LL2012 - (other Loops and Legs conferences)
April 15-20, 2012
Wernigerode, Germany
published February 22, 2013
LL2012 is a biennial workshop comprising the most recent results and advanced techniques of perturbative quantum field theory (QFT) as well as their confrontation to experimental results.
Monday Morning
Monday Afternoon
Tuesday Morning
Tuesday Afternoon I
Tuesday Afternoon II
Wednesday Morning
Thursday Morning I
Thursday Morning II
Thursday Afternoon I
Thursday Afternoon II
Friday Morning
Monday Morning
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T. Riemann
Gamma-ray astronomy - a new window to our Universe
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C. Stegmann
Z decay into hadrons and DIS sum rules at alpha_s^4
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K. Chetyrkin
Recent higher-order results in perturbative QCD
A. Vogt, C.H. Kom, N.A. Lo Presti, G. Soar, A. Almasy, S. Moch, J.A.M. Vermaseren and K. Yeats
From motives to differential equations for loop integrals
S. Weinzierl, S. Müller-Stach and R. Zayadeh
Recent developments in higher order precision calculations at lower energies
A. Czarnecki
Monday Afternoon
Relations between gravity and gauge theory and implications for UV properties
Z. Bern
The infrared structure of gauge theory amplitudes and their high-energy limit
L. Magnea, V. Del Duca, C. Duhr, E. Gardi and C. White
Testing NRQCD factorization in charmonium production at NLO
B. Kniehl
Dimensional Reduction (and all that)
T. Jones
Higgs lineshape
G. Passarino
Analytic results for multi-loop scattering amplitudes
J. Henn
Tuesday Morning
Overview of LHC results
G. Dissertori
Higgs cross section - an update
V. Ravindran and J. Smith
NLO QCD corrections to offshell ttbar production at hadron colliders
A. Denner, S. Dittmaier, S. Pozzorini and S. Kallweit
ABM11 PDFs and the cross section benchmarks in the NNLO
S. Alekhin, J. Bluemlein and S. Moch
Diphoton production at hadron colliders in NNLO QCD
G. Ferrera
Precise Predictions of Z+n jets at Hadron Colliders
L. Dixon, F. Febres Cordero, Z. Bern, S. Hoeche, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower, D. Maitre and K. Ozeren
Tuesday Afternoon I
NLO parton shower for LHC physics - hard processes and beyond
S. Jadach
New developments in PJFry
V. Yundin, T. Riemann and J. Fleischer
Towards a more accurate prediction of W+b jets production with an automatized approach to one-loop calculations
L. Reina
Latest results for V-boson+jets production at the LHC with BlackHat
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H. Ita
The GoSam package: an overview
F. Tramontano
Computational tools for scattering amplitudes at LO and NLO QCD
A. van Hameren
Tuesday Afternoon II
Infrared structure of pp to 2jets at NNLO the gluon channel
J.R. Pires
The three-loop form factor in N=4 super Yang-Mills
T. Huber
Hexagons, Heptagons and Octogons in N=4SYM
C. Duhr
On the integrand reduction of one and two-loop amplitudes
P. Mastrolia, E. Mirabella, G. Ossola, T. Peraro and H. van Deurzen
The structures of higher hypergeometric functions and the epsilon-expansion
V. Bytev, M. Kalmykov and B. Kniehl
Evaluating five-loop Konishi in N=4 SYM
V. Smirnov
Wednesday Morning
Potential of FORM 4.0
J.A.M. Vermaseren
Simultaneous decoupling of bottom and charm quarks
A.G. Grozin
Three-Loop Contributions to the Gluonic Massive Operator Matrix Elements at General Values of N
J. Bluemlein
Factorization violation in the collinear limit
S. Catani, D. De Florian and G. Rodrigo
Thursday Morning I
Numerical calculation of massive multi-loop integrals
G. Heinrich and S. Borowka
Numerical evaluation of one-loop QCD amplitudes
S. Badger, B. Biedermann, P. Uwer and V. Yundin
Numerical evaluation of NLO multiparton processes
C. Reuschle, S. Becker, D. Goetz, C. Schwan and S. Weinzierl
Higgs production in bottom quark annihilation
R. Harlander
Towards H+jet production at NNLO
T. Gehrmann
Precision calculations for Higgs-boson production at hadron colliders
N. Zerf
Thursday Morning II
Threeloop beta function in the Standard Model
M. Steinhauser
Towards fully automatized MSSM calculations
S. Heinemeyer
Spin identification of the RS resonance in di-photon production to NLO at the LHC
M.C. Kumar, P. Mathews, A.A. Pankov, N. Paver, V. Ravindran and A.V. Tsytrinov
FeynArts and FormCalc in the era of the LHC
T. Hahn
GRACE and loop integrals
J. Fujimoto and T. Kaneko
MadGolem automating NLO calculations for New Physics
D. Lopez-Val, D. Goncalves-Netto, T. Plehn, K. Mawatari and I.T. Wigmore
Thursday Afternoon I
Decomposing Feynman rules
D. Kreimer and F. Brown
Modern summation technologies and the calculation of 3-loop diagrams
J. Ablinger, J. Bluemlein, M. Round and C. Schneider
Efficient contraction of 1-loop N-point tensor integrals.
J. Fleischer, J. Gluza, T. Riemann and R. Sevillano
Loop calculations for lattice matching
J. Gracey
Symbolic integration and multiple polylogarithms
C. Bogner and F. Brown
Recursive relations for multiparton splitting functions
P. Draggiotis
Scattering amplitudes at next-to-leading order with Open Loops
F. Cascioli, P. Maierhöfer and S. Pozzorini
Thursday Afternoon II
Matching NLO QCD to Monte Carlo showers and POWHEG
S. Alioli
ttbar + X hadroproduction with PowHel
Z. Trocsanyi, M.V. Garzelli and A. Kardos
Combining fixed-order helicity amplitudes with resummation using SCET
I.W. Stewart, F. Tackmann and W.J. Waalewijn
Top quark pairs at two loops
A. von Manteuffel and C. Studerus
The singular behavior of one-loop massive QCD amplitudes with one external soft gluon
I. Bierenbaum
Double real radiation corrections to top-antitop production at the LHC
G. Abelof and A. Gehrmann-De Ridder
Precision top physics at hadron colliders
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A. Mitov
Friday Morning
Automated computation meets hot QCD
Y. Schröder
SCET applications for the LHC
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M. Neubert
Forward branching phase space generators for NLO Monte Carlo's
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W. Giele
Maximal unitarity at two loops
H. Johansson, D.A. Kosower and K. Larsen
Threshold production of unstable top
A. Penin
Feynman integrals inside Dirichlet's critical strip
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D. Broadhurst