Lattice 2006, the XXIV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, was held from July 23-28, 2006 at the Starr Pass Hotel near Tucson, Arizona, USA, hosted by the University of Arizona Physics Department. The scientific program contained 25 plenary session talks and 193 parallel session contributions (talks and posters).
Topics in lattice QCD included: hadron spectroscopy; hadronic interactions and structure; algorithms, machines, and networks; chiral symmetry; QCD confinement and topology; quark masses, gauge couplings, and renormalization; electroweak decays and mixing; high temperature and density; and theoretical developments.
Topics beyond QCD included large Nc, Higgs, SUSY, gravity, and strings.
Editorial Board
Tom Blum, Michael Creutz, Carleton DeTar, Frithjof Karsch, Andreas
Kronfeld, Colin Morningstar (chairman), David
Richards, Junko Shigemitsu, Doug Toussaint
Preface |
Plenary |
Progress in kaon physics on the lattice
Algorithms for dynamical overlap fermions
The sign problem in the epsilon-regime of QCD
Twisted mass QCD for weak matrix elements
Status Report on ILDG activities
Light dynamical fermions on the lattice: toward the chiral regime of QCD
D-branes and coherent topological charge structure in QCD
Strong correlations in hot QCD
Heavy flavor physics from lattice QCD
QCD phase diagram: an overview
Rooted staggered fermions: good, bad or ugly?
Lattice field theory methods in modern biophysics
Pushing lattice QCD to the edge: flavor physics
Search for gluonic excitations in light unconventional mesons
Recent lattice QCD results on nucleon structure
Lattice QCD at finite density
Towards a quantitative understanding of the Delta I=1/2 rule
The Rational Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm
Hot QCD and warm dark matter
QCD physics beyond the standard model and LHC searches
The search for the fundamental QCD string in anti de Sitter space
Color superconductivity in ultra-dense quark matter
Recent progress in finite temperature lattice QCD
Advances and applications of lattice supersymmetry
The one-flavor quark condensate and related problems
Algorithms, Machines, and Networks |
Trends in computer technologies
Lattice simulation on graphics cards
2+1 flavor lattice QCD with Luscher's Domain-Decomposed HMC algorithm
Trajectory length and autocorrelation times: Nf=2 simulations in the Schrodinger functional
An application of the UV-filtering preconditioner to the Polynomial Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm
QCD simulations using polynomial-filtered multiple-time-scale molecular dynamics HMC
Dynamical overlap fermion simulations with a preconditioned Hybrid Monte Carlo force
Improvement of algorithms for dynamical overlap fermions
Multi-step stochastic correction in dynamical fermion updating algorithms
Status and physics plan of the PACS-CS Project
Progress in building the International Lattice Data Grid
Reweighting method in finite density lattice QCD
Morphological boundary detection for cluster analysis and HEP data classification
Simulations of clover fermions at light quark masses
Beyond QCD: Large N, Higgs, SUSY, Gravity, Strings |
String tensions of SU(N) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions
Strong to weak coupling transitions of SU(N) gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions
The spectrum of SU(N) gauge theories at nonzero theta
About orientifold planar equivalence on the lattice
On the phase structure of a chiral invariant Higgs-Yukawa model
Overlap fermion in external gravity
Double hairpin diagrams and the planar equivalence of N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and one-flavor QCD
Chiral Symmetry |
Zero mode topology with dynamical overlap fermions
Coherent lattice QCD
Simulation of lattice gauge action from the overlap operator
Large statistics study of QCD topological charge distribution
Chiral lattice gauge theories from warped domain walls and Ginsparg-Wilson fermions
The method of gap domain-wall fermions
Exploration of hybrid fermion formulations
Ginsparg-Wilson meson scattering on a staggered sea
JLQCD's dynamical overlap project
Mobility edge and locality of the overlap-Dirac operator with and without dynamical overlap fermions
Dynamical overlap fermions in the epsilon-regime
Improved staggered eigenvalues and epsilon regime universality in SU(2)
Dynamical overlap fermion at fixed topology
Confinement and Topology |
Critical exponents for U(1) lattice gauge theory at finite temperature
Exploring the infrared Landau gauge propagators using large asymmetric lattices
Lattice study of the infrared behavior of QCD Green's functions in Landau gauge
The QCD vacuum probed by overlap fermions
Z(2)-symmetric center vortex model with a first-order deconfinement transition
Dual superconductivity in G2 group
Abelian dominance in local unitary gauges and without gauge-fixing in pure SU(2) QCD
Quark confinement and gauge invariant monopoles in SU(2) YM
String tension scaling in models of the confined phase
Broadening of the confining flux tube joining higher-representation sources
Infrared divergence of the color-Coulomb self-energy in Coulomb gauge QCD
RG decimation study of SU(2) gauge theory
Gluon mass generation and infrared Abelian dominance in Yang-Mills theory
Monopole condensation in two-flavour Adjoint QCD
The Z(2) gauge model revisited: as a possible testbed for the confinement and chiral symmetry phase transition of SU(2) lattice gauge theory
Full QCD in external chromomagnetic field
Quantum fluctuations of k-strings: A case study.
Exploring residual gauge symmetry breaking
Electroweak Decays and Mixing |
Kaon B-parameters for generic Delta S=2 four-quark operators in quenched domain wall QCD
B_K on 2+1 flavor Iwasaki DWF lattices
Light meson masses and non-perturbative renormalisation in 2+1 flavour domain wall QCD
Matrix elements and diquark correlations in quenched QCD with overlap fermions.
Mixing kaons with mixed action chiral perturbation theory
Bs mixing parameters in Nf=2+1 full QCD
Unitarity and the heavy quark expansion in the determination of semileptonic form factors
B meson decays from moving NRQCD on fine MILC lattices
The $B\rightarrow D^* \ell \nu$ form factor from lattice QCD
Charm physics with highly improved staggered quarks
Quenched penguins, the Delta I=1/2 rule, and epsilon prime/epsilon
Preliminary analysis of $K\rightarrow \pi \pi$ with 2+1 flavor DWF lattices on QCDOC
Calculation of Delta I = 3/2 kaon weak matrix elements including two-pion interaction effects in finite volume
$K\rightarrow \pi \ell \nu$ form factor with $N_f = 2+1$ dynamical domain wall fermions
SU(3) breaking effects in hyperon beta decay from lattice QCD
Lambda-bar, lambda_1, and Mb in three-flavor lattice QCD
Mb and fBs from a combination of HQET and QCD
Leptonic widths of heavy quarkonia: QCD/NRQCD matching for the electromagnetic current at O(alpha_s v^2)
A study of the Bs-Bs-bar mass and width difference in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
The form factors for the rare decay $B\rightarrow K \ell^+ \ell^-$ from three-flavor lattice QCD
B_K in unquenched QCD using improved staggered fermions
The decay constants f_B+ and f_D+ from three-flavor lattice QCD
Update on study of Kl3 form factors with dynamical domain wall quarks
Hadronic Interactions and Structure |
Nucleon form factors: probing the chiral limit
The N to Delta axial transition form factors in quenched and unquenched QCD
Electromagnetic and spin polarisabilities in lattice QCD
Nucleon structure in the chiral regime with domain wall fermions on an improved staggered sea
Transverse spin densities from lattice QCD
Nucleon structure in lattice QCD with dynamical domain-wall fermions quarks
First and second moments of the strange parton distribution from Lattice QCD
Distribution amplitudes of pseudoscalar mesons
The first moment of the Kaon distribution amplitude from Nf=2+1 Domain Wall Fermions
Energies and radial distributions of Bs mesons - the effect of hypercubic blocking
Baryon correlators containing different diquarks from lattice simulations
Vector meson electromagnetic form factors
Hadron form factors using density-density correlators
Calculation of Neutron EDM in quenched and full QCD
Neutron electric dipole moment from quenched overlap fermions
Nuclear Force from Lattice QCD
Two-photon decay widths in charmonia
Rho meson decay from the lattice
Strangeness magnetic moment from the stochastic estimator
Investigation of the overlap of excited bottomonium states with hybrid operators
Operator product expansion on the lattice: analytic Wilson coefficients
Light quark electromagnetic structure of baryons
High Temperature and Density |
Towards the QCD phase diagram
Searching for the elusive critical endpoint at finite temperature and isospin density
Quark number susceptibility of high temperature QCD
Exploring the chiral singularities of two color QCD at strong coupling
Why (staggered fermions)^{1/4} fail at finite density
Topology, chiral and Polyakov loop transitions at finite density in two-colour QCD
Confining properties of two-color QCD at finite density
Partially quenched QCD with a chemical potential
Avoiding the boson sign problem at finite chemical potential
The nature of QCD transition
Chiral transition in two-flavour QCD: an update
Analysis of the finite temperature transition for three flavor QCD using p4-improved staggered fermions
Finite temperature phase transition of two-flavor QCD with an improved Wilson quark action
QCD thermodynamics with Nf=2+1 near the continuum limit at realistic quark masses
Singlet free energies and renormalized Polyakov loop in full QCD
Charmonium spectral functions in Nf=2 QCD at high temperature
Spectral functions at non-zero momentum in hot QCD
Towards the continuum limit of screening lengths with chiral fermions
Renormalization of infrared contributions to the QCD pressure
Static quark free energies at finite temperature with two flavors of improved Wilson quarks
Quark propagators at finite temperature with the clover action
The QCD equation of state with asqtad staggered fermions
Field theoretic study of a cold Fermi gas in the unitary limit
Baryonic matter in the lattice Gross-Neveu model
Effects of the anomaly on the QCD chiral phase transition
Non-equilibrium signals of the SU(3) deconfining phase transition
Dynamical simulations of QCD at finite temperature with a truncated perfect action
Equation of state for two-flavor QCD with an improved Wilson quark action at non-zero chemical potential
Twisted mass QCD thermodynamics: first results on apeNEXT
Analytical continuation from imaginary to real chemical potential in two-color QCD under scrutiny
Quark Masses, Gauge Couplings, and Renormalization |
Testing UV-filtered ("fat link") clover fermions
Simulating at realistic quark masses: light quark masses
Renormalization constants for lattice QCD: new results from Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory
Non-perturbative scale evolution of four-fermion operators in two-flavour QCD
Improving the gluon condensate in three-dimensionnal Yang-Mills theory
Improving perturbation theory with cactus diagrams
An improved action for heavy quarks
One-loop renormalisation of lattice QCD operators for non-forward matrix elements: from clover to overlap fermions
2-loop additive mass renormalization with clover fermions and Symanzik improved gluons
Update on the physics of light pseudoscalar mesons
Spectroscopy |
Orbital and radial excitations of static-light mesons
Bs and Bc mesons in lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry
Heavy baryon mass spectrum from lattice QCD with 2+1 flavors
Improvement of quark propagator estimation through domain decomposition
Light baryon spectrum using improved interpolating operators
Hadron spectrum with domain-wall valence quarks on an improved staggered sea.
Strong isospin breaking contribution to the neutron-proton mass difference
The isospin breaking effect on baryons with Nf=2 domain wall fermions
Improved heavy quark action
Spectrum of radial, orbital and gluonic excitations of charmonium
Update on onium masses with three flavors of dynamical quarks
Study of unquenching effects on heavy-heavy meson masses and decay constants
An estimate of the eta and eta-prime meson masses in Nf=2+1 lattice QCD
2+1 flavor light hadron spectrum and quark masses with the O(a) improved Wilson-clover quark formalism
Simulating at realistic quark masses: pseudoscalar decay constants and chiral logarithms
Excited mesons from Nf=2 dynamical clover Wilson lattices
Production and properties of 2+1 flavor DWF ensembles
Baryon spectrum in 2+1 flavour domain wall QCD from QCDOC
Exploratory study of the Ds spectrum in 2+1 domain wall QCD with heavy overlap
Charmed spectroscopy from a nonperturbatively determined relativistic heavy quark action in full QCD
The static quark potential for dynamical domain wall fermion simulations
Chiral extrapolations in 2+1 flavor domain wall fermion simulations
Exotic and higher spin mesons in charmonium region
Mass spectrum of 1-+ exotic mesons using the Maximum Entropy Method
First results in QCD with 2+1 light flavors using the fixed-point action
Spectroscopy from canonical partition functions
Chiral forms and three-flavor operators for staggered baryons
Taste breaking effects in scalar meson correlators
Pseudoscalar flavor-singlets and staggered fermions
The spectrum of charmonium-like vector mesons in lattice QCD
Precision spectroscopy in light isovector, isoscalar and hybrid mesons
Automatic O(a) improvement for twisted-mass QCD
Towards large scale simulations with N_f=2 fully twisted mass fermions
First results with two light flavours of maximally twisted mass
The spectrum of tmLQCD with quark and link smearing
Pion spectrum using improved staggered fermions
2+1 flavor QCD contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment
Hybrid charmonium from lattice QCD
The effect of reduced spatial symmetries on lattice states: results for non-zero linear momentum
Toward group theory operators for tmLQCD hadrons
Overlap fermions on a twisted mass sea
Theoretical Developments |
New developments in 2D supersymmetric lattice theories
Gross-Neveu model as a laboratory for fermion discretization
An effectively chiral Yukawa model on a lattice
Nonzero chemical potential in the overlap Dirac operator and comparison to random matrix theory
Definition and parametrization of non-perturbative effects in quenched QCD
Regularizing QCD with staggered fermions and the fourth root trick
The rooted staggered determinant in the Schwinger model
The chiral condensate on two-flavor staggered configurations from an overlap operator
Mass splitting of staggered fermions and SO(2D) Clifford algebra
Pion physics in two flavor strong coupling lattice QED
Diseases with rooted staggered quarks
Phase diagram of the three dimensional Thirring model - A Monte Carlo study