Axions and other very weakly interacting slim (m
Arturo de Giorgi (arturo.degiorgi@uam.es)
Institute of Theoretical Physics UAM/CSIC, Spain
Gerben Venken (gerben.venken@physics.ox.ac.uk)
Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, Oxford University, United Kingdom
Amelia Drew (ad652@cam.ac.uk)
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Giovanni Pierobon (g.pierobon@unsw.edu.au)
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Giuseppe Lucente (giuseppe.lucente@ba.infn.it)
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Damiano F.G. Fiorillo (damiano.fiorillo@nbi.ku.dk)
Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Cristian Cogollos (cogollos@mpp.mpg.de)
Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich, Germany
Marios Maroudas (marios.maroudas@desy.de)
Institute for Experimental Physics, University of Hamburg, Germany
Sessions |
Wg1 |
Wg2 |
Wg3 |
Wg4 |
Concluding Talk |
Training School Lectures |
Training School Talks |
Wg1 |
Spectator-Verse Echoes from String Theory
Axion string phenomenology
Cosmological Scalras: theory and tests
Generalized axion electrodynamics and the Witten effect
On (de Sitter) vacua in heterotic string theory
Remarks on brane-antibrane inflation
Natural Metric-Affine Inflation
Loop Blow-Up Inflation: a novel way to inflate with the Kaehler moduli
A Fuzzy Axiverse from String Theory
Axion-like-particle dark matter beyond the standard paradigm
Strings In and Out of Equilibrium & Dark Radiation
Geometric Z' Boson: Implications for Dark Matter and Black Holes
Dark photon phenomenology
Wg2 |
Constraints on minimally and conformally coupled ultralight dark matter with the EPTA
Searching for Ultra Light Dark Matter soliton through GWs
The Spectrum of Global Axion Strings
Axion minicluster streams in the Solar neighbourhood
Thermal Axions: What’s Next?
Axion dark energy
Hunting Dark Matter Lines in the Infrared Background with the James Webb Space Telescope
Axion stars from strings
Wg3 |
Indirect detection of the QCD axion
Detection of scalar and vector particles from the Sun
WISPs, WIMPs, and Gammas: Searches for New Physics with the Fermi Large Area Telescope
Photon production of axions and neutrinos in compact objects
Self-gravity of boson clouds from superradiant clouds
Axions from Very-high Energy Phenomena
The capabilities of the Theseus space mission for probing dark matter
Axion-like Particle Conversion in the Solar Magnetic Field
Ultralight Bosons and Black Holes
Axion-like particle constraints from preSN in future experiments
Wg4 |
Status and Perspectives on Axion searches
Status and prospects of the search for hadronic axions in the 1-8 GHz frequency range at IBS-CAPP in South Korea
Dark Matter Signatures
Detection prospects of Gravitational Waves in Axion Cavity Experiments
Ultralight dark matter detection with gravitational-wave interferometers
Ultralight dark matter detection with gravitational-wave interferometers
The CADEx Experiment: A new haloscope axion search in the 330-460 micro-eV mass range at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory (LSC)
Prospects of the RadioAxion-𝜶 experiment
Notes on optimizing a multi-sensor gradient axion-like particle dark matter search
Search for axion-like particles with hyperpolarized 129Xe nuclear magnetic resonance
Polarimetry Techniques for Vacuum Magnetic Birefringence
Towards a tunable mK haloscope in RADES
Axion searches with magnetometers
Axion search possibilities with storage rings
Utilizing daily modulations in axion dark matter searches
Transition edge sensors for axion searches in ALPS II and beyond
Concluding Talk |
Summary talk: Visions and Whispers of WISPs
Training School Lectures |
Training School Lecture Notes: WISPs in gamma-ray astrophysics
WG3 - WISPs and gamma-ray astrophysics
WG4 - Axion searches in colliders
WG4 - Axion searches in colliders
WG1 - Axion Theory
WG1 - Axion Theory
WG2 - Axions in the early universe and cosmo bounds
WG2 - Axions in the early universe and cosmo bounds
Training School Talks |
Supernova ALPs coupled to nucleons shining into photons
Axion Polarimeteric Experiment (APE)
Polarimetry Techniques for Vacuum Magnetic Birefringence
Radiation from Global Axion Strings
Baryonic Axion in neutron-antineutron oscillation
Searching for WISPs at the LHC with the MoEDAL-MAPP Experiment
GeV ALP from TeV Vector-like Leptons
Analytical Euclidean action for cosmological phase transitions
Hunting for Dark Photon-Photon Tridents
Dark matter detection with superconducting qubit in RADES experiment
Overview of Axion-Electrodynamics in Plasmas
Using functional methods to study axion-quantum electrodynamics
Probing freeze-in via invisible Higgs decay
Binary pulsars as fuzzy dark matter detectors
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