9 - 13 August 2004
Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas (CBPF/MCT), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
published November 30, 2004
The present volume gathers together contributions based on talks presented at the "Fourth International Winter Conference on Mathematical Methods in Physics", held at the Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF/MCT, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) from the 9th to 13th August, 2004. The Conference was the fourth of a planned series, the previous ones being held at the State University of Londrina (Paraná, Brazil). In the recent years one has witnessed some new and very exciting applications of quite a range of sophisticated mathematical tools in theoretical physics. The largest amount of them coming from the domain of the so-called "pure" mathematics, including for example number theory, methods of spectral and group theories, differential and algebraic geometry, non-commutative geometry and topology. Some of these tools were showcased in a series of lectures delivered at the previous Londrina Conferences (see references below). The principal goal of the Winter Conference 2004 (WC2004) was to promote updating of knowledge and interaction between mathematicians and theoretical physicists, through plenary sessions, seminars and posters. We thank the authors for their hard work in the preparation of their contributions, and specially in bringing them to a suitable form for publication. Also we would like to acknowledge the financial support from the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, Brazil), the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, Brazil), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ, Brazil) and, in particular, to Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF/MCT) where this Conference has been hosted. Finally the organizers of the WC2004 would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Editorial Board of the Journal of High Energy Physics for their interest in the publication of this volume.

Editorial Board
Alves Dias Sebastião, Bytsenko A. Andrey (chairman), Helayël-Neto José Abdalla, Kerner Richard, Xavier Guimarães Maria Emília

conference main image
Plenary Talks
Plenary Talks
On a Division Algebra Classification of Constrained
F. Toppan
String Theory on AdS3
C. Núñez
On Solitons, Non-Linear Sigma-Models, and Two-Dimensional Gravity
F. Williams
11D Supergravity as a Gauge Theory for the M-Algebra
M. Hassaine, R. Troncoso and J. Zanelli
Perturbative Finiteness of Superstring Theory
N.J. Berkovits
Born-Infeld Type Lagrangians for Gauge and Boson Fields
R. Kerner and E. Serie
On the Quantum Disc and the Equivalence of Morse-Smale Systems
A.R. Da Silva, F.J. Vanhecke and C. Sigaud
Scalar and Vector Massive Fields in Lyra´s Manifold
R. Casana, C.A.M. De Melo and B.M. Pimentel
Quantum Zakharov Equations
F. Haas, L.G. Garcia and J. Goedert
Scattering of Glue Balls and the AdS/CFT Correspondence
H.B. Filho and N.R.F. Braga
Hyperbolic Space Forms and Orbifold Compactification in M-Theory
A.A. Bytsenko, M.E.X. Guimaraes and J.A. Helayel-Neto
How to Quantize k-Deformed Field Theories ?
M.V. Cougo-Pinto, C. Farina, G. Guedes and J.F.M. Mendes
Perspectives of TFD on String Theory
M.C. Batoni Abdalla, A.L. Gadelha and D.L. Nedel
The Partition Function for Anharmonic Oscillator in the Strong-Coupling Regime
N. Fux Svaiter
Twistors, Generalizations and Exceptional Structures
R. da Rocha and J.J. Vaz
Twisted Trace Formula for Hecke Correspondences
S. Shokranian
Dark Energy and Cosmic Speed-Up from Consistent Modified Gravity
S.i. Nojiri and S. Odintsov
Fixing Ambiguities in QED2 Considered in Non-Trivial Topology Sectors
M.B. Da Silva Neto and S.A. Dias
The Riemann Zeta Function and Vacuum Spectrum
S. Joffily
Variables Separation in Gravity
V.V. Obukhov and K.E. Osetrin
Torsion as Alternative to Curvature in the Description of Gravitation
V. Carvalho de Andrade, H.I. Arcos and J.G. Pereira
Noncommutative Theories and Gravity
V.O. Rivelles
Some Mathematical Aspects of the Lifshitz Formula for the Thermal Casimir Force
V. Mostepanenko, A.O. Caride, G.L. Klimchitskaya and S.I. Zanette
Gauge and Lorentz Anomalies in the Pure Spinor Formulation of the Heterotic Superstring
V. Pershin
General Unitary TFD Formulation for Superstrings
M.C.B. Abdalla, A.L. Gadelha and D.L. Nedel
On the Casimir Energy of $\kappa$-Deformed Quantum Fields
E. Elizalde, F.C. Santos, A.C. Tort and D.P. Palma
Dilatonic, Chiral Cosmic Strings
V. Carvalho de Andrade, A.L. Naves de Oliveira and M.E.X. Guimaraes
Brane Condensation and Confinement
C. Wotzasek and P. Gaete
On the Potentials of Supersymmetric Theories with Gauge-Field Mixing Terms
C. Nunes Ferreira, H. Chavez and J.A. Helayel-Neto
Superspace Type II 4D Supergravity from Type II Superstring
D.L. Nedel
A Remark on the Aharonov-Bohm Potential and a Discussion on the Electric Charge Quantization
F.A. Barone Rangel and J.A. Helayel-Neto
On the Casimir Effect for N-Dimensional Spheres
F.S.S. Siqueira de Souza da Rosa, M.V. Cougo-Pinto and C. Farina
Residual Symmetries in the Presence of an EM Background
M.P. Rojas Leyva, H.L. Carrion and F. Toppan
Motion of Coloured Particles in Solitons of the O(3) Non-Linear Model
R. Monteiro Fernandes and P.S. Letelier
Derivative Dispersion Relations
R.F. Avila and M.J. Menon
Spectral Functions for Gauge Fields in Rindler-Like Spaces
A.A. Bytsenko, A.E. Goncalves and V. Dos Santos Mendes
N = 2 SUSY Formulation of Lorentz- and CPT-Breaking Gauge Theories
W.G. Ney, J.A. Helayel-Neto and W. Spalenza