EPS-HEP 2009 - (other hep conferences)
July 16-22, 2009
Krakow, Poland
published June 07, 2010
Scientific Programme: Standard Model and Beyond QCD and Hadronic Physics Physics at Future Facilities Neutrino Physics Astroparticle Physics Cosmology Non-perturbative Field Theory Flavour Physics and CP Violation Detectors and Data Handling String Theory Heavy Ions Accelerator R&D
conference main image
session Plenary
session Heavy Ions
session QCD in hadronic physics
Session Astroparticle Physics
session Cosmology and Gravitational Waves
session Detectors (LHC and R&D) and Accelerators
session Flavour Physics
session Higgs and New Physics
session Neutrino Physics
session QCD at Colliders
session Standard Model Electroweak Physics
session Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
session Poster
session Plenary
Beyond the Standard Litany: LOSP and Higgs Portals; Lattice Lattice Gauge Theory
Higgs searches
New Physics searches
V. Buescher
LHC machine
F. Gianotti
SM theory for collider physics
C. Anastasiou
New theories for the Fermi scale
Direct searches for Dark Matter
Observing signatures of Cosmic Rays using high-energy gamma-ray telescopes
Ultra High-Energy Cosmic Ray Observations: Status and Prospects
K.H. Kampert
Dark matter theory
Cosmology and Dark Energy
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V. Mukhanov
String Theory Phenomenology
Gravitational waves
K. Danzmann
W and Z physics (exp)
Top physics (exp)
C. Schwanenberger
Detectors R&D
Accelerator R&D
QCD - experiment
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P. Schleper
Non-perturbative Field Theory
Flavour physics at the Tevatron
Flavour Physics at B-factories and other machines
Flavour Theory: 2009
A. Golutvin
Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ions
N. Borghini and U. Wiedemann
P. Giubellino
Neutrino physics
Conference Summary/Outlook
W. Buchmuller
session Heavy Ions
Search for the QCD critical point at SPS energies
K. Grebieszkow
Strong and Electromagnetic Interactions at SPS Energies
Recent results from the CERN NA60 experiment
Charmonium resonance production from quark coalescence
G. Hamar and P. Levai
Probing charm production in high-energy nuclear collisions
EMC Effect in Heavy Ion Collision
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G.G. Barnaföldi
The BRAHMS results on the proton-to-pion ratio pT-dependence in the RHIC range of baryo-chemical potential
Properties of the matter created in heavy ion collisions – results from the PHOBOS experiment
K. Wozniak, B. Alver, B.B. Back, M.D. Baker, M. Ballintijn, D.S. Barton, R.R. Betts, A.A. Bickley, R. Bindel, W. Busza, A. Carroll, Z. Chai, V. Chetluru, M.P. Decowski, E. Garcia, T. Gburek, N. George, K. Gulbrandsen, C. Halliwell, J. Hamblen, I. Harnarine, M. Hauer, C. Henderson, D.J. Hofman, R.S. Hollis, R. Holynski, B. Holzman, A. Iordanova, E. Johnson, J.L. Kane, N. Khan, P. Kulinich, C.Y. Kuo, W. Li, W.T. Lin, C. Loizides, S. Manly, A.C. Mignerey, R. Nouicer, A. Olszewski, R. Pak, C. Reed, E. Richardson, C. Roland, G. Roland, J. Sagerer, H. Seals, I. Sedykh, C.E. Smith, M.A. Stankiewicz, P.A. Steinberg, G.S.F. Stephans, A. Sukhanov, A. Szostak, M.B. Tonjes, A. Trzupek, C. Vale, G.J. van Nieuwenhuizen, S.S. Vaurynovich, R. Verdier, G.I. Veres, P. Walters, E. Wenger, D. Willhelm, F.L.H. Wolfs, B. Wosiek, S. Wyngaardt and B. Wyslouch
Exploring the QCD medium with the PHENIX experiment at RHIC
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J. Velkovska
Flow, spectra and HBT radii in Heavy-Ion collisions
Bjorken Flow of the Quark-Gluon Plasma and Gauge/Gravity Correspondence
R. Peschanski
Full jet reconstruction in 200 GeV p+p, d+Au and Au+Au collisions by STAR
First measurements with the ALICE detector at LHC
Heavy Ion Physics with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC
CMS Experiment at LHC: Detector Status and Physics Capabilities in Heavy Ion Collisions
Nuclear modification factor in p+Pb collisions at LHC and saturation
A. Rezaeian
session QCD in hadronic physics
KLOE results on light meson properties
B. Di Micco
Physics with the KLOE2 experiment at the phi factory
QCD tests at NA48
New Hadroproduction results from the HARP/PS214 experiment at CERN PS
M. Bonesini
Renormalization of B-meson distribution amplitudes
S. Descotes-genon
Recent results on two-photon physics at BABAR
V.P. Druzhinin
Charmonium-like results from BABAR
A. Gabareen Mokhtar
Charmonium-like particles at Belle
Cross-sections of hadron production by 3-15 GeV/c beams of protons and charged pions.
A. Bolshakova
Cross-section measurements at Belle
Study of $\Upsilon$(5S) decays to $B^0$ and $B^+$ mesons
A. Drutskoy
Bottomonium Studies at BaBar
Light particle searches at Belle
Heavy hadron spectroscopy in a Salpeter model with AdS/QCD inspired potential
F. Giannuzzi
g_B*Bpi coupling in the static heavy quark limit
B. Blossier
Strangeness Production in Deep-Inelastic ep Scattering at HERA
J. Ruiz Tabasco
Measurement of charged particle spectra in pp collisions at CMS
K. Krajczar
Inclusive Photoproduction of pho0, K^(*0) and phi Mesons at HERA
First Observation of Hadronic Final State Charge Asymmetry in High Q^2 Deep-Inelastic Scattering at HERA
Particle spectra at ZEUS
L. Shcheglova
Charm and strange particles production at ZEUS
Recent results and prospects on exploring the helicity structure of the proton at RHIC in high-energy polarized proton-proton collisions
Selected recent HERMES results on parton distribution and fragmentation functions
New results on quark helicity distributions and gluon polarization from the COMPASS experiment at CERN
QCD factorization beyond leading twist in exclusive processes: rhoT-meson production
SDMEs in exclusive rho^0 electroproduction
A. Borissov
Measurement of Bc mass and lifetime at LHCb
The Quark Model via an hbar expansion of QCD
Is the X(3872) molecular hypothesis compatible with CDF data?
F. Piccinini, C. Bignamini, B. Grinstein, A.D. Polosa and C. Sabelli
Exact beta function and glueball spectrum in large N Yang-Mills theory.
M. Bochicchio
Inelastic J/psi production at HERA
R. Brugnera
BESIII status and recent results
Experimental evidence for piK-atoms
Search for a D*p resonance at HERA II
Transverse target spin asymmetries on a proton target at COMPASS - on behalf of the COMPASS collaboration
Meson Spectroscopy at COMPASS
Exclusive pion cross section and asymmetry at HERMES
I. Hristova
A systematic study of the strong interaction with PANDA
J. Messchendorp
Hadron mass generation and the strong interaction
H.P. Morsch
Heavy quark meson spectroscopy at CDF
Why dispersion relations help in description of pion-pion amplitudes and lead to precise determination of the f0(600) (sigma) parameters?
R. Kaminski
Coupled channel description for X(3872) and other XYZ mesons
P. Garcia Ortega
Early Physics with the LHCf detector at LHC
Session Astroparticle Physics
Probing the eV-mass range for solar axions with the CAST experiment
EDELWEISS-2 Dark Matter Search: recent results with new detectors
Recent Results from WIMP-search analysis of CDMS-II data
Limits on Low-Mass WIMP Dark Matter with an Ultra-Low-Energy Germanium Detector at 220 eV Threshold
Status of the XENON100 experiment for WIMP direct detection
A.D. Ferella
Latest results from the Pamela experiment
Observations of High Energy Cosmic Ray Electrons by the ATIC Balloon Experiment
The first year of Fermi LAT: a new light on the high-energy Universe
The cosmic-ray electron spectrum measured with H.E.S.S.
Cosmic Ray Signatures from Decaying Gravitino Dark Matter.
N.E. Bomark, S. Lola, P. Osland and A. Raklev
PAMELA and Fermi-LAT data as backgrounds for future dark matter searches
First measurements with the ANTARES detector
P. Kooijman
Results from IceCube
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C. Spiering
The KM3NeT project: Towards a km^3-scale neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea
Determination of the Neutrino Flavor Ratio at the Astrophysical Source
Vertical Array in Space for Horizontal Air-Showers
GeoSynchrotron Radiation from Earth Skimming Tau Neutrino Shower
K.C. Lai, G.L. Lin, T. Liu, J. Nam and C.C. Chen
Studies of the ultra-high energy cosmic ray composition at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Results from the ARGO-YBJ experiment
D. Martello
Pi of the Sky: modelling of the detector response for more effective search for optical GRB counterparts.
L.W. Piotrowski
Measurement of the cosmic muon charge asymmetry
ArDM, a 1t liquid argon detector for dark matter searches
session Cosmology and Gravitational Waves
Cosmology and Dark Energy
The Dark Energy Survey
The Evolution of the Large Scale Structure of the Universe from z~2 until now
A. Pollo, U. Abbas, L. Guzzo, B. Meneux and O. Le Fevre
Gravitino dark matter and high reheating temperature
K. Turzynski
Solving the Li problem by long lived stau in a stau-neutralino coannihilation scenario
M. Yamanaka
Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies and primordial gravitational waves
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R. Stompor
Searches for stochastic gravitational waves in LIGO and VIRGO data
Inflation and preheating in supergravity - the role of flat directions
A. Kaminska and P. Pacholek
Models of Inflation in Supergravity
S. Antusch, P.M. Kostka and K. Dutta
Singlet dark matter effects on Higgs boson driven inflation
session Detectors (LHC and R&D) and Accelerators
The Dark Energy Camera - a New Instrument for the Dark Energy Survey
NEXT: A Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Experiment with a Gaseous Xenon TPC
The FP420 Project and GasToF: A Picosecond Timing Detector
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K. Piotrzkowski
Commissioning of the Silicon Strip Detector (SSD) of ALICE
P. Christakoglou
Commissioning and Performance of the LHCb Vertex Detector
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T. Bowcock
Commissioning the CMS pixel detector with Cosmic Rays
ATLAS Inner Detector: Commissioning with Cosmics Data
ALICE TPC - design and performance
The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter: Construction, Commissioning and Calibration
Commissioning of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter
Muon Reconstruction and Identification in CMS
Performance of The ATLAS Muon Spectrometer During the Commissioning
C. Ferretti
The High Level Trigger for Rare Decays at LHCb
Commissioning the CMS trigger with cosmic rays
The ATLAS Trigger System: Recent Experience and Future Plans
S. Farrington
The Fast Tracker Architecture for the LHC baseline luminosity
Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector tracking system
First Alignment of the CMS Tracker and Implications for the First Collision Data
The next energy-frontier accelerator – a linear e+e- collider?
G. Geschonke
CERN Upgrade Plans for the LHC and its Injectors
F. Zimmermann
LHeC and eRHIC
e+e- Factory Developments
M. Sullivan
Super KEKB and Belle II
The Intensity Frontier at Fermilab
Future neutrino oscillation facilities
R. Edgecock
Status of the international Muon ionization cooling experiment
M. Bonesini
The LHCb Upgrade
M. Kucharczyk
ATLAS upgrades for the sLHC collider
S. Palestini
Design process of the CMS Silicon Tracker for Super-LHC
C. Civinini
Silicon Detectors for the sLHC - an Overview of Recent RD50 Results
G. Pellegrini
Radiation-hard ASICS for sLHC optical data transmission
Perforamnce of the ALIBAVA portable readout system with irradiated and non-irradiated microstrip silicon sensors
Electromagnetic Calorimetry for the ILC
C. Carloganu
The CALICE hadron calorimeters - beam test results and new developments.
A Large TPC Prototype for an ILC Detector
The T2K TPCs
CMOS Pixel Sensors for High Precision Beam Telescopes and Vertex Detectors
The STAR Tracking Upgrade
Implementation and Performance of the ATLAS Jet Trigger
P. Conde Muíño
session Flavour Physics
Status of the CKM matrix as of Summer 2009 and sensitivity to New Physics
Update of the Unitarity Triangle Analysis
C. Tarantino
Hadronic decays related to gamma at BABAR
N. Lopez-March
Measurements of charmless B decays related to alpha at BABAR
V. Lombardo
CP violation in hadronic penguin modes
E. Ben-Haim
CPV and CPT in B0 decays at Belle
A. Poluektov
Resolution of the B\rightarrow pi pi, pi K puzzles
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S. Mishima
Measurements of CP violation and CKM matrix at LHCb
SU(3) Flavour Symmetries and CP Violation
L. Calibbi, J. Jones-Perez, A. Masiero, J.h. Park, W.R. Porod and O.M. Vives
Probing the MSSM flavor structure with low energy CP violation
W. Altmannshofer
B-CP anomalies, “4th generation" and the LHC
Bs decays at Belle
Study of CP violation in Bs\rightarrow J/psi phi decays at CDF
Study of Decays Bd to J/psi K* and Bs to J/psi phi whith the D0 detector
P. Gutierrez
Study of Bs → Ds+(*) Ds-(*) and Bs → phi phi Decays at CDF II
CP-conserving and CP-violating properties in semileptonic Bs decays with the D0 experiment
L. Sonnenschein
Effect of High Mass t' on sin 2\Phi Bs
M. Chien-Yi and G.W.S. Hou
A New Expected Upper Limit on the Rare Decay Bs to mu+mu- with the D0 experiment
I. Ripp-baudot
ATLAS preparations for precise B-decay measurements sensitive to BSM phenomena
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J. Catmore
B physics prospects of CMS with the first LHC data
Rare B meson decays involving leptons at BABAR
Gluino-mediated FCNCs in the MSSM with large tan(beta)
L. Hofer, U. Nierste and D. Scherer
Inclusive radiative B meson decays at Belle
Exclusive leptonic and radiative B meson decays at Belle
New physics sensitivity of the rare decay mode $B \to K^0 \ell^-\ ell^+$
FCNC Processes in the LHT Model: a 2009 Look
C. Tarantino
Search for new physics at LHCb: CP violation in Charm sector and rare decays of B hadrons
M.H. Schune
D0-D0bar mixing at BABAR
Recent Results from the KEDR Detector
S. Eydelman
Charm decays at BABAR
Charm decays at Belle
Semileptonic decays of D mesons at CLEO
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T. Skwarnicki
Quantum-correlated D Decays at CLEO-c
S. Ricciardi
Hadronic decays of D mesons at CLEO
D.H. Miller
Review of NA48 CP violation measurements with neutral and charged kaons
Precision measurements of rare kaon decays
E. Marinova
K and B Physics in a Warped Extra Dimension with Custodial Protection
KLOE measurements of KL lifetime and absolute branching ratio of K+\rightarrow pi+pi-pi+
P. De Simone
Measurement of the KS lifetimes and CPT symmetry tests in the neutral kaon system with quantum interferometry at KLOE
Vus and lepton universality from kaon decays at KLOE
E. De Lucia
Exclusive semileptonic b\rightarrow c decays at Belle
Exclusive Semileptonic b\rightarrow c decays at BABAR and the determination of Vcb
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M. Rotondo
Inclusive b\rightarrow u decays and determination of Vub at BELLE
I. Nakamura
Inclusive Semileptonic B Decays at BABAR
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J.E. Sundermann
Quark masses from low-energy moments of heavy-quark current correlators
P. Marquard
Branching fractions and charge asymmetries in charmless hadronic B decays at BABAR
P. Biassoni
b\rightarrow s hadronic decays at Belle
b\rightarrow d and other charmless B decays at Belle
C.C. Chiang
Three-body charmless hadronic B decays at BABAR
Towards a unitary Dalitz plot analysis of three- body hadronic B decays
Nonleptonic charmless B_c decays and their search at LHCb
S. Descotes-genon
Properties of heavy-flavoured hadrons at CDF
J.P. Fernãndez
Hadronic b\rightarrow c decays at Belle
J.P. Wiechczynski
Hadronic b\rightarrow c decays at BaBar
Baryonic Bd decays at Belle
Baryonic B-decays at BABAR
Properties of heavy-flavoured baryons at CDF
Observation of the Doubly Strange b Baryon Omega-_b with the D0 Detector
Measurement of the CKM angle $\gamma$ at LHCb
M. Gersabeck
session Higgs and New Physics
Searches for squarks and gluinos at the Tevatron
Searches for third generation squarks at the Tevatron
Squark and gluino production at the LHC
Prospects for R-Parity Conserving SUSY searches at the LHC
M.H. Genest
Extracting backgrounds to SUSY searches from LHC data
V. Zhuravlov
Statistical issues for Higgs and new physics searches
E. Gross and O. Vitells
Search for Supersymmetry in final states with photons at the Tevatron
The LHC Signatures of the Extended Gauge Structures in Supersymmetry
Trilepton production at the CERN LHC: SUSY Signals and Standard Model Backgrounds
Study of SUSY particles properties at the future International Linear Collider with the International Large Detector
K. Wichmann
Searches for low mass Higgs at the Tevatron (WH and ttH final states)
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M. Mulhearn
Search for low mass Higgs at the Tevatron (ZH and H to gamma gamma)
Searches for high mass Higgs at the Tevatron (WW(*) final states)
Combined Upper limit for SM Higgs at the Tevatron
Search for a light CP-odd Higgs boson in BaBar
A. Gabareen Mokhtar
Electroweak Effects and Cross Section for Higgs production in gluon fusion process
R. Boughezal
Low mass Higgs and Higgs properties at the LHC
High-mass Higgs search and combined discovery prospects at the LHC
Three-loop Corrections to the Mass of the Light Higgs Boson in the MSSM
Searches for non-SM higgs at the Tevatron
Search for non-standard-model Higgs at the LHC with ATLAS
D. Fassouliotis
Searches for chargino/neutralino production at the Tevatron
Early new physics searches with leptons at LHC
Early new physics searches with jets at the LHC
Phenomenology of the minimal B-L extension of the Standard model
L. Basso and S. Moretti
Search for BSM physics (non-SUSY) in final states with photons at the Tevatron
E. Palencia
High-mass resonances in dilepton, dijet and diboson final states at the Tevatron
Extra dimensions and micro black holes at the LHC
Challenges for long-lived massive particle searches at the LHC
A. Giammanco
Study of multi-muon events produced in ppbar collisions with CDF
F. Happacher
Search for Excess Dimuon Production in the Radial Region 1.6<r<10 cm at the D0 Experiment
M.R.J. Williams
The Constrained E6SSM
Dark Matter from Lorentz Invariance and the LHC
G. Cacciapaglia
Exploring Non-Supersymmetric New Physics in Polarized Moeller Scattering
Dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking by quasiconformal technicolour theories
D.D. Dietrich
Evolution of the Universe to the present Inert phase
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M. Krawczyk
Constraints of new physics theories using Gfitter
The Probable Fate of the Standard Model
J.R. Espinosa
Extracting SUSY parameters from LHC measurements using Fittino
General Search for New Phenomena at HERA
Global searches at the Tevatron
Generic Search for Deviations from Standard Model Predictions in CMS
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S. Rahatlou
Search of New Physics with Kaon decays at NA62
G. Collazuol
Measuring Lepton Flavour Violation at LHC with Long-Lived Slepton in the Coannihilation Region
T. Shimomura
Search for invisible or lepton-flavor-violating Upsilon decays in BaBar
Search for a lepton flavor violating $\tau$ decay into $l K_S$ and $l K_S K_S$
Y. Miyazaki
Search for Squark Production in R-Parity Violating Supersymmetry at HERA
M.C. Herbst
Flavour violating squark and gluino decays
Signatures of Heavy Vectors in Higgsless models
J. F. Kamenik
Wrong vertex displacements due to Lee-Wick resonances at LHC
E. Alvarez, L. Da Rold, C. Schat and A. Szynkman
Searches for leptoquark production and compositeness at the Tevatron
T. Nunnemann
Search for leptoquarks and contact interactions at HERA
R. Ciesielski
Searches for excited fermions at HERA
session Neutrino Physics
KATRIN: an experiment to determine the neutrino mass
F. Fraenkle
Search for double beta decay with NEMO-3
V. Beillet-Kovalenko
Search for neutrinoless double beta decay of Ge-76 with the GERmanium Detector Array "GERDA"
R. Brugnera
Status of Cuore experiment and last results from Cuoricino
E. Guardincerri
Double Chooz experiment
C. Palomares
The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Oscillation Experiment
Last Borexino Result
M. Misiaszek
MiniBooNE experiment: recent results and future plans
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B. Osmanov
Recent Results from the MINOS Experiment
Status of the OPERA neutrino experiment
Status of the T2K experiment
K. Sakashita
The International Design Study for the Neutrino Factory
The LAGUNA project - towards the giant, liquid base detectors for proton decay searches and for low energy neutrino astrophysics.
MINERvA: neutrino cross-sections for the future
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B. Osmanov
Measurements of Neutrino-Electron Scattering Cross-Section and the Electroweak Parameters at the Kuo-Sheng Reactor Neutrino Laboratory
Single pion production induced by neutrino-nucleon interactions
Lepton Flavour Violation in Models with A4 Flavour Symmetry.
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F. Feruglio
Nonunitarity effects in a realistic low-scale seesaw model
M. Malinsky
Minimal flavour seesaw models
Constraining nonstandard neutrino-electron interactions
O.G. Miranda
On the Interplay Between the 'Low' and 'High' Energy CP-Violation in Leptogenesis.
E. Molinaro and S. Petcov
session QCD at Colliders
Determinations of alpha_s from hadronic event shapes and tests of analytic hadronization models using e+e- annihilation data
Automatic calculation of one-loop amplitudes
A. van Hameren
Jets and alpha_s at HERA
Two and Three-jet measurements at D0
Study of jet production and subjet distributions in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
The exclusive NLO DGLAP kernels for Non Singlet evolution
M. Skrzypek and S. Jadach
Dijet angular distributions at \sqrt s = 14 TeV
N. Boelaert
Minimum Bias and Hadronic Event Shapes at LHC
I. Vivarelli
QCD jets at LHC
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L. Apanasevich
Preliminary Results on Multiple Parton Interactions from HERA and TEVATRON
N. Skachkov
Higher-order QCD corrections to vector boson production at hadron colliders.
Measurement of Z/gamma+jet+X and photon+b/c +X Cross Sections with the D0 Detector
Prompt Photon Production in Deep Inelastic Scattering and Photoproduction at HERA
QCD Studies with W and Z Measurements at LHC
I. Jen-La Plante
Studies of W and Z production with the LHCb experiment
Dynamical Parton Distributions at NNLO
P. Jimenez-Delgado
Measurement of the Inclusive ep Scattering Cross Section at Low and Medium Q^2 at HERA
J. Kretzschmar
Measurements of the longitudinal proton structure function at HERA
Determination of the proton parton density functions at HERA
Combination of H1 and ZEUS Deep Inelastic ep Scattering Cross Section Measurements and NLO-QCD analysis
V.A.M. Radescu
Charmed Meson Production Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA and Extraction of F2(ccbar)
Measurement of charm and beauty in DIS using the H1 Vertex Detector and Combination of F_2{cc}
Heavy flavours in DIS using muon tags at HERA
Heavy Flavour photoproduction at HERA
V. Schoenberg
Measurement of the charm fragmentation into D* mesons at HERA
Heavy flavour production at LHC
Transverse-momentum resummation for gaugino-pair production at the LHC
Threshold resummation for the LHC: all order colour structure and application to squark production
C. Schwinn, M. Beneke and P. Falgari
On qualitative aspects of the choice of factorization schemes at NLO
QCD vs. MC: Drell-Yan pT distribution
Three- and Four-jet Production at Low x at HERA
Studies of forward jets and production of W,Z within kt factorisation approach
Mini experimental review of low-x at LHC
S. Ochesanu
TOTEM Physics Plans
M. Berretti
Jet-gap-jet events at Tevatron and LHC
Mini review, hard diffraction and CEP at LHC.
Inclusive diffraction and a measurement of the diffractive longitudinal structure function F_L^D at HERA
Diffractive PDFs and factorisation tests at HERA
A. Garfagnini
Diffractive open charm production from the dipole model analysis
A. Luszczak
Leading Baryon Production at HERA
Diffractive rho and phi production in DIS at HERA
Exclusive Photoproduction at HERA
Central exclusive photoproduction at the LHC
W. Schaefer
Diffractive production of \chi_c(0,1,2) mesons at LHC, Tevatron and RHIC
R. Pasechnik, A. Szczurek and O. Teryaev
GPDs at HERA and perspectives at COMPASS
L. Schoeffel
Traveling wave solution of the Reggeon Field Theory
R. Peschanski
Pomeron Odderon interference in production of pi-pi pairs at LHC
Jet calibration in the ATLAS experiment at LHC
P. Francavilla
session Standard Model Electroweak Physics
WINHAC - the Monte Carlo event generator for single W-boson production in hadronic collisions
Electroweak corrections to W+jet hadroproduction including leptonic W-boson decays
A. Denner, S. Dittmaier, T. Kasprzik and A. Mueck
W and Z boson production (CDF)
W & Z boson production (D0)
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D. Khatidze
W & Z boson production (LHC)
A. Kyriakis
NNLL Electroweak Corrections to Gauge Boson Pair Production at LHC
S. Uccirati
Diboson Production at D0
Diboson production (CDF)
V. Cavaliere
Measuring WZ longitudinal polarization with the ATLAS detector
Sensitivity to anomalous quartic gauge couplings in photon-photon interactions at the LHC
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K. Piotrzkowski
Top-Quark Production at Hadron Colliders
A. Ferroglia and R. Bonciani
Top cross section/SM properties (D0)
Top cross section and SM properties at CDF
Top Cross Section and properties measurements at LHC
Search for single top production at HERA
L. Bellagamba
Observation of single top at CDF
Observation of Single Top Quark Production with the D0 Detector
R. Schwienhorst
Searches for New Physics in the Top Quark Sector at CDF
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R. Erbacher
Beyond the SM searches with top (D0)
Beyond the SM searches with top (LHC)
P. Ferreira Da Silva
A new top jet tagging algorithm for highly boosted top jets
S. Rappoccio
Measurement of the W Boson Mass and Width with 1 fb-1 of D0 Run II Data
W boson mass measurement in the ATLAS experiment
Measurement of the W-boson mass at the LHC: Shortcuts revisited.
Top quark mass measurements at CDF and Tevatron combinations
J.T. Linacre
Review of electroweak fits of the SM and beyond with Gfitter
Multi-jet processes at NLO
Z. Bern, C. Berger, L. Dixon, D. Forde, F. Febres Cordero, T. Gleisberg, H. Ita, D.A. Kosower and D. Maitre
NLO QCD calculations with the OPP method
C. Papadopoulos
Isolated Lepton and Multi-Lepton production at HERA
High Q2 Neutral current and Charged current analyses using the complete HERA data
Standard Model Prediction for the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment
S. Eydelman
KLOE Measurement of the sigma(pi+pi-(gamma)) cross section and the pi-pi contribution to the muon anomaly
The Discrepancy Between tau and e+e- Spectral Functions Revisited and the Consequences for the Muon Magnetic Anomaly
Electroweak physics from Belle
K. Hayasaka
Selected electroweak results using tau leptons at BaBar
Measuring the electric dipole moment of the neutron: The cryoEDM experiment
C. Clarke, C.A. Baker, S.N. Balashov, A. Davidson, V. Francis, P. Geltenbort, K. Green, M. van der Grinten, J.R. Grozier, M. Hardiman, P.G. Harris, S. Henry, P.S. Iaydjiev, S.N. Ivanov, J.R. Karamath, K. Katsika, A. Khazov, H. Kraus, M. McCann, S.J.M. Peeters, J.M. Pendlebury, D.B. Shiers, P.N. Smith, C. Townsley, M. Tucker, I. Wardell, D.L. Wark and H. Yoshiki
session Unified Theories, Strings, Non-perturbative QFT
Measurement of the Transverse Polarization of Electrons Emitted in Free Neutron Decay
A. Kozela, A. Białek, K. Bodek, S. Kistryn, M. Kuzniak, J. Zejma, K. Kirch, G. Ban, P. Gorel, O. Naviliat-Cuncic, N. Severijns and E. Stephan
Measurement of the $D^0\to \phi \eta$, $D^0 \to \omega \eta$ and $D^0 \to K^* \eta$ Branching Fractions
Search for the rare decay $D^{0} \rightarrow \gamma \gamma$ and improved measurement of $D^{0} \rightarrow \pi^{0} \pi^{0}$
Anomalous WW gamma quartic and trilinear coupling in photon-induced processes using forward detectors at the LHC
Understanding the structure of the proton: From HERA and Tevatron to LHC
L. Schoeffel
Reconstruction of the primordial power spectrum using multiple data sets
String Phenomenology
Intermediate mass scales in the non-supersymmetric SO(10) grand unification: a reappraisal
M. Malinsky
Neutralino Dark Matter and Collider Signal in an SO(10) model with Two-step Intermediate Scale Symmetry Breaking
Standard(-like) Model from an SO(12) Grand Unified Theory in six-dimensions with S(2) extra-space
SUSY GUTs with Yukawa Unification in the light of data
D. Guadagnoli
Selected aspects of recent work in heterotic string phenomenology.
String Cosmology
M. Zagermann
Physics from open string wavefunctions
P.G. Camara and F. Marchesano
Patterns of High energy Massive String Scatterings in the Regge Regime
Construction of the ground state of Matrix Theory: Near the Origin
M. Trzetrzelewski
session Poster
Pade approximation and non-singlet structure function up to N^3LO
A. Khorramian
Stationary condition in a perturbative approach for mass varying neutrinos
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A. Bernardini
Stellar lumps of mass varying particles
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A. Bernardini
Behavior of the longitudinal structure function in NLO analysis at low x
G.R. Boroun
Effects of Universal Lűscher Term in Static Properties of Mesons.
V0 production studies at LHCb using the first LHC data
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V. Egorychev
Charmonia and bottom production measurements with J/psi events at LHCb
G. Sabatino
Indirect luminosity measurements with LHCb
The Fermion Amplitude Probability as a Trace over Spinor Indices
Measurement of the FCNC Decays K+-\rightarrow pi+- l+ l-
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C. Lazzeroni
Precision Measurement of Photon Emission in K+-\rightarrow pi+- pi0 gamma Decays
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C. Lazzeroni
Baryon number transport at LHC energies with the ALICE experiment
P. Christakoglou
High density and/or high temperature nuclear matter may be a source of high energy cosmic particles.
M.K. Suleymanov
Multiplicity fluctuations in high-energy nuclear collisions as signature of the temperature fluctuations
Stopping in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions - results from NA49
M. Kowalski
The Tau Trigger at the ATLAS Experiment
M.P. Casado Lechuga
A modified BESS model as an effective description of the strong electroweak symmetry breaking
M. Gintner, J. Juran and I. Melo
A Study of Z\rightarrow e+e- and Z\rightarrow mu+mu- Events Produced at Low Transverse Momentum Using a Novel Technique with the D0 Detector
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S. Soldner-Rembold
Pion Production Measurement in NA61/SHINE Experiment for High Precision Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
T. Palczewski
Direct Measurement of the Mass Difference Between Top and Antitop Quarks with the D0 Detector
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S. Soldner-Rembold
Search for Charged Massive Long-Lived Particles Using Data from D0
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S. Soldner-Rembold
Search for Hidden Valleys Signatures with the D0 Detector
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S. Soldner-Rembold
Normal galaxies... in the infrared: AKARI Deep Field South data identifications and spectral energy distributions.
The τ − → π − π + π − ντ decay and the a1 ρπ - Lagrangian
Properties of the top quark
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 CDF Collaboration
Measurement of the front back asymmetry in top-antitop quark pairs at CDF
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 CDF Collaboration
Study of tau-pair production with the ZEUS detector at HERA
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M. Turcato
Heavy Flavour production in ATLAS
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L. di Ciaccio
Prospects for early discoveries at the LHC with dileptons, jets and no missing energy
E. Thompson
Search for new physics with long lived particles in ATLAS
A. Policicchio
New developments in data-driven background determinations for SUSY searches in ATLAS
F. Koetsveld
Prospects for SUSY discovery based on inclusive searches with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
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L. di Ciaccio
Top quark pair production at the LHC with the ATLAS detector
Performance of the missing transverse energy measurement with the ATLAS detector in commissioning data
ATLAS Electroweak Measurements with early data
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L. di Ciaccio
Electron Reconstruction and Identification with the ATLAS Detector
N. Kerschen
Photon Reconstruction and Identification with the ATLAS Detector
E. Berglund
Muon identification algorithms in ATLAS
Search for Maximal Flavor Violating Scalars in Same-Sign Leptons at CDF
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M. D'Onofrio
Search for heavy 4th-generation down-type quarks in the same-charge dilepton signature at CDF
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M. D'Onofrio
Hadroproduction at SPS Energies
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A. Rybicki
Searches for SUSY in leptons+jets+MET final states
Reconstruction and Identification of Hadronic Decays of Taus using the CMS Detector
Higgs search in H\rightarrow WW decay channels with the CMS detector
Search for Heavy Stable Charged Particles in CMS
An overview of the b-Tagging algorithms in the CMS Software
Extra Dimensions in Photon or Jet plus Missing Transverse Energy
Strategies for btagging calibration using data at CMS
Searches for fourth generation quarks
Expectations for first pair-production of top-quarks in the semi-leptonic channel in CMS at \sqrt s = 10 TeV
Soft matrix elements in the non-local chiral quark model
New data for the comprehension of the LSND anomaly
A. Zhemchugov
R&D perspectives for new neutrino beams at accelerators
M. Bonesini
VISPA - Visual Physics Analysis on Linux, Mac OS X and Windows
T. Winchen, M. Erdmann, M. Brodski, R. Fischer, A. Hinzmann, T. Klimkovich, G. Mueller, J. Steggemann and T. Münzer
The ATLAS Computing Model
D. Barberis and R.W. Jones
The Expected Performance of the ATLAS Inner Detector
Search for diboson production in final states with missing transverse energy and jets at CDF
D* Mesons in Jets Analysis in proton-proton collisions at √s = 10 TeV using the ALICE detector at CERN-LHC.
Search for optical flashes of astronomical origin with "Pi of the Sky" prototype.
A. Majczyna
Study the Signature of Ultra High Energy Neutrino Interactions in Matter
Commissioning of the ATLAS reconstruction software with first data
Hot and dense nuclear matter in an extended mean field approach
Quark-pair production in strong non-Abelian field
P. Levai and V. Skokov
Exclusive scalar \mbox{\boldmath $f_0(1500)$} meson production
P. Lebiedowicz
Realistic cross sections for exclusive rho^0 rho^0 production in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.
M. Kłusek-Gawenda
Diffractive hadroproduction of electroweak bosons at the LHC
A. Luszczak
Double logarithmic term Ln^2(1/x) in the polarized non singlet structure function at small x in valon model
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I. Nasteva
Updated Numerical Analysis of eV Seesaw with Four Generations
Nonphotonic electrons at RHIC within the kt-factorization approach
M. Luszczak
SuperNEMO - the next generation double beta decay experiment
Two-loop renormalization of vector, axial-vector and tensor fermion bilinears on the lattice
A. Skouroupathis and H. Panagopoulos
Determination of Strange Sea Distributions from $\bm{\nu N}$ Deep Inelastic Scattering
Anomalous WW gamma quartic and trilinear coupling in photon-induced processes using forward detectors at the LHC
Direct Measurement of the Mass Difference Between Top and Antitop Quarks
Studying the Underlying Event in p+p collisions at the LHC
A.G. Agócs and P. Levai