This conference is the 16th in the series of biennial RADCOR conferences on radiative corrections. It is devoted to the applications of quantum field theory to particle physics phenomenology. Subjects will include precision calculations for colliders; progress in higher-loop and higher-multiplicity calculations in the Standard Model; cross sections for new physics; interpretations of experimental data; new techniques for calculations; advances in computer-algebra methods; new theoretical developments.
Main session |
Two Higgs bosons, two loops, x+2 operators
Higgs boson production at the next-to-next-to-leading power
Feynman integrals, geometries and differential equations
Di-Higgs productions at N3LO+N3LL
Non-factorisable contributions to t-channel single top and VBF Higgs production
Mixed QCD-EW two-loop amplitudes for charged current Drell-Yan production
$\epsilon$-forms for non-planar triangles with elliptic curves at two loops
Lattice Correlation Functions from Differential Equations
3-loop tadpoles with substructure from 12 elliptic curves
Feynman Integrals and Relative Cohomologies
Flow Oriented Perturbation Theory
Derivation of the Cross-Free Family representation for the box diagram
Two-loop five-particle scattering amplitudes
Looping the loops: a tale of elliptic dual Feynman integrals
Topology and geometry of elliptic Feynman amplitudes
ttjj - NLO QCD corrections to top quark pair production and decays at the LHC
Electroweak and QCD corrections to off-shell single-top production in association with a Z boson at the LHC
A new observable for W-mass determination
Modelling uncertainties and prompt b-jet identification in $t\bar{t}b\bar{b}$ production with dilepton signatures at the LHC
Preparing nonleptonic NNLO B meson decays: revisiting semileptonic decays
Hybrid kT-factorization at NLO
Three-loop master integrals for H+jet production at N3LO: Towards the non-planar topologies
Singlet and anomaly contributions to massive QCD form factors
Recent 3-Loop Heavy Flavor Corrections to Deep-Inelastic Scattering
Infrared singularities of QCD amplitudes with a massive parton
Factorization and resummation at next-to-leading-power
Two-loop master integrals for a planar topology contributing to $pp \rightarrow t \overline{t}j$
Renormalization of twist-two operators and four-loop splitting functions in QCD
Four-loop large-$n_f$ contributions to the non-singlet structure functions
IBPs and differential equations in parameter space
Precision QCD calculations for vector boson observables
Power corrections to EEC meets conformal bootstrap
Gradient-flow renormalon subtraction and the hadronic tau decay series
Matching and parton-shower accuracy
NNLO Matrix-Element Corrections in VINCIA
Combining NNLO QCD and NLO EW corrections matched to parton showers for $W^\pm Z$ production using $\mathrm{MiNNLO}_\mathrm{PS}$
NLL/NLO$^-$ studies on Higgs-plus-jet production with POWHEG+JETHAD
Elimination of QCD Renormalization Scale and Scheme Ambiguities
Evaluating scattering amplitudes with pySecDec 1.6
N$^3$LO Antenna Functions for Final-State Radiation
Advances in the nested soft-collinear subtraction scheme
Muon-electron scattering at NNLO with McMule
QED at NNLO and beyond for precision experiments
Abundant radiation of soft photons: a puzzle lasting four decades
New Results from IR-Improved Amplitude-Based Resummation in Quantum Field Theory
Two-Loop Amplitude Reduction with HELAC
A generic NLO SM framework for LHC and future collider processes
Soft-overlap contribution to 𝑩𝒄 → 𝜼𝒄 form factors: diagrammatic resummation of double logarithms
Quantum algorithms for the simulation of perturbative QCD processes
Progress towards full next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy to scattering at high energy
High-energy resummation for Higgs boson plus jets production
High-energy resummation in Higgs production at the next-to-leading order
High-Energy and Soft-Collinear Resummation for Jet Production at the LHC
Radiative corrections to mechanical properties of bound states
Numerical Unitarity for Binary Dynamics
Analytic results for massive $2\to2$ processes
Two-loop QCD and QED corrections to light-by-light scattering
Crewther's Relation in Different Schemes