Editorial board Thomas Speer (chairman), Federico Carminati and Monique Werlen
Sessions |
Plenary contributions |
Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research |
Track 2: Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools |
Track 3: Methodology of Computations in Theoretical Physics |
Plenary contributions |
Code quality from the programmer's perspective
Aspects of Intellectual Property Law for HEP Software Developers
The Blue Brain Project - Simulation-based Research in Neuroscience
Higgs bbbar decay at NNLO and beyond : the uncertainties of QCD predictions
Introduction to the LLVM Compiler System
Java based software for High-Energy and Astro-physics
Data Analysis with PROOF
CompHEP status report (version 4.5)
Multivariate Methods in Particle Physics: Today and Tomorrow
LHC phenomenology at next-to-leading order QCD: theoretical progress and new results
CernVM - a virtual appliance for LHC applications
Getting ready for next generation computing
High-Precision Computation and Mathematical Physics
Forget multicore! The future is many-core: An outlook to the explosion of parallelism likely to occur in the LHC era
Porting Reconstruction Algorithms to the Cell Broadband Engine
Throughput Computing in C++
Are SE Architectures Ready For the LHC?
MonALISA : A Distributed Service System for Monitoring, Control and Global Optimization
Summary of Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research
Summary of Track 2: Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools
Summary of Track 3: Methodology of Computations in Theoretical Physics
Track 1: Computing Technology for Physics Research |
g-Eclipse - user and developer friendly access to Grids and Clouds
Dedicated Services to Support Data Replication over GRID using ATLAS Distributed Data Management System.
The PanDA System in the ATLAS Experiment
ALICE Analysis Framework
Distributed analysis in CMS using CRAB: the client-server architecture evolution and commissioning
Mass Storage System for Disk and Tape resources at the Tier1.
ATLAS Handling Problematic Events in Quasi Real-Time
Large Scale Job Management and Experience in Recent Data Challenges within the LHC CMS experiment.
Data transfer infrastructure for CMS data taking
Profiling Post-GRID analysis
The CMS Tier 0
Distributed Computing in ATLAS
Early Experience with the CMS Computing Model
Using constraint programing to resolve the multi-source / multi-site data movement paradigm on the Grid
Evolution of the STAR Framework OO model for the Multi-Core era
XCFS - an analysis disk pool & filesystem based on FUSE and xroot protocol
Job Centric Monitoring for ATLAS jobs in the LHC Computing Grid
The commissioning of CMS computing centres in the WLCG Grid
The DAQ/HLT system of the ATLAS experiment
The Advanced Resource Connector for Distributed LHC Computing
FairRoot Framework
The CMS Framework for Alignment and Calibration
A prototype of a dinamically expandable Virtual Analysis Facility
Software development, release integration and distribution tools for the CMS experiment
CVMFS - a file system for the CernVM virtual appliance
GENIUS/EnginFrame Grid Portal: new features and enhancements
CICC JINR Cluster 2008 Performance Improvement
RDIG Alice computing at the time of the first LHC data
Improving replica placement strategies using information from existing communication infrastructures
Software validation and performance optimisation in the CMS experiment
CMS Dataset Bookkeeping, Discovery and Query System
Building Grid client applications with the g-Eclipse framework
Computing in HEP at the time of the grid
The ALICE Global Redirector. A step towards real storage robustness.
Track 2: Data Analysis - Algorithms and Tools |
Multi-threaded event processing with JANA
TMVA- the toolkit for multivariate data analysis
PDE-FOAM - a probability-density estimation method based on self-adapting phase-space binning
The Role of Interpreters in High Performance Computing
Enhanced Gene Expression Programming for signal-background discrimination in particle physics
PARADIGM, a Decision Making Framework for Variable Selection and Reduction in High Energy Physics
Track Reconstruction and Muon Identification in the Muon Detector of the CBM Experiment at FAIR
Fireworks: A Physics Event Display for CMS
VISPA: a Novel Concept for Visual Physics Analysis
Petaminer: Efficient Navigation to Petascale Data Using Event-Level Metadata
Interactive Data Analysis with PROOF, Experience at GSI
C++ and Data
Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector tracking system
Recent Improvements of the ROOT Fitting and Minimization Classes
Efficient Level 2 Trigger System Based on Artificial Neural Networks
Sophisticated algorithms of analysis of spectroscopic data
Systematic studies of the dimuon High-Level Trigger in preparation for ALICE data taking
A Numeric Comparison of Feature Selection Algorithms for Supervised Learning
Tau identification using multivariate techniques in ATLAS
WebDat: Bridging the Gap Between Unstructured and Structured Data
MINUIT Package Parallelization and applications using the RooFit Package
Software Validation Infrastructure for the Atlas High-Level Trigger Validation and Infrastructure for the ATLAS High-Level Trigger
Application of the rule-growing algorithm RIPPER to particle physics analysis
The ATLAS Conditions Database Model for the Muon Spectrometer
Strategies for btagging calibration using data at CMS
Goodness of fit tests for weighted histograms
An artificial neural network based algorithm for calorimetric energy measurements in CMS
The ATLAS Muon Trigger vertical slice at LHC startup
Fast on-line analysis of ALICE Photon Spectrometer data in the ALICE High Level Trigger system
Constraint Vertex Fitting in the ATLAS Experiment at LHC
Combining Hough Transform and Optimal Filtering for Efficient Cosmic Ray Detection with a Hadronic Calorimeter
ATLAS trigger status and results from commissioning operations
Visualization of multidimensional histograms using hypervolume techniques
Resonance analysis in ALICE
FROG : The Fast & Realistic OpenGl Event Displayer
An overview of the b-Tagging algorithms in the CMS Offline software
Optimized Calorimeter Signal Compaction for an Independent Component based ATLAS Electron/Jet Second-level Trigger
EVE - Event Visualization Environment of the ROOT framework
MDT data quality assessment at the Calibration centre for the ATLAS experiment at LHC
Advanced online system for data analysis and Monte-Carlo simulations in High Energy Physics
Track 3: Methodology of Computations in Theoretical Physics |
Unitarity Methods For Massless One-Loop Amplitudes
Group structure of the integration-by-part identities
From moments to functions in higher order QCD
Computational aspects for three-loop DIS calculations
Recent Progress of Geant4 Electromagnetic Physics and Readiness for the LHC Start
Radiative corrections to Drell-Yan like processes in SANC
Standard SANC Modules
Hadronic Physics in Geant4: Improvements and Status for LHC Start
Tools for systematic event generator tuning and validation
The Monte Carlo generators in CMS
Development, validation and maintenance of Monte Carlo event generators and generator services in the LHC era
LCG MCDB and HepML, next step to unified interfaces of Monte-Carlo Simulation
Mathematical model of magnetically interacting rigid bodies
Simulation of pellet target experiments with BETACOOL code
Two approaches to Combining Significances
Current status of FORM parallelization
New implementation of the sector decomposition in FORM
FormCalc 6
Numerical Evaluation of Feynman Integrals by a Direct Computation Method
Numerical calculations of Multiple Polylog functions
New results for loop integrals
Feynman Diagrams, Differential Reduction and Hypergeometric Functions
Recent developments of GRACE
Round Table Discussion: Event generation - are we ready for LHC?