The International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics 2021, the tenth in a series which started in 1994 at MIT, and was later held in Mainz (1997), Jefferson Lab (2000 and 2012), Bonn (2003), Duke (2006), Bern (2009), Pisa (2015), Durham (2018) and will take place in Beijing, from November 15 to 19 2021, and will be jointly hosted by the Institute of High Energy Physics, The purpose of this workshop series is to bring physicists together who are active in this field, as well as those who are interested, to discuss and debate the most recent achievements and future developments.
The workshop will have a near equal contribution from theorists and experimentalists and, as in the latest editions, a strong synergy with the lattice community will be present.
Hadron structure
Isospin breaking in hadronic systems
Meson-meson and meson-baryon interaction
Effective field theory and chiral perturbation theory
Few-body physics
Compton scattering and the polarizabilities of the nucleons
Hadronic contributions to g_mu-2
Lattice QCD and nuclear physics
Sessions |
Plenary |
Parallel-Goldstone Boson |
Parallel-hadron Structure |
Zheng |
Parallel-Few-Body/Structure |
Plenary |
Chiral Dynamics: Theory and Experiment - A Tribute to Aron Bernstein
Highlights of BESIII Physics
Chiral effective theory in the Higgs sector
Theoretical aspects of virtual states, bound states, and resonances in hadron physics from Friedrichs model
Experimental Status on the Proton Charge Radius
Nuclear forces in a manifestly Lorentz-invariant formulation of chiral EFT
Precision tests of fundamental physics with $\eta$ and $\eta'$ mesons
The three-nucleon interaction in pionful and pionless effective field theory
Hadronic Light-by-light contribution to muon (g-2)
Parallel-Goldstone Boson |
Hadron Physics results at KLOE-II experiment
Light Meson decays at BESIII
Theoretical analysis of $\eta^{(\prime)}\to\pi^0l^+l^-$ and $\eta^{\prime}\to\eta l^+l^-$ decays, and new-physics signatures via $CP$ violation
Dispersive representation of $C$- and $CP$-violation in $\eta\to \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ and $\eta'\to\eta\pi^+\pi^-$
A primer analysis of $\pi^0$-$\eta$-$\eta^{\prime}$ mixing from $V\!\rightarrow\!P\gamma$ and $P\!\rightarrow\!V\gamma$ decays
Analysis of the doubly radiative decays $\eta^{(\prime)}\to\pi^0\gamma\gamma$ and $\eta^\prime\to\eta\gamma\gamma$ (15-1-9)
Jlab Eta Factory Experiment in Hall D
Improved Standard-Model prediction for the dilepton decay of the neutral pion
Short-distance constraints in hadronic-light-by-light for the muon $g-2$
HVP contribution to g-2
Dilaton chiral perturbation theory and application
NNLO Positivity Bounds on χPT for a General Number of Flavours
Three-pion scattering in Chiral Perturbation Theory
Review of Lattice QCD Calculations for the kaon decays
The REDTOP experiment: a low energy meson factory to explore dark matter and physics beyond the Standard model.
A dispersive analysis of low energy pion photo- and electroproduction
Dispersive analysis of the $\pi\pi$ and $\pi K$ scattering data
Dispersive analysis of the Primakoff reaction $\gamma K\to K\pi$
Dispersive determination of low energy $\pi K$ interactions
Recent results from NA62 experiment at CERN
Parallel-hadron Structure |
Theoretical discrepancies in the nucleon spin structure and the hyperfine splitting of muonic hydrogen
Zheng |
Analysis of $T_{cc}^+$ including chiral dynamics and three-body cuts
Detecting the pure triangle singularity effect through the ψ(2S) decay
Light-flavor resonance dynamics in the $U(3)$ chiral theory
The Pole Counting Rule and X, Y, Z States
On QCD contribution to vacuum energy
Results on spin sum rules and polarizabilities at low Q2
The pion-nucleon sigma term from Lattice QCD
Structure-dependent electromagnetic finite-size effects
Proton charge radius from a dispersive analysis of the experimental data over the space- and time-like regions
The MUon Scattering Experiment (MUSE) at the Paul Scherrer Institute
Two-loop calculation of the nucleon self-energy
VCS and generalized polarizabilities from Mainz and JLab: Overview and new results
Parallel-Few-Body/Structure |
An accurate relativistic chiral nucleon-nucleon interaction up to the next-to-next-to-leading order
Explicit renormalization of the nucleon-nucleon interaction in chiral EFT and non-perturbative effects
Constraints on the $\Lambda$-neutron interaction from charge symmetry breaking of $A=4$ hypernuclei
Strangeness S=-3 and -4 baryon-baryon interactions in chiral effective field theory
$A=4-7$ $\Xi$ hypernuclei based on interactions from chiral effective field theory
Review of the experimental activity at RIKEN to explore the three-nucleon interactions
Deuteron VVCS and nuclear structure effects in muonic deuterium at N3LO in pionless EFT
Large-$N_c$ constraints for Beyond the Standard Model few-nucleon currents in effective field theory
Nucleon-level Effective Theory of μ→e Conversion
Chiral EFT for neutrinoless double beta decay