Lattice 2019 is the 37th international conference on lattice field theory. The aim of this conference is to discuss new developments in lattice field theory and its applications in particle physics, nuclear physics and computational physics. Around 400 theoretical (dominated) and experimental physicists from all over the world get together annually to exchange information on the forefront researches in this field and related subjects.
Main session |
Trace anomaly and dynamical quark mass
Partial Wave Mixing in Hamiltonian Effective Field Theory
Matching Quasi Generalized Parton Distributions in the RI/MOM scheme
Stress distribution in quark—anti-quark and single quark systems at nonzero temperature
Meson interactions at Large $N_c$ from Lattice QCD
Recent progress on (implementing) the relativistic three-particle quantization condition
Bethe-Salpeter wavefunctions of hybrid charmonia
Status of the muon g-2 hadronic vacuum polarization calculation by RBC/UKQCD
The general formalism of momentum transformation in the moving finite volume
The hadronic contribution to the running of the electromagnetic coupling and the electroweak mixing angle
Analytic continuation of Thermal Correlators
$Z_b$ tetraquark channel and $B\bar B^*$ interaction
Interglueball potential in SU(N$_c$) lattice gauge theory
Resurgence and fractional instanton of the SU(3) gauge theory in weak coupling regime
Lattice study on the twisted ${\mathbb C} P^{N-1}$ models on ${\mathbb R} \times S^1$
Vector current renormalisation in momentum subtraction schemes using the HISQ action
Lattice QCD on a novel vector architecture
Electromagnetic finite-size effects to the hadronic vacuum polarisation
Hadronic Light-by-Light contribution to g-2 update
Theoretical and practical progresses in the HAL QCD method
Phase structure and real-time dynamics of the massive Thirring model in 1+1 dimensions using the tensor-network method
Phase diagram of QCD in $(B,T,\mu)$ space from analytical continuation
Conductivity of quark-gluon matter in the external magnetic field
Scale setting for QCD with $N_f=3+1$ dynamical quarks
Towards a holographic description of cosmology (I): Phase diagram of 3d SU(N) matrix field theory
Towards a holographic description of cosmology: Renormalisation of the energy-momentum tensor of the dual QFT
Entanglement suppression and emergent symmetry
2019 update of $\varepsilon_K$ with lattice QCD inputs
Towards higher order numerical stochastic perturbation computation applied to the twisted Eguchi-Kawai model
Chiral Ward identities for Dirac eigenmodes with staggered fermions
Two-pion scattering amplitude from Bethe-Salpeter wave function at the interaction boundary
Tensor network approach to real-time path integral
chiral condensate and suscptiblity of SU(2) $n_f=8$ naive staggered system
Are dynamical charm quarks necessary?
Quasi-PDFs with twisted mass fermions
Heavy four-quark and six-quark states from lattice QCD
Investigation of N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
I=3/2Nπ scattering and the ∆(1232) resonance on $N_f=2+1$ CLS ensembles using the stochastic LapH method
Two-current correlations and DPDs for the nucleon on the lattice
The energy-momentum tensor in lattice QCD and the Equation of State
Toward the spectrum of the SU(2) adjoint Higgs model
Lattice Gauge Theory and Two Dimensional Quantum Gravity
Exotic Phases of a Higgs-Yukawa Model withReduced Staggered Fermions
Lattice study of meson properties at fine temperature using the truncated overlap fermions
PDFs and Neutrino-Nucleon Scattering from Hadronic Tensor
Lattice computation of the quark propagator in Landau gauge at finite temperature
Details of a staggered fermion data analysis
The $B \to D^\ast\ell\nu$ semileptonic decay at nonzero recoil and its implications for $|V_{cb}|$ and $R(D^\ast)$
Leptonic decays of $B_{(s)}$ and $D_{(s)}$ using the OK action
Nucleon isovector charges from physical mass domain-wall QCD
TKNN formula for general lattice Hamiltonian in odd dimensions
Critical endpoint in the continuum limit and critical endline at $N_{\rm T}=6$ of the finite temperature phase transition of QCD with clover fermions
Meson spectrum of Sp(4) lattice gauge theory with two fundamental Dirac fermions
Partial deconfinement in gauge theories
Semileptonic decays $B_{(s)} \to D_{(s)}^{(\ast)} \ell \nu$ form factors using the OK action
Nucleon Mass and Omega Mass with All-HISQ Fermions at the Physical Point
Study of the pion-pion scatterings with a combination of all-to-all propagators and the HAL QCD method
Baryon interactions from lattice QCD at m_pi = 0.27 GeV
Quark confinement in the Yang-Mills theory with a gauge-invariant gluon mass in view of the gauge-invariant BEH mechanism
A physicist-friendly reformulation of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index and its mathematical justification
Charmonium contribution to $B \to K l^+l^-$: testing the factorization approximation on the lattice
Lattice investigation of the phase diagram of the 1+1 dimensional Gross-Neveu model at finite number of fermion flavors
On the $\beta$- and quark mass dependence of the nuclear transition in the strong coupling regime
The Yang-Mills deconfinement transition from a high temperature expansion
QED corrections to hadronic observables
The Rho Resonance Properties from N_f=2+1+1 Lattice QCD
Stealth dark matter and gravitational waves
Thermal phase structure of a supersymmetric matrix model
The hadronic vacuum polarization of the muon fromfour-flavor lattice QCD
Determination of the endpoint of the first order deconfiniement phase transition in the heavy quark region of QCD
QCD Topology to High Temperatures via Improved Reweighting
Thermal Quarkonium Mass Shift from Euclidean Correlators
Real-Time-Evolution of Heavy-Quarkonium Bound States
Spectral quantities in thermal QCD: a progress report from the FASTSUM collaboration
News from bottomonium spectral functions in thermal QCD
Mesonic correlators at non-zero baryon chemical potential
$N\pi$ excited state contamination in nucleon 3-pt functions using ChPT
Matrix elements of bound states in a finite volume
A Calculation of Higher Order Taylor Expansion Coefficients
Worldsheet formulation and topological terms in abelian lattice gauge theories
Topological terms in abelian lattice field theories
Calculation of pseudoscalar disconnected quark loops in Lattice QCD
Topology of Trace Deformed Yang-Mills Theory
Electromagnetic corrections to leptonic decays
Hadrons: a Grid-powered workflow management system for lattice QCD measurements
Conserved charge fluctuations with smaller-than-physical quark masses
Study of 2+1 flavor finite-temperature QCD using improved Wilson quarks at the physical point with the gradient flow
Spectral Projectors Method for Staggered Fermions
Tempered Lefschetz thimble method and its application to the Hubbard model away from half filling
Sparsening Algorithm for Multi-Body Correlation Functions
Towards the determination of the charm quark mass on $N_\mathrm{f}=2+1$ CLS ensembles
Calculation of the $K_L - K_S$ mass difference for physical quark masses
Continuous $\beta$ function for the SU(3) gauge systems with two and twelve fundamental flavors
SU(3) gauge system with twelve fundamental flavors
The light baryon spectrum in the continuum limit
Calculating the two-photon contribution to $\pi^0 \rightarrow e^+ e^-$ decay amplitude
Leadership-Class Multi-Grid Algorithms for HISQ Fermions on GPUs
Hyperon couplings from $N_f = 2 + 1$ lattice QCD
Disentangling Excited States
Strong coupling constant and heavy quark masses in (2+1)-flavor QCD
Hadronic vacuum polarization in finite volume using NNLO ChPT
$B_c \to B_{s(d)}$ form factors
Lepton anomalous magnetic moments in Lattice QCD+QED
One-thimble regularisation of lattice field theories: is it only a dream?
Accessing flavor-singlet quark and gluon parton distributions from lattice QCD
Gluonic Structure of Mesons
Heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient from the lattice
Static force from the lattice
The leading hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment using $N_f = 2+1$ O(a) improved Wilson quarks
Charm CP: $\Delta A_{CP}$ and Radiative decays
Lattice Gauge Theory for a Quantum Computer
The meson spectrum of large N gauge theories
Staggered Fermions using Grid
Constructing a composite Higgs model with built-in large separation of scales
Spectral Methods in Causal Dynamical Triangulations
Baryon bag simulation of QCD in the strong coupling limit
Semileptonic form factors for exclusive Bs -> K l nu and Bs -> Ds l nu decays
Lattice "Cross-Sections" - Pion PDFs from Pseudo-PDFs and Pseudo-Structure Functions
Parton Distribution Functions from Euclidean-Space Correlation Functions in Ioffe Time
Case studies of near-conformal beta-functions
Disconnected Loop Subtraction Methods in Lattice QCD
Resonance study of SU(2) model with 2 fundamental flavours of fermions.
Laplace Operator On Discretized 3 Sphere's
$(1+1)$-d $U(1)$ Quantum Link Models from Effective Hamiltonians of Dipolar Molecules
Constraining EFTs in a Theory with Light Composite Scalars
Lattice Analysis of SU(2) with 1 Adjoint Dirac Flavor
Lattice QCD calculation of the two-photon contributions to $K_L \to \mu^+ \mu^-$ and $\pi^0 \to e^+ e^-$ decays
Update on the improved lattice calculation of direct CP-violation in K decays
Fits of SU(3) $N_f=8$ data to dilaton-pion effective field theory
Nucleon Axial Form Factors from Clover Fermion on 2+1+1-flavor HISQ Lattice
Nucleon isovector couplings from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD at the physical point
First study of $N_f=2+1+1$ lattice QCD with physical domain-wall quarks
Radiative leptonic decays on the lattice
Renormalization of bilinear and four-fermion operators through temporal moments
Nucleon charges and form factors using clover and HISQ ensembles
Structure functions from the Compton amplitude
Phase transition of four-dimensional Ising model with tensor network scheme
$B \to D^{(*)}\ell\nu$ form factors from lattice QCD with relativistic heavy quarks
Study of finite size effect on hadron masses and decay constants with (5.4fm)^4 and (10.8 fm)^4 lattices at the physical point in 2+1 flavor QCD
Proton decay matrix elements with physical quark masses
S-wave pi-pi I=0 and I=2 scattering at physical pion mass
$B \to \pi\ell\nu$ form factors and $|V_{ub}|$ with Möbius domain wall fermions
Tailoring Non-Abelian Gauge Theory for Digital Quantum Simulation
Numerical study of ADE-type $\mathcal{N}=2$ Landau-Ginzburg models
Extraction of CKM matrix elements from lattice QCD results using dispersion relations
The Anomaly Inflow of the domain-wall fermion in odd dimension
Study of intermediate states in the inclusive semi-leptonic $B \to X_c \ell\nu$ decay structure functions
A lattice formulation of the Atiyah-Patodi-Singer index
High precision determination of $w_0$
Exploring the QCD phase diagram at finite density by the complex Langevim method on a $16^3\times32$ lattice
Flow-based generative models for MCMC in lattice field theory
Zeta-regularized vacuum expectation values fromquantum computing simulations
The chiral phase transition temperature in (2+1)-flavor QCD
QUDA 1.0
Classifying topological sector via machine learning
Frequency-splitting estimators of single-propagator traces
Strange nucleon form factors and isoscalar charges with $N_f=2+1$ $\mathcal{O}(a)$-improved Wilson fermions
The S-wave $K\pi$ amplitude and the $K^{\star}_{0}(700)$ resonance in $2+1$ flavor QCD
Neutral meson mixing and related observables in the D(s) and B(s) meson systems
Walking, the dilaton, and complex CFT (II)
Radiative Corrections to Semileptonic Decay Rates
Continuous Time Simulations of Strong Coupling LQCD at Finite Baryon Density
Effective thermal potential between static $ Q $ and $\bar Q$ in SU(3) gauge theory
GPUs for Lattice Field Theory
Properties of the $\eta$ and $\eta^\prime$ mesons
Accessing 3D CFTs in Radial Quantization on the Lattice
Distance between configurations in MCMC simulations and the geometrical optimization of the tempering algorithms
An exploratory study of heavy-light semileptonic form factors using distillation
Flux tube with dynamical fermions from high temperature SU(3) lattice gauge theory
Breaking the latency barrier: Strong scaling LQCD on GPUs
Does confinement imply CP invariance of the strong interactions?
Spectroscopy of mesons with bottom quarks
Non-perturbative matching of three/four-flavor Wilson coefficients with a position-space procedure
Continuum limit of SU(3) $\mathcal{N}=1$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and supersymmetric gauge theories on the lattice
Recent progress on in-medium heavy flavor physics from lattice QCD
Sp(2N) Yang-Mills towards large N.
Axial U(1) symmetry and mesonic correlators at high temperature in $N_f=2$ lattice QCD
Lattice study of the 2-flavor U(1) gauge Higgs model at topological angle $\theta=\pi$
Non-perturbative renormalization of Kaon B parameter using gradient flow
Quark masses and decay constants in $N_f=2+1+1$ isoQCD with Wilson clover twisted mass fermions
Structure and transitions of nucleon excitations via parity-expanded variational analysis
The path optimization for the sign problem of low dimensional QCD
Semileptonic $B\to\pi\ell\nu$, $B\to D\ell\nu$, $B_s\to K\ell\nu$, and $B_s\to D_s\ell\nu$ decays
A strategy for the calculation of disconnected contributions to QED and strong isospin-breaking effects.
$K_{l3}$ form factors in $N_f = 2+1$ QCD at physical point on large volume
The Phases of Thermal QCD
Logarithmic Corrections to $a^2$ scaling in lattice Yang Mills theory
Exploring the QCD phase diagram via reweighting from isospin chemical potential
Schwinger-Keldysh formalism for Lattice Gauge Theories
Calculation of PCAC mass with Wilson fermion using gradient flow
Free caloron gas in high temperature quenched QCD
Stabilised Wilson fermions for QCD on very large lattices
Polyakov loop susceptibility and correlators in the chiral limit
Developments in the position-space approach to the HLbL contribution to the muon $g-2$ on the lattice.
Non-perturbative renormalization in QCD+QED and its applications to weak decays
Full $\mathcal{O}(a)$ improvement in EQCD
Real photon emissions leptonic decays
Gradient flow equation in SQCD
Computing general observables in lattice models with complex actions
$\mathcal{N}=1$ Supersymmetric SU(3) Gauge Theory with a Twist
$\chi$SF near the electroweak scale
Nucleon scalar charge with overlap fermions
Color-electric correlation functions under gradient flow
QCD on the Modular Supercomputer
Large $N_c$ behaviour of lattice QCD in the heavy dense regime
Thermal modifications of quarkonia and heavy quark diffusion from a comparison of continuum-extrapolated lattice results to perturbative QCD
Tensor network study of two dimensional complex $\phi^{4}$ theory at finite density
Non-perturbative renormalization by decoupling
Gauge Corrections to Strong Coupling LQCD on Anisotropic Lattices
On the Lefschetz thimbles structure of the Thirring model
Non-perturbative renormalization of O($a$) improved tensor currents
Evading the model sign problem in the PNJL model with repulsive vector-type interaction via path optimization
Nucleon Sigma Terms
How to extract the "Abelian" part of double-winding Wilson loop
Resonances in coupled-channel meson-meson scattering from lattice QCD
The twisted gradient flow running coupling in SU(3): a non-perturbative determination
Quark momentum and angular momentum fractions at physical pion mass
Euclidean correlation functions of the topological charge density
Determining the glue component of the nucleon
QED effects on the decay of charged pions and kaons
Quantum Critical Phenomena in an $O(4)$ Fermion Chain
Simulating gauge theories on Lefschetz Thimbles
Recent Developments of Muon g-2 from Lattice QCD
Lattice QCD estimate of the quark-gluon plasma photon emission rate
A qubit realization of O(N) sigma models
Symmetries of the light hadron spectrum in high temperature QCD
Lattice $B \to D^{(*)}$ form factors, $R(D^{(*)})$, and $|V_{cb}|$
Gauge-invariant path-integral measure for the overalp Weyl fermions in 16 of SO(10) and the SM
Zero modes of the domain wall operator for 2+1 flavor lattices with $a^{-1} \approx 1$ GeV
Improved algorithms for generalized thimble method
Investigating Rare Kaon Decays with the All-to-All Method
Pion-Pion Scattering with Elongated Boxes
Heavy semileptonics with a fully relativistic mixed action
Study of thermal SU(3) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and near-conformal theories from the gradient flow
B-meson semileptonic form factors on (2+1+1)-flavor HISQ ensembles
The model dependence of $m_\varrho / f_\pi$
$B \to \pi \ell \nu$ and $B \to \pi \ell \ell$ decay form factors from HISQ/NRQCD valence quarks on the $N_f = 2+1$ asqtad ensembles
Exclusive Channel Study of the Muon HVP
2+1 Flavor Domain Wall Fermion QCD Lattices: Ensemble Production and (some) Properties
Towards a composite Higgs and a partially composite top quark
Composite electroweak sectors on the lattice
Neutron Electric Dipole Moments with Clover Fermions
Delineating the properties of neutron star matter in cold, dense QCD
Applying Complex Langevin to Lattice QCD at finite $\mu$.
Dilaton EFT from p-regime to RMT in the $\epsilon$-regime
Recent results of nucleon structure & matrix elementcalculations
Taming statistical and systematic uncertainties in the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution of light quarks to the muon $(g-2)$
The Hubbard model in the canonical formulation
Meson masses in external magnetic fields with HISQ fermions
Dirac Eigenvalue spectrum of $N_ f$ =2+1 QCD toward the chiral limit using HISQ fermions
The sign problem and the Lefschetz thimbles in two dimensional Hubbard model
Hadron Spectroscopy
What is the Higgs phase of a gauge Higgs theory?
Physics Program and the Status of EicC
Exploration of a singly-bottom tetraquark on 2+1 flavour lattices
CalLat elastic nucleon structure, 1
The Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab and the First Physics Run
Electromagnetic corrections to leptonic pion decay from lattice QCD using infinite-volume reconstruction method
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Amplitude of pi- -> pi+ e e from Infinite-volume Reconstruction Method.
Two-photon decay of the neutral pion from a coordinate-space method
Updates on CalLat elastic nucleon form factors, II
Yang Mills short distance potential and perturbation theory
Semileptonic $D \rightarrow K$ decay from full lattice QCD with HISQ
Recent developments in LQCD studies on tetraquarks
The order of phase transition in three flavor QCD with background magnetic field in crossover regime
Theoretical Developments of the LaMET Approach to Parton Physics
Periodic Pion-Pion Scattering at the Physical Point: Update
Pion valence quark PDF from lattice QCD
Parton distribution functions of $\Delta^+$ on the lattice
Canonical partition functions in lattice QCD at finite density and temperature
Recent results from BESIII experiment
Constraining the phase diagram of QCD at finite temperature and density
Recent developments in LQCD studies of hadron interactions
Lattice QCD Impact on Determination of CKM Matrix: Status and Prospects
Prospects for large N gauge theories on the lattice
Developments in lattice computation of parton distributions
Scaling and higher twist in the nucleon Compton amplitude
Towards the spectrum of flavour-diagonal pseudoscalar mesons in QCD+QED
Lattice QCD results on bottomonia at high temperatures
Three particles on the lattice
Recent progress of two-baryon problem and ΩΩ interaction on the lattice
Chiral magnetic effect in a lattice model
Topological component of Yang-Mills fields: from lattice to collider
Lattice QCD codes on Taihu-Light Supercomputer
Lattice QCD package GWU-code and QUDA with HIP
Stochastic Renormalization Group and Gradient Flow in Scalar Field Theory
Meron- and Semi-Vortex-Clusters as Physical Carriers of Topological Charge and Vorticity
Cluster-size scaling in O(N) non-linear sigma models
Computing Nucleon Electric Dipole Moment from lattice QCD
QED-inf in muon g−2, hadron spectroscopy, and beyond
China's effort on Supercomputing: progress and applications
100 Years of Proton
Meson Screening Masses in 2+1-Flavor QCD
Report on the 2019 Lattice Diversity and Inclusivity Survey.
Leading isospin breaking effects in the hadronic vacuum polarisation with open boundaries