CKM2021 is the 11th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle, to be held November 22 to 26, 2021 in an online format hosted by the University of Melbourne, Australia. The CKM series is a well-established international meeting in the field of quark-flavour physics that brings together experimentalists and theorists to a common platform. The program covers neutron, kaon, charm and beauty hadron, top quark physics and lepton flavour violating Higgs.
Monika Blanke Karlsruhe Institute of Technology monika.blanke@kit.edu
Alex Cerri University of Sussex alessandro.cerri@cern.ch
Mat Charles Sorbonne University matthew.john.charles@cern.ch
Kai-Feng Chen National Taiwan University kfjack@phys.ntu.edu.tw
Aida El-Khadra University of Illinois axk@illinois.edu
Tim Gershon University of Warwick T.J.Gershon@warwick.ac.uk
Stephanie Hansmann-Menzemer Heidelberg University menzemer@physi.uni-heidelberg.de
Shoji Hashimoto KEK shoji.hashimoto@kek.jp
Emi Kou IJCLab kou@lal.in2p3.fr
Xiao-Rui Lu Graduate University of Chinese Academy of. Sciences xiaorui@ucas.ac.cn
Cai Dian Lu IHEP Beijing lvcaidian@icloud.com
Kenkichi Miyabayashi Nara Women's University miyabaya@cc.nara-wu.ac.jp
Alexey Petrov Wayne State University apetrov@wayne.edu
Karim Trabelsi IJCLab karim.trabelsi@in2p3.fr
Christoph Schwanda HEPHY Vienna Christoph.Schwanda@oeaw.ac.at
Taku Yamanaka Osaka University taku@hep.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp
Albert Young NC State University aryoung@ncsu.edu
Sessions |
Plenary Session |
Wg1 |
Wg1&2 |
Wg2 |
Wg2&3 |
Wg2&4&5 |
Wg3 |
Wg4 |
Wg5 |
Wg6 |
Wg7 |
Plenary Session |
Present and future CKM studies from B physics at $e^+e^-$ colliders
Summary of the working group for 𝑽𝒖𝒃, 𝑽𝒄𝒃 and semileptonic/leptonic 𝑩 decays including 𝝉 at CKM 2021
WG3 Summary -- Rare B, D and K decays
Summary of Working Group 4: Mixing and mixing-related CP violation in the 𝑩 system: 𝚫m, 𝚫𝚪, 𝝓s, 𝝓1/𝜷, 𝝓2/𝜶, 𝝓3/𝜸
Summary of Working Group 5 of the “11th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle (CKM 2021)”
WG6 Summary: Higgs, top, and interplay between flavour and high-$p_\textrm{T}$ physics
Wg1 |
New Physics in $d(s)\to u\ell\nu$
BSM searches with (semi-)leptonic charm decays
Wg1&2 |
Exclusive B-meson semileptonic decays from unitarity and lattice QCD
Wg2 |
Exclusive Semi-leptonic Decays at Belle II
$\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^3)$ calculations for the inclusive determination of $|V_{cb}|$
The semileptonic $B_s$ and $\Lambda_b$ widths
New results on inclusive semi-leptonic $B$ decays at the B-factories
Indirect bounds on new physics for $R(D^{(*)})$
${\bar B} \to D^* \ell^- {\bar\nu}_\ell$ Decays: Angular Distributions and New Physics
Semileptonic and leptonic decays with 𝝉 at the Belle II experiment
$|V_{cb}|$ and New Physics
Exclusive $|V_{ub}|$ determinations using Padé Approximants
Wg2&3 |
Lepton universality in semileptonic $b$ decays with $\tau$ leptons at LHCb
On the $ R_{K} $ theory error
Wg2&4&5 |
Recent CKMfitter updates on global fits of the CKM matrix
Some recent developments in nonleptonic $B$ decays
Puzzles in the $B^0_s \rightarrow D_s^{\pm} K^{\mp}$ System
Updates in the Unitarity Triangle fits with UTfit
Wg3 |
$\varepsilon^\prime/\varepsilon$ in the SM & beyond: 2021
Standard Model Predictions for Rare K and B Decays without $|V_{cb}|$ and $|V_{ub}|$ Uncertainties*
Wg4 |
Measurements of $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\phi_s$ and $B$ meson lifetime properties at LHCb
Measurements of CP violation and lifetime properties of $B$ mesons at ATLAS
Neutral meson mixing in the $B^0_{(s)}$ sector from Lattice QCD
QCD corrections to $B$-meson mixing at two loops and beyond
New physics in $B$ meson mixing: future sensitivity and limitations
Penguin Effects in $B_d^0\to J/\psi K^0_{\text{S}}$ and $B_s^0\to J/\psi\phi$
Wg5 |
CP violation measurements with two-body charmless $B$ decays at LHCb
CP violation and branching fraction measurements of three-body charmless $B$ decays at LHCb
$\gamma$ measurements in ADS and GLW(-like) decays at LHCb
$f_L$ measurements with $B\to VV$ decays at LHCb
Strong phase measurements at BESIII
Latest Measurements of the CKM angle φ3 at Belle
Charmless $B$ decay measurements at Belle
First results of $B\to DK$ decays at Belle II
Charmless $B$ decay measurements at Belle II
New ideas on $\gamma$ / $\phi_3$ measurements
New physics contributions to $\bar{B}^0_{(s)}\to D^{(*)}_{(s)}\,K/\pi$
Search for baryon CP violation at LHCb
Wg6 |
tH and ttH production
EFT interpretation of low-$p_{\mathrm T}$ results
EFT interpretation of high-$p_T$ results
Wg7 |
Null test BSM searches with rare charm baryon decays
Theoretical aspects of $D^0-\bar{D}^0$ mixing
Direct CP violation in charmed meson decays within the standard model
SMEFT interpretation of $\Delta F = 2$ transitions