The year 2015 we had the honour to host the 18th International Conference {PLANCK 2015} at The University of Ioannina, in the city of Ioannina, Greece. The event took place from Monday, May 25 2015 till Friday, May 29 2015. Previous Planck International Conferences were held in the following cities:
2014: Paris, 2013: Bonn, 2012: Warsaw, 2011: Lisbon, 2010: CERN, 2009: Padova, 2008: Barcelona, 2007: Warsaw, 2006: Paris, 2005: Trieste, 2004: Bad Honnef, 2003: Madrid, 2002: Kazimierz, 2001: La Londe-les-Maures, 2000: Castelvecchio Pascoli, 1999: Bad Honnef, 1998: Kazimierz
The Planck-2015 conference covered a wide range of topics in contemporary theoretical and experimental physics: The talks on Experimental High Energy Physics, focused on the prospects at LHC experiments, the neutrino experiments as well as supersymmetry and dark matter searches. The theoretical talks covered topics in String Theory and String Phenomenology, Supersymmetry and Supergravity, Cosmology, Neutrino Physics and Discrete Symmetries.
Several talks presented also work in astroparticle physics, dark matter and supersymmetry as well as research with wide applications in particle physics and beyond. Following the tradition of the Planck series of conferences, the talks (141 in total) were divided into 41 plenary-review talks, and 100 shorter presentations.
The organisation of the Planck meeting in the city of Ioannina was an important landmark in the scientific life of our University. Spearheaded by the quality of our speakers and the participants, we were fortunate to have very high quality plenary and research talks, as well as stimulating and interesting discussions which made the conference quite fruitful and enjoyable. There were more that 200 registered participants for the event.
The Editors,
Ignatios Antoniadis, George K. Leontaris, Kyriakos Tamvakis
Main session |
Towards a Phenomenology for the non-supersymmetric Heterotic String
Higgs dark matter from warped extra-dimension
Universality in radiative corrections for non-supersymmetric heterotic vacua
Moduli stabilization, de Sitter vacua and supersymmetry breaking
Two-loop induced neutrino masses: A model-independent perspective
Inflation and DE from f(R) gravity
MSSM Higgs : Window into Susy GUTs
Gauge Mediation in the NMSSM with a Light Singlet: Sparticles within the Reach of LHC Run II
Naturalness and Supersymmetry
Natural SUSY: LHC and Dark Matter direct detection experiments interplay
Uplifting Maximal Gauged Supergravities
Off-trail SUSY
Large field inflation and string moduli stabilization
Indirect and direct detection prospect for TeV dark matter in the MSSM-9
Fermion mass and mixing pattern in a minimal T7 flavor 331 model
Dark matter with ultra compact mini halos
How to avoid unnatural hierarchical thermal leptogenesis
Supersymmetric Z' decays at the LHC
SO(10) SUSY GUTs from M theory
Dark Matter: Connecting LHC searches to direct detection
Features and implications of the plateau inflationary potentials
Family symmetries and CP
Currents in supersymmetric field theories
Non-custodial warped extra dimensions at the LHC
Shaft Inflation and the Planck satellite observations
Inflation, scale of supersymmetry breaking and moduli stabilization
Inflationary observables and moduli masses
Fitting the two-loop renormalized Two-Higgs-Doublet model
Prospects for Supersymmetry at the LHC & Beyond
Spinor-vector duality and light Z’ in heterotic strings
Phenomenology of the Renormalizable Coloron Model
Search strategies for heavy quark partners at LHC run-II
Particle production in the background with VEV depending on time
Effective Field theories and pseudo observables in the quest for physics beyond the standard model
Neutralino dark matter and naturalness of the electroweak scale
Search for the dark photon in pi0 decays
Searching SUSY from below
String condensation: Nemesis of Black Holes?
Gauge-Higgs Grand Unification
Quantum Gravity and Dimensional Transmutation
Neutrino flavor-, helicity-, and pair oscillations
Towards unification of GUT families
Neutrinos, Flavour and CP Violation
Stringy N = 1 Super no Scale Models
SU(5) Yukawa matrix unification in the General Flavour Violating MSSM
Naturalness of effective theories in Wilsonian approach
Gravitational lensing and frame dragging of light in the Kerr-Newman and the Kerr-Newman-(anti) de Sitter black hole spacetimes
Shifted Focus Point and Gluino Mass Bound in the Minimal Mixed Mediation of SUSY Breaking
Double Hybrid Inflation and gravitational waves
Standard Model vacuum stability in the presence of gauge invariant nonrenormalizable operators
Signs of Tops from Highly Mixed Stops
Dark Matter phenomenology of intersecting D6-branes with a Stückelberg portal
Novel Scenarios for Majorana Neutrino Mass Generation and Leptogenesis from Kalb-Ramond Torsion
Discrete Symmetries in F-theory models
R-parity violating supersymmetry and neutrino physics: experimental signatures
What is a Natural SUSY scenario?
Dark Matter and Gauge Coupling Unification in Non-supersymmetric SO(10) Grand Unified Models
Information Retention by Stringy Black Holes
The quark flavor problem and spontaneous breaking of flavour SU(3)^3
Supersymmetric Dark Matter after Run I at the LHC: From a TeV to a PeV
Current Status of the T2K experiment
Observable Gravitational Waves From Kinetically Modified Non-Minimal Inflation
Cosmic censorship revisited from a quantum mechanical standpoint
Aspects of the Flavour Expansion Theorem
Large muon (g-2) from TeV-scale MSSM with infinite tan beta
Anarchic Yukawas and top partial compositeness: the flavour of a successful marriage
Geroch group for Einstein spaces and holographic integrability
Looking for New Naturally Aligned Higgs Doublets at the LHC
Gauge mediation with light stops
SO(10) Yukawa Unification : SUSY on the Edge
Supersymmetry and Inflation
One-loop corrections to the Higgs EW chiral Lagrangian
Confronting the Inert Doublet Model with results from Run 1 of the LHC
A loophole to the universal photon spectrum in electromagnetic cascades: applications to non-thermal primordial nucleosynthesis
GUT-inspired SUSY and the muon g-2 anomaly: Prospects for LHC 14 TeV
µ-Term Hybrid Inflation and Split Supersymmetry
Tadpoles, Cephalopods, and ‘Complete Normal Ordering
GravitinoPack and late decays involving gravitinos
Semi-Annihilating Wino-Like Dark Matter
Interplay of gaugino (co)annihilation processes in the context of a precise relic density calculation
Rare top-quark decays to Higgs boson in the MSSM
Blind spots for neutralinos in NMSSM with light singlet scalar
Axion Dark Matter searches-Modulation, asymmetry and the diurnal variation
METing SUSY on the Z peak
A discrete Anatomy of the Neutrino mass Matrix
Origin of Neutrino Mass