corfu98 - (other corfu conferences)
6-20 September 1998
Kerkyra, Greece
published December 27, 1999

Editorial Board
Antoniadis Ignatios, Koutsoumbas G., Tracas D. N., Zoupanos G. (chairman)

conference main image
South European School on Elementary Particle Physics
Euroconference on the Standard Model and beyond
South European School on Elementary Particle Physics
Electroweak Standard Model
G. Altarelli
LEP Physics
D. Treille
Perturbative QCD, Lattice QCD
R. Petronzio
HERA Physics
M. Erdmann
Tevatron Physics
M.L. Mangano
LHC Physics
F. Pauss
Flavourdynamics, B-Physics, CP-Violation etc
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A. Ali
Deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration in QCD with fundamental and adjoint fermions
F. Karsch
Introduction to SUSY and SUSY GUTs
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P. Fayet
Neutrino Physics
J.W.F. Valle
Introduction to SUGRA
D.G. Cerdeno and C. Munoz
SUSY and String Phenomenology
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G. Ross
Introduction to Strings
I. Antoniadis
Introduction to Cosmology
G. Lazarides
Introduction to Quantum Groups
J. Wess
Introduction to Non-Commutative Geometry
J. Madore
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R. Brout
Experimental Status of Neutrino Oscillations
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J. Steinberger
Euroconference on the Standard Model and beyond
Bi-Maximal Neutrino mixing and the See - Saw Mechanism
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M. Jezabek
Top Mixing
F. del Aguila and J.A. Aguilar-Saavedra
The structure of the proton: Recent results from HERA
J. Gialas
Rising Bosonic Virtual Effects at High Energy Lepton-Antilepton Colliders
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C. Verzegnassi
P. Santorelli and E. Scrimieri
Top Quark Pair Production at Future Linear Colliders
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M. Jezabek
Soft Gluons Resummation for Heavy Quark and Dijet Cross Sections
N. Kidonakis
RH Mixing observable?
Y. Achiman
Axial Vector Amplitudes and Standard Model Neutrino Processes
C. Schubert
Hunting the Higgs with the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter
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D. Loukas
W Physics at LEP
M. Pepe-Altarelli
Review of the Weak Mixing Angle Results with Heavy Quarks at LEP and SLC
B. Ueberschaer
IR Behavior of QCD Cross Sections at NNLO
V. Del Duca
The Quark Lepton Mass Problem and Anti-Grand Unification
C. Froggatt
SUSY at LHC (experimental aspects)
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F. Pauss
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M.L. Mangano
Aspects of Spontaneous SUSY Breaking in minimal N=1 and N= 2 Supersymmetric Yang - Mills Theories
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P. Minkowski
Searching for New Physics from CP Violation in B decays
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G.C. Branco
Exact Gauge - Yukawa - Finite Unified Theories and their Predictions
M. Mondragon
Estimating epsilon'/epsilon: a status report
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S. Bertolini
B Meson form factors from QCD sum rules and Vub
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R. Rückl
epsilon'/epsilon and the DI=1/2 Rule in Kaon Decays using the 1/N Expansion in the Framework of Chiral Pertubation Theory
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G. Koehler
Next - to - Leading Order QCD Corrections to the Lifetime Difference of Bs Mesons
A. Lenz
CP, T and CPT Studies in the CPLEAR Experiment at CERN
C. Eleftheriadis
Optical Filters for the Fluorescence Detector of the AUGER Project
E. Fokitis, S. Maltezos and E. Papantonopoulos
Hard Diffraction at the Tevatron and at HERA
K. Goulianos
Supersymmetry and Neutrino Masses
Exact results in Softly Broken SUSY GaugeTheories
D. Kazakov
Softly Broken N=1 Supersymmetric QCD
T. Kobayashi
Mirror Families in Electro-Weak symmetry Breaking
G. Triantaphyllou
Thermodynamics of D-brane Probe
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T. Taylor
M- Theory and U - dualities
N. Obers and B. Pioline
Soft Supersymmetry Breaking Terms and Target Space Duality
J. Kubo
MSSM Higgs boson masses at the 2-loop level
W. Hollik
Lepton Flavor Violation in Supersymmetric Models with U(1) Symmetries
M. Gomez
Strings, black holes and the information paradox
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D. Amati
Atmospheric Neutrinos and Inflation
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G. Lazarides
Neutrino Masses in SUSY theories
S. Lola
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G. Ross
Fermion Masses and Mixing resulting from Unimodular Complex Mass Matrices
M. Rebelo
P. Fayet
A model of mass hierarchies with an anomalous U(1)
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S. Lavignac
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A. Masiero
Effective Supergravity from Heterotic M-Theory and its Phenomenological Implications
C. Munoz
Logarithmic Conformal Field Theories ...
N. Mavromatos and R.J. Szabo
Geometry from Random Dynamics
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H.B. Nielsen
Observable Supersymmetric Particles
J. Kalinowski
Differential calculi on finite groups
L. Castellani
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J. Madore
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R. Brout
Noncommutative Geometry and String Duality
F. Lizzi and R.J. Szabo
Non-perturbative Supersymmetry Breaking and Finite Temperature Instabilities in N=4 Superstrings
C. Kounnas
Baryogenesis through mixing of heavy Majorana neutrinos
A. Pilaftsis
The Pinch Technique Approach to the Physics of Unstable Particles
J. Papavassiliou
Quantum and Braided Integrals
C. Chryssomalakos