAP Physics of Socioeconomic Systems and Applied Physics
The role of self-organized criticality in social dynamics
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B. Tadic
Porous semiconductor compounds: characterization and applications
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M. Eduard
Physical parameters of chocolate with the addition of Arthrospira platensis
G. Gavrailov, I. Pehlivanov, G. Gentscheva, K. Nikolova, I. Milkova-Tomova, D. Kovacheva and V. Andonova
Structure of transmission paths induced by stratified simplicial communities embedded in complex networks
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S. Maletić and M. Andjelković
The role of trust in sustainability of knowledge-sharing social groups: the case of Stack Exchange Q&A communities
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A. Tomašević, A. Vranić, A. Alorić and M. Mitrović Dankulov
Competitive Influence Diffusion Through Social Networks
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M. Ifti and K. Nikaj
Direct Conversion Of Ionizing Radiation Into Electrical Energy Using PIN Diodes
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S. Ilić, M. Andjelković, M. Carvajal, M. Sarajlić, S. Stanković, D. Vasiljević-Radović and G. Ristić
Mechanical Analysis of Dollar Index Trend
D. Malivuk Gak and Z. Rajilic
Universal patterns of social group growth: a statistical physics approach
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M. Mitrović Dankulov, A. Vranić and J. Smiljanić
The influence of UV-C LED on the colonies of three different species of microorganisms
A. Softic and D. Husejnagic
Synthesis and characterization of titanium boride coatings fabricated by selective electron-beam surface alloying
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S. Valkov, F. Padikova, M. Ormanova, G. Kotlarski and D. Nedeva
Topology of evolving networks: the role of growth signals
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A. Vranić and M. Mitrović Dankulov
S13-BMP Biophysics and Medical Physics
Bioflexoelectricity: a Physical Motor of the Living Cell
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A.G. Petrov
Non-supervised algorithms for Raman spectral decomposition in the in-vitro study of oxide nanoparticles effects on human cells
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S. Aškrabić and M. Miletić
Advantages of hadron therapy in the treatment of cancer compared to other radiotherapy modalities with the example of Montenegro
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M. Kuzmanović, M. Šćepanović and S. Mijović
LGAD enabling technology for 4D tracking and timing measurements in experiments with ions, accelerators and for medical applications
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G. Lastovicka-Medin
Self-Association of Antimicrobial Peptides in Mono- and Multicomponent Solutions: a Computational Study
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E. Lilkova, P. Petkov, R. Marinova, L. Litov and N. Ilieva
The SEEIIST project
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L. Litov
Phase Plane Rotation as Variance Reduction Method in Monte Carlo Simulations of Axial-Symmetric Radiation Sources
S. Pecic, L. Kurij and M. Vićić
Evaluation of the influence of some polymers on the physical stability of lipid self-double-emulsifying systems with Alendronate Sodium
I. Pehlivanov, K. Nikolova and V. Andonova
Determination of spatial resolution of nonlinear laser scanning microscopy
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M. Bukumira, A. Dencevski, J. Jelic, A.J. Krmpot, A. Senkic, A. Supina, M. Rabasovic, N. Vujicic and S. Nikolic
Thermal behavior of blood plasma isolated from children with leukemia. A DSC study
B. Antonova, K. Batchvarov, Y. Dimitrov, B. Tenchov, B. Avramova, M. Yordanova and D. Konstantinov
Surface electrical properties of model membrane structures in the presence of neurotransmitters
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V. Doltchinkova, R. Nikolov, V. Vitkova and Y. Dikova
Modulation of membrane electrokinetic properties by semiconductor nanoparticles
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V. Doltchinkova and R. Nikolov
Membrane-protein biophysical interactions: Electrokinetic and light scattering studies in the presence of polylysine and wheat germ agglutinin in model membranes
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V. Doltchinkova, E. Sotirovska and Y. Dikova
Polarimetric characterization of collagenosis tissue samples
S. Ilyov, T. Genova, A. Gizbrecht and P. Troyanova
Lipid content changes in cancerous and non-cancerous cells induced by ZnO nanoparticles: Raman spectroscopy approach
file missing
M. Miletić, S. Aškrabić, A. Vilotić, M. Jovanović Krivokuća, L. Korićanac, J. Žakula and Z. Dohčević-Mitrović
Pigmented skin lesions assessment with OCT
V. Mircheva, N. Penkov, A. Zhelyazkova, P. Troyanova and T. Genova
Effect of Melittin on the Human Erythrocyte and Rat Liver Mitochondrial Membranes
file missing
O. Petkov, V. Doltchinkova, R. Nikolov, M. Shkodrova, A. Stoyanova-Ivanova and V. Vitkova
Support vector machine for evaluation of autofluorescence cancer diagnostic parameters
file missing
L. Zaharieva, T. Genova, A. Zhelyazkova, E. Borisova, N. Penkov and B. Vladimirov
Comparison of Co-60 and Ir-192 in brachytherapy treatment planning
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D. Mitrushi
Dosimetric evaluation of radiation bundles without flat filter in linear accelerators used in radiotherapy
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D. Mitrushi
S14-PEHPP Physics Education, History and Philosophy of Physics
Everlasting educational reforms on the road to quality and permanent knowledge or…
L. Barandovski, V. Zoroska and A. Gacovska-Barandovska
Students’ interpretation of graphs in physics and mathematics
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B.K. Blajvaz and D.B. Bogosavljević
How to Increase High School Students’ Motivation to Learn Magnetic Phenomena
P. Dhoqina, S. Mico and A. Begotaraj
The Use of Natural Light for Educational Purposes in the Formation of Natural Scientific Literacy of Students in Primary School
R. Draganova-Hristova and S. Iordanova
From Students’ Misconceptions to Reasoning: Lessons Learned from Physics Education Research
O. Gkioka
Computer-assisted school experiments as a method for improvement of students’ knowledge in mechanics and atomic/molecular physics in secondary school
F. Kunis, K. Ilchev, M. Stoyanova, V. Dimova, T. Genova-Atanasova, A. Markovski and C. Andreeva
On the voltage measurements in the presence of varying magnetic fields
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S. Mico, S. Mico and S. Boci
The Balkan Physics Olympiad – a little piece of history
S. Popescu, R. Constantinescu, D.D. Dimitrijević, G.S. Djordjević, K. Vourlias and M. Zhekova
Image of an engineer among the primary school students
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I.M. Stanescu and C. Minciuna
Achievements of Gymnasium Students in Montenegro on Electric Circuit Test
M. Vuceljic, M. Scepanovic and N. Sarovic
Design & Development of teaching materials for Introducing Wetting Models in Science Club
E. Arvanitou, M. Tsaousidi and E. Hatzikraniotis
Representation of history of science in teaching physics: Students’ knowledge about physics scientists
file missing
M. Čavić, M. Beljin-Čavić, M. Stojanovic and I. Bogdanović
Inquiry Based Learning Approach in Teaching “Phase Transitions” for Experimental Skills Formation in Nearly 16 Years Old Students
D.D. Ivanova and R. Zhelyazka
Teaching Activities for the Super-hydrophobicity and Adhesion Observed in Rose Petals due to their Hierarchical Structure
I. Kalantzis and E. Hatzikraniotis
The way we teach: The cases of backward pedagogy, through prototyping and aiming for the societal benefits
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G. Lastovicka-Medin
Work with motivated and gifted students in physics in RCT “Mihajlo Pupin” from Pancevo – a review of the last 15 years
N.D. Lazarov, D.A. Cucić, L. Janković, V. Radovanović, D. Zečević, D. Cvjetić, A. Cucić, B. Žarkov and V. Stanoevski
International Physics Olympiads as effective resources of knowledge source for high school students
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S. Manolev, Z. Zavirovska and V. Belcovski
Scattering and absorption of light by aerosol particles: a research-based teaching approach
S. Mico and G. Malollari
Teaching learning sequence for the introduction of superhydrophobicity in secondary education
L. Pelekas and E. Hatzikraniotis
Educational reconstruction to design and implement a video on climate change
L. Pelekas and H. Polatoglou
Realization problems in the Individualized Educational Plan of physics teaching in elementary schools in Serbia
J. Popović and L. Kostić
Some challenges for teachers in natural sciences in the context of distance learning during the Covid 19 pandemic
file missing
Z. Raykova, D. Karagyozova-Dilkova, S. Petrova, K. Vitlarov, K. Katsarova and D. Dimova
Wetting and Roughness of Surfaces As Biomimetic Concepts in Teaching – A Proposal for Science Clubs
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M. Stefanis, E. Tsirigoti and E. Hatzikraniotis
Introduction of the virtual lab in Physics class
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E. Ovannisian, E. Ovannisian and P. Dimitsakis
S15-MI Metrology and Instrumentation
Thermal radiation measurements in biophotonics
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D.V. Pantelić, B. Salatić and D. Pavlović
System for monitoring and acquisition of physical processes dynamics: the decomposition of CaCO3 tablets in deionized water
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I. Petronijević, Š. Djordje, N. Potkonjak and Z. Nikolić
Thermal Monitoring for Condition Based Maintenance of an X-ray Generator
P. Petkov, A. Zyapkov, N. Veselinov, K. Genkov, D. Todorov and N. Zografov
Challenges in supersymmetric cosmology
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I. Antoniadis
On the nature of optical rogue waves
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M.R. Belić, S.N. Nikolić, O. Ashour and N.B. Aleksić
Quantum Gravity and the Swampland
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E. Dudas
Time dependent problems in superconductivity - some recent advances
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P. Miranovic