Session Light-Front Field Theory |
Finite field theories and causality
Exploring a nonperturbative method for calculation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron
Wick rotation in the light-front
Renormalization group and bound states
Light-cone gauge singularities in the photon propagator and residual gauge transformations
Supersymmetric theories at finite temperature
Polyakov D1 brane action on the light-front
Vector Schwinger model with a photon mass term on the light-front
Two-dimensional massive fermions and the Federbush model: space-like vs. light-front picture
Mandelstam-Leibbrandt prescription within path integral formulation
Thermodynamic properties of QED in 1+1 dimensions within light-front dynamics
The Witten index revisited
Quantum calisthenics: developing a sound quantum intuition (or the bucket-brigade approach to solving the schrodinger equation)
Nonperturbative causal light-cone field theory
Session Hadronic Structure |
Generalized parton distributions of the pion in light front dynamics
Perturbative QCD analysis of exclusive $e^+ e^- \to J/\Psi + \eta_c$
Distribution amplitude for the photon-pion transition
Form factors in relativistic quantum mechanics: constraints from space-time translations
Light cone constituent quark model
$p \bar p \to \Lambda_c \bar \Lambda_c$ within the generalized parton picture - first results
New approach to the parton distribution functions: self-organizing map
Recent progress of light-front quark-model phenomenology
Non-perturbative calculation of the anomalous magnetic moment in the Yukawa model
Model independent results for nucleon structure
The structure of the nucleon from generalized parton distributions
Hadron electromagnetic form factors in the space- and timelike regions and higher Fock states
Session Relativistic Nuclear Physics |
Next-to-leading order light-front three-body dynamics
Three-body forces in Bethe-Salpeter and light-front equations
A Poincare invariant treatment of the three-nucleon problem
Relativistic asymptotics of the deuteron and pion form factors
Recent progress in Hamiltonian light-front QCD
Similarity transformation technique in equal-time quantized theories
Session Perturbative QCD and Factorization |
Rapidity divergences and valid definitions of parton densities
Transverse momentum of partons: from low to high pT
The Boer-Mulders asymmetry : models and universality
Transverse momentum of partons and single spin asymmetries
Time-reversal-odd phenomena in QCD
Inclusive gluon production in A+A collisions at NLO:Factorization and the glasma
Recent development in proton spin physics
Hadron Structure and Dynamics |
Baryon light-cone wave functions in chiral quark-soliton models
Pion cloud and sea quark flavor asymmetry in the impact parameter representation
Session AdS/CFT |
The AdS/CFT correspondence and light-front QCD
Solution of the 5D Einstein equations in a dilaton background model
Mesons from generalizations of AdS/CFT
Session Dyson-Schwinger Formalism |
Infrared behavior in QCD within the Dyson-Schwinger formalism
Structure of the fermion propagator in QED3
Infrared finite effective charge of QCD
Form factors and Dyson-Schwinger equations
Session Lattice QCD |
Lattice QCD close to the light cone with applications to meson structure functions
Transverse-momentum distribution of quarks in the nucleon from lattice QCD
Hadronic structure from lattice QCD