CNCFG2010 - (other corfu conferences)
September 8 – 12, 2010
Corfu, Greece
published April 01, 2011

It is generally expected that due to the interplay between gravity and quantum mechanics, the classical picture of smooth spacetime manifolds should be replaced by some kind of quantum geometry at very short scales.

Much research has been devoted to this question in the past from various points of view. In particular, the study of quantum field theory on non commutative spacetimes has been developed as an effective approach to study physical models on quantum spaces. The workshop focused mainly

  1. on various aspects of field theories defined on non commutative spaces and
  2. on the relation among quantum , non commutative geometries and gravity in different approaches.


conference main image
G. Zoupanos, K. Anagnostopoulos, D. Bahns, H. Grosse and N. Irges
Running Immirzi Parameter and Asymptotic Safety
M. Reuter and J.E. Daum
Towards Renormalizing Group Field Theory
V. Rivasseau
Branes, Quantization and Fuzzy Spheres
C. Saemann and R. Szabo
Is covariant star product unique?
D. Vassilevich
Anatomy of a deformed symmetry field quantization on curved momentum space
M. Arzano
Noncommutative Gerbes
P. Aschieri
Aspects of the BMS/CFT correspondence
G. Barnich and C. Troessaert
Special geometries emerging from Yang-Mills type matrix models
D. Blaschke
Gauge fields on truncated Heisenberg space
M. Buric, H. Grosse and J. Madore
Noncommutative supergravity
L. Castellani
Fuzzy extra dimensions and particle physics models
A. Chatzistavrakidis, H. Steinacker and G. Zoupanos
Noncommutative field theories with harmonic term
A. de Goursac
Integrable quantum spin chains and their classical continuous counterparts
A. Doikou, J. Avan and K. Sfetsos
Enthalpy and the first law of black hole thermodynamics
On twisted symmetries and QM with a magnetic field on NC tori
Two Aspects of M-(brane) Theory
Noncommutative Baby Skyrmions
T. Ioannidou and O. Lechtenfeld
Torsion and Burgers vector of a tube dislocation
M. Katanaev
Spectral Action from Anomalies
F. Lizzi, A. Andrianov and M. Kurkov
Nc GUTS: A status Report
P.C. Martin
Aspects of Quantum Field Theory on Quantum Spacetime
G. Piacitelli
Cosmology within Noncommutative Spectral Geometry
M. Sakellariadou
Quantum Field Theory on Curved Noncommutative Spacetimes
A. Schenkel
Noncommutative Geometry with Torsion
A. Sitarz and F. Mercati
On matrix geometry
H. Steinacker
A field-theoretic approach to Spin Foam models in Quantum Gravity
P. Vitale
Noncommutative gauge theory and renormalisability
M. Wohlgenannt
Divergences in QFT on the Noncommutative Minkowski Space with Grosse-Wulkenhaar potential