Sessions |
Monday Morning |
Monday Afternoon |
Tuesday Morning |
Tuesday Afternoon |
Wednesday Morning |
Wednesday Afternoon |
Thursday Morning |
Thursday Afternoon |
Friday Morning |
Friday Afternoon |
Poster session |
Monday Morning |
Infrared scaling solutions beyond the Landau gauge: The maximally Abelian gauge and Abelian infrared dominance
Gluon Mass, Glueballs and Gluonic Mesons
Non-Abelian magnetic monopoles responsible for quark confinement
Monday Afternoon |
Holographic superconductors at finite isospin density or in an external magnetic field
Holographic flavored Quark-Gluon Plasmas
Effective scalar fields in Yang-Mills theories
Electric and magnetic Landau-gauge gluon propagators in finite-temperature SU(2) gauge theory
Tuesday Morning |
What Lattice QCD tell us about the Landau Gauge Infrared Propagators
A^2 condensate in Landau gauge from lattice QCD
Ghost and gluon propagators of quenched lattice QCD: NSPT vs. Monte Carlo results
Tuesday Afternoon |
Droplets in the cold and dense linear sigma model with quarks
QCD confinement and chiral crossovers
Effective models of two-flavor QCD: Phase diagram and the bare quark mass
Finite-size effects and the search for the critical endpoint of QCD
Wednesday Morning |
Chiral symmetry restoration and deconfinement in strong magnetic fields
Phase diagram of strong interactions in an external magnetic field
Can nothing be a superconductor and a superfluid?
Wednesday Afternoon |
Features of the Gribov-Zwanziger theory and of its refined version
An improved model of color confinement
IR properties of QCD from the Batalin-Vilkoviski formalism
Thursday Morning |
Gluon propagators in linear covariant gauge
In quest of the Yang-Mills vacuum wave functional
Applying the variational principle to (1+1) dimensional relativistic quantum field theories
The interplay between the A² condensate and instantons
Thursday Afternoon |
On Confinement, Chiral Symmetry Breaking, and the UA(1) anomaly in Functional Approaches
Chiral symmetry breaking with a non-enhanced ghost sector
A gauge-technique Ansatz for the three gluon vertex of the background field method
(Scalar) matter-gluon interaction
Friday Morning |
Aspects of Manifest Gauge Invariance
Long strings and light scalar fields in the QGP
Kaonic atoms at DAFNE
Friday Afternoon |
Mapping theorem and Green functions in Yang-Mills theory
Calorons with non-trivial holonomy
Poster session |
The non-perturbative BRST quartets generated by transverse gluons or quarks in Landau gauge
More evidence for a refined Gribov-Zwanziger action based on an effective potential approach
Heavy-Light Scalar and Axial-Vector Mesons Decay Constants and Masses in QCD Sum Rule Approach
Holographic study of rho meson mass in an external magnetic field: paving the road towards a magnetically induced superconducting QCD vacuum?