Inaugurated in 1994 in Como, Italy, this series of conferences has become an important forum for scientists working on strong interactions, stimulating exchanges among theorists and experimentalists as well as across related fields.
The aim of the conference is to bring together people working on strong interactions from different approaches, ranging from lattice QCD to perturbative QCD, from models of the QCD vacuum to QCD phenomenology and experiments, from effective theories to physics beyond the Standard Model.
The scope of the conference also includes the interface between QCD, nuclear physics and astrophysics, and the wider landscape of strongly coupled physics.
In particular, the conference will focus on the fruitful interactions and mutual benefits between QCD and the physics of condensed matter and strongly correlated systems.
The thirteenth edition of this conference series will take place at Maynooth
University , Ireland, 1-6 August 2018.
Plenary |
Nonperturbative Casimir Effects in Field Theories:aspects of confinement, dynamical mass generationand chiral symmetry breaking
Review of quarkonium production: status and prospects
Dark Hadrons as Dynamical Dark Matter
Exploring non-abelian gauge theory with energy-momentum tensor; stress, thermodynamics and correlations
Atmospheric charm, QCD and neutrino astronomy
Recent QCD results from LHC
Strong coupling constant from moments ofquarkonium correlators
Bayesian techniques and applications to QCD
Large-${N_{\mathrm{c}}^{}}$ QCD and tetraquarks
The overdamped chiral magnetic wave
Roundtable discussions |
Round Table on Axions and Axion-like Particles
Determining the strong coupling - status and challenges
A: Vacuum structure and confinement |
Nonperturbative quark-gluon thermodynamics at finite density.
Spectrum of the open QCD flux tube and its effective string description
Color Confinement, Hadron Dynamics, and Hadron Spectroscopy from Light-Front Holography and Superconformal Algebra
Variational and Dyson-Schwinger Equations of QCD
Conformal Perturbation description of Deconfinement.
Ghost Sector in Minimal Linear Covariant Gauge
BRST invariant $d=2$ condensates in Gribov-Zwanziger theory
Localisation, chiral symmetry and confinement in QCD and related theories
On the distinction between color confinement, and confinement
Mass-deformed Yang-Mills theory in the covariant gauge and its gauge-invariant extension through the gauge-independent BEH mechanism
Dynamics and flavor symmetry realizations in chiral QCD
String-like theory as solution to the sign problem of a finite density gauge theory
On the analytic structure of QCD propagators
The density of state approach to the sign problem
Correct way to extract the dominant part of the Wilson loop in higher representations
Structure of hybrid static potential flux tubes in Lattice Yang-Mills-theory
4d ensembles of percolating center vortices and chains
Lattice QCD$_2$ effective action with Bogoliubov transformations
Baryonic or quarkyonic matter?
Thermodynamics and non-Gaussian Measures in the Covariant Variational Approach to Yang-Mills Theory
Hamiltonian approach to QCD in Coulomb gauge at finite temperatures
Confinement/deconfinement phase transition in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory and non-Abelian dual Meissner effect.
Confinement, Instanton-dyons and Monopoles
Field-Strength Descriptions for a Confined System of SU(2) Charges
Non-abelian Higgs theory in a strong magnetic field and confinement
Composite operator and condensate in SU(N) Yang-Mills theory with U(N-1) stability group
Focus subsection: Emergent gauge fields and chiral fermions |
Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of topological an anomalous effects from chiral kinetic theory
B: Light quarks |
Fractal structure, power-law distribution and hadron spectrum
Hadron spectroscopy with photons at CLAS and CLAS12
Chiral symmetry breaking corrections to thepseudoscalar pole contribution of the HadronicLight-by-Light piece of $a_\mu$
Radiative corrections in Dalitz decays of $\pi^0$, $\eta$ and $\eta^\prime$ mesons
A look at hadronization via high multiplicity
Recent experimental results from the SND detector
Compact Flavour-Exotic Tetraquarksin Large-N$_c$QCD — To Be or Not to Be?
Pion structure from lattice QCD
Review of phenomenological analyses of $\eta^{(\prime)} \pi$ resonances measured at the COMPASS experiment activities and recent results
Euclidean partons?
Dynamical spin effects in the pseudoscalar nonetwithin holographic QCD
Perturbative investigation of "Wilson-line"-type operators in Parton Physics
Quark-photon vertex from lattice QCD in Landau gauge
Light-Quark Resonances at COMPASS
C: Heavy quarks |
Radially excited $\psi$ mesons and the $Y$ enhancements
A quark model study of ψ (4260)
QCD analysis of $D^{*}$-meson fragmentation functions and their uncertainties at NNLO
XYZ States at BESIII
The Born-Oppenheimer approximation in an effective field theory framework
EFT determination of the heavy-hybrid spin potential
Strong isospin breaking in the decay constants of heavy–light mesons from local-duality QCD sum rules
Charmonium resonances from 2+1 flavor CLS lattices
Precision spectroscopy of charmonium-like (exotic) XYZ states at PANDA/FAIR
Cornell Model calibration with NRQCD at N$^3$LO
$\bar{b}\bar{b}$ud tetraquark resonances in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation using lattice QCD potentials
Isospin violations at BESIII
Charm Quark Mass with Calibrated Uncertainty
Higher-order condensate corrections to bottomonium observables
Selected updates on semileptonic $B$ decays and $|V_{xb}|$ determination
The mixing of hybrids with quarkonia
On the origin of Y(4260) and the $J^{PC}=1^{--}$ exotic mesons
$\Omega_c$ excited states with heavy-quark spin symmetry
Rare FCNC radiative leptonic B$_s,_d$→γl$^+$l$^−$ decays in the SM
D: Deconfinement |
Temperature dependence of $\eta/s$: uncertainties from the equation of state
Understanding the dynamics of field theories far from equilibrium
Jet fragmentation in a dense QCD medium
Consequences of conformal anomaly on fluid dynamics
Towards a precise determination of the equation of state of QCD at high-temperature
Forward particle production in proton-nucleuscollisions at NLO
Hadron gas with repulsive mean field
Sphaleron rate in lattice gluodynamics
Thermal properties of S = − 1 Hyperons: an S-matrix approach
Matching the non-equilibrium initial stage of heavy ion collisions to hydrodynamics with QCD kinetic theory
Chiral and $U(1)_A$ restoration: Ward Identities and effective theories
Study of deconfined quark matter at zero temperature and high density
Thermal effective potential for the Polyakov loop to higher loop order
In-medium heavy quarkonium from lattice NRQCD
Relativistic fluid dynamics of spin-polarized systems of particles
Evolution of magnetic fields in a transversely expanding highly conductive fluid
Lattice Landau gauge quark propagator at finite temperature
Toward a unified description of jet and medium scales in heavy-ion collisions
Loop functions at finite temperature from perturbation theory to lattice QCD
Equation of state in (2+1) flavor QCD at hightemperatures
Wigner function approach to polarization-vorticity coupling and hydrodynamics with spin
E: QCD and New Physics |
One-loop lattice study of composite bilinear operators in Supersymmetric QCD
CP violation in QCD
Current status of $\varepsilon'/\varepsilon$ in the Standard Model
A Model for Soft and Hard Interactions based on the CGC/Saturation Approach
Hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment
Searches for new physics using jet substructure inATLAS and CMS
Calculation of Nucleon Electric Dipole Moments Induced by Quark Chromo-Electric Dipole Moments and the QCD θ-term
F: Nuclear and Astroparticle Physics |
Pion condensation and the QCD phase diagram at finite isospin density
Dense matter in strong magnetic fields without nucleons
Influence of quark masses and strangeness degrees of freedom on inhomogeneous chiral phases
Constraints from the GW170817 merger event on thenuclear matter equation of state
Towards understanding the $\phi$ meson in nuclear matter with finite momentum
Wess-Zumino-Witten term in QCD-like theories
Chiral symmetry restoration by parity doubling and the structure of neutron stars
Multi-winding flux tubes in CFL quark matter
Kaonic atoms measurements at the DAΦNE Collider
Transport in Dense Nuclear Matter
G: Strongly Coupled Theories |
Collider phenomenology of vector resonances in WZ scattering processes
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in the U(2) Planar Thirring Model?
Chiral Perturbation Theory with an Isosinglet Scalar
Infrared Behaviour of SU(2) Gauge Theory with $N_f$ fundamental flavours
Gravitational waves and collider signatures fromholographic phase transitions in soft walls
Composite Higgs Models: a new holographic approach
H. Statistical Methods for Physics Analysis in the XXI Century |
Continuous signal modelling in a multidimensional space of coupling parameters
Estimation of global statistical significance of a new signal within the GooFit framework on GPUs
Determination of the quark-gluon string parameters from the data on pp, pA and AA collisions at wide energy range using Bayesian Gaussian Process Optimization
Bayesian unfolding of charged particle $p_{\mathrm{T}} $ spectra with ALICE at the LHC
Managing Many Simultaneous Systematic Uncertainties
Confidence intervals for linear combinations of Poisson observations
Pseudosignificances as figures of merit: a systematic study and exploration of Bayesian solutions
Posters |
Bethe–Salpeter-Motivated Modelling of Pseudo-Goldstone Pseudoscalar Mesons
Open-Flavour Mesons from the Angle of Bethe, Dyson, Salpeter, Schwinger, et al.
Charge correlations and strongly intensive fluctuations in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions in the string model
Anomalous transport, massive gravity theories and holographic momentum relaxation
Evolution of higher moments of multiplicity distribution
Energy-dependent hotspots model via vector meson photoproduction
Proper time evolution of magnetic susceptibility in amagnetized plasma of quarks and gluons
QCD at nonzero isospin asymmetry
How to identify gluonium states using QCD counting rules
The role of the thermal $f_0(500)$ or sigma in chiral symmetry restoration
High Precision Statistical Landau Gauge Lattice Gluon Propagator Computation
Color screening in 2+1 flavor QCD at large distances
Monopole Dominance of Confinement in SU(3) Lattice QCD
Type of dual superconductivity for SU(2) and SU(3) Yang-Mills theories
Spectral properties of light and charm mesons from $N_f=2+1$ anisotropic lattice QCD