November 1-5, 2010
Gent, Belgium
published July 19, 2011
The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts on QCD in order to face a variety of subjects, including: The QCD spectrum of hadrons, mesons, glueballs QCD Green's functions: Lattice studies, Schwinger-Dyson approach, Gribov copies and quantization of Yang-Mills theories QCD at finite temperature, local CP-violation in quark gluon plasma, influence of strong magnetic fields Holographic descriptions of QCD and quark-gluon plasma Topological aspects of QCD (De)confinement and/or chiral symmetry breaking Vacuum condensates, sum rules
conference main image
Monday Morning
Monday Afternoon
Tuesday Morning
Tuesday Afternoon
Wednesday Morning
Wednesday Afternoon
Thursday Morning
Thursday Afternoon
Friday Morning
Friday Afternoon
Poster session
Monday Morning
Infrared scaling solutions beyond the Landau gauge: The maximally Abelian gauge and Abelian infrared dominance
M. Huber, R. Alkofer and K. Schwenzer
Gluon Mass, Glueballs and Gluonic Mesons
V. Mathieu
Non-Abelian magnetic monopoles responsible for quark confinement
K.I. Kondo
Monday Afternoon
Holographic superconductors at finite isospin density or in an external magnetic field
J. Erdmenger
Holographic flavored Quark-Gluon Plasmas
A. Cotrone
Effective scalar fields in Yang-Mills theories
V.I. Zakharov
Electric and magnetic Landau-gauge gluon propagators in finite-temperature SU(2) gauge theory
T. Mendes
Tuesday Morning
What Lattice QCD tell us about the Landau Gauge Infrared Propagators
O. Oliveira, P.J. Silva and P. Bicudo
A^2 condensate in Landau gauge from lattice QCD
Ghost and gluon propagators of quenched lattice QCD: NSPT vs. Monte Carlo results
E.M. Ilgenfritz
Tuesday Afternoon
Droplets in the cold and dense linear sigma model with quarks
L. Palhares and E.S. Fraga
QCD confinement and chiral crossovers
P. Bicudo, M. Cardoso and N. Cardoso
Effective models of two-flavor QCD: Phase diagram and the bare quark mass
T. Kahara and K. Tuominen
Finite-size effects and the search for the critical endpoint of QCD
E. Souza Fraga, T. Kodama, L. Palhares and P. Sorensen
Wednesday Morning
Chiral symmetry restoration and deconfinement in strong magnetic fields
M. Ruggieri
Phase diagram of strong interactions in an external magnetic field
A. Mizher, M.N. Chernodub and E.S. Fraga
Can nothing be a superconductor and a superfluid?
M. Chernodub
Wednesday Afternoon
Features of the Gribov-Zwanziger theory and of its refined version
S.P. Sorella, D. Dudal, M.S. Guimarães and N. Vandersickel
An improved model of color confinement
D. Zwanziger
IR properties of QCD from the Batalin-Vilkoviski formalism
D. Binosi
Thursday Morning
Gluon propagators in linear covariant gauge
A. Cucchieri, T. Mendes, G. Medeiros Nakamura and E.M. da Silva Santos
In quest of the Yang-Mills vacuum wave functional
J. Greensite and S. Olejnik
Applying the variational principle to (1+1) dimensional relativistic quantum field theories
J. Haegeman, J.I. Cirac, T.J. Osborne, H. Verschelde and F. Verstraete
The interplay between the A² condensate and instantons
D. Vercauteren and H. Verschelde
Thursday Afternoon
On Confinement, Chiral Symmetry Breaking, and the UA(1) anomaly in Functional Approaches
R. Alkofer
Chiral symmetry breaking with a non-enhanced ghost sector
A.C. Aguilar
A gauge-technique Ansatz for the three gluon vertex of the background field method
J. Papavassiliou
(Scalar) matter-gluon interaction
Friday Morning
Aspects of Manifest Gauge Invariance
O. Rosten
Long strings and light scalar fields in the QGP
H. Verschelde
Kaonic atoms at DAFNE
S. Okada
Friday Afternoon
Mapping theorem and Green functions in Yang-Mills theory
M. Frasca
Calorons with non-trivial holonomy
P. van Baal
Poster session
The non-perturbative BRST quartets generated by transverse gluons or quarks in Landau gauge
N. Alkofer and R. Alkofer
More evidence for a refined Gribov-Zwanziger action based on an effective potential approach
N. Vandersickel, D. Dudal and S.P. Sorella
Heavy-Light Scalar and Axial-Vector Mesons Decay Constants and Masses in QCD Sum Rule Approach
J. Yilmazkaya Süngü
Holographic study of rho meson mass in an external magnetic field: paving the road towards a magnetically induced superconducting QCD vacuum?
N. Callebaut, D. Dudal and H. Verschelde