For nearly 30 years, the LATTICE meeting has provided researchers from around the world with an annual forum at which to discuss a wide variety of aspects generally concerning the study of relativistic quantum fields regulated on a spacetime lattice. While very important to the theoretical understanding of quantum fields in its own right, the lattice formulation also makes possible the study of gauged and other quantum field theories by computers. Thus computational simulations of quantum field theories (QFT) provides a rich arena for the advancement of theoretical physics.
The mission of the LATTICE meeting is:
Plenary Sessions |
Determination of alpha_s from lattice QCD
Topological insulators, superconductors and their connections to lattice gauge theory
Large-N volume independence, conformality and confinement
Holography and colliding gravitational shock waves
Asymptotic Safety and Lattice Quantum Gravity.
Flavor blindness and patterns of flavor sym. breaking in 3-flavor simulations
Large extra dimensions and lattices
Signals in the TeV era and the Lattice
Exploring Models for New Physics on the Lattice
SU(3) gauge theory with sextet fermions
QCD at Nonzero Temperature and Density
Connecting the Lattice Points : What Lattice QCD Calculations can tell us about the Quark Gluon Plasma
Fluctuations, correlations: from lattice QCD to heavy ion collisions
Looking for U(1)_A in Hot QCD Matter with Domain-Wall Fermions
GPUs for the Lattice
Hadron interactions
Listening to Noise
Flavor Physics in the LHC era: the role of the lattice
Standard Model Flavor physics on the Lattice
Lattice QCD with Classical and Quantum Electrodynamics
Progress on Excited Hadrons in Lattice QCD
Nonperturbative QCD corrections to electroweak observables
Reweighting in the quark mass
Direct and Indirect Kaon Physics Directly Below KT-22: A Lattice 2011 Review
Low Energy Particle Physics and Chiral Extrapolations
Algorithms and Machines |
Application of Quadrature Methods for Re-Weighting in Lattice QCD
A CG method for multiple right hand sides and multiple shifts in lattice QCD calculations
A method for resummation of perturbative expansions based on the stochastic solution of Schwinger-Dyson equations
Multigrid Algorithms for Domain-Wall Fermions
Status of the AuroraScience Project
Accurate error bounds and estimates for the sign function
Progress on the QUDA code suite
Interface tension of 3d 4-states Potts model using the Wang-Landau algorithm
Adaptive Algebraic Multigrid in QCD computations
Finite Volume Effects in B_K with improved staggered fermions
Fermions as global correction in lattice QCD
QCD calculations with optical lattices?
Determinant reweighting for O(a) improved Wilson fermions
Modified Block BiCGSTAB for Lattice QCD
Automated LQCD code generation for future architectures
LatticeQCD using OpenCL
APEnet+ project status
Aggregation-based Multilevel Methods for Lattice QCD
The scaling of the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm
Data analysis using the Gnu R system for statistical computation
Symmetric Partitioned Runge-Kutta Methods for Differential Equations on Lie-Groups
Accelerating QDP++ using GPUs
Improving DWF Simulations: Force Gradient Integrator and the Mobius Accelerated DWF Solver
Applications beyond the Standard Model |
KMI project on many flavor QCD with N_f=12 and 16
Chiral symmetry restoration in monolayer graphene induced by Kekule distortion
Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory: a first step towards the continuum
Hybrid Monte Carlo simulation on the graphene hexagonal lattice
The generalized fermion-bag approach
Exploring the Phase Diagram for Lattice Quantum Gravity
Gauge theories with fermions in the two-index symmetric representation
RG flows in 3D scalar field theory.
The unitary Fermi gas at finite temperature: momentum distribution and contact.
Infrared conformality and lattice simulations
Numerical results regarding the sign problem in 2 dimensional Supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories with 4 and 16 supercharges
MCRG study of 12 fundamental flavors with mixed fundamental-adjoint gauge action
Lattice QCD with 12 Degenerate Quark Flavors
Exploring the conformal window: SU(2) gauge theory on the lattice
Systematic Errors of the MCRG Method
Lattice study of 4d ${\\cal N}=1$ super Yang-Mills theory with dynamical overlap gluino
Dimensional reduction from five-dimensional gauge theories
Preliminary study of two-dimensional SU(N) Yang-Mills theory with adjoint matter with Hybrid Monte Carlo approach
Large-N reduction in QCD with two adjoint Dirac fermions
Twelve fundamental and two sextet fermion flavors
Strongly coupled Graphene on the Lattice
Study of the Higgs-Yukawa Theory at the Strong-Yukawa Regime
Lattice simulations of SU(3) gauge theory with ten flavors of Dirac fermions
The Higgs mass, bound states, and gauge invariance
Sign problem for supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories on the lattice
Anomalous scaling in the random-force-driven Burgers equation: A Monte Carlo study
KMI (Nagoya) project; Many flavor QCD as exploration of the walking behavior with approximate IR fixed point
The Infrared behavior of SU(3) Nf=12 gauge theory -about the existence of conformal fixed point-
Study of the infrared behavior in SU(2) gauge theory with eight flavors
On the spectrum of many-flavor QCD
Finite volume effects in SU(2) with two adjoint fermions
Scalar mass corrections from compact extra dimensions on the lattice
S parameter and parity doubling below the conformal window
Running coupling from gluon exchange in the Schrodinger functional
The chiral phase transition for QCD with sextet quarks
Perturbative lattice artefacts in the SF coupling for technicolor-inspired models
Fermion RG blocking transformations and conformal windows
Lattice Study of the Extent of the Conformal Window in Two-Color Yang-Mills Theory
The Lattice Mean-Field Approximation of Gauge-Higgs Unification on the Orbifold
Exploring the Phase Diagram for Lattice Quantum Gravity
Thermodynamic Study for Conformal Phase in Large Nf Gauge Theory
QCD Phase Diagram in Strong Coupling Lattice QCD with Polyakov Loops
Chiral Symmetry |
Determination of the Wilson ChPT low energy constant c2
Chiral Properties of the Pseudoscalar Meson in Two Flavors QCD
Hard pion chiral perturbation theory
Gell Mann Oakes Renner relation for multiple chiral symmetries.
Topological susceptibility with Wilson fermions
Spectral Flow and Index Theorem for Staggered Fermions
Chiral interpolation in a finite volume
Topological susceptibility and chiral condensate with $N_f=2+1+1$ dynamical flavors of maximally twisted mass fermions.
Low-lying Dirac operator eigenvalues, lattice effects and random matrix theory
Topological fluctuations in Two flavors Lattice QCD
Non-Goldstone pion masses with NLO in Staggered Chiral Perturbation Theory
Index Theorem and Overlap Formalism with Naive and Minimally Doubled Fermions
Staggered chiral perturbation theory fits to light pseudoscalar masses and decay constants from HISQ ensembles
Aoki Phases in Staggered-Wilson Fermions
Light quarks correlators in a mixed action setup
Chiral random matrix theory for staggered fermions
Effects of the low lying Dirac modes on the spectrum of ground state mesons
Symmetries and vacuum structure inside the Aoki phase
Progress on the Microscopic Spectrum of the Dirac Operator for QCD with Wilson Fermions
Evidence for chiral logarithms in the baryon spectrum
Hadron Spectroscopy |
Cutoff effects of heavy quark vacuum polarization at one-loop order.
Charm baryon spectroscopy
Lattice study on glueballs in J/psi radiative decays
B and bottomonium physics from lattice QCD including c quarks in the sea
Excited meson spectroscopy with two chirally improved quarks
Group-theoretical construction of finite-momentum and multi-particle operators for lattice hadron spectroscopy
The eta' meson with staggered fermions
Radiative improvement of the lattice NRQCD action using the background field method and application to the hyperfine splitting of quarkonium states
Potentials between pairs of static-light mesons
Bound H-dibaryon from Full QCD Simulation on the Lattice
Rho meson decay width from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
Interquark potential for the charmonium system with almost physical quark masses
Nucleon Mass Spectrum in Full QCD
The 1405MeV Lambda Resonance in Full-QCD
Charmed meson spectroscopy on the lattice
Excited-state hadron masses using the stochastic LapH method
Charm quark system on the physical point in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
Rho Resonance on the Lattice
Spectra of heavy-light and heavy-heavy mesons containing charm quarks, including higher spin states for N_f = 2+1 configurations
Systematic errors in partially-quenched QCD plus QED lattice simulations
Decay of the rho and a1 mesons on the lattice using distillation
Charmonium spectroscopy from an anisotropic lattice study
SU(2) chiral perturbation theory low-energy constants from staggered 2+1 flavor simulations
Excited light isoscalar mesons from lattice QCD
1+1+1 flavor QCD+QED simulation at the physical point
Scale setting via the Omega baryon mass
Excited state baryon spectroscopy from lattice QCD
Bound state of two-nucleon systems in quenched lattice QCD
Masses of eta, eta' Mesons from 2+1+1 Twisted Mass Lattice QCD
Hadron Structure |
An improved method for extracting matrix elements from lattice three-point functions
Medium effects in parton distributions
Excited state Effects in Nucleon Matrix Element Calculations
Three-Nucleon Forces explored by Lattice QCD Simulations
Nucleon scalar matrix elements with N_f=2+1+1 twisted mass fermions
Exploration of the electric spin polarizability of the neutron in lattice QCD
Two-photon decays of neutral pion from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
Rising total cross sections and soft high-energy scattering on the lattice
Strange and charm quark contents of nucleon from chiral fermions
Excited state contamination in nucleon structure calculations
Nucleon sigma terms for 2+1 quark flavours
S-wave meson-baryon potentials with strangeness from Lattice QCD
Time-dependent effective Schroedinger equation for lattice nuclear potentials
Lattice Determination of the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon
DWF calculation of the leading order hadronic vacuum polarisation to g-2 of the muon.
Radiative transitions in charmonium from $N_f=2$ twisted mass lattice QCD
Quark and glue momenta and angular momentum in the nucleon
Electric polarizability with overlap fermions
Axial couplings of heavy hadrons from domain-wall lattice QCD
Baryon-Baryon Interaction of Strangeness S=-1 Sector
Nucleon structure from 2+1f dynamical DWF lattice QCD at nearly physical pion mass
Magnetic Properties of the Nucleon
Octet baryon sigma terms
Hyperon vector form factors with 2+1 flavor dynamical domain-wall fermions.
Strangeness S=-2 baryon-bayon interactions from lattice QCD
Disconnected Contibutions for nucleon 3-point functions.
An Update on Distribution Amplitudes of the Nucleon and its Parity Partner
Electric Dipole Moment of the Neutron
First moments of the nucleon generalized parton distributions from lattice QCD
Quark contribution to nucleon momentum and spin from calculations with Domain Wall fermions
First Calculation of Nuclear Parity Violation from Lattice QCD
Nucleon Form Factors - Closing in on the physical point
Nonzero Temperature and Density |
Towards an Effective Importance Sampling in Monte Carlo Simulations of a System with a Complex Action
Determination of the transition temperature T_c in 2+1 flavor QCD: combined result with the p4, asqtad and HISQ/tree actions
SU(3) Deconfining phase transition with lower boundary temperatures in the scaling region
Evading the sign problem in random matrix simulations
Thermodynamics from Twisted Mass Lattice QCD
The finite temperature phase transition from domain wall fermions
Phase diagram of QCD with two degenerate staggered quarks
Topological susceptibility and axial symmetry at finite temperature
Constraints on the two-flavor QCD phase diagram from imaginary chemical potential
Worm Algorithms for the QCD Phase Diagram with Effective Theories
Exploring phase diagram of $N_f=3$ QCD at $\mu=0$ with HISQ fermions
The finite temperature QCD transition in external magnetic fields
Quark number susceptibility at finite density and low temperature
Thermal momentum distribution from shifted boundary conditions
Inter-quark potentials from NBS amplitudes and their applications
Chiral Magnetic Effect on the domain-wall fermion
Complex Langevin dynamics: criteria for correctness
Correlations and fluctuations at finite temperature
Scaling behavior in two-flavor QCD, finite quark masses and finite volume effects
Quark localization by Polyakov loops in high temperature QCD
The QCD equation of state and the effects of the charm
Towards a non-perturbative measurement of the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient
Extended study for unitary fermions on lattice using cumulant expansion technique
Dirac Eigenvalue Spectrum at Finite Temperature Using Domain Wall Fermions
Strong coupling effective theory with heavy fermions
Electric and magnetic screening masses around the deconfinement transition
Histogram method in finite density QCD with phase quenched simulations
QCD thermodynamics with Wilson fermions
Eigenvalue distribution of the Dirac operator at finite temperature with (2+1)-flavor dynamical quarks using the HISQ action
Renormalization of Polyakov loops in different representations and the large-N limit
Corrections to the strong coupling limit of staggered QCD
Poisson statistics in the high temperature QCD Dirac spectrum
Finite density QCD phase transition in the heavy quark mass region
Complex Langevin simulation applied to chiral random matrix model at finite density
Universal critical behavior in three flavor QCD
On the phase of quark determinant in lattice QCD with finite chemical potential
Continuous Time Monte Carlo for QCD in the Strong Coupling Limit
Towards finite density QCD with Taylor expansions
Lattice QCD simulation at finite chiral chemical potential
Universality of phase diagrams in QCD and QCD-like theories
Standard Model Parameters and Renormalization |
mc/ms with Brillouin improved Wilson fermions
RI/SMOM schemes for Delta S=1 and Delta S=2 operators
Strange quark mass and Lambda parameter by the ALPHA collaboration
Renormalization constants of quark bilinears in lattice QCD with four dynamical Wilson quarks
Current-Current correlators in Twisted Mass Lattice QCD
Quark masses from Nf=2 Clover fermions - an update
Determination of Light Quark Masses
Non-perturbative renormalization for general improved staggered bilinears
The static quark self-energy at large orders from NSPT
RI-MOM scheme renormalization constants (Nf=4) and the running coupling constant (Nf=2+1+1) using twisted-Wilson quarks
Kaon bag parameter B_K at the physical mass point
Light quark masses
Lattice QCD at the physical point
NPR of K\to\pi\pi operators with a step scaling matrix
Renormalization constants for Iwasaki action
Automated lattice perturbation theory applied to HQET
Theoretical Developments |
Backward running from Creutz ratios
Supersymmetry on the lattice: Exact results for supersymmetric quantum mechanics
Dressed Wilson loops as dual condensates in response to magnetic fields
Topology and chiral perturbation theory from the Wilson Dirac spectrum
Flavor symmetry breaking in mixed-action QCD
Recent progress of lattice and non-lattice super Yang-Mills
Testing the AdS/CFT correspondence by Monte Carlo calculation of BPS and non-BPS Wilson loops in N=4 super-Yang-Mills theory
A new lattice SUSY formulation for D=N=2 Wess-Zumino model with species doublers as supermultiplet
Volume Effects in Discrete Beta Functions
Numerical study of large-N phase transition of smeared Wilson loops in 4D pure YM theory
Loop formulation of the O(N) Gross-Neveu model: results for the Thirring model
Continuous smearing of Wilson Loops.
On the spectral density of the Wilson operator
Reflection Positivity of N=1 Wess-Zumino model on the lattice with exact U(1)_R symmetry
Phase transitions in center-stabilized lattice gauge theories
Supersymmetry on the lattice: the N=1 Wess-Zumino model
Confinement in multiparton sectors of SYM_2 with adjoint fermions
Comparison of improved perturbative methods
Vacuum Structure and Confinement |
Gluonic Profile of the static baryon at finite temperature
Impact of center vortex removal on chiral symmetry breaking in SU(3) gauge field theory
Topology of dynamical lattice configurations including results from overlap fermions
Chiral Quark Dynamics and the Ramond-Ramond U(1) Gauge Field
Chiral Properties of Strong Interactions in a Magnetic Background
Vacuum Manifold Projection: a technique for calculating the effective Hamiltonian for low-energy vacuum gauge fields, using Lattice calculations
Dual Meissner effect and non-Abelian dual superconductivity in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory
Colour flux-tubes in static Pentaquark and Tetraquark systems
Fractional electric charge and quark confinement
Lattice Landau Gauges without Frontiers
Phase diagram of the G(2) Higgs model
k-string tensions and the 1/N expansion
Absolute X-distribution and self-duality
Intersections of thick Center Vortices, Dirac Eigenmodes and Fractional Topological Charge in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory
Weak Decays |
M_b and f_B from non-perturbatively renormalized HQET with Nf=2 light quarks
Extraction of |V_{us}| from the calculation of K\rightarrow pi l nu form factors with N_f=2+1 flavors of staggered quarks
EM corrections to pseudoscalar decay constants
Disconnected contributions to D-meson semi-leptonic decay form factors
Kaon semileptonic form factors in QCD with exact chiral symmetry
Continuum Results for Light Hadronic Quantities using Domain Wall Fermions with the Iwasaki and DSDR Gauge Actions
The D to K and D to pi semileptonic decay form factors from Lattice QCD
Practical methods for a direct calculation of \Delta I=1/2 K to \pi\pi Decay
Heavy-light meson semileptonic decays and precision tests of the Standard Model
Semileptonic B to D decays with 2+1 flavors
Lattice QCD calculation of isospin breaking effects due to the up-down mass difference
Studies of B and B_s Meson Leptonic Decays with NRQCD Bottom and HISQ Light/Strange Quarks
Pion and kaon decay constants and B_K from mixed-action lattice QCD
B-meson physics with dynamical domain-wall light quarks and nonperturbatively tuned relativisitc b-quarks
Radiative decay of \eta_{c2} to \gamma J/\psi
Covariance fitting of highly correlated B_K data
Long distance contribution to K_{L} K_{S} mass difference
Form factors for B to Kll semileptonic decay from three-flavor lattice QCD
D semileptonic form factors and |V_cs(d)| from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
Probing TeV scale physics via ultra cold neutron decays and calculating non-standard baryon matrix elements
Theoretical Bounds on New Four-Fermion Interactions and TeV Scale Physics
Probing TeV Physics through Lattice Neutron-Decay Matrix Elements
Neutral B mixing from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD: the Standard Model and beyond
Kaon oscillations in the Standard Model and Beyond using Nf=2+1+1 dynamical sea quarks
Computing the long-distance contribution to the kaon mixing parameter epsilon_K
Axial vector form factors in Ds to phi semileptonic decays from lattice QCD.
Semileptonic form-factor ratio f_0(B\to D)/f_0(B_s\to D_s) and its application to BR(B_s\to\mu^+\mu^-)
Delta I=3/2 K to pi-pi decays with nearly physical kinematics
Posters |
Fisher's zeros, complex RG flows and confinement in LGT models.
String tension at finite temperature Lattice QCD
Upper and lower Higgs mass bounds in the presence of a 4th generation
Efficiency on multi-core CPUs: the Wilson Dirac operator on Aurora
Critical properties of 2D Z(N) vector models for N>4
A new usesr interface for the Gauge Connection lattice data archive
Flavor-singlet Z_A from Overlap Fermions on 2+1 flavor DWF configurations
Lattice Planar QED in external magnetic field
Glueball masses from ratios of path integrals
Multi GPU Performance of Conjugate Gradient Solver with Staggered Fermions in Mixed Precision
Universal properties of 3d O(4) symmetric models: The scaling function of the free energy density and its derivatives
Partial spectrum of large hermitean matrices
Random Matrix Models for Dirac Operators at finite Lattice Spacing
SU(3) Analysis of B_K with improved staggered quarks
The 't Hooft vertex for staggered fermions and flavor-singlet mesons
The static potential with dynamical fermions from Wilson loops
Discritization error and fitting in B_K
Spin Polarizabilties on the Lattice
Nuclear forces in the odd parity sector and the LS forces
B and D meson decay constants from 2+1 flavor improved staggered simulations
The strong coupling bulk transition of twelve flavors
On the Extraction of the Strong Coupling Constant from Hadronic Tau Decay
Flux tubes in the SU(3) vacuum
MCRG study of the SU(2) pure gauge model with mixed fundamental-adjoint action
Lattice QCD with Qlua
The center magnetic vortex and its influence on physical quantities in the gluon plasma
Geometric Numerical Integration Structure-Preserving Algorithms for QCD Simulations
Investigations of QCD at non-zero isospin density
Proton decay matrix elements in 2+1 domain-wall fermion
Challenges of hadronic weak decays of B-mesons on the lattice
Renormalization factor of four fermi operators with clover fermion and Iwasaki gauge action
Exploring infrared fixed point in SU(N) gauge theories