28 November - 3 December 2016
Tata Institute for Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, India
published June 13, 2017
Entries on ADS

The CKM series is a well-established international meeting in the field of quark-flavour physics that brings both experimenters and theorists on a common platform. On the experimental front, we bridge borders between neutron, kaon, charm and beauty hadron, and top quark physics. The theory program tries to cover a wide range of approaches. We shall discuss how this marriage can indirectly probe physics beyond the standard model, taking into account the interplay with high-pT collider searches.

conference main image
WG1 Parallel
WG 2 Parallel
WG3 Parallel
Parallel WG4
Parallel WG4/5
Parallel WG5
Parallel WG6
Parallel WG7
The role of flavour in 2016
Z. Ligeti
Charm physics and CKM
C. Gobel
CKM physics with top
J. Komaragiri and  on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
$| V ud |$ , $| V us |$ , $| V cd |$ , $| V cs |$ and charm (semi)leptonic decays: WG1 summary from CKM 2016
T. Kaneko, X.R. Lyu and A. Oyanguren
Summary of the CKM2016 working group on semileptonic and leptonic $B$ decays
B. Hamilton, A. Bharucha and F. Bernlochner
Summary of the CKM 2016 working group on rare decays
A. Ishikawa, E. Lunghi, M. Moulson and J. Serrano
Summary of Working Group 4 : mixing and mixing-related $CP$ violation in the $B$ system
A. Gaz, V. Gligorov and D. Robinson
WG5 summary: direct CP violation in B decays
M. John, T. Latham and R. Mohanta
Summary of the CKM 2016 working group on high-energy flavor physics
V. Boisvert and J. Brod
Phenomenological and Experimental Developments in Charm Physics: The WG7 Report from CKM 2016
G. Casarosa, A. Di Canto and A. Paul
WG1 Parallel
Experimental overview on $D_{(s)}$ purely leptonic decays
Progress in the calculation of purely leptonic $D_{(s)}$ – decay constants from lattice QCD
J.T. Tsang
Charm semileptonic decays at LHCb
A. Davis and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
$|V_{ud}|$ from nuclear $\beta$ decays
J. Hardy and I.S. Towner
Evaluating $V_{ud}$ from neutron beta decays
D. Pocanic
$|V_{us}|$ from $\tau$ decays in theory
K. Maltman, R. Hudspith, T. Izubuchi, R. Lewis, H. Ohki and J. Zanotti
$|V_{us}|$ from $K$ decays in theory
S. Simula
Experimental determination of $V_{us}$ from kaon decays
M. Moulson
Pion/Kaon Decay in Very Special Relativity
P. Jain and A.C. Nayak
WG 2 Parallel
Experimental mini-review on exclusive $V_{ub}$ (Belle II)
M. Lubej and  On behalf of the BELLE II collaboration
Higher dimensional HQET parameters
Experimental mini-review on inclusive $V_{ub}$
R. Kowalewski and  On behalf of the B A B AR collaboration
Review of semileptonic $b$-hadron decays excluding the $| V_{ xb} |$ and $R$$(D^{(*)})$ measurements
P. Owen and  On behalf of the LHCb, BaBar and Belle collaborations
|Vcb| using lattice QCD
M. Wingate
Improvements to inclusive $V_{cb}$
S. Nandi
Experimental mini-review on $R(D)$ and $R(D^*)$ measurements at LHCb
C. Bozzi and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
$D^*$ and $\tau$ polarization measurements by Belle
K. Adamczyk and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
A Closer Look at $R_D$ and $R_{D^*}$
D. Bardhan
Impact of leptoquarks in semileptonic $B$ decays
S. Sahoo, R. Mohanta and A. Giri
Experimental review and prospects on leptonic $B^+$ decays
Y. Kwon
WG3 Parallel
Rare $B$ decays at CMS
N. Sahoo and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Theory of inclusive $b\to sll$ decays
T. Hurth
Right-handed currents in $B\to K^{*}ll$
R. Mandal
Theory of rare charm decays into leptons
A. Petrov
Experimental status of rare D decays
V. Prasad
Theory of rare $K$ decays
G. D'Ambrosio
$K\to\pi\nu\nu$ at NA62
A. Ceccucci and  on behalf of the NA62 Collaboration
Addressing $R_K$ and neutrino mixing in a class of $U(1)_X$ models
D. Bhatia, S. Chakraborty and A. Dighe
Lepton universality, flavour and number violation in $B$ and $\tau$ decays at LHCb
P. Alvarez-Cartelle and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Lepton universality, flavour and number violation in $B$ and $\tau$ decays at the $B$-factories
F. Wilson and  On behalf of the B A B AR and Belle collaborations
Theory of lepton universality, flavour and number violation
P. Paradisi
Experimental status of muon lepton flavour violation
P. Cattaneo
On the theory prediction of $R_K$ and radiative corrections
M. Bordone
A new generation of Lepton Flavour Universality observables from $B\rightarrow$$K^∗$$\mu^+$$\mu^−$
J. Matias, B. Capdevila, S. Descotes-genon, L. Hofer and J. Virto
Theory of radiative $B$ decays
Rare radiative and semileptonic $b\to s ll$ $B$ decays at Belle
S. Wehle
On the resonant and non-resonant effects in the $B\to K^\ast(\to K\pi)\nu\bar{\nu}$
Prospects for Rare Decays at Belle II
S. Sandilya and  On behalf of the BELLE II collaboration
Parallel WG4
Penguin pollution in $\beta$ and $\beta_s$
U. Nierste
Latest Results on the CP-violating weak phase $\phi_{\textrm{s}}$ and the decay width difference $\Delta \Gamma_{\textrm{s}}$ From the CMS Experiment
P. Behera and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Latest ATLAS results on $\phi_s$
P. Reznicek and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Latest LHCb results on $\phi_s$ at the LHCb experiment
G. Cowan and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Measurements of $\Delta m_{d,s}$ and $\Delta\Gamma_d$ at LHCb
S. Vecchi and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Mixing induced $CP$ violation in $B^0$ decays
M. Calvi and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
CMFV models facing the recent progress in lattice calculations of $B_{s , d}$ mixing
M. Blanke
Measurements of CKM angles at BELLE
B. Pal and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
Parallel WG4/5
Measurement of $\gamma$ from time-dependent analysis of $B_s^0\to D_s^{\mp}K^{\pm}$
A. Dziurda and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
CPV results from time-dependent analysis of $B^0_{s}\to (K^{+}\pi^{-})(K^{-}\pi^{+})$
J. Garcia Pardinas and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Latest results from Utfit
M. Bona, C. Alpigiani, A. Bevan, M. Ciuchini, D. Derkach, E. Franco, L. Silvestrini, V. Lubicz, C. Tarantino, F. Parodi, G. Martinelli, M. Pierini, A. Stocchi, V. Vagnoni and  on behalf of the UTfit Collaboration
Measurement of time-dependent CP -violating asymmetries in $B^0\to\pi^+\pi^-$ and $B_s^0\to K^+K^-$ decays at LHCb
S. Perazzini and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Parallel WG5
Results from LHCb in charmless $b$-baryon decay
A. Merli and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Results from LHCb in charmless baryonic $B$ meson decays
E. Rodrigues and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Results from $B$ factories in charmless (quasi)-two-body decays and Belle II prospects
C.L. Hsu and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
Results from LHCb in charmless (quasi)-two body B meson decays
S. Giani
Quantum-correlated measurements of $D^0\to K^{0}_{S}\pi^{+}\pi^{-}\pi^{0}$ and consequences for the determination of $\gamma$
P.K. Resmi, J.F. Libby, S. Malde and G. Wilkinson
Measurement of $\gamma$ from $B$ meson decay to $D^{(*)}K^{(*)}$
F. Machefert and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Belle results for $\phi_3$ and prospects from Belle by 2021
D. Cervenkov and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
Current challenges and future prospects for $\gamma$ from $B\to D hh^\prime$ decays
T. Gershon and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Parallel WG6
SM $t\bar{t}$ cross section
P. Mathews
Recent inclusive $t\overline{t}$ cross section measurements
A.K. Nayak and  on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
LHC and Tevatron results on the $t\bar{t}$ differential cross sections
R. Di Sipio
Single top and $V$$_{tb}$ measurements
S. Mitra and  on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
Review of top charge asymmetries for LHC run II
S. Westhoff
Measurements of the top quark mass from the LHC and the Tevatron
O. Brandt and  on behalf of the ATLAS, CDF, CMS, and D0 Collaborations
Asymmetries in the top sector
J.D. Morris
High- and low-energy constraints on top-Higgs couplings
W. Dekens
Flavor Changing Neutral Current searches in the top quark sector
S. Bhowmik and  on behalf of the CMS and ATLAS collaborations
Results from TopFitter
M. Russell, A. Buckley, C. Englert, J. Ferrando, L. Moore, K. Nördstrom, D. Miller and C. White
New Physics Searches in the Top Quark Sector in Hadron Colliders
P. Das and  on behalf of the ATLAS, CDF and CMS collaborations
FCNC decays of the top quark
D. Bardhan
MSSM vs. NMSSM in $\Delta F =2$ transitions
J. Kumar
Parallel WG7
CP asymmetries in $D$ decays to two pseudoscalars
U. Nierste and S. Schacht
Prospects on time-integrated CPV measurements at Belle II
S. Bahinipati and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
Latest results on mixing and $CPV$ in the charm decays at the $B$-factories
V. Bhardwaj and  On behalf of the BELLE Collaboration
Measurements of mixing and indirect $CP$ violation in two-body charm decays at LHCb
K. Maguire and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Prospects for time-dependent mixing and CP-violation measurements at Belle II
A. Schwartz and  On behalf of the BELLE II collaboration
Neutral charm mixing results from the Utfit collaboration
M. Bona, C. Alpigiani, A. Bevan, M. Ciuchini, D. Derkach, E. Franco, L. Silvestrini, V. Lubicz, C. Tarantino, F. Parodi, G. Martinelli, M. Pierini, A. Stocchi and V. Vagnoni