The aim of this conference is to review the status and progress in hadron spectroscopy and related aspects of hadron physics. This series of biennial conferences started in 1985 at Maryland, USA. The XV International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy (Hadron 2013) is held from November 4th to November 8th 2013 in Nara, Japan.
Preface |
plenary-1st day |
Opening : New aspects of hadron spectroscopy
Charmonium (-like) spectroscopy
Bottomonium (-like) spectroscopy
Results from BESS III
XYZ states
Progress and Issues in Hadronic Theory
Plenary-2nd day |
Production and spectroscopy of conventional charmonium and bottomonium states at hadron colliders
Production and spectroscopy of open-flavoured hadrons at hadron colliders
Production and spectroscopy of exotic hadrons at hadron colliders
Heavy flavor production in heavy ion collision
Precision studies of light mesons with COMPASS
Heavy hadron spectroscopy theory
Novel heavy quark phenomena in QCD
Plenary-3rd day |
Meson Properties at Finite Density from Mesic Atoms and Mesic Nuclei
Pionic atom factory project at RIKEN
Hadrons in hypernuclei
Experimental studies on medium modification of hadron mass
Modification of Hadron Structure and Properties in Medium
Current results of the experiments at VEPP-2000
Lattice studies for hadron spectroscopy and interactions
Heavy and light hadron spectroscopy on lattice
Plenary-4th day |
Recent results of LEPS, ELPH and prospects of LEPS2
Results from CLAS
Production cross sections of strange and charmed baryons at Belle
Results from CBELSA
Fragmentation function measurements
Nucleon Spin Structure, experimental overview
Partonic structure and hadron spectroscopy -- new connections
Plenary-5th day |
SuperKEKB / Belle II
JLab upgrade
Spectroscopic study of charmed baryons at J-PARC
The PANDA Experiment: a facility to map out exotic charmed hadrons
Summary talk
To the Memory of Professor Dmitry Igorevich Diakonov |
Baryon resonances at large number of colors
Exotics and PWA for piN scattering
$\Theta ^{+}$, $\Xi ^{*}$, and $\Omega$ coupling constants
Heavy Hadrons-1 |
Charmonium Charged States
Study of XYZ states at BESIII
New perspectives for study charmonium and exotics above D bar-D threshold
Bottomonium-like states at Belle
Exploring the threshold behavior and implications on the nature of Y(4260) and Zc(3900)
Heavy Hadrons-2 |
Strong phase in $D^{0}\rightarrow K\pi $ decay and $y_{CP}$ measurements from $CP$-tagged $D^{0}$ semi-leptonic decays at BESIII
Studies of b hadron decays to charmless final states at LHCb
Studies of b hadron decays to final states containing open charm at LHCb
Mass Spectrum and decay properties of the $B_{c}$ meson
Consequences of Heavy Quark Symmetries for Hadronic Molecules
Heavy Hadrons-3 |
Review of threshold phenomena in quarkonium decays
Charmonium spectroscopy from BESIII
Quarkonia production at LHCb
Investigating the $D^{*}\rho$ system using QCD sum rules
Study of inclusive and exclusive multi-body B decays to $\chi _{c1}$ and $\chi _{c2}$ mesons.
Quarkonium production and polarization in pp collisions with the CMS detector
Heavy Hadrons-4 |
Study of the charmed strange baryons at Belle
Study of baryonic decays of B mesons at Babar
Radial and orbital excited states of $\Lambda _{c}^{+}$ and $\Sigma _{c}^{+}$ in a hypercentral quark model
A study of hidden charm with heavy quark spin symmetry and local hidden gauge approach
Electromagnetic structure of charmed baryons
Heavy Hadrons-5 |
Study of $B \rightarrow X(3872) K \pi$ decay mode
Study of the $\chi _{c1}(1P) \pi ^{+}\pi ^-$ invariant mass spectrum in $B^{±} \rightarrow \chi _{c1}(1P) \pi ^{+}\pi ^{-} K^{±}$ decays at Belle
Analysis of Zb decays as heavy meson molecules
Decays of doubly charmed meson molecules
Possible bound states in the $T_{Qs}$ and $T_{QQ'}$ systems
The wave function of Tetraquarks with two heavy antiquarks
Heavy Hadrons-6 |
Recent results from the KEDR detector
Measurement of branching fractions for $B\rightarrow J/\psi \eta K$ decays and search for a narrow resonance in the $J/\psi \eta $ final state
"Quark Confinement'' and Evolution of Covariant Hadron-Classification Scheme
Searches for New Physics with Bottomonium Decays at BABAR
Heavy Hadrons-7 |
b and c hadron production and spectroscopy at LHCb
Exotic dibaryons with a heavy antiquark
$\Delta \Delta$ vs $N\bar D$: a test-bench for the ABC effect
Possible existence of charmonium-light-nucleus bound states
Dynamically-generated baryon resonances with heavy flavor
The Xc(3250) as a $D*\Delta$ molecule
Heavy Hadrons-8 |
Studies of b hadron decays to final states containing charmonia at LHCb
D semi-leptonic and leptonic decays at BESIII
Measurement of charmless decays of B mesons with the BABAR detector
Spectroscopy and Decay properties of $D$ and $D_{s}$ mesons with Martin-like confinement potential in Dirac formalism
The role of the radial excited charm mesons in the weak B decays
Heavy Hadrons-9 |
Exclusive study of bottomonium states in radiative Y(2S) decays
Feasibility studies of proton time-like electromagnetic form factors with the PANDA detector
Mass spectra and Radiative transitions of heavy quarkonia and $b \bar c$ mesons
Resonance Scan Simulation of Charmonium like states using PANDAROOT Framework
Light Hadrons-1 |
Hadron spectroscopy in two-photon processes
Odd and Even Partial Waves of $\eta \pi ^{-}$ and $\eta ' \pi ^{-}$ in 191 GeV/c $\pi ^{-} p$
Measurement of radiative widths at COMPASS
Diffractive Dissociation into Three-Pion Final States at COMPASS
Partial wave analyses of the $\pi -\pi 0\pi 0$ and $\pi -\pi 0$ systems with VES setup
Dalitz plot analysis of $D^{+} \rightarrow K_{S}^{0} \pi ^{+} \pi ^{0}$ at BESIII
Mixing angle of K1 axial vector mesons
Light Hadrons-2 |
Pion-assisted N-Delta and Delta-Delta dibaryons
Search for the H-Dibaryon near Lambda Lambda Threshold in (K-,K+) Reactions
Possible existence of $K^{bar}$-hyperon resonances and the origin of $K^{bar}$-hadron attractions
Exotic hadron production in hard exclusive reactions
Light Hadrons-3 |
\pi ^{0} and \eta photoproduction on the deuteron at $E_{\gamma }<1.2$ GeV
Quasi-free Cross Section Measurements at CLAS: $\gamma D \rightarrow p \pi - ( p ) , \gamma D \rightarrow K \ast ( 892 ) 0 \Lambda ( p ) $, $\gamma D \rightarrow K + \Sigma \ast ( 1385 ) - ( p )$
Cascade photo production at CLAS
Experiment EPECUR for High Precision Measurements of the Pion Proton Cross Section in the Second Resonance Region
New results on narrow structure in the pion nucleon elastic scattering from the EPECUR experiment.
Light Hadrons-4 |
The identification of glueballs - further tests
J/psi radiative decays at BESIII
Partial-Wave Analysis of Centrally Produced Two-Pseudoscalar Final States in pp Reactions at COMPASS
Study of $e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow \omega \pi ^{0} \rightarrow \pi ^{0}\pi ^{0}\gamma$ in the energy range 1.05--2.00 GeV with SND
Measurement of $e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow \eta \pi ^{+}\pi ^{-}$ process cross-section in $\sqrt s= 1.08--2.00$ GeV energy range with SND detector on VEPP-2000
Description of $\rho$ (1700) with the FCA method
Structure of the scalar meson from lattice QCD
Light Hadrons-5 |
On the complex branch points in $\pi N$ scattering amplitude and the multiple poles structure of resonances
Complex 2D Matrix Model and Its Application to Nc-dependence of Hadron Structures
First application of coupled-channel Complex Scaling Method to the KbarN-piY system
Non-ordinary nature of the f0(500) resonance from its Regge trajectory
Size measurement of dynamically generated hadronic resonances with finite volume effect
Light Hadrons-6 |
Recent results on N* spectroscopy with ANL-Osaka dynamical coupled-channels approach
Exclusive single pion electroproduction off the proton in the high-lying resonances at $Q^{2} < 5$ GeV$^{2}$ from CLAS.
Measurement of double polarization observables in meson photoproduction with the CBELSA/TAPS experiment
Baryon spectroscopy at BESIII
Dynamical origin of nonstrange baryon resonances
Light Hadrons-7 |
The spectrum of excited states from lattice QCD simulations
Excited light and strange hadrons from the lattice with two Chirally Improved quarks
Skyrmions with vector mesons revisited
Nucleon $\Sigma$ Term in the Chiral Mixing Approach
An analytical relation between confinement and chiral symmetry breaking
Lattice QCD study for relation between
Quark tensor and axial charges within the Schwinger-Dyson formalism
Light Hadrons-8 |
$\eta$ and $\eta '$ physics at BESIII
$\eta$ and $\eta '$ transition form factors from rational approximants
Measurement of $e+e- \rightarrow$ hadrons cross sections at BABAR, and implication for the muon g-2
Measurement of the Pion Polarizability at COMPASS
New facilities |
The LHCb upgrade
Challenges in Instrumentaion at the PANDA Experiment
Spectrometer for the charmed baryon spectroscopy experiment at the J-PARC high-momentum beam line
Searches for Hybrid Mesons at GlueX
Hadron Interactions-1 |
Test of QCD at large $Q^{2}$ with exclusive hadronic processes
Glauber gluons in pion-induced Drell-Yan processes
Evolution and dynamics of cusped light-like Wilson loops
Generalized loop space and TMDs
Heavy quarkonium production in pQCD factorization
Hadron Interactions-2 |
Low energy QCD measurements and ChPT tests with Kaons at CERN
Study of the process $e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow K^{+}K^{-}\pi ^{+}\pi ^{-}$ in the c.m. energy range 1.5 - 2.0 GeV with the CMD-3 detector
Gauge-invariance constraints for dynamical models of multi-meson photoproduction processes
Hadronic description for Omega baryon photoproduction
Theoretical analysis of \Lambda (1405) photoproduction
Hadron Interactions-3 |
NN scattering calculations without partial-wave decomposition
Converging low energy expansion of nucleon-nucleon scattering based on the Wilsonian renormalization group analysis
Narrow or Wide Resonance?
Roles of $\eta $-channels in $\pi \pi $, $\pi \eta$ and $\pi K$ scatterings
Hadron Interactions-4 |
Total Hadronic Cross Sections and $\pi ^{\mp }\pi ^{+}$ scattering
Hadronic interactions in heavy ion collisions
A non-pertubative effect of gluons for scalar diquark in the Schwinger-Dyson formalism
Finite-size corrections to Fermi's golden rule
Nucleon Structure-1 |
Complete gauge invariant decomposition of the nucleon spin
GPDs for non zero skewness in transverse and longitudinal position space
HERAFitter - an open source QCD fit framework
Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering and Generalized Parton Distributions at Jlab/CLAS
Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering off the Neutron using CLAS and CLAS12 at Jefferson Lab
Nucleon Structure-2 |
Polarized nucleon-structure physics at RHIC-PHENIX
Probing Flavor Asymmetry of Anti-quarks in Proton by Drell-Yan Experiment SeaQuest at Fermilab
Polarized Drell-Yan measurement at COMPASS-II
Hadrons in medium-1 |
Dense baryonic matter in the hidden local symmetry approach
Lattice QCD study of partial restoration of chiral symmetry in the flux tube
Ground State of Holographic Mean Field Theory and Properties of Their fluctuations in Baryonic Matter
Study of QCD phase using surface operators
Rho and A-mesons in external magnetic field in SU(2) lattice gauge theory
Hadrons in medium-2 |
Search for the eta-mesic helium by means of WASA detector at COSY
In-medium $\eta '$ mass and $\eta 'N$ interaction in vacuum based on chiral effective theory
Experimental study of the $\eta '$-nucleus interaction in photo nuclear reactions
Spectroscopy of $\eta '$ mesic nuclei using $(p,d)$ reaction
Structure changes of hadrons in nuclear matter
Nucleon spectral function from QCD sum rules with MEM
Hadron-Quark Crossover and Neutron Star Observations
Hadrons in medium-3 |
The width of the omega meson in dense matter
Experimental constraints on the real part of the ω-nucleus optical potential
Formation of deeply bound pionic atoms and pion properties in nuclei
Feasibility Study for Spectroscopy of pionic atoms with unstable nuclei
Universal three-pion physics with a large scattering length
Hadrons in medium-4 |
In-medium hadron properties measured with HADES
A Study of the rho-omega Interference in the Leptonic Decay Channel from Photoproduction off of a 1H target at JLab
Vector mesons at finite density from QCD sum rules and the maximum entropy method
Experimental Investigation for Mass Modification Effect in Nuclei at J-PARC
Medium modification of heavy meson spectra from QCD sum rules
Hadrons in medium-5 |
Search for the KbarNN bound states at LEPS/SPring-8
Study of kaonic nuclei by the $d(\pi + K+)$ reaction at J-PARC.
Search for deeply-bound $\bar K $-nuclear states via the $^{3}$He(inflght-$K^{-}$,$N$) reaction at J-PARC
Studies on the $\Lambda$(1405) and the antikaon-nucleon interactions with the KLOE Drift Chamber
Hadrons in medium-6 |
Strange baryonic resonances and kaonic bound states.
Hypernuclear decay pion spectroscopy at MAMI-C
Kaonic atoms - final results of the SIDDHARTA experiment
Poster |
In medium effect on charmonium states using potential model
Semi-leptonic and nonleptonic weak decays of the open beauty mesons with Martin-like potential in Dirac formalism
Decay width of $Z_{c} ^{+}$ and $Z_b ^{+}$ states as di-mesonic molecular state
Form factors and Coupling Constants of $B_{s}^{*} B K$ and $B_{s} B^{*} K$ processes using QCD Sum Rules.
Investigating possible decay modes of Y(4260) under the $D_{1}$(2420) $\bar D +$ c.c molecular state ansatz
Parity doubling structure of nucleon at non-zero density in the holographic mean field theory
Pion condensation phase at finite isospin chemical potential in Holographic QCD model
Possible medium effects on $\eta -\pi ^{0}$ mixing and $\eta \rightarrow \pi ^{0}\pi ^{+}\pi ^{-}$ decay in asymetric nuclear matter
Thermodynamics of hadrons using the Gaussian functional method in the linear sigma model
KN scattering with hadrons exchange potential in 3D techniques
Study of the process $e^{+}e^{-} \rightarrow \pi ^{+}\pi ^{-}\pi ^{0}\pi ^{0}$ with SND at VEPP-2000
New Hidden beauty molecules predicted by the local hidden gauge approach and heavy quark spin symmetry
Measurement of the branching fractions for $B+ \rightarrow (c \bar c)K+ \rightarrow p \bar p K+$ decays
Study of Spin-Parity of the $\Lambda_{c}$(2765)+ with Belle.
Study of double charm production at Belle
Semileptonic decay of the $\Lambda_b$ baryon
Study of $K-pp$ with an effective $K\bar N$ potential on coupled-channel Complex Scaling Method
A novell PWA framework, not only for the PANDA collaboration.
$\tau \rightarrow K-\eta \nu \tau$ decays in Chiral Perturbation Theory with Resonances
Forward neutrino-induced meson productions in the resonance region