Sessions |
Session 1A |
Session 1B |
Session 1C |
Session 1D |
Session 2A |
Session 2B |
Session 2C |
Session 2D |
Session 3A |
Session 3B |
Posters |
Session 1A |
Kaon Physics from 30,000 Feet and Other Perspectives
Theory Opening Talk
Lattice QCD and Kaon Physics
Session 1B |
Constraints On Unitarity Triangle: Theory
LHCb Constraint on the Unitary Triangle
Session 1C |
CP Violation and the Origin of Matter
Recent KLOE Results on Kaon Branching Ratios
Search for CPT and Lorentz Symmetry Violation in Neutral Kaons at KLOE/KLOE-2
Direct Test of Time-Reversal Symmetry and in the Entagled Neutral Kaon System at a Phi-factor
Session 1D |
New Physics Signatures in Kaon Decays
Rare Beauty and Charm Decays at LHCb
Measurement of the Ratio of Charged Kaon Leptonic Decay Rates
NA62 Prospects for Forbidden Kaon and Pion Decay Modes
Searches for New Physics with the TREK Detector
Session 2A |
Measurements of IVusI from Tau Decays
Kpi Form Factors and Determination of IVusI from Tau Decays
High Precision Measurement of the Form Factors of the Semileptonic Decays K+- to pi0 I+- nu (KI3) at NA48/2
Determination of VUs: Recent Input from the Lattice
Session 2B |
Prospects for the Calculation of Rare Kaon Decay Amplitudes from Lattice Simulations
Search for the Rare Ks\rightarrow mumu Decay
Radiative Decays, including K\rightarrow pi+ pi0 ee, KS\rightarrow mu mu
Session 2C |
Dispersive Approach to Isospin Breaking in pi-pi Scattering
Inclusion of Isospin Breaking Effects in Lattice Calculations
Atoms Consisting of pi+pi-, K+pi- or K-pi+, as a Tool to Check Precise "Low Energy QCD" Predictions
Low Energy QCD Measurement with NA48/2 at CERN
Session 2D |
Theory Review
Convergence Issues in ChPT: A Lattice Perspective
Study of the Ke4 (K+- to pi0 pi0 e+- nu) decay with NA48/2 at CERN
Nonleptonic Kaon Decays from Lattice QCD
Study of the Rare Decay K+- to pi+- gamma gamma at NA48/2 and NA62
Session 3A |
The NA62 Experiment at CERN: Status of the Construction
The NA62 Experiment: Prospects for the $K^+ \to \pi^+ \nu \bar\nu$ Measurement
KOTO Detector Status
Status and Future Prospects for the KOTO Experiment
Orka, The Golden Kaon Experiment: Precision Measurement of K\rightarrow pi nu nubar and Other Ultra-Rare Processes
Kaons at Project X
Session 3B |
Experimental Summary
KAON 2013: A View of Kaons from the Lattice
Theory Review
Posters |
Gamma & Neutron Counter with WLSFiber Readout of undoped CsI crystals for KOTO Experiment