Editorial Board
Bytsenko A. Andrey (chairman), Dias Alves Sebastiao, Helayël-Neto José Abdalla, Xavier Guimarães Maria Emília
Sessions |
Plenary talks |
Invited Contributions |
Seminars |
Posters |
Plenary talks |
Quantum Symmetries of Graphs and Higher Coxeter-Dynkin Systems
Ward-Takahashi Relations: Longitudinal and Transverse
String propagation in non-compact backgrounds
A Vector Supersymmetry Killing the Infrared Singularity of Gauge Theories in Noncommutative space
Remarks on the BTZ Instanton with Conical Singularity
A Survey of Recent Results for Quantum Field Theory in de Sitter Space
On Zeta Regularization and Some of its Uses in Cosmology
The Mass of the Graviton and the Cosmological Constant Puzzle
Gravitational Droplets and Open-Closed String Duality
Invited Contributions |
Expository remarks on topological field theories, branes, complexes and categories
Seminars |
Gauge Symmetries in Fokker-Planck Dynamics
Solitons Bifurcations in Presence of Surface Tension
Action principle for so-called non-Lagrangian systems
Magnetohydrodynamic Spectral Theory of Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas
Boson-Boson Bound States in Higher-Derivative Electromagnetism Augmented by a Chern-Simons Term
Generalized Abel-Plana Formula as a Renormalization Tool in Quantum Field Theory with Boundaries
Vacuum Polarization Effects in Higher Dimensional Global Monopole Spacetime
Free Parameters in Quantum Theories: an Analysis with the Variational Approximation
Lorentz Invariance Violation and Neutrino Physics
Application of zeta-function techniques to the compactified Gross-Neveu model
Bosonization within Thermofield Dynamics Approach
Infrared behavior of the gluon and ghost propagators in Yang-Mills theories
Algebraic QFT and the area law for entropy of localized quantum matter
String-Localized Quantum Fields and Modular Localization
Spectral Methods in Gravitation and Cosmology
Local Conformal Symmetry and its Fate at Quantum Level
Duality in Noncommutative Maxwell-Chern-Simons Theory
Change of the Bulk's Signature with Change of the Brane-World's Topology
New Results in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
Particle Physics from D-Branes at Gepner Points
AdS/CFT Correspondence and Strong Interactions
Thermal D-branes States from Superstrings in Light-Cone Gauge
On the Quantization of Massive Superparticles
Higher N-Point Amplitudes in Open Superstring Theory
Posters |
Non-Minimally Coupled Cosmology as Geodesic Motion
On the Geometrical Conditions to Determine the Flat Behavior of the Rotational Curves in Galaxies
Morse Theory Framework for the Seiberg-Witten Equations
Thermofield Dynamics and Path-Integral Formalism
Supersymmetric Superfluid in a Lorentz-Violating Background
Paley-Wiener-Schwartz Theorem and Microlocal Analysis of Singularities in Theory of Tempered Ultrahyperfunctions
Issues on 3D Noncommutative Electromagnetic Duality
Non-Equiprobable States and Generalized Entropies in the Framework of BG Statistics
Symmetries in Non Commutative Configuration Space
Stochastic Quantization of Topological Field Theory: Generalized Langevin Equation with Memory Kernel
Bose-Einstein Condensates in a Lorentz Breaking Background
Vacuum Polarization in the Presence of Magnetic Flux at Finite Temperature in the Cosmic String Background
Approximate Solution of the Evolution Operator of the Neutrino System
Vortices Solutions in Chern-Simons-Maxwell-Higgs System
On the Integrability and Chaos of an N=2 Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs Mechanical
Lorentz Symetry Breaking in Gravity and Dimensional Reduction
On the Generalized Rainich Algebra in Scalar-Tensor Gravities
SUSY QM from Three Domain Walls in a Scalar Potential
An Attempt of Construction for the Grassmann Numbers
Physical Effects of Extra Dimension and Concomitant Map between Photons and Gravitons in RS Brane-World Scenario
Born-Infeld Magnetostatic Field from Electrical Point-like Charge at Rest in an Inertial Frame