Each year since 2013, the international collaboration "Regional Doctoral Program in Theoretical and Experimental Particle Physics" (until 2018, it was called the "Regional Network in Theoretical Physics"), which comprises different Universities and research institutions in Germany, Georgia and Armenia, organizes a PhD school and an accompanying scientific workshop in Georgia or Armenia. During these years, the event has become popular both among the experienced researchers and the students in a wider region, including — besides Georgia and Armenia — also Turkey, Iran, Azerbaijan, Russia and Ukraine. In 2020, due to the problems related with the COVID-19 pandemic, the 8th traditional meeting was held at a smaller scale, in the form of a two-days online workshop "Recent Advances in Mathematical Physics," which took place on December 5 and 6.
The main purpose of the collaboration "Regional Doctoral Program in Theoretical and Experimental Particle Physics" is the implementation of a structured doctoral training in the field of particle physics at the Universities of Georgia and Armenia, bringing the quality of the doctoral education in these countries closer to the standard that are accepted at the leading Universities worldwide. A close collaboration with the German colleagues from the Universities of Bonn, Siegen and Forschungszentrum Jülich, who have rich experience in running such programs, plays a decisive role for the success of the project. This project is funded by the Volkwagenstiftung, with the participation of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation (Georgia), the Science Committee of Armenia, Tbilisi State University, Yerevan Physics Institute Yerevan State University and the ICTP (Trieste, Italy).
More information about the project can be found on the website of the collaboration:
The main topic of the present workshop was classical and quantum integrability and their applications. The aspects of integrability presented at the workshop included topics like integrable sigma-models, superintegrable systems, Yang-Mills and higher spin theories, conformal field theory, as well as integrable models of supersymmetric mechanics, etc. The proceedings, in addition, include a short PhD lecture course on integrable systems, which was delivered within the framework of the present project for the Armenian students by G. Arutyunov (University of Hamburg) earlier this year.
Sessions |
Session 1 |
Session 2 |
Session 3 |
Session 4 |
Session 5 |
Session 6 |
Session 1 |
Lectures on Integrable Systems
Exactly solvable Hamiltonians in quantum computing
Session 2 |
Correlation Functions of Classical and Quantum Artin System defined on Lobachevsky Plane
Non-compact Complex Projective Superspaces by Hamiltonian reduction
Universal dimensions of simple Lie algebras and configurations of points and lines
Superintegrable systems related to truncated Calogero model
Session 3 |
Split-Quaternion Analyticity and (2 + 1)-Electrodynamics
Split Octonions and Triality in (4+4)-Space
Electric field driven flat bands in S = 1/2 sawtooth chain
Solitons in normal Fermi liquid
Session 4 |
Electromagnetic knots from de Sitter space
Local quartic interaction of scalars with higher spin gauge fields and commutator of linear gauge transformations
Session 5 |
Generating Functional for the S-Matrix in Liouville Theory
Helicity and infinite spin representations of the Poincare group in 6D
Bogomolny equations from the Pseudoanalytic Functions Viewpoint
Computation on conformal moduli of Quadrilaterals
Session 6 |
N = 2 Calogero models within superfields
New approach to ${\cal N}{=}\,2$ supersymmetric Ruijsenaars–Schneider model
SU(2|1) chiral superfields and spinning models
Integrable models with inverse square potential inmaximally symmetric Kähler manifolds