KAON13 - (other kaon conferences)
Apr 29-30 and May 1st
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan - USA
published November 13, 2013
This is the latest on a series of conferences aiming at giving a venue to exchange new results and ideas to all people working in the field of kaon physics. The aim of KAON13 is to present new experimental results in kaon production and decays, relevant but not limited to topics like: - C, P and T violation - CKM Matrix and Rare Decays - Lepton Universality - Lattice Gauge Theory - Chiral Perturbation Theory - Implications from B factories and LHC Measurements Developments in experimental and theoretical techniques, as well as advances in accelerators and detectors R&D will also be covered.
conference main image
Session 1A
Session 1B
Session 1C
Session 1D
Session 2A
Session 2B
Session 2C
Session 2D
Session 3A
Session 3B
Session 1A
Kaon Physics from 30,000 Feet and Other Perspectives
L. Littenberg
Theory Opening Talk
B. Grinstein
Lattice QCD and Kaon Physics
J. Laiho
Session 1B
Constraints On Unitarity Triangle: Theory
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F. Mescia
LHCb Constraint on the Unitary Triangle
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C. Lazzeroni
Session 1C
CP Violation and the Origin of Matter
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B. Kayser
Recent KLOE Results on Kaon Branching Ratios
P. De Simone
Search for CPT and Lorentz Symmetry Violation in Neutral Kaons at KLOE/KLOE-2
A. De Santis
Direct Test of Time-Reversal Symmetry and in the Entagled Neutral Kaon System at a Phi-factor
A. Di Domenico
Session 1D
New Physics Signatures in Kaon Decays
M. Blanke
Rare Beauty and Charm Decays at LHCb
A. Puig Navarro
Measurement of the Ratio of Charged Kaon Leptonic Decay Rates
G. Ruggiero
NA62 Prospects for Forbidden Kaon and Pion Decay Modes
M. Moulson
Searches for New Physics with the TREK Detector
S. Strauch
Session 2A
Measurements of IVusI from Tau Decays
I. Nugent
Kpi Form Factors and Determination of IVusI from Tau Decays
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E. Passemar
High Precision Measurement of the Form Factors of the Semileptonic Decays K+- to pi0 I+- nu (KI3) at NA48/2
M. Raggi
Determination of VUs: Recent Input from the Lattice
V. Lubicz
Session 2B
Prospects for the Calculation of Rare Kaon Decay Amplitudes from Lattice Simulations
C. Sachrajda
Search for the Rare Ks\rightarrow mumu Decay
G. Graziani
Radiative Decays, including K\rightarrow pi+ pi0 ee, KS\rightarrow mu mu
G. D'Ambrosio
Session 2C
Dispersive Approach to Isospin Breaking in pi-pi Scattering
V. Bernard, S. Descotes-genon and M. Knecht
Inclusion of Isospin Breaking Effects in Lattice Calculations
A. Portelli
Atoms Consisting of pi+pi-, K+pi- or K-pi+, as a Tool to Check Precise "Low Energy QCD" Predictions
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L. Nemenov
Low Energy QCD Measurement with NA48/2 at CERN
B. BlochDevaux
Session 2D
Theory Review
O. Cata
Convergence Issues in ChPT: A Lattice Perspective
S. Durr
Study of the Ke4 (K+- to pi0 pi0 e+- nu) decay with NA48/2 at CERN
B. BlochDevaux
Nonleptonic Kaon Decays from Lattice QCD
N.H. Christ
Study of the Rare Decay K+- to pi+- gamma gamma at NA48/2 and NA62
C. Lazzeroni
Session 3A
The NA62 Experiment at CERN: Status of the Construction
F. Hahn
The NA62 Experiment: Prospects for the $K^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar\nu$ Measurement
G. Ruggiero
KOTO Detector Status
T. Masuda
Status and Future Prospects for the KOTO Experiment
M. Togawa
Orka, The Golden Kaon Experiment: Precision Measurement of K\rightarrow pi nu nubar and Other Ultra-Rare Processes
E. Worcester
Kaons at Project X
D. Jaffe
Session 3B
Experimental Summary
M. Lenti
KAON 2013: A View of Kaons from the Lattice
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R. Mawhinney
Theory Review
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G. Buchalla
Gamma & Neutron Counter with WLSFiber Readout of undoped CsI crystals for KOTO Experiment
N. Kawasaki