Baldin ISHEPP XXI - (other baldin conferences)
September 10-15, 2012
JINR, Dubna, Russia
published July 11, 2013
The XXI International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems "Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics", organized by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was held from September 10 to 15, 2012 in Dubna, Russia. The Seminar continues the series of traditional meetings and was established by an outstanding scientist Academician A.M. Baldin(1926-2001). Among conferences that were organized by Alexander Mikhailovich Baldin of special importance is just this series of the International Seminars on High-Energy Physics Problems started in 1969 with support of M.A. Markov (1908-1994). They have been given an inofficial, somewhat witty, name "Baldin autumn".
conference main image
Progress in experimental studies in the high energy centers
Quantum chromodynamics at large distances
Structure functions of hadrons and nuclei
Relativistic heavy ion collisions
Hadron spectroscopy, multiquarks
Dynamics of multiparticle production
Accelerator facilities: status and perspectives
Applied use of relativistic beams
Polarization phenomena, spin physics
Studies of exotic nuclei in relativistic beams
Cumulative and subthreshold processes
Progress in experimental studies in the high energy centers
Search for double partons at CDF
Overview of the recent CMS results
Status and recent results of the ATLAS experiment
Cathode pad chambers at NICA/MPD
Preparation of experiments to study light nuclei structure at Nuclotron
A.A. Terekhin and V.P. Ladygin
The evidence for the pion condensate formation in pp interactions at U-70
E.S. Kokoulina
Quantum chromodynamics at large distances
QCD in infrared region and spontaneous breaking of the chiral symmetry
Gauge field mass problem in new aspect
N.P. Konopleva
The signals of partial restoration of chiral symmetry in medium at intermediate energy: experimental data vs. theory
Quasi-group symmetries, stochastic processes and the hadron stability
On the possibility of massless neutrino oscillations
O.S. Kosmachev
R-related quantities in QCD and the Adler D-function
Adiabatic chemical freeze-out and wide resonance modification in a thermal media
Baryon structure in AdS/QCD
V. Lyubovitskij, T. Gutsche, I. Schmidt and A. Vega
On possible role of scalar glueball-quarkonia mixing in the f(0)(1370,1500,1710) resonances produced in J/psi radiative decays
S.B. Gerasimov
Study of the pion-nucleus elastic scattering using the microscopic optical potential
Analysis of experimental data on the pion scattering on nuclei within the microscopic optical potential and in-medium effect on the pion-nucleon amplitude of scattering
Study of the phase transition in pi-minus + C interactions at 40 GeV/c
Condensate mechanism of conformal symmetry breaking
V.N. Pervushin
Witten parameter in the SU(2)-gluodynamics
V.A. Goy and A. Molochkov
Structure functions of hadrons and nuclei
Final state interaction effects in exclusive electrodisintegration of the deuteron
Scattering states in Bethe-Salpeter equation
V.A. Karmanov and J. Carbonell
Timelike structure functions and hadron multiplicities
Time-like and space-like electromagnetic form factors of nucleons, a unified description
A new approach to the theory of electromagnetic interactions with bound systems: calculations of deuteron magnetic and quadrupole moments
Measuring the phase between strong and EM J/psi decay amplitudes
M. De Stefanis
Prompt photon and associated heavy quark production in the kT-factorization approach
A. Lipatov, M.A. Malyshev and N.P. Zotov
Small x behavior of parton distributions. Analytical and «frozen» coupling constants. BFKL corrections
«Non-Rosenbluth» behavior of the proton form factors and the violation of the CP-symmetry
M.Y.e. Kudinov
QCD motivated subtractions in hard photonic and mesonic reactions
I.R. Gabdrakhmanov and O. Teryaev
Nonperturbative QCD and transition form factors
Y. Klopot, A. Oganesian and O. Teryaev
Relativistic heavy ion collisions
Recent heavy ion results from STAR experiment
Study of strange matter production in the heavy ion collisions at NUCLOTRON
Protons with large momentum from C-12 fragmentation at 300 MeV/nucleon
New data on the differential cross section of dp-elastic scattering at 2.5 GeV with HADES Detector
Double pion production in np and pp collisions at 1.25 GeV with HADES
Mathematical model of DNA lesions
Pseudorapidity spectra of secondary particles emitted in the relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions
M.K. Suleymanov, M. Ajaz and K.H. Khan
Observation of light nuclei formation as nuclear coalescence in the C12C -interaction at 4.2 AGev/c
K.H. Khan, M.K. Suleymanov and M. Ajaz
Models of mixed hadron-quark-gluon matter
V.I. Yukalov and E. Yukalova
Net charge fluctuations in AA collisions in a simple string-inspired model
A. Titov and V. Vechernin
Homogeneous Balitsky-Kovchegov hierarchy and Reggeon field theory
N.V. Prikhod'ko
Charmonium production in heavy ion collisions
Influence of deformation and vibration of nuclei on the elliptic flow
Nuclear transparency effect in proton and deuteron induced interaction with carbon nuclei
M. Ajaz, M.K. Suleymanov and K.H. Khan
Asymptotic properties of the nuclear matter
Resonance results with the ALICE experiment in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at LHC energies
Hadron spectroscopy, multiquarks
What do fractals learn us concerning the masses of fundamental particles, of hadrons, and of nuclei? Concerning also disintegration life-times?
Combined analysis of processes pi pi \rightarrow pi pi,K bar-K, eta eta and J/psi decays and parameters of scalar mesons
Y.S. Surovtsev
Multiquark states in the covariant quark confinement model
Spectroscopy and Regge trajectories of heavy quarkonia and Bc mesons
D. Ebert, R.N. Faustov and V. Galkin
Infrared confinement and meson spectroscopy
Determination mass spectrum and decay constants mesons consisting of the c and b quarks
Quark and hadron degrees of freedom in the Roper resonance electroproduction
I.T. Obukhovsky, A. Faessler, T. Gutsche, V. Lyubovitskij and D. Fedorov
Elastic scattering in np - interactions at intermediate energies
Y. Troyan, M. Anikina, A. Jerusalimov, A. Belyaev and A. Troyan
Scalar mesons LbL contribution to the g-2 of muon in N chi QM
A.S. Zhevlakov, A.E. Dorokhov and A. Radzhabov
Search for charmonium and exotics above DD-bar threshold in PANDA experiment at FAIR
Dynamics of multiparticle production
Z-Scaling: inclusive jet spectra at RHIC, TEVATRON and LHC
BC, PaC and SePaC methods for fractal analysis of events
Self-similarity of high-Pt hadron production in pA collisions
Renormdynamics, coupling constant unification and universal properties of the multiparticle production
N. Makhaldiani
The photon cluster excitation mechanism of the e-e+ - plasma created from vacuum in a strong electromagnetic field
S.A. Smolyansky
Comparison of the data on proton-proton and proton-antiproton interactions at high energies on basis of the Low Constituents Number Model
V.A.e. Abramovsky
Comparison of the triggers of the ATLAS, ALICE and CMS experiments and the trigger of the UA1 experiment. Analysis of proton-proton and proton-antiproton interactions on basis of the MC event generator Pythia
N.V. Abramovskaya
The dependence of the number of pomerons on the impact parameter and the long-range rapidity correlations in pp collisions
V. Vechernin and I. Lakomov
Heavy flavour production in p-p collisions and intrinsic quark components in proton
Forward-backward multiplicity correlations in pp collisions in ALICE at 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV
G.A. Feofilov, I. Altsybeev, V.V. Vechernin, S. De, T. Nayak and B. Srivastava
Analysis of differences on pseudorapidity multiplicities spectrum at LHC and UA1/UA5 experiments
Model of pp and AA collisions for the description of long-range correlations
V. Kovalenko and V. Vechernin
Possible origin of observed at incident protons energy 50 GeV events pp\rightarrow pp + npi with anomalous multiplicity
Start and trigger detector T0 of the ALICE experiment
Accelerator facilities: status and perspectives
The MCP-based system for monitoring space-time characteristics of circulating beam of NUCLOTRON
I.V. Kudashkin
Longitudinal profiles, fluctuations and correlations of electromagnetic cascades produced by 100-3500 MeV gamma quanta in heavy amorphous media
B. Slowinski, P. Duda, D. Mączka and J. Bzdak
R&D for the PANDA barrel DIRC
Light ions in accelerator complex U70 of IHEP
QED non-linear effects in photonuclear processes
V.G. Nedorezov
The Hall D physics program at JLab
Status of NICA project at JINR
V. Kekelidze, A.D. Kovalenko, R. Lednicky, V.A. Matveev, I.N. Meshkov, A.S. Sorin and G. Trubnikov
Applied use of relativistic beams
Recent results of the study of ads with 500kg natural uranium target assembly QUINTA irradiated by deuterons with energies from 1 TO 8 GeV at JINR NUCLOTRON
Irradiation history and resulting isotope decay scheme influence on yttrium gamma activity
S. Kilim, M.M. Bielewicz, A. Polanski, E. Strugalska-Gola, M. Szuta, A. Wojciechowski, J. Adam, M. Kadykov, V.S. Pronskikh, S.I. Tyutyunnikov, V. Wagner, O. Svoboda, V. Chilap and W.I. Furman
Investigation of the possibility to use ion beams for energy production in uranium target
M.M. Paraipan, A.A. Baldin, M. Kadykov and S.I. Tyutyunnikov
A summary of experimental results on the reactions in uranium samples irradiated with a deuteron beam of energies up to 8 GeV at the QUINTA target
L. Zavorka, J. Adam, W.I. Furman, M. Kadykov, J. Khushvaktov, A.A. Solnyshkin, V.M. Tsoupko-Sitnikov, S.I. Tyutyunnikov, P. Caloun, V. Chilap and M. Suchopar
Studies of deuteron and neutron cross-sections important for ADS research
V. Wagner, J. Vrzalova, M. Suchopar, O. Svoboda, M. Majerle, A. Kugler, J. Adam, A.A. Baldin, W.I. Furman, M. Kadykov, A.A. Solnyshkin, V.M. Tsoupko-Sitnikov, S.I. Tyutyunnikov, N. Vladimirovna, L. Zavorka, M.M. Bielewicz, S. Kilim, M. Szuta and E. Strugalska-Gola
Monte-Carlo simulations of natural uranium setups irradiated with relativistic deuterons by means of MCNPX code
M. Suchopar, V. Wagner, J. Vrzalova, O. Svoboda, J. Adam, A.A. Baldin, W.I. Furman, M. Kadykov, A.A. Solnyshkin, V.M. Tsoupko-Sitnikov, S.I. Tyutyunnikov, N. Vladimirovna, L. Zavorka and V. Chilap
On results of Y-89 irradiation with deuteron beam on QUINTA-assembly «E+T - RAW» using Nuclotron (JINR Dubna)
M.M. Bielewicz, S. Kilim, A. Polanski, E. Strugalska-Gola, M. Szuta, A. Wojciechowski, J. Adam, M. Kadykov, V.S. Pronskikh, S.I. Tyutyunnikov, V. Wagner, O. Svoboda and V. Chilap
Analysis of potential advanced thorium based fuel for EPR reactor
Suggested investigations concerning unresolved experimental observations
Development of dynamic model for simulation of nuclear spallation
G. Musulmanbekov
Polarization phenomena, spin physics
Top quark as resonance: renormalization and spin effect
V. Lomov and A. Kaloshin
Differential cross sections and analyzing powers in the dd\rightarrow 3He n reaction at intermediate energies
Perturbative stability of the QCD predictions for the ratio R=F_L/F_T and azimuthal asymmetry in heavy-quark leptoproduction
The differential cross-section on dp-elastic scattering at 880 MeV obtained at Nuclotron
Studies of exotic nuclei in relativistic beams
Hyperfragments from lightest p-shell hypernuclei
O. Majlingova and L. Majling
Studies of eta-mesic nuclei at the LPI electron synchrotron
V.V. Polyanskiy
Cumulative and subthreshold processes
Double cumulative photon spectra at mid rapidity and high pt in C+Be collisions at 2.0 and 3.2 AGeV
K.R. Mikhailov
Method of cumulative particle for experimental study of multibaryon production
B. Kostenko, J. Pribish and V. Filinova
Probing of the transverse momentum dependent parton distribution in nuclei