LL2022 is a biennial workshop comprising the most recent results and advanced techniques of perturbative quantum field theory (QFT) as well as their confrontation to experimental results.
Sessions |
Plenary 1 |
Plenary 2 |
Plenary 3 |
Parallel 1 |
Parallel 2 |
Parallel 3 |
Parallel 4 |
Parallel 5 |
Parallel 6 |
Parallel 7 |
Parallel 8 |
Parallel 9 |
Parallel 10 |
Plenary 1 |
Production and decay of a heavy boson in association with top quarks
Status of double virtual NNLO QCD corrections for high multiplicity processes
Differential N3LO QCD corrections to charged current production at the LHC
Three-loop planar integrals for four-point one-mass processes
Massive form factors at $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_s^3)$
Plenary 2 |
Real corrections to Higgs boson pair production at NNLO in the large top quark mass limit
Mixed QCD-EW corrections to the Drell-Yan process
Beyond dimension six in SM Effective Field Theory: a case study in Higgs pair production at NLO QCD
Gamma5 in dimensional regularization - a no-compromise approach using the BMHV scheme
Gravity in binary systems at the fifth and sixth post-Newtonian order
Plenary 3 |
Taming a resurgent ultra-violet renormalon
Tackling the infamous $g^6$ term of the QCD pressure
The diagrammatic coaction
Inclusive tau hadronic decay rate in a renormalon-free gluon condensate scheme
Higher QCD corrections for inclusive semileptonic B decays
Parallel 1 |
Tensor decomposition for multiloop, multileg helicity amplitudes
Progress in two-loop Master Integrals computation
Three-Loop Four-Point Scattering Amplitudes in Massless Gauge Theories
Loop integral evaluation and asymptotic expansion with pySecDec
Parallel 2 |
Automated Calculation of Beam Functions at NNLO
Zero-jettiness beam functions at N$^3$LO
Leading Order Triple Collinear Splitting Functions Revisited
ZH Production in Gluon Fusion at NLO
Two-loop helicity amplitudes for W/Z boson pair production in gluon fusion with exact top mass dependence
Yang–Mills All-Plus: Two Loops for the Price of One
Parallel 3 |
Mixed QCD-electroweak corrections to Higgs plus jet production at the LHC
NNLO Photon Production with Realistic Photon Isolation
Non-factorisable contributions to $t$-channel single-top production at the LHC and FCC
Parallel 4 |
Constructing Compact Ansätze for Scattering Amplitudes
Epsilon Factorized Differential Equations for Elliptic Feynman Integrals
Beyond a single elliptic curve
Computer Algebra,and Hypergeometric Structures for Feynman Integrals
Feynman Integral Relations from GKZ Hypergeometric Systems
IBP reduction via Gröbner bases in a rational double-shift algebra
Parallel 5 |
High-energy limit of 2->2 scattering amplitudes at NNLL
Azimuthally-correlated contributions to QCD transverse-momentum resummation at $\mathcal{O}(\alpha_{\rm S}^2)$
DIS coefficient functions at four loops in QCD and beyond
The 3-loop anomalous dimensions from off-shell operator matrix elements
Renormalisation of singlet operators to four loops
Parallel 6 |
The gradient flow formulation of the electroweak Hamiltonian
Scattering amplitudes and conservative dynamics at the fourth post-Minkowskian order
Summing Feynman diagrams in the worldline formalism
Two- and three-loop QCD corrections to the width difference in the $B_s - \bar{B}_s$ system.
Negative energy effects in processes involving bound particles: finite nuclear size effects
Parallel 7 |
Towards the automation of the Local Analytic Sector Subtraction
Threshold resummation of quark-gluon partonic channels at next-to-leading power
Recent progress in intersection theory for Feynman integrals decomposition.
Effective transverse momentum in multijet production at hadron colliders
Identified hadrons in antenna subtraction at NNLO
Automating antenna subtraction in color space
Parallel 8 |
Renormalization of twist-two operators in QCD and its application to singlet splitting functions
Triple (and quadruple) soft-gluon radiation in QCD hard scattering
Analytic representations of two-loop scattering amplitudes with internal masses
Parallel 9 |
Endpoint factorization and next-to-leading power resummation of gluon thrust
Mixed QCD-Electroweak corrections to the Drell-Yan process in the high invariant mass region
Two-loop mixed QCD-EW corrections to neutral current Drell-Yan
Kira and the block-triangular form
UV and IR rational terms in two-loop amplitudes: first insights
Towards two-loop automation in OpenLoops
Parallel 10 |
Vector and axial-vector coefficient functions for DVCS at NNLO
Strongly-ordered infrared limits for subtraction counterterms from factorisation
Off-forward anomalous dimensions in the leading-$n_f$ limit
Automated choice of the best renormalization scheme
External-leg corrections as an origin of large logarithms
Electroweak renormalization based on gauge-invariant vacuum expectation values