Lattice 2010 - (other lattice conferences)
June 14-19,2010
Villasimius, Sardinia Italy
published June 06, 2011

Lattice 2010, the XXVIII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, was held from June 14-19, 2010 at the ATAHOTEL Tanka Village Resort, Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy.

The scientific programme contained 21 plenary session talks and over 300 parallel session contributions (talks and posters). The conference topics included: algorithms and machines, applications beyond QCD, chiral symmetry, hadron spectroscopy, hadronic structure and interactions, nonzero temperature and density, standard-model parameters and renormalization, theoretical developments, vacuum structure and confinement, weak decays and matrix elements.

We would like to thank the members of International Advisory Committee for their help in planning the scientific programme. Thanks also go to all the speakers and delegates who helped to make the conference a big success. We acknowledge financial support from ICTP, INFN, the European Physical Journal, the European Community-Research Infrastructure Activity ``Hadron Physics 2", and the University of Rome ``Tor Vergata".

conference main image
Structure of hadrons and form factors
C. Alexandrou
Exact Lattice Susy and AdS/CFT
S. Catterall
Technicolor phenomenology
S.R. Chivukula and E. Simmons
The conformal window on the lattice
L. Del Debbio
Computational biology
Graphene: from materials science to particle physics.
QCD at finite density
Nuclear physics on the lattice
Heavy flavors on the lattice
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J. Heitger
Towards four flavor dynamical simulations
G. Herdoiza
Hadron spectrum on the lattice
C. Hoelbling
Finite Temperature QCD on the Lattice - 2010
Light flavors on the lattice
Lattice quantum gravity
R. Loll, J. Ambjorn and J. Jurkiewicz
Topology, the Wilson Flow & the HMC Algorithm
M. Luescher
Improving hadron creation operators on the lattice
M.J. Peardon
String effects in the yang-mills theory
Phenomenology from the lattice
C. Sachrajda
LHC results
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S. Tkaczyk
Strong coupling expansion monte carlo
Calculation of Helium nuclei in quenched lattice QCD
T. Yamazaki
apeNET+: a 3D toroidal network enabling petaFLOPS scale Lattice QCD simulations on commodity clusters
R. Ammendola, A. Biagioni, O. Frezza, F. Lo Cicero, A. Lonardo, P.S. Paolucci, R. Petronzio, D. Rossetti, A. Salamon, G. Salina, F. Simula, N. Tantalo, L. Tosoratto and P. Vicini
Lattice SU(2) on GPU's
N. Cardoso and P. Bicudo
QUDA Programming for Staggered Quarks
S. Gottlieb, G. Shi, A. Torok and V. Kindratenko
GPU Performnace of Conjugate Gradient Solver with Staggered Fermions
A worm-inspired algorithm for the simulation of Abelian gauge theories
T. Korzec and U. Wolff
GPU-Based Conjugate Gradient Solver for Lattice QCD with Domain-Wall Fermions
T.W. Chiu, T.H. Hsieh, Y.Y. Mao and K. Ogawa
Comparison of mass preconditioned HMC and DD-HMC algorithm for two-flavour QCD
M. Krstic Marinkovic and S. Schaefer
Implementation and performance optimization of Lattice QCD Tool Kit on the Cell/B.E.
Rational Domain-Decomposed HMC
Y. Nakamura
Solving the Dirac equation on QPACE
Exact Calculation of Disconnected Loops
A. O'Cais and C. Alexandrou
Domain decomposition method on GPU cluster for Lattice
Multigrid solver for clover fermions
J.C. Osborn
An FPGA-based Torus Communication Network
M. Pivanti, F. Schifano and H. Simma
L. Scorzato
BQCD -- Berlin quantum chromodynamics program
H. Stuben and Y. Nakamura
A mass preconditioning for lattice Dirac operators
Autocorrelations in Hybrid Monte Carlo Simulations
F. Virotta and S. Schaefer
Improved automated lattice perturbation theory in background field gauge
R. Horgan, C. Monahan, T. Hammant, A. Hart, E. Mueller, A. Gray, K. Sivalingam and G. von Hippel
Implementation of the Neuberger overlap operator in GPUs
The three-dimensional XY model at finite chemical potential using complex Langevin dynamics
G. Aarts and F. James
Double pass variants for multi-shift BiCGStab(l)
S. Heybrock
Better HMC integrators for dynamical simulations
M.A. Clark, B. Joo, A.D. Kennedy and P.J. Silva
Staggered fermions simulations on GPUs
C. Bonati, G. Cossu, M. D'Elia and A. Di Giacomo
Improving many flavor QCD simulation using multiple GPU's
K.I. Ishikawa
A web-based visualization tool for lattice QCD
M. Dipierro
Chiral symmetry of graphene and strong coupling lattice gauge theory
Y. Araki and T. Hatsuda
Supersymmetry on the lattice and the status of the SYM simulations
Lattice String Field Theory
F. Bursa and M. Kroyter
The sphaleron rate in the electroweak crossover
M. D'Onofrio, K. Rummukainen and A. Tranberg
Center Symmetry Restoration with 2 Flavor Large N Yang-Mills in the Adjoint Representation.
S. Catterall and R. Galvez
Effects of a potential fourth fermion generation on the upper and lower Higgs boson mass bounds.
Lattice Wess-Zumino Model Simulation with GPUs
J. Giedt, C. Chen and E. Dzienkowski
Search for the IR fixed point in the Twisted Polyakov Loop scheme (II)
Evidence for a First Order, Finite Temperature Phase Transition in 8 Flavor QCD
X.Y. Jin and R. Mawhinney
T. Karavirta, A.M. Mykkanen, J. Rantaharju, K. Rummukainen and K. Tuominen
MCRG Minimal Walking Technicolor
S. Catterall, L. Del Debbio, J. Giedt and L. Keegan
Improved Lattice Spectroscopy of Minimal Walking Technicolor
E. Kerrane, L. Del Debbio, C. Pica, A. Patella, A. Rago, B. Lucini, F. Bursa, T. Pickup and D. Henty
Dimensional reduction and confinement from five dimensions
F. Knechtli, N. Irges and A. Rago
Chiral symmetry breaking in fundamental and sextet fermion representations of SU(3) color
J. Kuti, K. Holland, Z. Fodor, D. Nogradi and C. Schroeder
Chiral symmetry of QCD with 12 light flavors
A. Deuzeman, M.P. Lombardo and E. Pallante
Orientifold Planar Equivalence: The Quenched Meson Spectrum
B. Lucini, G. Moraitis, A. Patella and A. Rago
Non-perturbative improvement of SU(2) gauge theory with fundamental or adjoint representation fermions
A.M. Mykkanen, J. Rantaharju, K. Rummukainen, T. Karavirta and K. Tuominen
Exploration of the phase structure of the $SU(N_c)$ lattice gauge theory with many Wilson fermions at strong coupling
Study of the scaling properties in SU(2) gauge theory with eight flavors
The bulk transition of many-flavour QCD and the search for an UVFP at strong coupling
A. Deuzeman, M.P. Lombardo and E. Pallante
Confining vs. conformal scenario for SU(2) with adjoint fermions. Gluonic observables.
A. Patella, L. Del Debbio, B. Lucini, C. Pica and A. Rago
Confining vs. conformal scenario for SU(2) with 2 adjoint fermions. Mesonic spectrum.
C. Pica, L. Del Debbio, B. Lucini, A. Patella and A. Rago
Mass anomalous dimension and running of the coupling in SU(2) with six fundamental fermions
T. Pickup, F. Bursa, L. Del Debbio, L. Keegan and C. Pica
New results with colour-sextet quarks
D. Sinclair
Sextet QCD: slow running and the mass anomalous dimension
B. Svetitsky, Y. Shamir and T. DeGrand
Index and overlap construction for staggered fermions
Results for light pseudoscalar mesons
Exploring the chiral regime of Nf =2 QCD with mixed actions
F. Bernardoni, N. Garron, P. Hernandez, S. Necco and C. Pena
Magnetic-Field-Induced insulator-conductor transition in quenched lattice gauge theory
P. Buividovich, M.N. Chernodub, T. Kalaydzhyan, D. Kharzeev, E. Luschevskaya and M.I. Polikarpov
Overlap Valence Quarks on a Twisted Mass Sea
K. Cichy, V. Drach, E. Garcia-Ramos, G. Herdoiza and K. Jansen
Minimal doubling and point splitting
Spectra of the Wilson Dirac operator for QCD with dynamical quarks
P. Damgaard
Numerical properties of overlap staggered fermions
P. de Forcrand, A. Kurkela and M. Panero
Let's go dynamic -- a quick tour through 2+1 lattice simulations to understand chiral symmetry breaking
S. Descotes-genon
Absolute Measure of Local Chirality and the Chiral Polarization Scale of the QCD Vacuum
A. Alexandru, T. Draper, I. Horvath and T. Streuer
Staggered chiral perturbation theory in the two-flavor case and SU(2) analysis of the MILC data
A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. DeTar, X. Du, W. Freeman, S. Gottlieb, U.M. Heller, J.E. Hetrick, J. Laiho, L. Levkova, M.B. Oktay, R. Sugari, D. Toussaint and R.S. Van de Water
Progress in Electromagnetic Corrections to Staggered Chiral Perturbation Theory
E. Freeland and C. Bernard
Topological charge in two flavors QCD with optimal domain-wall fermion
T.H. Hsieh, T.W. Chiu and Y.Y. Mao
Axial and Electromagnetic observables of hyperons in 2-flavor chiral perturbation theory
An exploration of Brillouin improvement for Wilson fermions
G. Koutsou and S. Durr
Low-energy constants from Dirac eigenvalue correlators at NNLO in the epsilon expansion
C. Lehner, S. Hashimoto and T. Wettig
Analysis of the $N_f=2+1$ lattice QCD results on the lowest-lying baryon masses using covariant ChPT
J. Martin Camalich, L. Geng and M.J. Vicente Vacas
$N_c =2$ lattice gauge theories with fundamental and adjoint Wilson fermions
H. Matsufuru, Y. Kikukawa, K.i. Nagai and N. Yamada
The Aoki phase revisited
A. Vaquero, V. Azcoiti, G. Di Carlo and E. Follana
Wilson Fermions, Random Matrix Theory and the Aoki Phase
G. Akemann, P. Damgaard, K. Splittorff and J. Verbaarschot
Minimally doubled fermions and their renormalization
J. Weber and S. Capitani
QCD Rotator with Light Quarks up to NNL Order
M. Weingart
Meson and baryon masses with low mode averaging
G. Bali, L. Castagnini and S. Collins
A novel method for evaluating correlation functions in Lattice hadron spectroscopy.
J. Foley, C.H. Wong, J. Bulava, K.J. Juge, D. Lenkner, C. Morningstar and M.J. Peardon
Lattice QCD with optimal domain-wall fermions: light meson spectroscopy
T.W. Chiu, T.H. Hsieh and Y.Y. Mao
New developments in multi-meson systems
W. Detmold and B. Smigielski
Low lying baryon spectrum with Nf=2+1+1 dynamical twisted quarks.
V. Drach, K. Jansen, M. Papinutto, J. Carbonell and C. Alexandrou
Sigma term and strangeness content of the nucleon
S. Durr, Z. Fodor, J. Frison, T. Hemmert, C. Hoelbling, S.D. Katz, S. Krieg, T. Kurth, L. Lellouch, T. Lippert, A. Portelli, A. Ramos Martinez, A. Schafer and K. Szabo
Some results on excited hadrons in 2-flavor QCD
G. Engel, C.B. Lang, M. Limmer, D. Mohler and A. Schafer
Rho decay from twsited mass fermions
Extracting resonance parameters from lattice data
P. Giudice, D. McManus and M.J. Peardon
Study of the scalar charmed-strange meson D\ast s0(2317) with chiral fermions
M. Gong, A. Li, A. Alexandru, Y. Chen, T. Draper and K.F. Liu
Bottom meson masses from a RHQ action on a fine 2+1 flavor DWF lattice
Calculation of $\rho$ meson decay width from the PACS-CS configurations
N. Ishizuka
Phase Shift with LapH Propagators
K.J. Juge, J. Bulava, J. Foley, C. Morningstar, M.J. Peardon and C.H. Wong
Impact of center vortex removal on chiral symmetry breaking in SU(3) gauge field theory
M.S. Mahbub, W. Kamleh, D. Leinweber, P.J. Moran and A.G. Williams
Meson spectra from overlap fermion on domain wall gauge configurations
D_s meson spectroscopy
D. Mohler and R.M. Woloshyn
Chiral properties of light mesons in the $N_f=2+1$ overlap OCD
J. Noaki, S. Aoki, T.W. Chiu, H. Fukaya, S. Hashimoto, T.H. Hsieh, T. Kaneko, H. Matsufuru, T. Onogi, E. Shintani and N. Yamada
Construction and Analysis of Two Baryon Correlation functions
Kaon and D meson masses with N_f = 2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD
From strange to charmed baryons using Nf=2 twisted mass QCD.
M. Papinutto, J. Carbonell, V. Drach and C. Alexandrou
Electromagnetic corrections to light hadron masses
A. Portelli, S. Durr, Z. Fodor, J. Frison, C. Hoelbling, S.D. Katz, S. Krieg, T. Kurth, L. Lellouch, T. Lippert, K. Szabo and A. Ramos Martinez
Flavour Symmetry Breaking and tuning the strange quark mass for 2+1 quark Flavours
V. Bornyakov, M. Gockeler, T. Hemmert, R. Horsley, W.G. Lockhart, Y. Nakamura, H. Perlt, D. Pleiter, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schafer, G. Schierholz, A. Schiller, T. Streuer, H. Stuben, W. Bietenholz, F. Winter and J.M. Zanotti
Light hadrons from Nf=2+1+1 dynamical twisted mass fermions
S. Reker, R. Baron, B. Blossier, P. Boucaud, J. Carbonell, A. Deuzeman, V. Drach, F. Farchioni, V. Gimenez, G. Herdoiza, K. Jansen, C. Michael, I. Montvay, E. Pallante, O. Pene, C. Urbach, M. Wagner and U. Wenger
Charmonium spectroscopy from Nf=2+1 dynamical anisotropic lattices
Highly excited and exotic meson spectroscopy from dynamical lattice QCD
Electromagnetic splittings of charged and neutral mesons from improved staggered quarks
Pseudoscalar Decay Constants from $N_f=2+1+1$ twisted mass lattice QCD
F. Farchioni, G. Herdoiza, K. Jansen, A. Nube, M. Petschlies and C. Urbach
Nucleon, Delta and Omega excited state spectra at three pion mass values
The spectrum of static-light baryons in twisted mass lattice QCD
Hadron electric polarizability -- finite volume corrections
A. Alexandru and F. Lee
Extracting Scattering Parameters using the Isospin Chemical Potential
Update on disconnected contributions to hadronic structure.
S. Collins, G. Bali, A. Nobile, A. Schafer, Y. Nakamura and J. Zanotti
Nucleon matrix elements with maximally twisted fermions
S. Dinter, C. Alexandrou, M. Constantinou, V. Drach, K. Jansen and D.B. Renner
The study of the Three Nucleon Force in full QCD Lattice calculations
Strangeness in the nucleon from a mixed action calculation
M. Engelhardt
Improved method for computing nucleon strangeness
W. Freeman and D. Toussaint
Rho decay widths from the lattice
J. Frison, S. Durr, Z. Fodor, C. Hoelbling, S.D. Katz, S. Krieg, T. Kurth, L. Lellouch, T. Lippert, A. Portelli, A. Ramos Martinez and K. Szabo
Spatial diquark correlations in a hadron
J. Green, M. Engelhardt, J. Negele and P. Varilly
Axial and pseudoscalar form-factors of the Delta baryon
C. Alexandrou, E. Gregory, T. Korzec, G. Koutsou, J. Negele, T. Sato and A. Tsapalis
Static-light meson potentials
M. Hetzenegger
The qbar - q potential from Bethe - Salpeter amplitudes on lattice
Flavor structure of the baryon-baryon interaction from lattice QCD
An extention to the Luescher's finite volume method above inelastic thresholds (formalism)
Light meson form factors in $N_f=2+1$ QCD with dynamical overlap quarks
Systematic errors in extracting nucleon properties from lattice QCD
B. Knippschild, H. Wittig, S. Capitani and M.D. Morte
Magnetic Moments of Negative-Parity Baryons from Lattice QCD
F. Lee and A. Alexandru
The chiral and angular momentum content of the $\rho$-meson
M. Limmer, L.Y. Glozman and C.B. Lang
non-locality of the nucleon-nucleon potential from Lattice QCD
Transverse momentum distributions inside the nucleon from lattice QCD
B. Musch, P. Hagler, J. Negele and A. Schafer
Nucleon structure from RBC/UKQCD 2+1 flavor DWF dynamical ensembles at a nearly physical pion mass
Nucleon form factors and structure functions from Nf=2 clover fermions
D. Pleiter, S. Collins, M. Goeckeler, P. Hagler, T. Hemmert, R. Horsley, Y. Nakamura, A. Nobile, H. Perlt, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schafer, G. Schierholz, A. Sternbeck, H. Stuben, F. Winter and J.M. Zanotti
Parton Distribution Amplitudes
T. Rae, R. Arthur, P.A. Boyle, D. Broemmel, M.A. Donnellan, J.M. Flynn, A. Juttner, H. Pedroso de Lima, C. Sachrajda and B. Samways
Leading order hadronic contribution to g-2 from twisted mass QCD
D.B. Renner
Charmonium-Nucleon interaction from lattice QCD with a relativistic heavy quark action
Lattice QCD study of baryon-baryon interactions in the (S,I)=(-2,0) system using the coupled-channel formalism
Nucleon and N^* (1535) Distribution Amplitudes
R. Schiel, V. Braun, S. Collins, M. Gockeler, C. Hagen, R. Horsley, Y. Nakamura, D. Pleiter, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schäfer, G. Schierholz, H. Stuben and J. Zanotti
Two-photon decay of $´pi^0$ from two-flavor lattice QCD
E. Shintani
Nucleon strange quark content in 2+1 flavor QCD
K. Takeda, S. Aoki, S. Hashimoto, T. Kaneko, T. Onogi and N. Yamada
Nucleon magnetic moments and electric polarizabilities
B. Tiburzi, W. Detmold and A. Walker-Loud
Forces between static-light mesons
Baryon axial coupling constants and quark momentum fractions with Nf=2+1 dynamical fermions
F. Winter, M. Goeckeler, P. Haegler, R. Horsley, Y. Nakamura, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schafer, G. Schierholz, H. Stuben and J.M. Zanotti
Wilson fermions at fine lattice spacings: scale setting, pion form factors and (g-2)
H. Wittig, B. Brandt, S. Capitani, M. Della Morte, D. Djukanovic, G. von Hippel, B. Jaeger, A. Juttner and B. Knippschild
Hyperon Form Factors from N_f=2+1 QCD
J. Zanotti, M. Goeckeler, P. Haegler, R. Horsley, Y. Nakamura, D. Pleiter, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schafer, G. Schierholz, H. Stuben and F. Winter
Simulations with dynamical HISQ quarks
A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. DeTar, W. Freeman, S. Gottlieb, U.M. Heller, J.E. Hetrick, J. Laiho, L. Levkova, M.B. Oktay, J.C. Osborn, R. Sugar, D. Toussaint and R. Van de Water
Shape of the proton in a uniform magnetic field
D.S. Roberts, P. Bowman, W. Kamleh and D. Leinweber
Polarised correlators at finite temperature
C. Allton, G. Aarts, S. Hands, J. Foley and S. Kim
A study of the complex action problem in a simple model for dynamical compactification in superstring theory using the factorization method.
K. Anagnostopoulos, T. Azuma and J. Nishimura
D. Banerjee, R.V. Gavai and S. Gupta
Taste symmetry and QCD thermodynamics with improved staggered fermions
A. Bazavov and P. Petreczky
Finite temperature phase transition with two flavors of improved Wilson fermions
V. Bornyakov
The QCD equation of state with dynamical quarks
S. Borsanyi, G. Endrodi, Z. Fodor, S.D. Katz and K. Szabo
Towards the N_{f}=2 deconfinement transition temperature with O(a) improved Wilson fermions
The critical line of QCD with four degenerate quarks
L. Cosmai, P. Cea, M. D'Elia and A. Papa
Finite temperature QCD at fixed Q with overlap fermions
G. Cossu, S. Aoki, S. Hashimoto, H. Matsufuru, T. Kaneko, J. Noaki and E. Shintani
Thermodynamic quark susceptibilties in the PNJL model
M. Cristoforetti
Coherent center domains in local Polyakov loops
Continuum Thermodynamics of the SU(N) Gauge Theory
The QCD Phase Transition in a Strong Magnetic Background
F. Sanfilippo, M. D'Elia and S. Mukherjee
Charmonium correlation and spectral functions at finite temperature
H. Ding, A. Francis, O. Kaczmarek, F. Karsch, H. Satz and W. Soeldner
Scaling behavior of chiral phase transition in two-flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks at finite density
A new approach for studying large numbers of fermions in the unitary regime
M. Endres, D.B. Kaplan, J.W. Lee and A. Nicholson
Study of finite temperature QCD with 2+1 flavors via Taylor expansion and imaginary chemical potential
Thermodynamics of $SU(N)$ gauge theories in $2+1$ dimensions in the $T<T_c$ regime.
M. Caselle, L. Castagnini, A. Feo, F. Gliozzi and M. Panero
The finite temperature QCD transition
Renormalized Polyakov loop in the Fixed Scale Approach
The imbalanced Fermi gas at unitarity
O. Goulko and M. Wingate
Critical behavior of the compact 3D U(1) gauge theory at finite temperature
O. Borisenko, R. Fiore, M. Gravina and A. Papa
Hadron properties at finite temperature and density with two-flavors of Wilson fermion
H. Iida, Y. Maezawa and K. Yazaki
The Chiral Magnetic Effect and symmetry breaking in SU(3) quenched theory.
T. Kalaydzhyan
Continuum extrapolation of finite temperature meson correlation functions in quenched lattice QCD
F. Karsch and A. Francis
Spectral properties of quarks above Tc -- thermal mass, dispersion relation, and self-energy --
M. Kitazawa
Curvature of the QCD phase transition line in a finite volume
Lattice study of transport coefficients in second order dissipative hydrodynamics
Y. Kohno, M. Asakawa, M. Kitazawa and C. Nonaka
Poisson statistics in the high temperature QCD Dirac spectrum
Effective Polyakov-loop theory for pure Yang-Mills from strong coupling expansion
J. Langelage, S. Lottini and O. Philipsen
Lattice calculation for unitary fermions in a finite box
J.W. Lee, M. Endres, D.B. Kaplan and A. Nicholson
Rho Meson in Unquenched Lattice QCD
Transport coefficients of causal dissipative relativistic hydrodynamics in quenched lattice simulations
Chiral and deconfinement transitions in strong coupling lattice QCD
QCD at finite chemical potential in a small hyperspherical box
S. Hands, T. Hollowood and J.C. Myers
Effective Potential and Phase Diagram in the Strong-Coupling Lattice QCD with Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order and Polyakov Loop Effects
T.Z. Nakano
Lattice Study of Trapped Fermions at Unitarity
A. Nicholson, M. Endres, D.B. Kaplan and J.W. Lee
Charmonium spectral functions in quark-gluon plasma from lattice QCD with large spatial volume
Another mean field treatment in the strong coupling limit of lattice QCD
A. Ohnishi, K. Miura and T.Z. Nakano
An application of the variational analysis to calculate the meson spectral functions
H. Ohno, S. Aoki, K. Kanaya, H. Saito, S. Ejiri, Y. Maezawa and T. Umeda
QCD at finite chemical potential in the nilpotency expansion
S. Caracciolo and F. Palumbo
Constraints on the QCD phase diagram at imaginary mu
O. Philipsen and P. de Forcrand
Deconfinement transition in QCD near the heavy quark limit
H. Saito, S. Aoki, K. Kanaya, H. Ohnishi, S. Ejiri, T. Hatsuda, Y. Maezawa and T. Umeda
Comparison between LQCD and PNJL model at finite chemical potentials
On the universal O(N) scaling behavior of (2+1)-flavor QCD
C. Schmidt and S. Mukherjee
Chiral Aspects of Improved Staggered Fermions with 2+1-Flavors from the hotQCD Collaboration
W. Soeldner
How the Quark Number fluctuates in QCD at small chemical potential
K. Splittorff, M.P. Lombardo and J. Verbaarschot
EOS in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks by the fixed scale approach
Exact results for two-color QCD at low and high density
T. Wettig, T. Kanazawa and N. Yamamoto
Thermal transition temperature from twisted mass QCD
L. Zeidlewicz
Hunting the static energy renormalon
C. Bauer and G. Bali
Matching the lattice coupling to the continuum for the tree level Symanzik improved gauge action
M. Brambilla and F. Di Renzo
The b Quark Mass from Lattice Nonrelativistic QCD
Renormalization constants for one-derivative fermion operators in twisted mass QCD
C. Alexandrou, M. Constantinou, T. Korzec, H. Panagopoulos and F. Stylianou
Perturbative vs non-perturbative renormalization: the case of the quark mass
F. Di Renzo, M. Brambilla and L. Scorzato
Ghost-gluon coupling power corrections and $\Lambda_{\overline{MS}}$ from twisted-mass lattice QCD at $N_f=2$.
Renormalisation of composite operators in lattice QCD: perturbative versus nonperturbative
M. Goeckeler, R. Horsley, Y. Nakamura, H. Perlt, D. Pleiter, P.E.L. Rakow, A. Schafer, G. Schierholz, A. Schiller, H. Stuben and J. Zanotti
Systemtic Uncertainties in $B_K$ calculated using staggered fermions
One loop matching factors for staggered four-fermion operators with improved glue
Heavy-light current-current correlators
scaling study of the non-perturbative renormalized quenched quark mass
T. Kurth, S. Durr, Z. Fodor, C. Hoelbling, S.D. Katz, S. Krieg, L. Lellouch, T. Lippert, K. Szabo and G. Vulvert
Scale r0 and the static potential from the CLS lattices
B. Leder and F. Knechtli
Current Status of Improved Fermilab Fermions
Renormalization constants for Wilson fermion lattice QCD with four dynamical flavours
D. Palao, P. Dimopoulos, R. Frezzotti, G. Herdoiza, K. Jansen, V. Lubicz and G. Rossi
Non-perturbative running of the coupling from four-flavour lattice QCD with staggered quarks
P. Pérez Rubio and S. Sint
Egalitarian Improvement to Democracy in Non-Perturbative Renormalization of Quark Operators
Charm current-current correlators in Twisted Mass lattice QCD
M. Petschlies
Quark masses with Nf = 2 twisted mass lattice QCD
F. Sanfilippo, B. Blossier, P. Dimopoulos, R. Frezzotti, V. Lubicz, M. Petschlies, G. Rossi, S. Simula and C. Tarantino
O(\aplha_L^2) perturbative Green's functions of the fermion propagator, and of local and extended fermion bilinear operators, with Symanzik improved gluons and SLiNC fermions.
A. Skouroupathis and H. Panagopoulos
Running of the Schroedinger functional coupling with four massless flavours
R. Sommer, F. Tekin and U. Wolff
Non-perturbative renormalization of quark mass in Nf=2+1 QCD with the Schroedinger functional scheme
Y. Taniguchi
Direct lattice calculation of m_d - m_u
A. Walker-Loud
Towards step-scaling with off-shell renormalisation
R. Arthur and P.A. Boyle
Simulation of supersymmetric models on the lattice without a sign problem
D. Baumgartner and U. Wenger
Dynamical W mass?
Large-N beta function in Yang-Mills by localization on fixed points
M. Bochicchio
Topological gravity on a lattice
S. Catterall
A Ginsparg Wilson renormalisation group approach to lattice CP symmetry
Glueball masses with exponentially improved statistical precision
Quantum entanglement and KPZ relations
Transfer Matrix for Partially Quenched QCD
M. Golterman and C. Bernard
Supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem from a computer and the AdS/CFT correspondence
M. Honda, G. Ishiki, S.W. Kim, J. Nishimura and A. Tsuchiya
Witten index from lattice simulation
I. Kanamori
A study of N=2 Landau-Ginzburg model by lattice simulation based on a Nicolai map
H. Kawai and Y. Kikukawa
Species doublers as supermultiplet partners in lattice supersymmetry
A. D'Adda, A. Feo, I. Kanamori, N. Kawamoto and J. Saito
Worm algorithm for the O(2N) Gross-Neveu model
V. Maillart and U. Wenger
Definition of Instantons in Noncommutative Gauge Theory in Higher Dimensions
H. Markum and A. Ali Khan
Fisher's zeros as boundary of RG flows in complex coupling space
Classification and Generalization of Minimal-doubling actions
T. Misumi, M. Creutz and T. Kimura
From loops to surfaces
H. Neuberger and R. Narayanan
Second Order Phase Transition in Anisotropic Lattice Gauge Theories with Extra Dimensions
Near-Integrability of Yang-Mills Theories
Very high order lattice perturbation theory for Wilson loops
Testing universality and automatic O(a) improvement in massless lattice QCD with Wilson quarks
S. Sint and B. Leder
5-dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory with Z_2 orbifolding and its phase structure
Reflection positivity of the free overlap fermions.
K. Usui and Y. Kikukawa
Colour fields generated by static sources of different SU(3) representations.
P. Bicudo, M. Cardoso and N. Cardoso
Gluon Mass in Landau Gauge QCD
P. Bicudo and O. Oliveira
Non abelian Bianchi identities, monopoles and gauge invariance
C. Bonati, M. D'Elia, A. Di Giacomo, L. Lepori and F. Pucci
Toward a well defined monopole creation operato
C. Bonati, G. Cossu, M. D'Elia and A. Di Giacomo
Propagators in lattice Coulomb gauge and confinement mechanisms
G. Burgio, M. Quandt, M. Schröck and H. Reinhardt
New results on the effective string corrections to the interquark potential.
M. Caselle, M. Billo, M. Zago and V. Verduci
Critical properties of the two-dimensional Z(5) vector model
O. Borisenko, G. Cortese, R. Fiore, M. Gravina and A. Papa
Exploring center symmetry with electrically charged quarks
S.O. Edwards, A. Sternbeck and L. von Smekal
Lattice Index Theorem and Fractional Topological Charge
R. Höllwieser, M. Faber and U.M. Heller
Lattice QCD analysis for the instantaneous interquark potential in the generalized Landau gauge
T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Momentum dependence of the topological susceptibility with overlap fermions
Properties of gauge orbits
Further investigation of massive Landau-gauge propagators in the infrared limit
T. Mendes and A. Cucchieri
Quantum entanglement in SU(3) lattice Yang-Mills theory at zero and finite temperatures
Y. Nakagawa
The QCD vacuum wave functional and confinement in Coulomb gauge
J. Greensite and S. Olejnik
Hamiltonian Flow in Coulomb Gauge Yang-Mills theory
H. Reinhardt
The glueball spectrum at large N
Probing the Yang-Mills vacuum with adjoint zero-modes
A. Gonzalez-Arroyo, M.G. Perez and A. Sastre
Gauge-independent ``Abelian" dominance and magnetic monopole dominance in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory
Unquenching the Landau Gauge Lattice Propagators and the Gribov Problem
P.J. Silva and O. Oliveira
The deconfinement transition in 2+1 dimensional SU(3) from twisted boundary conditions and self-duality
N. Strodthoff, S.O. Edwards and L. von Smekal
Lattice QCD Study for Gluon Propagator and Gluon Spectral Function
H. Suganuma, T. Iritani, A. Yamamoto and H. Iida
Can Lorentz-breaking fermionic condensates form in large N strongly-coupled LGT?
T.E. Tomboulis
NSPT study of the three-loop lattice gluon propagator in Landau gauge
C. Torrero, E.M. Ilgenfritz, H. Perlt, A. Schiller and F. Di Renzo
Universal Aspects of Deconfinement: Interfaces, Flux Tubes and Self-Duality in 2+1 Dimensions
L. von Smekal, S.O. Edwards and N. Strodthoff
Confinement, Casimir scaling and phase transitions in G2 gauge theories (NB: POSTER & SEMINAR double page limits)
B. Wellegehausen
Relevant momentum components of gluons for confinement and chiral symmetry breaking
A. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma
Study of the QGP physics in center vortices
Glimpse of $B_K$ on the ultrafine ($a=0.045$ fm) lattices
Matrix elements of the electromagnetic and chromo-magnetic operators between kaon and pion states.
I. Baum, G. Martinelli, V. Lubicz and S. Simula
A Progress Report on B^0 Mixing
C. Bouchard, A.X. El-Khadra, E.D. Freeland, E. Gamiz and A.S. Kronfeld
Computing the long-distance contribution to second order weak amplitudes
N.H. Christ
Form factors of the D\rightarrow pion and D\rightarrow K semileptonic decays
$K^0-\bar{K}^0$ mixing beyond the SM from $N_f=2$ tmQCD
P. Dimopoulos
The B*Bpi coupling
M. Donnellan, J. Bulava and R. Sommer
Improved Semileptonic Form Factor Calculations in Lattice QCD
Masses and Decay Constants from Relativistic Highly Improved Staggered Quarks in Full Lattice QCD
Semileptonic decays of K and D mesons in 2+1 flavor QCD
E. Gamiz, J. Bailey, A. Bazavov, C. Bernard, C. Bouchard, C. DeTar, A.X. El-Khadra, E. Freeland, S. Gottlieb, U.M. Heller, J. Hetrick, A. Kronfeld, J. Laiho, L. Levkova, P.B. Mackenzie, M.B. Oktay, J.N. Simone, R. Sugar, D. Toussaint and R. Van de Water
Preliminary study of the non-perturbative renormalization of K\rightarrow pi (pi) operators, with Nf=2+1 Domain Wall fermions
HQET parameters at the 1/m order with nf=2 flavors of dynamical quarks
B. Blossier and B. Blossier
The continuum limit of 2+1 flavor DWF ensembles
C. Kelly and P.A. Boyle
SU(3) Analysis of $B_K$ using staggered fermions
$B \to D^*l\nu$ at zero recoil: an update
A. Kronfeld
K\rightarrow pi pi matrix elements from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
Delta I = 3/2, K \to \pi \pi Matrix Elements with Nearly Physical Pion Masses (-)
M. Lightman
Preliminary results of $\Delta I=1/2$ and $3/2$, $K$ to $\pi\pi$ Decay Amplitudes from Lattice QCD
D to K semi-leptonic form factors from HISQ light and charm quarks
H. Na, C.T.H. Davies, E. Follana, G.P. Lepage and J. Shigemitsu
SU(2) ChPT analysis of the scalar and vector form factors of the kaon semileptonic decay obtained from twisted-mass fermions with Nf = 2
L. Orifici, V. Lubicz, F. Mescia, S. Simula and C. Tarantino
D and B Leptonic Decay Constants from Lattice QCD
J.N. Simone
B-physics with dynamical domain-wall light quarks and relativistic b-quarks
O. Witzel and R. Van de Water
SU(2) analysis of $B_K$ with staggered fermions