Introductory remarks |
LC2010: Relativistic Hadron and Particle Physics
Session 1: Light front field theory and other nonperturbative approaches (convener: J.P. Vary) |
Non-Perturbative Hamiltonian Light Front Field Theory - Progress and Prospects
Field Theory on the Light Front
Momentum and position variables in light-front Hamiltonians and wave functions
Electron in a transverse harmonic potential
Relativistic three-body model for final state interaction in D+ \rightarrow K-\pi +\pi + decay
String Gauge Symmetries in the Light-Front Polyakov D1 Brane Action
Pair production in laser fields: finite size effects
Light-Front Quantization of Chern-Simons-Higgs Theory in the Symmetry Phase
Pauli–Villars regularization of field theories on the light front
Nonperturbative calculations in light-front QED
Session 2: Relativistic Nuclear and Hadron structure (convener G. Salme’) |
Two-body current operators and elastic electron-deuteron scattering in the Light-front Hamiltonian Dynamics
Poincare Invariant Quantum Mechancis based on Euclidean Green functions
Generalized parton distributions and the parton structure of light nuclei
Solving Bethe-Salpeter equation for two fermions in Minkowski space
Parameters in a Walecka-type model for the deuteron
PS-meson form factors in relativistic quantum mechanics and constraints from covariant space-time translations
Relativistic point-form approach to hadron properties
On baryon properties from a covariant Faddeev approach
\eta - \eta ^{\prime} Mixing from the Chiral Lagrangian
Session 3: Non-perturbative methods and renormalization theory (Convener: D. Binosi) |
Dynamical gluon mass generation and the IR sector of QCD
From unphysical gluon and ghost propagators to physical glueball propagators (in the Gribov-Zwanziger picture): a not so trivial task?
The low-momentum ghost dressing function and the gluon mass
Massive Degeneracy and Goldstone Bosons, A Challenge for the Light Front
Hamiltonian formulation of the exactly solvable models and their vacuum structure
Taylor-Lagrange Renormalisation: Self-energy of the gauge boson.
The fine tuning problem revisited in the light of the Taylor-Lagrange renormalization scheme.
Session 4: AdS/CFT overview and applications to strongly interacting systems (Convener: A. Pomarol) |
Gauge/Gravity Duality and Strongly Coupled Light-Front Dynamics
Light and heavy mesons in soft-wall holographic approach
Considering anomalous dimensions in AdS/QCD models
2-forms in holographic QCD
Session 5: Recent results in perturbative QCD (Convener: N. Glover) |
Feynman’s Tree Theorem and loop-tree dualities
Quark-hadron duality violation in QCD Sum Rules with hadronic \tau data
Heavy quark flavour dependence of multiparticle production in QCD jets
Session 6: Lattice and hamiltonian QCD (Convener: Ph. Haegler) |
Hadron Structure from Lattice QCD
Gluon Structure Function in Hamiltonian Lattice QCD
Transversity relations, chiral and holographic models, and pion wave functions from lattice QCD
Session 7: Relativistic heavy ion physics (Convener: G. Martinez) |
Dileptons and Photons at RHIC
Small-x physics at the large Hadron-electron Collider
Quasi-Classical Model in SU(N) Gauge Field Theory
Progress in Lattice QCD at non-zero temperature and QGP
Session 8: GPDs, DVCS and TMDs (Convener: M. Burkardt) |
Transverse spin structure of hadrons
Recent developments at HERMES
Role and properties of Wilson lines in TMD PDFs
Spin Filter and GPD in DVCS Amplitudes
T-odd TMDs in Quark Models
Quadrupole moment of the nucleon in chiral constituent quark model
GTMDs in Light-Cone Models
Timelike Virtual Compton Scattering from Electron-Positron Radiative Annihilation
Session 9: The pion transition form factor and the BaBar data (Convener: M. V. Polyakov) |
Measurement of the \gamma \gamma \ast \rightarrow \pi 0 transition form factor
Photon-pion transition form factor within nonlocal chiral quark model
Pion transition form factor in the Regge approach
The Pion Electromagnetic Form Factor in the Light-Front Approach
Pion observables within the covariant formulation of Light-front dynamics
Poster session |
Graviton decay to 2 photons at the LHC
Coulomb gauge QCD as a tool for the excited spectrum
A QCD sum rule study of two scalar mesons f0(980) and a0(980)
The asymmetry of the dimension two condensate
European Physics Journal A special seesion |
QCD at the Light-Front