PoS - Proceedings of Science

International Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics and Conference on Low Energy Antiprotons

26-30 August 2024
Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna.

EXA/LEAP 2024 is the joint event of the Exotic Atoms and Related Topics Conference (EXA) and the Low Energy Antiproton conference (LEAP). EXA is a series of conferences which started in 2002 and takes place every three years. Details of the previous events including the proceedings and other conference material can be found on the EXA website (https://www.oeaw.ac.at/smi/talks-and-events/exa/). LEAP is also organized regularly and was last held in 2018 (https://indico.cern.ch/event/657512/).

EXA/LEAP 2024 was organized by the Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and took place in Vienna, Austria from August 26th to 30th, 2024. The scientific program covered the topics:

   Hadron Physics with Antiprotons
   Physics with Antihydrogen: CPT and Gravity
   Exotic hadronic and leptonic Atoms
   Kaon-Nucleus Interaction and Strangeness in Nuclei
   Exotic Hadrons
   Antimatter in the Universe
   New Techniques, Instrumentation and Facilities

conference main image
Main session
Future Perspectives of AD-ELENA Facility at CERN
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)001 file missing D. Gamba
Pontecorvo process
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)002 file missing L. Venturelli
PUMA - Probing the surface of atomic nuclei with antiprotons
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)003 file missing F. Wienholtz
Searching for a dark matter particle with anti-protonic atoms
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)004 file missing G. Kornakov
Antiproton annihilation on nuclei
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)005 file missing A. Gligorova
Antimatter-Nucleus reactions with the Li�ge IntraNuclear Cascade (INCL) code
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)006 file missing J. David
Measurement of anti-3He nuclei absorption in matter and impact on their propagation in the Galaxy
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)007 file missing L. Serksnyte
Cosmic Antiparticles: Latest Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)008 file missing Z. Weng
Positron Annihilation in the Universe
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)009 file missing T. Siegert
Precision studies of ortho-positronium decay rate with J-PET
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)010 file missing S. Sharma
Precision laser spectroscopy of the Thorium-229 nuclear clock transition
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)011 file missing T. Schumm
Measurement of the C-forbidden $2\,^3$S$_1 \rightarrow 2\,^1$P$_1$ transition in positronium
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)012 file missing R. Daly
Demonstration of one-dimensional chirp cooling of positronium to ultra-low temperatures
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)013 file missing K. Shu
Prospects for Positronium Bose-Einstein Condensation
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)014 file missing A. Ishida
Antiprotonic helium
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)015 file missing M. Hori
X-rays of muonic and antiprotonic atoms
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)016 file missing N. Paul
Muonic Helium Hyperfine Structure Measurements at J-PARC MUSE
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)017 file missing P. Strasser
Physics with Antiprotons and Antihydrogen - theory overview
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)018 file missing R. Lehnert
Frequency metrology with antimatter
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)019 file missing J. Nauta
BASE - towards a 10-fold improved measurement of the antiproton magnetic moment
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)020 file missing B. Latacz
Antihydrogen production and beam formation for hyperfine spectroscopy at low magnetic field
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)021 file missing E. Hunter
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)022 file missing P. Comini
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)023 file missing W. Bertsche
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)024 file missing R. Caravita
Novel super-thermal exotic atom beam for the measurement of the gravitational acceleration of muonium
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)025 file missing J. Zhang
Lorentz Violation, CPT violation, and Spectroscopy Experiments
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)026 file missing A. Vargas
Test of CPT and Lorentz invariance with a cold Hbar-beam
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)027 file missing C. Malbrunot
Improved bounds on Lorentz violation from long-coherence Ramsey spectroscopy in Yb+
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)028 file missing L. Dreissen
En route to a CPT test based on anti-H$_2^+$: vibrational spectroscopy of a H$_2^+$ ensemble and nondestructive spectroscopy of a single HD$^+$ ion in a Penning trap
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)029 file missing S. Schiller
Prospect of hadronic-molecule with strangeness
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)031 file missing M. Iwasaki
Theory of kaon-nucleon interaction
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)032 file missing M. Mai
SIDDHARTA 2 - first results
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)033 file missing F. Sgaramella
Hyperon puzzle of neutron stars examined from heavy-ion collisions and hypernuclei
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)034 file missing A. Jinno
Cosmic anti-deuteron flux from exotic sources
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)035 file missing J. Herms
Antiproton and antineutron formfactors @ BES3
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)036 file missing F. Maas
Probing the size and binding energy of the hypertriton in heavy ion collisions
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)037 file missing M. Puccio
Observation of antimatter hyperhydrogen-4 at STAR
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)038 file missing H. Qiu
Hypertriton lifetime
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)039 file missing D. Gazda
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)040 file missing C. Yuan
J-PARC - future plans, hadron hall
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)041 file missing F. Sakuma
PSI - future plans, extensions
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)042 file missing A. Knecht
The PANDA Experiment
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)043 file missing K. Peters
Towards Lamb shift spectroscopy of antihydrogen atoms at the GBAR beam line
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)044 file missing T. Tanaka
Towards a direct hydrogen-antihydrogen comparison
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)045 file missing S. Jones
Synthesis of highly charged nuclear fragments in a Penning-Malmberg trap using antiprotons
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)046 file missing F. Gustafsson
Positronium Doppler laser cooling: results and perspectives
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)047 file missing A. Camper
Development of a Pressurized Helium Scintillating Calorimeter for AntiMatter Identification.
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)048 file missing F. Nozzoli
The neutron-antineutron oscillation and low-energy antinucleon-nucleus interactions
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)049 file missing T. Higuchi
Chiral symmetry restoration deduced in precision spectroscopy of pionic atoms
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)050 file missing K. Itahashi
Spectroscopy of $\eta$'-mesic nuclei with 12C(p,dp) reaction at GSI/FAIR
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)051 file missing Y. Tanaka
Design and characterisation of an antiproton deceleration beamline for the PUMA experiment
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)052 file missing J. Fischer
Towards a transportable antiproton reservoir
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)053 file missing C. Smorra
An antiproton trap system using a drift tube accelerator and energy degrader
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)054 file missing N. Kuroda
Cosmic $\overline{\textrm{d}}$ and $\overline{\textrm{He}}$: production mechanisms and latest constraints from ALICE at the LHC
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)055 file missing G. Malfattore
Formation of light (anti)deuteron from a coalescence afterburner
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)056 file missing N. Jacazio
Hypernuclei Production through Antiprotonic Atoms
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)057 file missing M. Schlaich
Calculation of integration and disintegration processes of antihydrogen positive ions in collisions with positronium
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)058 file missing T. Yamashita
The LSym experiment: a CPT symmetry test in the leptonic sector
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)059 file missing M. Pasinetti
$\Lambda NN$ input to neutron stars from hypernuclear data
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)060 file missing E. Friedman
High-Resolution Spectroscopy of Muonic Lithium - First Steps and Prospects of the QUARTET Experiment
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)061 file missing K. Schoeler
Positron polarimetry with resonant microwave radiation
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)062 file missing D. Newson
Antihydrogen annihilation detection: the ALPHA-g radial TPC
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)063 file missing A. Capra
A New Technique to Measure the Axial and Transverse Energy of Trapped Antihydrogen Atoms during release from an Ioffe-Pritchard Magnetic Trap
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)064 file missing D. Hodgkinson
A Novel Low-Energy Ion Source: Production and Trapping of H- Ions for H/Hbar Comparison
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)065 file missing D. Silveira
First measurement of X-rays from resonance states of muonic deuterium molecule using a cryogenic detector
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)066 file missing Y. Toyama
Perspectives of testing discrete symmetries and quantum entanglement in decays of positronium with the total-body J-PET scanner.
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)067 file missing P. Moskal
Laser spectroscopy of the ground-state hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)068 file missing L. Affolter
High-sensitivity searches for matter-antimatter conversions at the European Spallation Source
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)069 file missing M. Holl
Towards (anti)hydrogen fountains and interferometers with the HAICU project
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)070 file missing M. Fujiwara
Formation of hydrogen-like Highly Charged Ions using antiprotonic atoms as pathway systems
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)071 file missing M. Doser
Panel discussion on future Physics at AD
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)072 file missing C. Amsler
The Lepton Symmetry Experiment: LSym
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)073 file missing S. Sasidharan
A new concept of Mu-atniMu conversion search
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)074 file missing N. Kawamura
Towards laser cooling of negative molecular ions
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)075 file missing M. Germann
3D Simulation studies of mixed plasma confinement at AEgIS
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)076 file missing B. Rawat
The scintillating bar detector of the ASACUSA experiment
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)077 file missing V. Mascagna
Production of exotic onium states and atoms in photon-photon collisions at hadron colliders
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)078 file missing K. Kang
Interferometer for the LEMING experiment
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)079 file missing R. Waddy
Optical potential analysis of antiproton-nucleus data at low energy
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)080 file missing S. Migliorati
Experimental Investigation of QED Effects through Antiprotonic Atom X-ray spectroscopy: first test beams with TES detectors and solid targets
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)081 file missing Q. Senetaire
Prospects for forward emitted positronium from nanoporous membranes
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)082 file missing B. Rienacker
Detecting eV electrons at sub-kelvin temperatures for the LEMING experiment
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)083 file missing D. Goeldi
Background Rejection for the ALPHA-g Anti-Hydrogen Detectors
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)084 file missing G. Smith
A cyclotron trap for antiprotonic atom x-ray spectroscopy in gaseous targets
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)085 file missing G. Baptista
Multi-Photon decays of positronium with J-PET
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)086 file missing P. Tanty
Analysis results of the search for neutron to mirror-neutron oscillations at PSI
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)087 file missing N. Ziehl
Mirror Matter in Positronium Decay Searches with the J-PET Detector
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)088 file missing J. Medrala-Sowa
Exploring the Polarization Correlation of Photons Emitted from Positron Annihilation in a Porous Medium
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)089 file missing D. Kumar
Prospects for improving the sensitivity of CPT symmetry test in positronium decays with J-PET
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)090 file missing N. Chug
Antiproton-induced nuclear fragmentation
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)091 file missing J. Zielinski
Results from the Accelerators Validating Antimatter physics (AVA) network
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)092 file missing C. Welsch
Formation of moving exotic muonium atoms during channeling of antimuons in carbon nanotubes under external electromagnetic radiation
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)093 file missing N. Maksyuta
Design and developing status of the data acquisition and the slow control systems in the M2e experiment at Fermilab
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)094 file missing A. Gioiosa
Muonic atoms reveal the structure of deformed nuclei
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)095 file missing D. Jankovic
Prospects from a cold antideuteron beam in AD/ELENA
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)096 file missing R. Caravita
A novel platform for antiprotonic atom research using Paul and Penning-Malmberg traps
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)097 file missing M. Grosbart
The ground state hyperfine splitting in muonic hydrogen (Hyper-mu) experiment at PSI
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)098 file missing A. Ouf
ltracold neutron sources for fundamental physics \u2014 status at TRIUMF and future prospects
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)099 file missing T. Higuchi
Towards a Rydberg Interferometer to test the Weak Equivalence Principle with Positronium
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)100 file missing A. Lanz
Rabi-oscillation spectroscopy : high precision time-domain analysis applied to muonium hyperfine resonance
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)101 file missing H. Torii
Towards g-factor measurements of (anti-)protons using techniques based on quantum logic spectroscopy
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)102 file missing N. Poljakov
Lifetime measurements of light hypernuclei using K^- beam at J-PARC
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)103 file missing T. Hashimoto
Study of Low Energy Antiproton Annihilations on Nuclei
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)104 file missing V. Kraxberger
GRASIAN: Shaping and characterization of the cold hydrogen beam for the forthcoming first demonstration of gravitational quantum states of atoms
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)105 file missing C. Killian
On the formation of molecules containing positronium
PoS(EXA-LEAP2024)106 file missing A. Weiser

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