tmr2000 - (other tmr conferences)
7-13 September 2000
Paris, France
published September 25, 2000

The TMR Conference ''Non-perturbative Quantum Effects 2000'' took place in Paris September 7-13, 2000. It was the last network meeting for the European program ''Integrability, Non-perturbative Effects and Symmetry in Quantum Field Theory'' (ERBFMRXCT96-0012). There were more than a hundred participants and a broad spectrum of subjects from AdS/CFT, Extended objects and SUGRAS, M-theory and dualities to Continuous (and discrete) integrable systems and Boundary effects as well as various applications to Condensed Matter Systems via Noncommutative geometry and Quantum groups. Each one of the six sessions was introduced by a guest speaker who either reviewed the subject or presented his own insights, and talks of network members including post-docs of the programme form the bulk of the contributions. The number of bosonic dimensions ranges from 11 to 2, the number of supersymmetric charges from 32 to zero, the unity comes from the tools used in particular conformal invariance, integrable boundary conditions and extended objects or dualities and their nonperturbative consequences.

Editorial Board
Loriano Bonora, Giuseppe Mussardo

conference main image
Extended objects and SUGRAS
M-theory and dualities
Noncommutative geometry
Continuous integrable systems and Boundary effects
Applications and lattice models
Insight into field theory from the AdS-CFT correspondence
D. Freedman and P. Henry-Labordere
A brief history of the stringy instanton
N. Dorey, T. Hollowood and V.V. Khoze
Instantons and quaternions
S. Vandoren
Holography and the c-theorem
E. Alvarez and C. Gomez
On the c-theorem in more than two-dimensions
A. Cappelli, G. D'Appollonio, R. Guida and N. Magnoli
Holographic anomalies
A. Schwimmer
Superstring theory on AdS_3 times a coset manifold
R. Argurio, A. Giveon and A. Shomer
Confining Wilson loops from supergravity and string models
J. Sonnenschein
Extended objects and SUGRAS
D-branes, categories and supersymmetry
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M.R. Douglas
D-branes in the presence of NS5 branes
S. Elitzur, A. Giveon, D. Kutasov, E. Rabinovici and G. Sarkissian
The low energy dynamics of non-BPS branes
N. Lambert and I. Sachs
From ADM to ''brane world'' masses
S. Silva
Conformal and quasiconformal realizations of exceptional Lie groups
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H. Nicolai
Gauged supergravities in 2d
H. Nicolai and H. Samtleben
Hidden superconformal symmetry
P. West
Harmonic superspaces and superconformal fields
P. Heslop and P. Howe
Ultra-violet structure of supergravity theories
Z. Bern, D. Dunbar, L. Dixon, B. Julia, M. Perelstien, J. Rozowsky, D. Seminara and M. Trigante
Regular BPS black holes, pinpointing the macroscopic and microscopic correspondence
M. Bertolini and M. Trigiante
Black holes radiate mainly on the brane
R. Emparan
M-theory and dualities
Subgroups of Lie groups
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J.P. Serre
Aspects of electromagnetic duality
D. Olive
Nonlinear self-duality and supersymmetry
S. Kuzenko and S. Theisen
Mirror symmetry and self-duality equations
W. Nahm
Some classical solutions of matrix model equations
J. Hoppe
A statistical physics approach to M-theory integrals
W. Krauth and M. Staudacher
Matrix model of the (1+1) dimensional dilatonic black hole in the double scaling limit
V. Kazakov, I. Kostov and D. Kutasov
Noncommutative geometry
Renormalization group and the Riemann-Hilbert problem
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A. Connes
Aspects of noncommutative field and string theories
J.L.F. Barbon
New noncommutative gauge theories
L. Bonora
A non-abelian Chern-Simons term for non-BPS D-branes
B. Janssen and P. Meessen
Branes, boundary CFT and non-commutativity
A. Recknagel
Quantum groups and quantum moduli spaces of flat connections
P. Roche
Continuous integrable systems and Boundary effects
Dual Baxter's equation and quantum algebraic geometry
F. Smirnov
Differential equations and integrable models
P. Dorey, C. Dunning and R. Tateo
Finite size effects in perturbed boundary conformal field theories
P. Dorey, M. Pillin, A. Pocklington, I. Runkel, R. Tateo and G.M.T. Watts
Unstable particles in integrable quantum field theories
L.J. Miramontes
Boundary states in integrable quantum field theory
E. Corrigan
Boundary conditions in conformal and integrable theories
V.B. Petkova and J.B. Zuber
Solitonic sectors, conformal boundary conditions and three-dimensional topological field theory
C. Schweigert and J. Fuchs
Boundary flows for minimal models
K. Graham, I. Runkel and G.M.T. Watts
Remarks on Liouville theory with boundary
J. Teschner
From reflection amplitudes to one-point functions in non-simply laced affine Toda theories and applications to coupled minimal models
P. Baseilhac
Hidden Virasoro symmetry of Sine-Gordon theory
D. Fioravanti
Null vectors in logarithmic conformal field theory
M. Flohr
Applications and lattice models
Critical models of disorder in 2 spatial dimensions
A. Tsvelik
Magnetization plateaux in quasi 1d systems
A. De Martino
Universal ratios of the renormalization group
G. Mussardo
Valence bound ground states in quantum antiferromagnets and quadratic algebras
V. Rittenberg
Life and death of Schrödinger cats in 1D interacting fermion systems
P. Degiovanni and S. Peysson
From fully-packed loops to meanders, exact exponents
P. Di Francesco
Correlation functions of quantum integrable systems
J.M. Maillet
The Drinfel'd twisted XYZ model
R. Poghossian
Construction of integrable models on ladders, and related quantum symmetries
D. Arnaudon
''New'' boundary conditions in integrable lattice models
A. Doikou