This is the 7th Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries, DISCRETE 2020-2021, the latest of the DISCRETE conference series (for information on previous years see: DISCRETE 2008, DISCRETE 2010, DISCRETE 2012, DISCRETE 2014, DISCRETE 2016, DISCRETE 2018), which this year will take place in Bergen.
Sessions |
Plenary session |
Parallel sessions Monday |
Parallel sessions Tuesday |
Parallel sessions Thursday |
Plenary session |
Challenges in supersymmetric cosmology
Quantum correlations in neutrino oscillations
Vector-like Quarks
Underground tests of Quantum Mechanics at Gran Sasso
The muon magnetic moment: a precision test shaking the Standard Model
The flavour puzzle as a vacuum problem
CP violation in non-leptonic B decays as a portal to New Physics
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) at CERN
A natural mechanism for a SM-like Higgs boson in the 2HDM without decoupling
Dark matter searches at future $e^+ e^-$ linear colliders
On the large-field equivalence between Starobinsky and Higgs inflation in gravity and supergravity
Going beyond the Standard paradigm of Cosmology: Torsion, gravitational anomalies and inflation without inflaton fields
MoEDAL, MAPP and future endeavours
B-$\bar{\rm B}$ mixing: decay matrix at high precision
Fermion mass hierarchies from residual modular symmetries
Higgs-Sector Predictions from Maximally Symmetric multi-Higgs Doublet Models
Parallel sessions Monday |
Inflaton Dark Matter
CPT violation and neutrino oscillation experiments
Belle II experiment: status and prospects
Lepton $g-2$ anomalies in general flavour conserving two Higgs doublets models
Diagonal reflection symmetries and universal four-zero texture
Horizontal Symmetry and Large Neutrino Magnetic Moments
Anomalies, CPT and Leptogenesis
Parity from SO(7, 1) and SO(7, 7) gauge symmetries
A model for cobimaximal neutrino mixing
Parallel sessions Tuesday |
CP-violation studies of hyperon-antihyperon pairs with BESIII
Probing the nature of electroweak symmetry breaking with Higgs boson pair-production at ATLAS
Measurements of multi-boson production including vector-boson scattering at ATLAS
Measurement of CP violation in ${B_s^0}$ decays at CMS
Neutrino phenomenology in NMSSM with $\mathbb{D}_{4}$ flavor symmetry
New measurement of radiative decays at the NA62 Experiment at CERN: $K_{e3\gamma}$
Search for $K^+$ decays to a lepton and invisible particles
Lepton Flavour Violation with the MEG-II Experiment
Two dark matter candidates in three-Higgs-doublet models with $S_3$ symmetry
Models with (broken) $Z_2$ symmetries
Light scalars in the Weinberg 3HDM potential with spontaneous CP violation
Model-independent test of T violation in neutrino oscillations
Parallel sessions Thursday |
Search for lepton number and flavour violation in $K^+$ and $\pi^0$ decays
Status of the $K_L^0 \to \pi^0 \nu \overline{\nu}$ Search at the KOTO Experiment
Measurement of the very rare $K^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar\nu$ decay
Tests of Lepton Flavour Universality and searches for Lepton Flavour Violation at LHCb
Anatomy of a top-down approach to discrete and modular flavor symmetry
A common origin of CKM and PMNS phases within 2HDM
Extending the Reach of Leptophilic Boson Searches at DUNE with Bremsstrahlung and Resonant Production
Pulsed Production of Antihydrogen in AEgIS
Cutting rules on a cylinder and simplified diagrammatic approach to $CP$ violation in quantum kinetic theory
Long-lived highly charged particles at Run 3 and High Luminosity LHC
Spontaneous dark matter stability from a fermiophobic U(1)' gauge symmetry
The limits of the strong CP problem
Design, Status and Physics Potential of JUNO