The 14th annual international symposium “Frontiers of Fundamental Physics” (FFP14) was organized by the OCEVU Labex. It was held in Marseille, on the Saint-Charles Campus of Aix Marseille University (AMU) and had over 280 participants coming from all over the world.
FFP Symposium began in India in 1997 and it became itinerant in 2004, through Europe, Canada and Australia. It covers topics in fundamental physics with the objective to enable scholars working in related areas to meet on a single platform and exchange ideas. In addition to highlighting the progress in these areas, the symposium invites the top researchers to reflect on the educational aspects of our discipline. Moreover, the scientific concepts are also discussed through philosophical and epistemological viewpoints. Several eminent scientists, such as the laureates of prestigious awards (Nobel Prize, Fields Medal,…), have already participated in these meetings.
The FFP14 Symposium developed around seven main themes, namely:
The morning was devoted to the plenary session, with talks for a broad audience of physicists in its first half (9:00-10:30), and more specialized in its second half (11:00-12:30); this part was held in three amphitheaters. The parallel session of the Symposium took place during the afternoon (14:30-18:30) with seven thematic conferences and an additional conference on open topics named “Frontiers of Fundamental Physics”. These eight conferences were organized around the contributions of participants, in addition to the ones of invited speakers.
Altogether, there were some 250 contributions to the symposium (talks and posters). The plenary talks were webcasted live and recorded. The slides of the talks and the videos of the plenary talks are available from the Symposium web site: http://ffp14.cpt.univ-mrs.fr/
FFP14 Symposium Synopsis
Cosmological results from Planck and LSS
Status of the BSM scenarios
Origin of Cosmic Rays
Loop Quantum Gravity
Discovering dark matter
Issues in Galaxy Formation 2014
Status of HEP after the LHC Run 1
Investigating inflation and super-high-energy physics with new CMB data
Personal reflections on two success stories
Co-development of conceptual understanding and critical attitude: an essential condition for physics learning
Distances to supernovae: an efficient probe of dark energy
Dark Energy and Modified Gravity
From DGT to dRGT: a review of ``massive gravity'' theories
LSS with angular cross-correlations: Combining Spectroscopic and Photometric Surveys
Cosmology with Galaxy Redshift Surveys
Weak gravitational lensing
Cosmological tests of gravity
Inflation after Planck & BICEP2
Primordial non-Gaussianity, present status and future prospects
Dynamics of the Cosmic Web
The Signature of Low Redshift Large-Scale Structure in the Cosmic Microwave Background
Cosmic inflation and primordial structure
Particle acceleration in astrophysical sources
UHECR: Progress and Problems
Geometrical aspects of deformation quantization
Recent experimental results and theoretical developments in Heavy Ion physics
Geometric Unification
IceCube and the Discovery of High-Energy Cosmic Neutrinos
Physical predicions from lattice QCD
The top-quark gateway to new physics
Review of Flavour Physics
Relativistic outflows from compact objects and generation of Astroparticles
Neutrino pathways to cosmology
Last gasps of a black hole
There are no black holes: Pseudo-Complex General Relativity From Einstein to Zweistein
Background independence of GR and in LQG
A scenario for black hole evaporation on a quantum geometry
A Test Bed for High Energy Physiscs
It Ain't Necessarily So: Interpretations and Misinterpretations of Quantum Theory
High precision gravitational self-force calculations and post-Newtonian implications
Arrival direction distribution of cosmic rays from ~100 PeV to the highest energies detected at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Particle Acceleration and Radiation in Pulsar Wind Nebulae
Future of neutrino based reactor experiments
Neutrino Oscillations: Experimental Review
The new Gamma Ray Telescope Observatory: CTA
Mediterranean Neutrino Telescopes
Gamma-ray bursts
The Very High Energy $\gamma$-ray Extragalactic Sky
A new multiwavelength lepto-hadronic model of astrophysical jet emission
Dark Matter in the Milky Way
Review of Dark Matter Direct Searches
High Energy Phenomena at the Center of our Galaxy
Fitting the Fermi-LAT GeV excess: on the importance of the propagation of electrons from dark matter
Revisiting the escape speed impact on dark matter direct detection
Cosmic Ray propagation in the interstellar medium
Multi-Messenger analysis with the ANTARES High Energy Neutrino Telescope
Cosmological N-body+hydro simulations of spiral galaxies and dark matter detection
Magnetic field generated by the Weibel instability
The extragalactic sky in the Fermi era
Very high energy gamma-emission of Perseus Cluster
SHALON observations of Active Galactic Nuclei at red shift from z=0.0179 to z=1.375
Long-term studies of the Cygnus Region and its objects
EBL measurements through the TeV gamma-ray spectra of Low- and High-red shifted AGN
Measurement of leptons related quantities in AMS
Bright Gamma-ray Pulsars in the Fermi Era : Results and prospects with ground-based telescopes
High Energy and Very High Energy Gamma-rays from Galactic Particle Accelerators
Indirect dark matter detection: recent results and perspectives
Massive Gravity with Two Stückelberg Fields
Probing the matter power spectrum with the galaxy clustering ratio
Clusters for Cosmology
Magnetic field generation during inflation
Inflationary perturbations in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity
Measuring the growth of galaxy clusters
Gravitational waves attenuation in a non-perturbative spinorial vacuum
Friedmann equation and the emergence of cosmic space
The linear velocity field of SDSS DR7 galaxies: constraints on flow amplitudes and the growth rate
Constraints on chiral gravity through the CMB polarization
Dark Energy and Dark Matter in Stars Physic
Some remarks on new numerical estimations of the Rees-Sciama effect
Symmetries in Large Scale Structure
The baryon fraction in clusters and scaling relations in LCDM from X-ray and Planck data
Scalar field dark matter and pulsar timing observations
Tests on the Expansion of the Universe
Matter-Bounce Spin-Cosmology and consistency with BICEP2 data
Impact of cosmic variance on the local measurement of $H_0$
High energy sources during the re-ionization epoch of the universe
Sequestering the Standard Model Vacuum Energy
Looking for the first star-forming galaxies in the univers
Dark Energy phenomenology: the effective field theory approach
The effects of assembly bias on galaxy clustering predictions
Probing primordial statistical anisotropy with WMAP and Planck data
Galactic foregrounds for the CMB
Particle like solutions in modified gravity: the Higgs monopoles
Inflation Physics from the CMB and LSS
Probing non-standard gravity with the growth index of cosmological perturbations
The strained state cosmology
Infrared physics in inflation and primordial perturbations
Healthy theories beyond Horndeski
Cosmology with Mimetic Matter
Chameleon Cosmology Near and Far
ESSnuSB Neutrino Oscillation Project
Precision Electroweak Measurements at Future High Energy Colliders
Exotic hadrons in Experiment and on the Lattice
Searches for heavy resonances at the LHC
Observables and anomalies in $B\rightarrow K^{(*)} \ell^+ \ell^- $ decays
``CP violation effects in multibody B decays'' on behalf of the LHCb Collaboration
Leptogenesis and low energy neutrino data
The exact Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation for a Dirac Theory with the complete set of CPT/LORENTZ Violating terms
Measurement of EW production of $Z+2j$ at the LHC
Off-shell Higgs signal and total width determination at the LHC
Searches for BSM Higgs bosons at LHC
Gauged and ungauged unparticles signal at the LHC and ILC
Constraints on Higgs physics from EW precision measurements
Top production at the LHC
Search for ttH in Run 1 at the LHC
Global status of neutrino oscillations
Lattice gauge theories beyond QCD
Constraints on BSM physics through the Higgs couplings
SUSY after LHC run 1
Review of neutrinoless double beta decay search
ALICE results in p--Pb collisions at the LHC
Recent progress in Lattice QCD thermodynamics
Recent advances in neutrino astrophysics
Top quark mass measurements at hadron colliders
The Top-Quark Charge Asymmetry -- Testing Strong Interactions and More
(Getting ready for) precision physics at hadron colliders
Deformation quantization of Noncommutative Principal Bundles
Causality and Noncommutative Geometry
On Drinfel'd twists and their use in non-commutative geometry
Noncommutative version of Borcherds' approach to quantum field theory
Renormalization in Tensorial Group Field Theories
Noncommutative Geometry and Physics
Vector bundles on the noncommutative torus from deformation quantization
Causal structure for noncommutative geometry
Spectral triples and Toeplitz operators
Every Symplectic Manifold Is A Coadjoint Orbit
Hyperbolic PDEs with non-commutative time
Noncommutative Geometry, the Spectral Action and Fundamental Symmetries
Designing the sound of a cut-off drum
Higher Symmetries of Laplace and Dirac operators - towards supersymmetries
Influence of quantum matter fluctuations on the expansion parameter of timelike geodesics
Perturbative algebraic QFT as a universal framework for constructing physically motivated models in quantum field theory
Model building in almost-commutative geometry
On the K-theoretic classification of topological phases of matter
Inner perturbations in noncommutative geometry
Construction of a quantum field theory in four dimensions
Gravitational Scattering via Twistor Theory
Quantum Reduced Loop Gravity
First order gravity on the light front
How many quanta are there in a quantum spacetime?
Application of the Curvature operator: Matrix Elements and properties of the new Hamiltonian Constraint operator in LQG
On background-independent renormalization in spin foam models
Analytical continuation of black hole entropy in Loop Quantum Gravity: Lessons from black hole thermodynamics
Coherent State Operators in Cosmology and Gravity
A brief overview of loop quantum cosmology
Curved polyhedra
Matter Bounce Scenario in F(T) gravity
Quantum formalism for systems with temporally varying discretization
Exact formulation of the quantum scalar constraint in LQG
LQC on curved FLRW space time
Do interacting ultraviolet fixed point exist, and if so, what can we do with them?
Spinorial Path Integral for Loop Gravity: Coherent states and Spinfoam symmetries
Loop quantum effects on a viscous dark energy cosmological model
A first-principles approach to physics based on locality and operationalism
A quantum field theory for the atoms of space
Black hole entropy and entanglement of Planckian degrees of freedom
Black holes in Asymptotically Safe Gravity
The role of BRST charge as a generator of gauge transformations in quantization of gauge theories and Gravity
Observers diffeomorphism-invariant description of a general relativistic system
Group field theories generating polyhedral complexes
On the cosmological constant: its identification as renormalization group invariant scale corresponding to a gravitational condensate
Loop gravity from a spinorial action
The Matter Bounce Scenario in Loop Quantum Cosmology
Plebanski sectors of the Lorentzian 4-simplex amplitude
Continuous wavelet transform in quantum field theory
From Quantum Cellular Automata to Quantum Field Theory
The cosmological constant and quantum vacuum
Field and Matter or Pure Field Physics?
From Kerr-Newman Black Hole to Spinning Particle: Where is There Hidden the Dirac Equation?
The Archimedes project: a feasibility study forweighing the vacuum energy
Energy-Momentum Tensor in Electromagnetic Theory and Gravitation from Relativistic Quantum Equations
Charge Quantization from a Number Operator
The Cosmological Constant in Distorted Quantum Cosmology
A fluid of diffusing particles and its cosmological behaviour
Higgs fields, Yang-Mills Quantized theories and the Cohomological origine of the mass
Dynamics of histories
Fuzzy Topology, Quantization and Gauge Fields
A No Go Theorem for Gallileon like ``Odd P-Forms''
Solar wind test of the de Broglie-Proca's massive photon with Cluster multi-spacecraft data
Informational features of Fermionic systems
A new theory of light and matter
Weyl's gauge argument
Kurt Gödel's theory of gravitation
Categorical Operator Algebraic Foundations of Relational Quantum Theory
Quantum Indeterminacy, Gauge Symmetries and Symplectic Reduction
Kurt Gödel philosopher: from logic to epistemology
Symmetry, Physical Theories and Theory Change
A novel approach to characterising quantum theory based on limited information and complementarity
Roots and prespective of Bergmann-Einstein scalar tensor theory: the unpublished paper
Lemaitre’s Big Bang
The Twilight of the Scientific Age
Constructive Identities for Physics
Quantization, spatiotemporalization and pure variation
Do Quanta Need a New Logic?
Describing many-particle QM as well as QFT in terms of ``single particle'' QM with one extra dimension
Realistic interpretation of Grassmann variables outside the integral sign
Category and Physics
Atomism and Relationalism as guiding principles for Quantum Gravity
Decoherence and the measurement problem
Dynamics of pedagogical innovations: roots and developments. Cases of study in Physics and Mathematic
Reimagining the teaching of physics in university
No magic wand for teaching physics
History and Philosophy of Science Can Improve Problem-Solving
LHCb outreach activities (on behalf of the LHCb Collaboration)
Schema or not schema? that could be the question of teacher
Designing and evaluating new approaches to instruction
Teaching modern physics in secondary school
Conceptual Labs for operative Exploration
IDIFO Teachers Formation on Modern Physics
Less teaching yields better learning
Collaborating with Historians of Sciences for a deep and complex rewriting of Physics courses.
Learning physics : from the nature and origins of difficulties to an evolution of teaching
Soon 20 years of 'La Main a La Pate', an international model for inquiry-based science education in elementary school
Introduction of interactive learning into French university physics classrooms
Design and build physics lab course for general physics program in college
Upper secondary students face optic diffraction using simple experiments and on-line measurements
Conceptions of secondary students on phenomenology of superconduction
Frontiers of popular physics demonstrations
From a subtractive to multiplicative approach, two concept-driven interactive pathways on the selective absorption of light
Experimentation of a new pedagogical method in 1st year's teachings of physics
Horizons in Physics Education: a network to improve the attraction of physics