2-6 February 2009
Valencia, Spain
published October 05, 2009
The aim of the “International Workshop on Effective Field Theories: from the pion to the upsilon” (EFT09) is to discuss the status, new developments and aplications of Effective Field Theories (and related tools) in particle physics, with particular focus on hadronic and QCD related processes. A tentative list of topics includes: # Chiral Perturbation Theory # Heavy Quark Effective Theory # Soft Collinear Effective Theory # Large NC # Lattice QCD # Non-relativistic Effective Theory # Effective Theories Beyond the Standard Model # Kaon, B, D and tau decays # LFV processes # Effective Theories in jet physics There will be two different types of contributions: invited reviews and contributed talks.
conference main image
Monday Morning
Monday Morning (continue)
Monday Afternoon
Monday Afternoon (continue)
Tuesday Morning
Tuesday Morning (continue)
Tuesday Afternoon
Tuesday Afternoon (continue)
Wednesday Morning
Wednesday Morning (continue)
Wednesday Afternoon
Wednesday Afternoon (continue)
Thursday Morning
Thursday Morning (continue)
Thursday Afternoon
Thursday Afternoon (continue)
Friday Morning
Friday Morning (continue)
Monday Morning
When EFTs fail
J.F. Donoghue
Soft Collinear Effective Theory: An Overview
S. Fleming
Monday Morning (continue)
Model-independent analysis of U-spin breaking in non-leptonic B-decays
M. Jung and T. Mannel
Renormalization of B-meson distribution amplitudes
N. Offen and S. Descotes-genon
The $\Upsilon\rightarrow X \gamma$ photon spectrum in the soft-energy region
P. Ruiz-Femenía
Effective string theory constraints on the long distance behavior of the subleading potentials
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G. Pérez-Nadal
OPE for B-meson distribution amplitude and dimension-5 HQET operators
K. Tanaka and H. Watanabe
Monday Afternoon
NNLO corrections to charmless hadronic B decays
G. Bell
Using SCET to calculate electroweak corrections in W-production at the LHC
J.y. Chiu, A. Fuhrer, A. Hoang, R. Kelley and A. Manohar
Probing the Structure of Jets: Factorized and Resummed Event Shape Distributions in SCET
C. Lee
The R-evolution of QCD matrix elements
I. Scimemi, A. Hoang, A. Jain and I.W. Stewart
Monday Afternoon (continue)
B to PP, PV decays analyzed in the soft collinear effective theory
C.D. Lü, W. Wang, Y.M. Wang and D.S. Yang
Problems with renormalization of effective field theories with spin one particles
J. Trnka, K. Kampf and J. Novotny
Chiral Effective Field Theory on the Light Front
J.F. Mathiot
Testing the predicted dynamically generated hidden charm X scalar state through the DDbar invariant mass spectrum
D. Gamermann, E. Oset Baguena and B.S. Zou
Tuesday Morning
NRQCD Review
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A. Hoang
EFT´s in Heavy Quarkonium
A.M. Pineda Ruiz
Tuesday Morning (continue)
EFT for quarkonium at finite temperature
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N. Brambilla
SCET Ingredients for a High Precision Analysis of Thrust & Inclusive B decays
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I.W. Stewart
A Global Fit for Thrust at NNNLL: Precision Determination of alpha_s(M_z)
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V. Mateu
Non-relativistic EFT for hydrogen atom at finite T
M.Á. Escobedo Espinosa
Tuesday Afternoon
Status of Strong ChPT
J. Bijnens
Resonance saturations of the chiral couplings at NLO
I. Rosell
Leading SU(3)-breaking corrections to the Baryon Magnetic Moments in Chiral Perturbation Theory
J. Martin Camalich, L. Alvarez-Ruso, L. Geng and M.J. Vicente Vacas
Tuesday Afternoon (continue)
EFTs in Nuclear Physics
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U.G. Meißner
Nucleon-Nucleon effective field theory with dibaryon fields
J. Tarrus
Permutation group S_N and hadron spectroscopy
D. Pirjol and C. Schat
The nucleon recoil effect in antikaon-deuteron scattering at threshold
V. Baru, E. Epelbaum and A. Rusetsky
Wednesday Morning
On the history of pion-pion scattering
J. Gasser
Chiral expansions of pi0 decays
K. Kampf
Scalar radius of the pion and $\gamma \gamma\rightarrow \pi \pi$
L. Roca Zamora
Wednesday Morning (continue)
Determination of Low Energy Constants and Testing ChPT at NNLO
I. Jemos and J. Bijnens
Predictions of chiral perturbation theory for Compton scattering off protons
V. Lensky and V. Pascalutsa
EFTs in Flavour Physics
G. Isidori
Minimal Flavour Violation in the Lepton Sector
L. Mercolli
Wednesday Afternoon
Lattice QCD
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J. Flynn
Non perturbative HQET on the lattice
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N. Garron
Exploring the chiral epsilon regime with lattice Wilson fermions
S. Necco
Testing chiral perturbation theory from twisted mass lattice QCD dynamical simulations
G. Herdoiza, P. Dimopoulos, R. Frezzotti, K. Jansen, C. Michael and C. Urbach
Wednesday Afternoon (continue)
Vector meson interactions in a unitary approach and dynamically generated resonances
L. Geng
Three-body Hadron Resonances
A. Martinez Torres
Pi-pi scattering lengths at O(p^6) revisited
J.J. Sanz-Cillero and Z.H. Guo
Chiral Extrapolations of light resonances from dispersion relations and Chiral Perturbation Theory
G. Rios, Á. Gómez Nicola, C. Hanhart and J.R. Peláez Sagredo
Thursday Morning
E. Jenkins
Excited baryons in Large N QCD
N. Scoccola and J.L. Goity
Old nuclear symmetries and large N as long distance symmetries in the two nucleon system
E. Ruiz Arriola and A.C. Cordon
Thursday Morning (continue)
Strong QCD in the continuum
M. Pennington
Unitarity constraints on chiral perturbative amplitudes
H. Zheng
Effective Field Theories for the X(3872)
E. Braaten
Thursday Afternoon
Chiral Perturbation Theory in the Nuclear Medium Including Both Short and Long Range Interactions
J.A. Oller
Present Status of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment
E. De Rafael
Duality violations in tau decay
S. Peris
Once subtracted Roy-like dispersion relations and a precise analysis of pion-pion scattering data
R. García-Martin, R. Kaminski, J.R. Peláez Sagredo and F. Yndurain
Thursday Afternoon (continue)
Precise dispersive data analysis of the f_0(600) pole
J.R. Peláez Sagredo, R. García-Martin and R. Kaminski
Quark mass dependence of the pion vector form factor
F.J. Llanes-Estrada, F.K. Guo, C. Hanhart and U.G. Meißner
On modeling the scalar meson dynamics with RChT
S. Ivashyn and A. Korchin
Hadronization in three meson channels at tau decays and e+e- cross-section
P. Roig Garcés
Chiral corrections to vector meson decay constants
O. Cata and V. Mateu
Friday Morning
Lattice in Nuclear Physics
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M. Savage
Interaction of vector mesons with baryons and the generation of baryonic resonances
E. Oset Baguena
Lattice QCD simulations of baryonic interactions
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A. Parreño
Friday Morning (continue)
Status of Weak ChPT
G. D'Ambrosio
Electromagnetic effects in Kl3 decays
H. Neufeld
Dispersive construction of two-loop $P\rightarrow 3\pi (P=K,\eta)$ amplitudes
M. Zdrahal, K. Kampf, M. Knecht and J. Novotny
K pi vector form factor from a dispersive representation and fits to tau decay data
D. Boito, R. Escribano and M. Jamin