PoS - Proceedings of Science
LC2019 16-20 September 2019 Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France

Light Cone 2019 is the latest in the series of conferences that, beginning in 1991, have played an important role in promoting research towards a rigorous description of hadrons and nuclei based on quantisation methods in the front form.

As with earlier conferences in the series, the aim of this meeting will be to create a scientific program that will stimulate developments at the forefront of nuclear, hadron and particle physics research. In particular, Light Cone 2019 will focus on the following physics topics and approaches:
Physics Topics

    Hadronic structure
    Small-x physics and heavy ions
    QCD at finite temperature
    Few- and many-body physics
    Chiral symmetry


    Field theories in the front form
    Lattice field theory
    Effective field theories
    Phenomenological models
    Present and future facilities

LC2010 June 14-18, 2010 Valencia, Spain
Light Cone Dynamics is a general Hamiltonian framework well suited to describe relativistic bound state systems, among them hadrons and nuclei, and their interactions, starting from the first principles of Quantum Chromodynamics. The various questions relevant to reach this ambitious goal are discussed in a series of workshops held each year under the supervision of the International Light Cone Advisory Committee. (ILCAC). The 2010 edition of this series took place in Valencia, between the 14-18 of June, was attended by approximately 80 physicists, and there was a total of 68 presentations (invited talks, selected talks and posters). This year we opened up the program to incorporate finite temperature and density field theory,and invited presentations of the most relevant experimental results of interest. The main themes included light cone field theory, non perturbative methods in quantum field theory, relativistic models of nuclear structure, non perturbative methods and renormalization theory, AdS/CFT correspondence, perturbative QCD, lattice field theory, field theory at finite temperature and density, generalized parton distributions and deep inelastic virtual scattering, small x physics, quark-hadron duality, pion transfer form factor. In addition, a special lecture, QCD at the light-front, sponsored by the European Physical Journal A , was delivered by S.Brodsky, on the occasion of his seventieth birthday.
LC2008 July 7-11, 2008 Mulhouse, France
This Workshop is part of a series of regular meetings held each year to discuss the main goals of research and challenges in Light Cone Dynamics: rigorous evaluation of masses and wave functions of hadrons and nuclei, hadronic and nuclear phenomenology based on fundamental quark and gluon dynamics, experimental tests at new facilities