April 20-24, 2009
Cuiabá city, Brazil
published December 14, 2009
Following the philosophy that the International School on Field Theory and Gravitation must be held each three years in different Brazilian Universities and, if possible, in different brazilian states, the next meeting will take place at Physics Institute of Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso, UFMT, Cuiabá city on April, 20-24/2009 very close to the beautiful Pantanal and Chapada dos Guimarães area. The goal of the meeting is to promote a greater integration among many physicists from the local university, UFMT, Co-organizing institutions in Brasil and foreign countries such as Canada, USA, Italy, China, England, Swiss, Spain, Brazil and others; to stimulate the organization of scientific events in our physics Institute and thus contributing to local research activities; to exhibit different fields of physics and to stimulate new lines of theoretical research and technological developments in the Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso, UFMT. Finally, we make efforts to promote the development of advanced studies, taking it to the present core of research in a strong process of affirmation of new lines of theoretical studies in our Physics Institute. To this, we invite colleagues, collaborators, researchers, students, and friends to attend this fifth edition of International School on Field Theory and gravitation-2009.
conference main image
Hawking radiation and W-infinity algebra
L. Bonora, M. Cvitan, S. Pallua and I. Smolic
Recent progress in String Field Theory
L. Bonora
Modelling Inhomogeneity in the Universe
C. Hellaby
ADS/CFT and Cosmological Singularities
S.R. Das
Luminosity distance vs. proper distance: Effects of nonlinear electrodynamics in cosmology
H.J. Mosquera Cuesta, J.M. Salim and M. Novello
Gravity from a Particle Physicists’ perspective
R. Percacci
Astroparticle physics: new results from the Pierre Auger Observatory and future plans
M.A. Leigui de Oliveira
Quantum fluctuations around low-dimensional topological solitons
J.M. Guilarte, A.A. Izquierdo, W.G. Fuertes, M.d.l.T. Mayado and M.J. Senosiain
String-like singularities taken seriously
S. Krasnikov
New approximation methods in General Relativity: geodesic deviations and deformations of embeddings
R. Kerner
Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity
S. Mercuri
Recent Attempts to Measure the General Relativistic Lense-Thirring Effect with Natural and Artifical Bodies in the Solar System
L. Iorio
Long-range models of modified gravity and their agreement with Solar System data
L. Iorio
The Gyromagnetic Factor of Elementary Particles and Non-Minimal Coupling
J. Morais, A.J. Accioly, J.A. Helayel-Neto and R. Turcati
Electromagnetic Aspects of Neutral Elementary Particles in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
J.A. Helayel-Neto, J. Morais and R. Turcati
An abelian model U(1) x U(1)
R. Doria and M.J.d.O. Neves
Feynman rules for an intrinsic gauge model SU(N) x SU(N)
R. Doria and M.J.d.O. Neves
Systemic Gauge Theory
A.P. Lima and R. Doria
MaVaN's in the generalized Chaplygin gas scenario
A. Bernardini and O. Bertolami
Torsion Influence in Braneworld Scenarios
R. da Rocha and J.H. da Silva
Thirring Model with Jump Defect
A. Roa Aguirre, J.F. Gomes, L.H. Ymai and A.H. Zimerman
The structure of charged d-dimensional stars: comparing different equations of state
J. Arbanil and V.T. Zanchin
Weyl-Guilfoyle fluids and quasiblack holes with pressure
J.P.S. Lemos and V.T. Zanchin
Hawking radiation and conformal anomalies in two-dimensional AdS spacetimes
D. Drehmer and V.T. Zanchin
New results on quasinormal modes of anti-de Sitter black holes
J. Morgan, A.S. Miranda and V.T. Zanchin
On the Consistency Conditions to Braneworlds in Scalar-Tensor Gravity for Arbitrary Dimensions
J.H. da Silva
Some comments on the integrability of the noncommutative generalized massive Thirring model
H. Blas and H.L. Carrion
Nonvanishing boundary conditions and dark solitons in the NLS model
H. Blas, L.F. dos Santos and M.J.B.F. da Silva
Space-time Torsion and Neutrino Oscillation
D.D. Oliveira, A.A. Sousa and R.B. Pereira
Hamilton-Jacobi formalism on the Null-Plane: Applications.
C.E. Valcarcel, M. Bertin, B.M. Pimentel and G. Zambrano
New developments on structure formation in Chaplygin gas cosmological models
S.S. e Costa and M.E. de Oliveira
Absence of Klein's paradox for massive spinless bosons coupled by a nonminimal vector interaction
L.B. Castro
Measurements of Neutrinos at the Angra Reactor
P. Chimenti, M.A. Leigui de Oliveira and R. da Maceno Lima
Symmetry approach and the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation with variable coefficients
W.L. Souza and E.d.M. Silva
Accretion mechanisms onto primordial black holes
D. Guariento and J.E. Horvath
Vaccum polarization effects on quasinormal modes in electrically charged black hole spacetimes
J. de Oliveira and O.P. Fernandez Piedra
On singular lagrangian underlying the Schrodinger equation
A. Deriglazov
Scalar fields, density perturbations and the Chaplygin gas
S.S. e Costa
Renormalizable noncommutative U(1) gauge theory without IR/UV mixing
O. Ventura, L.C. Vilar, V.E.R. Lemes and D.G. Tedesco
Energy conditions for electromagnetic field in presence of cosmological constant
O. Goldoni and M.d.F.A. da Silva
Geometrical invariants, conserved currents and new symmetries in a covariant phase-space dynamics
L. Cabral
Podolsky´s electromagnetic theory on the null plane
G. Zambrano, M. Bertin and B.M. Pimentel
Isoscalar Giant Monopole Resonace in 60Ni
M. Roos and P. Rieck