Topics covered are: Standard Model and Beyond Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Neutrino Physics Flavour Physics CP Violation and Tests of Fundamental Symmetries QCD and Hadronic Physics Heavy Ions Astroparticle Physics High Energy Astrophysics Cosmology Non-perturbative Field Theory String Theory Detectors and Data Handling Accelerator R&D Future Facilities
Special ECFA session 20 July: Particle Physics after the European strategy update
Plenary |
Properties of the new boson
Higgs bosons in the Standard Model and beyond
AdS/CFT and applications
Heavy ions: jets and correlations
Neutrinos: masses
Detector R&D
Neutrino mixing: results from accelerator experiments
LHC, HL-LHC and beyond
QCD Lattice
Cosmology: theory
Neutrino mixing: results from non-accelerator experiments
Searches for SUSY
Naturalness after LHC-7 and LHC-8
Flavour physics: theory
Searches for new resonances from BSM
Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ions |
Recent developments in jet quenching theory
Prospects for heavy flavour measurements in PbPb at with the new Alice inner tracker
Identified charged pion,kaon and protonsin pp and PbPb collisins at LHC energies measured with Alice
Hadronic resonances in pp and PbPb with Alice
Heavy flacour production in PbPb at \sqrt s_{NN} = 2.76 TeV with Alice
Minimum bias charged jet spectra in proton-lead collisions at Alice
The measurement of non-photon electrons in Star
Particle production in pPb and Pbp collisions at LHCB
Measurements of hadron production in pPb collisionsin CMS
High pT probes in PbPb and pPB collisins at ATLAS
Precision measurements of inclusive hadron production in pp and pC interactions at the CERN SPS
Quarkonium production in hadron collisions at forward rapidity with ALICE at the LHC
Transverse momentum distribution of charged particles and identified hadrons in pPb collisions at the LHC with Alice
Slavnov-Taylor identity for the effective field theory of the Color Glass Condensate
The effective potential of the confinement order parameter in the Hamiltonian approach
Inclusive spectrum of fully reconstructed jets in central AuAu collisions at \sqrt s = 200 GeV by STAR
Onset of deconfinement and search for the critical point of strongly interacting matter at CERN SPS energies
Recent heavy ion results from ATLAS experiment
Measurements of two- and four-particle correlations in pPb collisions with CMS
Results from STAR Beam Energy Scan Program
Spectator charge splitting of directed flow in heavy ion collisions
Open charm hadron production in p+p and Au+Au collisions at STAR
Global characteristics of p-Pb collisions at LHC with ATLAS
Two–particle correlations and balance functions in p–Pb and Pb–Pb collisions at LHC energies with ALICE
Flow in proton-nucleus collisions
Jet Quenching with CMS
Top and Electroweak Physics |
Search for Single-Top Production in ep Collisions at HERA
Review of electroweak fits of the SM and beyond, after the Higgs discovery -- with Gfitter
Measurements of WW, ZZ cross section and search for anomalous quartic gauge couplings at D0
Observation of W associated single top (tW) production and search for FCNC in tZ events in proton-proton collisions
New approaches in determining the mass of the top quark: alternative techniques and differential measurements
Top quark mass measurements in ATLAS
Measurements of heavy flavour production in association with W and Z bosons with the ATLAS detector
Measurement of the charge asymmetry in top quark pair production at the Tevatron
Top-quark Pair Production in a Running Mass Scheme
WW, WZ, and ZZ production at CMS
Advanced nucleon EM structure model and its predictability
Measurement of differential cross sections in top pair production in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector
Single top quark production cross section at the Tevatron
The QWeak Experiment: A measurement of the proton weak charge and up-down quark weak couplings.
Measurement of vector boson plus photon production with the ATLAS detector and associated constraints on new physics
Inclusive top quark pair production measurements with ATLAS at 7 and 8 TeV
Probing for the t\rightarrow ch decay at the LHC
Single top cross section measurements in the t-channel at CMS
Vector-boson pair production at the LHC
Differential cross sections for top-pair and single-top production
Measurement of the mass of the W boson at DØ
W and Z boson production at CMS
Top quark properties studies at the Tevatron
Beam Polarisation and Triple Gauge Couplings in ee\rightarrow WW at the ILC
Measurement of WW production with the ATLAS detector and constraints on associated triple gauge couplings
Elastic Z0 production at HERA
Measurement of the inclusive top quark pair cross section in pp collisions at 7 and 8 TeV with the CMS detector
Four-loop on-shell integrals: MSbar -- on-shell relation and g-2
Measurement of intrinsic top quark properties (top mass, charge, top and W polarisation, and search for FCNC in top decays) with the ATLAS detector
Top quark pair properties (spin correlations, charge asymmetry and complex final states) with the ATLAS detector
W + Heavy Flavor Jet Measurements with CMS
Measurement of the top quark mass at the Tevatron
A precise determination of top quark electroweak couplings at the ILC operating at 500 GeV
NLO merging in tt+jets
Measurement of the properties of top quarks in decays (top quark and W polarization, top quark charge and couplings) with the CMS detector
Measurements with electroweak gauge bosons at LHCb
Inclusive and differential top quark production at the Tevatron
t tbar b bbar production at NLO accuracy matched with parton shower
New determination of the e+e- hadronic cross section below 1 GeV with KLOE
Higgs and New Physics |
Inclusive SUSY searches at the LHC using the CMS detector
Measuring the Higgs boson properties with unprecedented precision at TLEP
New Regions in the NMSSM with a 125 GeV Higgs
Dynamical origin for the 125 GeV Higgs boson
The Study of Higgs properties in the CMS experiment
Search for Heavy Resonances with leptons, photons, and jets at CMS
Searches for gravity effects at the TeV scale with the ATLAS detector
The study of Higgs boson decaying into tau tau in CMS
The study for a Higgs boson decaying into ZZ to four charged leptons and into WW in the final states of two leptons and two neutrinos in CMS
Search for RP violating Supersymmetry
On the vacuum stability of SUSY models
Composite Taus and Higgs decays
Search for heavy resonances with the ATLAS detector
Search for light Higgs and dark photons at BaBar and Belle
Searches for displaced jets and long-lived particles with ATLAS
Searches for gluino-mediated production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector
The search for associated Higgs boson production with Higgs decaying to bb in CMS
The study of a Higgs decaying into two photons in CMS
The search for rare decays of the Higgs boson with ATLAS and CMS
Searches for new Physics in events with multiple leptons with the ATLAS detector
Search for the Higgs boson and spin/parity studies of the Higgs-like particle at 125 GeV massat with D0
Theory Predictions for LHC Higgs Boson Production
Searches for heavy resonances decaying to pairs of massive vector bosons
Searches for dark matter at CMS
LHC constraints on two-Higgs doublet models
LHC searches examined via the RPV MSSM
Search for heavy resonances decaying to top quarks
Inclusive searches for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector
Searches for Higgs and Higgs-like particles at LHCb
Searches for direct pair production of third generation squarks with the ATLAS detector
Measurement of Higgs couplings and mass in e+e- collisions at CLIC (\sqrt s 350 GeV ∼ 3 TeV)
Search for the Higgs boson in VH(bb) channel using the ATLAS detector
High Mass Higgs boson Searches in ATLAS and CMS
Search for exotic heavy top and bottom quark partners with CMS
The search for tt associated Higgs production in CMS
Magnetic monopole searches with the MoEDAL experiment at the LHC
Seesaw, Dark Matter and Leptogenesis at the TeV Scale
Searches for BSM Higgs-like bosons with CMS
Search for long-lived particles at CMS
Viability of light-Higgs strongly-coupled scenarios
Search for new physics in multijet final states
Search for Natural SUSY with inclusive search strategies at the LHC using the CMS detector
SUSY searches for EWK production of Gauginos and Sleptons at the LHC
A Global Analysis of Constrained Supersymmetric Models after the Higgs Discovery with Fittino
Constraining extended Higgs sectors with HiggsSignals
Searches for fourth generation vector-like quarks with the ATLAS detector
Measurement of Higgs couplings and self-coupling at the ILC
Search for Supersymmetry in the four W and multiple b-quark final state
Higgs at last. And now what?
Beta-function for the Higgs self-interaction in the Standard Model at three-loop level
Flavour Physics and fundamental symmetries |
Searches for very rare decays to purely leptonic final states at LHCb
Properties of b-hadrons with ATLAS
Test of leptonic universality in J/psi decays
Measurements of tau hadronic branching fractions and spectra, and search for second class current tau decays at BaBar
Towards the identification of New Physics through correlations in quark flavour violating processes
Latest results of the MEG experiment
Status of B to D(*) τ ν decays in two-Higgs-doublet models
Recent results on exotic quarkonium physics at CMS
Implications of Br(μ → e γ) and Δa_{μ} on muonic lepton flavour violating processes
Flavour-phenomenology of two-Higgs-doublet models
Quark flavour observables in 331 models in the flavour precision era
Study of CP and CPT symmetries violation in kaon decays with KLOE
Belle II at SuperKEKB, a super B factory
Recent results from the BESIII experiment
Measurements of b hadron lifetimes and effective lifetimes at LHCb
Study of leptonic and semileptonic kaon decays at CERN
Measurements of B → DK decays to constrain the CKM unitarity triangle angle γ at LHCb
Studies of charm mixing and CP violation at LHCb
New physics searches at Belle
Measurements of the hadronic cross-sections with the CMD-3 and SND detectors at the VEPP-2000 e+e- collider
Measurement of gamma from three-body B decays
Spectroscopy of orbitally excited B mesons with the CDF detector
CP violation in charm decays at Belle
Rare charm decays at LHCb
Enhanced B0_{d} → μ+ μ- Decay: What if?
Y(nS) decays and spectroscopy at Belle
Searches for rare and forbidden kaon decays at the NA62 experiment at CERN
Studies of rare Bs and B0 decays to dimuons at CMS
Optimizing the basis of B → K*l+l- observables in the full kinematic range
Studies of multibody charmless B decays at LHCb
Mass of the b-quark from QCD sum rules for fB and fBs
Measurements of φ_{3} at Belle
Measurements of CP violation in charmless two-body B decays at LHCb
Radiative B decays at LHCb
Studies of asymmetries in semileptonic B decays at LHCb
Time-dependent CP violation in B decays at Belle
Radiative and Electroweak Penguin B decays at Belle
SU(3)_{F} in nonleptonic charm decays
Studies of rare and suppressed processes in B meson decays and of mixing/CP violation in the Bs system with the ATLAS detector
Semileptonic B and Bs decays at Belle
Mixing-induced CP asymmetry in semileptonic B-meson decays at BaBar
Bs decays at Belle
Studies of the properties and decays of the Bc meson at LHCb
Upgrade of MEG experiment
Study of B meson decays to baryons at BABAR
Studies of hadronic B decays to final states containing open charm mesons at LHCb
Exclusive and semi-exclusive CP Violation studies at DØ
Search for lepton number violation in B+ → X-l+l+ and study of radiative penguin B decays at BaBar
Astroparticle Physics |
Deep survey of the Segue 1 dwarf spheroidal galaxy with the MAGIC Telescopes
Particle physics measurements at the highest energies with the Pierre Auger Observatory
Recent Results from the XENON Experiment
Results in astroparticle physics from the ARGO-YBJ experiment
The latest results from CAST & the IAXO project
Anisotropy studies with the Pierre Auger Observatory
High-energy cosmic rays measured with KASCADE-Grande
Measurement of Cosmic Rays with the AMS-02 detector on the ISS
Semi-annihilating scalar dark matter
Hunting for cosmic neutrinos deep under the sea: The ANTARES experiment
Measurement of the Energy Spectrum of Cosmic Rays above 3 10^{17} eV at the Pierre Auger Observatory
Impact of axion-like particles on observations with IACTs
Vector dark matter and Fermi LAT gamma ray line
Potential of LHC to determine the Dark Matter properties in IDM
Physics Results of the LHCf Experiment
First Light with the HAWC Gamma-Ray Observatory
Strong coupling from the tau-lepton hadronic width
Hadron physics studies at KLOE
Normalised Multi-jet Cross Sections using Regularised Unfolding and Extractions of α_{s}(M_{Z}) in Deep-Inelastic Scattering at high Q^{2} at HERA
Isolated photons in deep inelastic scattering and photoproduction
NNLO W Pair Production at the LHC: Status Report
Measurement of charm production in DIS and extraction of F2cc with ZEUS
The Energy Dependence of the Underlying Event in Hadronic Collisions
Jet production measurements at CMS
Light hadrons production in e+e- annihilation (BaBar)
Review of H1 results on the hadronic final state at HERA
Review of rare kaon decays (NA48/2 and NA62)
Soft QCD results in ATLAS+CMS
Exclusive diboson production and anomalous quartic gauge couplings at CMS
NLO QCD corrections to the production of W+W+jj in vector-boson fusion at the LHC
Soft-gluon resummations and NNNLO expansions
Jet performance in CMS
α_{S} from F_{π} and Renormalization Group Optimized Perturbation
Inclusive and dijet jet production measured with the ATLAS detector
PDF and alphaS constraints from jet measurements at CMS
Measurements of Quarkonium production and polarization at CMS
Double-parton-scatterings and multi-parton-interactions in ATLAS+CMS
Recent H1 results on diffraction
Combination and QCD Analysis of Charm Production Cross Section Measurements in Deep-Inelastic ep Scattering at HERA
B_{s} meson decays in the framework of the covariant quark model
Studies of jet shapes and substructure with ATLAS
Review of COMPASS results on transverse spin effects in SIDIS
Studies of soft QCD at LHCb
Resolving the puzzle of the pion-photon transition form factor
NLO QCD Production of Higgs plus jets with GoSam
Recent cross section, diffractive and forward multiplicity measurements with TOTEM
Integrand reduction at NLO and beyond
Heavy-Flavor measurements in proton-proton collisions with ALICE
Inclusive Jets in PHP
HERAFitter - an open source QCD fit framework
High Precision DIS with the LHeC
Recent H1 results on Heavy Flavour Photoproduction
NLO merging in tt+jets
Tools for calculations in color space
Properties of the jet production in pp collisions measured with the ATLAS detector
Photon, diphoton and photon+jet production measured with the ATLAS detector
Measurement of W and Z boson production with the ATLAS detector
Charged jet spectra in proton-proton collisions with the ALICE experiment at the LHC
Latest results from the HERMES experiment
Electroweak production of Z bosons with forward-backward jets at CMS
Review of Belle QCD results
Review of ATLAS Heavy-Quark and Quarkonium results
Vector boson plus jets measurements at CMS
QCD description of ATLAS jet veto data
Review of LHCb Heavy-Quark and Quarkonia results
Charged Particle Multiplicity and Pseudorapidity Density Measurements in pp collisions with the ALICE Experiment at the LHC
New results on the proton spin-dependent structure function g1p at COMPASS with E=200 GeV
Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering at High Q2 with Longitudinally Polarised Lepton Beams at HERA
Cosmology and Gravity |
Neutrino masses from Large Scale Structures - including theoretical errors
The Planck and LHC results and particle physics
Gravitational waves from first order phase transitions
High-energy physics and cosmological perturbations: observing new physics at large scales.
Will Planck Observe Gravity Waves?
Detector R&D and data handling |
Upgrade of the CMS Muon System
Precision Tracking with small-strip Thin Gap Chamber (sTGC): from Test Beam to ATLAS NSW Upgrade
The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment
Development of large size Micromegas detectors for the upgrade of the ATLAS experiments.
First results of the Focusing DIRC prototype, an innovative detector for charged particle identification
Upgrade of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter for High-Luminosity LHC Operation
Development of highly granular calorimeters in CALICE
Sensitivity of the DANSS detector for a sterile neutrino searches
The new detectors of the KLOE-2 experiment
Radiation-hard Active Pixel Detectors based on HV-CMOS Technology for HL-LHC Detector Upgrades
TOP Detector for Particle Identification at the Belle II Experiment
Tracking detectors for future Linear Colliders
Upgrade of the CMS Tracker
GPU for Real Time processing in HEP trigger systems
The LHCb trigger system: performance and outlook
DEPFET pixel detectors for future electron-positron experiments
Intrinsic n-well MAPS for particle physics
CMS Detector: Performance Results
Development of inner tracking systems equipped with CMOS pixel sensors for future collider experiments
The ATLAS Detector: Performance Results
DPHEP: From Study Group to Collaboration (The DPHEP Collaboration)
ATLAS Upgrades Towards the High Luminosity LHC: extending the discovery potential
The ARICH detector at Belle II experiment
Neutrino Physics |
Double Chooz experiment
First results on neutrinoless bb decay from GERDA experiment
A lepton CP violation discovery experiment using a unique neutrino Super Beam
Results of NEMO-3 and status of SuperNEMO
Status of the KATRIN Experiment
Neutrino properties from cosmology
Hadron production measurement from NA61/SHINE
Precise Measurement of Electron Antineutrinos Disappearance From the Daya Bay Experiment
Experimental review of sterile neutrino searches
Recent results of the OPERA neutrino experiment
Charged Current Quasi-Elastic Scattering at MINERvA
Sterile neutrinos in the 3+1 scenario and solar data
The NEXT-100 experiment for Neutrinoless Double Beta decay: Main features, Results from Prototypes and Radio-Purity issues.
Borexino: recent solar and terrestrial neutrino results and description of the SOX project
Complementarity between long-baseline and atmospheric neutrino experiments
Electromagnetic properties of neutrinos: a window to New Physics
Search for 2\nu \beta \beta - and 0\nu \beta \beta -decay with EXO
Hierarchy and Octant determination potential of LBNE and LBNO
The latest results from T2K on the neutrino oscillation and interactions
LBNE in the Precision Era of Neutrino Oscillation
Leptonic CP Violation in Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
Non-perturbative QFT and String Theory |
Spectrum of the open QCD flux tube in d=2+1 and its effective string description
5D super Yang-Mills theory and the correspondence to AdS7/CFT6
Jet quenching in a strongly interacting plasma - A lattice approach
Holographic thermalization patterns
Accelerators |
Status and Perspectives of High Luminosity Flavour Factories
nuSTORM: Neutrinos from STORed Muons
Fast beam-collision feedbacks for luminosity optimisation at next-generation lepton colliders
Results from Step I of MICE and the Physics Plan for Step IV
The Circular Road to a Higgs Factory and Beyond
An energy recovery electron accelerator for DIS at the LHC
Poster session |
T symmetry invariance tests in neutral meson decays
On a singular solution in Higgs field (5) - The degenerates into the candidates for dark matter and dark energy from ur-Higgs
Hadroproduction measurements for simulations of new neutrino beams
Construction of a Fast Diode-Laser based Calibration System for Time-of-Flight Systems
Optimized analysis method for indirect dark matter searches with Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes
Instantaneous Bethe-Salpeter Approach to Pseudoscalar Mesons
Recent results from T2K on neutrino interaction measurements
Measurement of muon neutrino charged current interactions in T2K's near detector
Measurement of the electron neutrino component of the T2K beam in the ND280 Tracker
Probing the neutrino reactor anomaly with the T2K near detector
Nonlinearly Realized Gauge Theories for LHC physics
Flavour violating bosonic squark decays at LHC
Constructing Near-BPS Skyrmions with Constant Baryon Densities
Small-mass Neutrinos, Massless Neutrinos, and Gauge Transformations
Progress towards completion of the MICE demonstration of ionisation cooling of muons
The detector system of the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE) experiment
Study of Hyperon and Antihyperon Production in Deep Inelastic Muon Scattering
Exclusive production of two and four pions in ultraperipheral, ultrarelativistic collisions
Decay constants of heavy pseudoscalar mesons: reconciling QCD sum rules and lattice QCD
Correlation Functions and Confinement in Scalar QCD
Search for Baryon Number Violating Top Quark Decays in pp Collisions at sqrt{s}=8 TeV
Search for Supersymmetry in Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry breaking scenarios
Identification of b-quark Jets in the CMS experiment
The Air Microwave Yield (AMY) experiment - A laboratory measurement of the GHz emission from extensive air showers
Radio-detection of extensive air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory - Results and next enhancements
Precision Polarimetry for the ILC
The ATLAS Muon Trigger Performance in pp collisions at \sqrt s = 8 TeV
Fermi Large Area Telescope observations of high-energy gamma-ray emission from the X-class solar flares of 2012 March 7
Nailing Natural SUSY: Higgsino Parameter Determination at the ILC
SUSY precision spectroscopy and parameter determination at the ILC
Bilinear R-Parity Violation: Neutrino physics at the ILC
Model-independent WIMP Characterisation at the ILC
Higgs Boson in the 4DCHM: LHC phenomenology
D^{0} production in U+U collisions at \sqrt s_{NN} GeV at the STAR experiment
Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to tau pairs produced in association with a W or Z boson with the CMS experiment in pp collisions at LHC
Operation and performance of the ATLAS liquid argon electromagnetic calorimeters at the Large Hadron Collider
New phenomenological model for hadron production in high energy particle collisions
Tau Energy calibration in the ATLAS experiment
Tau reconstruction and identification in the ATLAS experiment
A portal extension of the standard model with an unbroken local dark U(1)
Spatial resolving SiPM-detector for cosmic muons
Close Cathode Chamber, new variant of MWPCs
On the pair correlations of neutral $K$, $D$, $B$ and $B_{s}$ mesons with close momenta produced in inclusive multiparticle processes
Lepton mixing under the lepton charge nonconservation, neutrino masses and oscillations and the "forbidden" decay $\mu^{-} \rightarrow e^{-} + \gamma$
Search for gluino and squark production in final states with an isolated lepton, jets and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector in 20 fb-1 of \sqrt s = 8 TeV pp collisions
Search for supersymmetry with a compressed mass spectrum in events involving soft-leptons, jets and missing transverse momentum at \sqrt s = 8TeV with the ATLAS detector
Search for squarks and gluinos with the ATLAS detector using final states with jets and missing transverse momentum in 20 fb-1 of \sqrt s = 8 TeV pp collisions
Supersymmetry search with two same-sign leptons and jets with the ATLAS detector in \sqrt s = 8 TeV pp collision data
Search for direct sbottom and stop pair production in final states with missing transverse momentum and two b-jets with the ATLAS detector
Search for top squark pair production in final states with one isolated lepton, jets and missing transverse momentum in \sqrt s = 8 TeV pp collisions using 21 fb-1 of ATLAS data
Search for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles in final states with two hadronic taus with the ATLAS detector
Search for electroweak supersymmetric particle production in final states with two leptons, missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector
Searches for heavy long-lived sleptons and R-Hadrons with the ATLAS detector in pp collisions at \sqrt s = 8 TeV
New Cosmological Model and Observational Data Interpretation
Diffractive W production in SCI models
Large-area Floating Strip Micromegas
The active Neutron Detector for direct Dark Matter searches with the DarkSide-50 experiment at Gran Sasso
The search for Higgs production associated with W,Z with Higgs decaying into WW or tau
Hadronic interactions and Cosmic Ray mass composition studied by ARGO-YBJ
J/psi production in U+U collisions at 193 GeV in the STAR experiment
Decay rates of the Higgs boson to two photons and Z plus photon in Z_{2}-symmetric Two Higgs Doublet Models
Search for ttbar resonances below 1 TeV in the semileptonic final state
Search for Top Quark Flavour-changing Neutral-current Decays at 8 TeV
Single top cross section measurements in the t-channel at CMS
Measurement of differential top-quark-pair production cross sections in the lepton+jets channel with CMS
First measurement of single top production in the tW-channel in pp collisions
Simultaneous alignment and Lorentz angle calibration in the CMS silicon tracker using Millepede II
Correlations and textures in the neutrino mass matrix
Search for charged massive long-lived particles at \sqrt s = 1.96 TeV
Model independent determination of f_{0}(600) and f_{0}(980) scalar meson parameters
Search for supersymmetry in events with large missing transverse momentum, jets, and at least one tau lepton in 21 fb-1 of 8 TeV pp collision data with the ATLAS detector
Performance studies of Micromegas detectors for the ATLAS experiment
Development of liquid scintillator containing zirconium complex for neutrinoless double beta decay experiment
A search of new charged heavy gauge W' bosons with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Measurement of jets in ttbar events with ATLAS
Pion Polarizability at CERN COMPASS
Probing QCD with top-quark pairs at CMS
Energy clustering, Calibration and Particle Identification with the CMS Preshower detector
Polarised Drell-Yan measurements at COMPASS-II
Antideuterons from dark matter and hadronization model dependence
Resolving the octant of θ_{23} with T2K and NOνA
Heavy quark impact factor and the single bottom production at the LHC
Understand ATLAS NSW Thin Gap Chamber from Garfield Simulation
Update ATLAS L1 Muon Trigger with sTGC: Design and Performance
A Study of Dirac Fermionic Dark Matters
Operation and Performance of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Databases during 2011-12 Data Taking
A new detector for deep inelastic physics
Measurement of the production cross sections of a Z boson in association with b jets in pp collisions at a center of mass of 7 TeV
Search for the Higgs Boson decaying into taus further decaying into same-flavour leptons
Cosmic Rays from Heavy Dark Matter from the Galactic Center
Alignment of the CMS Muon System
Direct constraints on the top-Higgs coupling from the 8 TeV LHC data
Status of the NICA Project
Minimal adjoint-SU(5) x Z_{4} GUT model
The rare $B$ → π \ell ^{+}\ell ^{-} decay
Constraints of QCD order parameters from eta to 3pi data
Discrete symmetries in quantum electrodynamics with electric and magnetic sources
Search for Scalar Top Quarks in the final states with two charm jets and missing transverse momentum at \sqrt s = 8 TeV
Semi-leptonic ZZ/ZW Diboson Final State Search at 8 TeV with ATLAS
Search for the standard model Higgs boson in the Z boson plus a photon channel in CMS
Search for Excited Leptons in pp collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV
Differential cross section measurements in Higgs to gammagamma with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson produced in association with top quarks and decaying to bb in pp collisions at \sqrt s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Measurement of the Higgs boson properties in the WW^{(*)} dilepton decay mode with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
The new Higgs particle in the H → ZZ* → 4l searches with the ATLAS detector
The CMS RPC system - detector performance and upgrade
Definition and performance of muon physics object at CMS
Studies of Higgs spin and parity with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
Search for new physics in lepton + MET final states
Properties of the Higgs boson with the H → ZZ → 4 leptons channel
Vector Boson Fusion leading to Higgs production and subsequent decay in bottom quarks
Standard Higgs boson search in the H → WW → 2l2ν decay channel with the CMS detector
Data preparation for the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment
Search for exotics long-lived particles with ATLAS at the LHC
Tests of Chiral Perturbation Theory with Ke4 decays at CERN NA48/2 experiment