LC2010 - (other lc conferences)
June 14-18, 2010
Valencia, Spain
published December 13, 2010
Light Cone Dynamics is a general Hamiltonian framework well suited to describe relativistic bound state systems, among them hadrons and nuclei, and their interactions, starting from the first principles of Quantum Chromodynamics. The various questions relevant to reach this ambitious goal are discussed in a series of workshops held each year under the supervision of the International Light Cone Advisory Committee. (ILCAC). The 2010 edition of this series took place in Valencia, between the 14-18 of June, was attended by approximately 80 physicists, and there was a total of 68 presentations (invited talks, selected talks and posters). This year we opened up the program to incorporate finite temperature and density field theory,and invited presentations of the most relevant experimental results of interest. The main themes included light cone field theory, non perturbative methods in quantum field theory, relativistic models of nuclear structure, non perturbative methods and renormalization theory, AdS/CFT correspondence, perturbative QCD, lattice field theory, field theory at finite temperature and density, generalized parton distributions and deep inelastic virtual scattering, small x physics, quark-hadron duality, pion transfer form factor. In addition, a special lecture, QCD at the light-front, sponsored by the European Physical Journal A , was delivered by S.Brodsky, on the occasion of his seventieth birthday.
conference main image
Introductory remarks
Session 1: Light front field theory and other nonperturbative approaches (convener: J.P. Vary)
Session 2: Relativistic Nuclear and Hadron structure (convener G. Salme’)
Session 3: Non-perturbative methods and renormalization theory (Convener: D. Binosi)
Session 4: AdS/CFT overview and applications to strongly interacting systems (Convener: A. Pomarol)
Session 5: Recent results in perturbative QCD (Convener: N. Glover)
Session 6: Lattice and hamiltonian QCD (Convener: Ph. Haegler)
Session 7: Relativistic heavy ion physics (Convener: G. Martinez)
Session 8: GPDs, DVCS and TMDs (Convener: M. Burkardt)
Session 9: The pion transition form factor and the BaBar data (Convener: M. V. Polyakov)
Poster session
European Physics Journal A special seesion
Introductory remarks
LC2010: Relativistic Hadron and Particle Physics
V. Vento
Session 1: Light front field theory and other nonperturbative approaches (convener: J.P. Vary)
Non-Perturbative Hamiltonian Light Front Field Theory - Progress and Prospects
J. Vary
Field Theory on the Light Front
J.F. Mathiot
Momentum and position variables in light-front Hamiltonians and wave functions
S.D. Glazek
Electron in a transverse harmonic potential
H. Honkanen
Relativistic three-body model for final state interaction in D+ \rightarrow K-\pi +\pi + decay
T. Frederico
String Gauge Symmetries in the Light-Front Polyakov D1 Brane Action
D. Kulshreshtha
Pair production in laser fields: finite size effects
A. Ilderton
Light-Front Quantization of Chern-Simons-Higgs Theory in the Symmetry Phase
U. Kulshreshtha
Pauli–Villars regularization of field theories on the light front
J. Hiller
Nonperturbative calculations in light-front QED
S. Chabyshova
Session 2: Relativistic Nuclear and Hadron structure (convener G. Salme’)
Two-body current operators and elastic electron-deuteron scattering in the Light-front Hamiltonian Dynamics
G. Salme
Poincare Invariant Quantum Mechancis based on Euclidean Green functions
W. Polyzou and P. Kopp
Generalized parton distributions and the parton structure of light nuclei
S. Scopetta
Solving Bethe-Salpeter equation for two fermions in Minkowski space
V.A. Karmanov and J. Carbonell
Parameters in a Walecka-type model for the deuteron
B. Bakker
PS-meson form factors in relativistic quantum mechanics and constraints from covariant space-time translations
B. Desplanques and Y.b. Dong
Relativistic point-form approach to hadron properties
W. Plessas
On baryon properties from a covariant Faddeev approach
H. Sanchis Alepuz, R. Alkofer, G. Eichmann and S. Villalba-Chavez
\eta - \eta ^{\prime} Mixing from the Chiral Lagrangian
V. Mathieu
Session 3: Non-perturbative methods and renormalization theory (Convener: D. Binosi)
Dynamical gluon mass generation and the IR sector of QCD
D. Binosi
From unphysical gluon and ghost propagators to physical glueball propagators (in the Gribov-Zwanziger picture): a not so trivial task?
D. Dudal
The low-momentum ghost dressing function and the gluon mass
J. Rodriguez-Quintero
Massive Degeneracy and Goldstone Bosons, A Challenge for the Light Front
M. Weinstein
Hamiltonian formulation of the exactly solvable models and their vacuum structure
L. Martinovic
Taylor-Lagrange Renormalisation: Self-energy of the gauge boson.
The fine tuning problem revisited in the light of the Taylor-Lagrange renormalization scheme.
B. Mutet, P. Grange, J.F. Mathiot and E. Werner
Session 4: AdS/CFT overview and applications to strongly interacting systems (Convener: A. Pomarol)
Gauge/Gravity Duality and Strongly Coupled Light-Front Dynamics
G.F. de Téramond and S.J. Brodsky
Light and heavy mesons in soft-wall holographic approach
V. Lyubovitskij, T. Branz, T. Gutsche, I. Schmidt and A. Vega
Considering anomalous dimensions in AdS/QCD models
A. Vega and I. Schmidt
2-forms in holographic QCD
O. Cata
Session 5: Recent results in perturbative QCD (Convener: N. Glover)
Feynman’s Tree Theorem and loop-tree dualities
G. Rodrigo
Quark-hadron duality violation in QCD Sum Rules with hadronic \tau data
M. González-Alonso, A. Pich and J. Prades
Heavy quark flavour dependence of multiparticle production in QCD jets
R. Pérez Ramos
Session 6: Lattice and hamiltonian QCD (Convener: Ph. Haegler)
Hadron Structure from Lattice QCD
P. Haegler
Gluon Structure Function in Hamiltonian Lattice QCD
H.J. Pirner, D. Gruenewald and E.M. Ilgenfritz
Transversity relations, chiral and holographic models, and pion wave functions from lattice QCD
E. Ruiz Arriola and W. Broniowski
Session 7: Relativistic heavy ion physics (Convener: G. Martinez)
Dileptons and Photons at RHIC
I. Zahed
Small-x physics at the large Hadron-electron Collider
N. Armesto Perez
Quasi-Classical Model in SU(N) Gauge Field Theory
A. Koshelkin
Progress in Lattice QCD at non-zero temperature and QGP
P. Petreczky
Session 8: GPDs, DVCS and TMDs (Convener: M. Burkardt)
Transverse spin structure of hadrons
M. Burkardt
Recent developments at HERMES
G. Schnell
Role and properties of Wilson lines in TMD PDFs
N.G. Stefanis, I.O. Cherednikov and A.I. Karanikas
Spin Filter and GPD in DVCS Amplitudes
C.R. Ji and B. Bakker
T-odd TMDs in Quark Models
A. Courtoy
Quadrupole moment of the nucleon in chiral constituent quark model
H. Dahiya and N. Sharma
GTMDs in Light-Cone Models
C. Lorcé and B. Pasquini
Timelike Virtual Compton Scattering from Electron-Positron Radiative Annihilation
A. Mukherjee
Session 9: The pion transition form factor and the BaBar data (Convener: M. V. Polyakov)
Measurement of the \gamma \gamma \ast \rightarrow \pi 0 transition form factor
M. Dubrovin
Photon-pion transition form factor within nonlocal chiral quark model
A.E. Dorokhov
Pion transition form factor in the Regge approach
W. Broniowski and E. Ruiz Arriola
The Pion Electromagnetic Form Factor in the Light-Front Approach
J.P. De Melo
Pion observables within the covariant formulation of Light-front dynamics
N. Tsirova
Poster session
Graviton decay to 2 photons at the LHC
S. Dalley
Coulomb gauge QCD as a tool for the excited spectrum
F.J. Llanes-Estrada
A QCD sum rule study of two scalar mesons f0(980) and a0(980)
H.J. Lee
The asymmetry of the dimension two condensate
D. Vercauteren, D. Dudal, J. Gracey, N. Vandersickel and H. Verschelde
European Physics Journal A special seesion
QCD at the Light-Front
S.J. Brodsky and G.F. de Téramond