Sessions |
Monday Afternoon |
Monday Morning |
Tuesday Morning |
Tuesday Afternoon |
Wednesday Morning |
Wednesday Afternoon |
Thursday Morning |
Friday Morning |
Friday Afternoon |
Monday Afternoon |
NA49 evidence for the onset of deconfinement
Phase transition signature results from PHENIX
The ridges and the cone as “QGP corona" effects
Energy dependence of azimuthal correlations
Oscillations of HBT radii and the softest point in the EOS
Thermal systems with a finite bath: A description of an event generator
Finite-size effects and the search for the critical endpoint in heavy ion collisions
Modeling phase transitions in rapidly expanding systems
Monday Morning |
The QCD phase diagram: Expectations and Challenges
Exploring the QCD phase diagram: Fluctuations and Correlations
Fluctuations and their scaling in effective models and LGT calculations
Overview of STAR results on fluctuations
Tuesday Morning |
Universality, non-Gaussian fluctuations and the search for the QCD critical point
Toward identifying the QCD critical point: attenuation of the sound mode around the critical point
Novel Ways to Look for the Critical Point and New Phases in RHI Collisions
Phase diagram from PNJL models
QCD thermodynamics with effective models
Multiple critical points in the QCD phase diagram
Inhomogeneous phases near the chiral critical point in NJL-type models
Tuesday Afternoon |
When is nuclear matter quarkyonic, and a critical end point for deconfinement
Signature of a quarkyonic phase in the QCD phase diagram
Quarkyonic matter from hydro and rapid freeze out
Finding the critical end point of QCD: lattice and experiment
Deconfinement phase transition and the quark condensate
Hadronic Fluctuations for non-zero chemical potential
Towards a determination of the chiral critical surface of QCD
Tc, curvature on the mu-T plane, and the critical point: lattice QCD approaches the continuum limit
Study of QCD critical point using canonical ensemble method
Wednesday Morning |
NA49: Search for the critical point and fluctuations
Fluctuations and correlations from microscopic transport theory
Event-by-Event particle yield ratio fluctuations in CBM and NA49 experiments
Statistical model and the mesonic-baryonic transition region
Phase transition dynamics for baryon-dense matter
Transport model studies of the baryon-rich quark-gluon plasma formed in heavy ion collisions
Wednesday Afternoon |
Critical opalescence: A smoking gun signature for the critical point
Locating the critical point of QCD phase transition by finite-size scaling
Chiral symmetry restoration and strong CP violation in a strong magnetic background
STAR results on local strong P/CP violation at RHIC
Physics Department Colloquium: CP violation and the CP
Thursday Morning |
Overview on charm and dileptons at finite-T and µ
PHENIX Results and plans on charm and dileptons
FAIR/CBM capabilities for charm and dilepton studies
K/pi ratio in statistical models
Matter effects at CERN SPS
Recent results from HADES on electron pair production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Hadron production in Al + Al collisions at 2A GeV
Friday Morning |
STAR results from 9.2GeV Au+Au run
Investigating the dense QCD phase diagram with NICA at JINR Dubna
NA61/Shine low energy program at SPS
Progress of the FAIR project
Progress of the NICA project
Low energy program at RHIC
Electron cooling for low-energy RHIC operation
Friday Afternoon |
STAR plans for RHIC low energy run
PHENIX plans for RHIC low energy run
Closing talk