The 11th International Workshop on Chiral Dynamics (CD2024) took place at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, from August 26th to August 30th, 2024. This series of workshops started at MIT in 1994 and brings together researchers every three years to discuss the status, progress and challenges in the physics of low-energy QCD, Goldstone Boson dynamics, meson-baryon interactions, chiral perturbation theory, few-hadron systems, lattice QCD and related topics. The workshop series provides a forum for discussing the latest results and exchanging ideas between theorists and experimentalists. Previous workshops of this series took place in Pisa (2015), Durham, NC (2018) and Beijing/online (2021).
Editorial Board
Evgeny Epelbaum (chair) Ruhr University Bochum
Hermann Krebs (co-chair), Ruhr University Bochum
John Bulava, Ruhr University Bochum
Alexandre Deur, Jefferson Lab
Jambul Gegelia, Ruhr University Bochum
Antoine Gerardin, CPT Marseille
Luca Girlanda, University of Salento
Jeremy Green, DESY
Feng-Kun Guo, ITP, CAS
Maxim Mai, University of Bern
Mikhail Mikhasenko, Ruhr University Bochum
Martin Hoferichter, University of Bern
Karol Kampf, Charles University, Prague
Susan Schadmand, GSI Darmstadt
Kimiko Sekiguchi, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Plenary session |
C and CP violation in effective field theories and applications to η-meson decays PoS(CD2024)001 |
Measurements of the chiral anomaly at COMPASS PoS(CD2024)002 |
Nucleon resonances from lattice QCD PoS(CD2024)003 |
Roy–Steiner equations for pion–nucleon scattering and nucleon resonances PoS(CD2024)004 |
Two-pole structures in QCD PoS(CD2024)005 |
Left-hand branch cuts in lattice QCD scattering calculations PoS(CD2024)006 |
Three-hadron dynamics from lattice QCD PoS(CD2024)007 |
High-Precision Electron Scattering Experiments at the MESA Accelerator PoS(CD2024)008 |
Studying electroweak few-body observables in chiral effective field theory PoS(CD2024)009 |
Advances in Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of Nuclear Systems with Chiral Effective Field Theory Interactions PoS(CD2024)010 |
New insights into the nucleon's electromagnetic structure PoS(CD2024)011 |
Review of JLab and Mainz experimental results for spin-independent generalized nucleon polarizabilities PoS(CD2024)012 |
Fifty Years of Quantum Chromodynamics PoS(CD2024)013 |
Chiral Dynamics: Quo vadis? PoS(CD2024)014 |
Quantum Simulations of Fundamental Physics PoS(CD2024)015 |
Dispersive approach to hadronic contributions to the Muon g-2 PoS(CD2024)016 |
The puzzles of the muon anomalous magnetic moment PoS(CD2024)017 |
Interactions between two hadrons in lattice QCD PoS(CD2024)018 |
Status of two-baryon scattering in lattice QCD PoS(CD2024)019 |
Recent Applications of Nuclear Lattice Effective Field Theory PoS(CD2024)020 |
ChPT with axions PoS(CD2024)021 |
Neutrinoless double beta decay and chiral effective field theory PoS(CD2024)022 |
Light Meson decays at BESIII PoS(CD2024)023 |
Semileptonic kaon decays and the precise determination of Vus PoS(CD2024)024 |
Nucleon structure in light muonic atoms PoS(CD2024)025 |
Nucleon form factors from lattice QCD PoS(CD2024)026 |
Low-Q2 Spin Structure Data from Jefferson Lab PoS(CD2024)027 |
Working Group 1 parallel session: Goldstone-Boson Dynamics |
Review of the ɣ3π chiral anomaly PoS(CD2024)028 |
Measurements of the Pion Electromagnetic Polarizabilities at Jefferson Lab PoS(CD2024)029 |
The sign of the neutral pion electric polarizability PoS(CD2024)030 |
Weak decays and finite-volume QED PoS(CD2024)031 |
Radiative modes $K^+\to\pi^+\gamma^*\gamma^{(*)}$ and $K^+\to\pi^+\ell^+\ell^-(\gamma)$ decays PoS(CD2024)032 |
Light Meson Decays at Jefferson Lab PoS(CD2024)033 |
Review of lattice results on eta, eta' PoS(CD2024)034 |
Semileptonic eta(') decays in the Standard Model PoS(CD2024)035 |
Dispersive determination of the eta/eta' transition form factors PoS(CD2024)036 |
Application of Bayesian statistics to the sector of decay constants in three-flavour χPT PoS(CD2024)037 |
Triangle Singularities in a Hilbert's House PoS(CD2024)038 |
Stringy Methods for Pion Amplitudes PoS(CD2024)039 |
Gauge Theory Bootstrap: Pion amplitudes and low energy parameters PoS(CD2024)040 |
Subthreshold parameters of pipi scattering revisited PoS(CD2024)041 |
Six-meson scattering and three pions on the lattice PoS(CD2024)042 |
Multi-Higgs production and chiral effective Lagrangians PoS(CD2024)043 |
Hypergeometric function theory and Feynman Integrals at the interface: some recent Mathematica implementations PoS(CD2024)044 |
Long-range forces in a finite volume PoS(CD2024)045 |
Left-hand cut problem in lattice QCD and an EFT-based solution PoS(CD2024)046 |
A Novel Method for Determining Resonance Positions in Finite Volume PoS(CD2024)047 |
Three-body analysis of Tcc+(3875) PoS(CD2024)048 |
Advances in the finite-volume three-particle formalism PoS(CD2024)049 |
New pi0->ee result from NA62 PoS(CD2024)050 |
Lattice calculation of K→ππ decay and ππ scattering PoS(CD2024)051 |
Chiral extrapolation of the pion scattering amplitudes and the hadronic vacuum polarization PoS(CD2024)052 |
R value measurements at BESIII PoS(CD2024)053 |
Short-distance contributions to Hadronic-light-by-light for the muon g-2 PoS(CD2024)054 |
Coupled-channel dispersive analysis of the πη/KK scattering and its application to $(g-2)_\mu$ PoS(CD2024)055 |
Working Group 2 parallel session: Hadron Structure and Meson-Baryon Interactions |
Recent and future experiments exploring Nucleon-to-Delta transition form factors at Jefferson Lab PoS(CD2024)056 |
Gravitational form factors of hadrons within chiral EFT PoS(CD2024)057 |
Proton leading scalar and spin polarisabilities from proton Compton scattering data PoS(CD2024)058 |
Recent results on Hyperon-Nucleon interactions from BESIII PoS(CD2024)059 |
Structure of the Λ(1405) from Photoproduction at GlueX PoS(CD2024)060 |
Computing scattering amplitudes on the lattice involving Goldstone bosons PoS(CD2024)061 |
Role of the three-body and left-hand cut on the pole extraction of the Tcc(3875) PoS(CD2024)062 |
Charmonium scalar and tensor resonances in coupled channel scattering from lattice QCD PoS(CD2024)063 |
Internal structure of the Tcc(3875) from its light-quark mass dependence PoS(CD2024)064 |
ChPT and Lattice QCD studies of doubly charmed baryons PoS(CD2024)065 |
Vector-meson exchange vs chiral dynamics at both quark and hadron levels PoS(CD2024)066 |
Low-energy constants from baryon masses on Lattice QCD ensembles PoS(CD2024)067 |
J/Ψ N scattering length PoS(CD2024)068 |
Baryon-meson scattering amplitude in the 1/Nc expansion of QCD PoS(CD2024)069 |
Neutrino-induced pion-production off the nucleon in chiral effective field theory PoS(CD2024)070 |
Nucleon Self-Energy at Two-Loop Level PoS(CD2024)071 |
Weak nonleptonic hyperon decays in relativistic ChiPT PoS(CD2024)072 |
Status of the PrimEx-eta experiment at Jefferson Lab PoS(CD2024)073 |
Fragmentation function studies at BESIII PoS(CD2024)074 |
Mixing interactions and effects in the NJL-model PoS(CD2024)075 |
Trace anomaly and gravitational form factors in the QCD instanton vacuum PoS(CD2024)076 |
Possible scenario of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in the instanton liquid PoS(CD2024)077 |
Gravitational local spatial densities for hadrons PoS(CD2024)078 |
The Transition Density Formalism in the First Compton Computation on 4He, and Beyond PoS(CD2024)079 |
Using the Nucleus Density Formalism to Analyze Pion-Photoproduction and Other Reactions on Light Nuclei PoS(CD2024)080 |
Electromagnetic form factors of nucleons from SU(3) chiral effective field theory PoS(CD2024)081 |
Gravitational p → ∆+ transition form factors in chiral perturbation theory PoS(CD2024)082 |
Bernabéu-Tarrach sum rule for electric polarizability and its implication for the Lamb shift PoS(CD2024)083 |
Working Group 3 parallel session: Few-Body Physics |
Criteria of Renormalizability in Effective Field Theories PoS(CD2024)084 |
The Unitarity Limit of the NN System with Perturbative Pions PoS(CD2024)085 |
Perturbation theories for chiral nuclear forces PoS(CD2024)086 |
Modified Power Counting in Chiral Effective Field Theory up to N3LO PoS(CD2024)087 |
Three-pion exchange potential using the method of unitary transformation PoS(CD2024)088 |
Nucleon-nucleon interaction in manifestly Lorentz-invariant ChEFT PoS(CD2024)089 |
Application of chiral 2- and 3-baryon interactions to light hypernuclei PoS(CD2024)090 |
Experiments with RI-beam populating tetra-neutron system PoS(CD2024)091 |
Recent results of $\Sigma^\pm p$ scattering experiment at J-PARC PoS(CD2024)092 |
Structure of multi-neutron system and future study PoS(CD2024)093 |
Faddeev Calculation of Hypertriton Including with YNN Three-Body Force PoS(CD2024)094 |
Truncation uncertainty of chiral EFT for two-nucleon scattering from marginalizing over higher order contributions PoS(CD2024)095 |
Few-Nucleon Scattering Experiments to Explore the Three-Nucleon Forces PoS(CD2024)096 |
Chiral three-nucleon force in many-nucleon systems PoS(CD2024)097 |
Sensitivity of the nucleon-deuteron scattering observables to N4LO contact terms of three-nucleon force PoS(CD2024)098 |
Dynamics of 3-nucleon systems studied in proton-induced deuteron breakup reaction. PoS(CD2024)099 |
Non-perturbative three-nucleon simulation using chiral lattice EFT PoS(CD2024)100 |
Studies of A>3 few-nucleon systems within next-to-leading order Pionless Effective Field Theory PoS(CD2024)101 |
Ab initio predictions of heavy atomic nuclei PoS(CD2024)102 |
Recent progresses in few-nucleon structure and dynamics in chiral effective field theory PoS(CD2024)103 |
Short range correlations in light nuclei PoS(CD2024)104 |
Radiative corrections for the two-nucleon interaction in effective field theory PoS(CD2024)105 |
Nuclear structure effects on two-photon exchange in muonic deuterium PoS(CD2024)106 |
Precision theory for electromagnetic observables of light nuclei PoS(CD2024)107 |
Study of dark matter scattering off 2H and 4He nuclei within chiral effective field theory PoS(CD2024)108 |
μ → e conversion in nuclei and nuclear charge distributions PoS(CD2024)109 |
Manifestly Lorentz invariant formulation of chiral EFT for neutrinoless double beta decay PoS(CD2024)110 |
Neutrinoless double beta decay rates and the 3+2 scenario PoS(CD2024)111 |
Parity and time-reversal violating nuclear forces with explicit delta excitations PoS(CD2024)112 |
Anthropic Considerations for Big Bang Nucleosynthesis PoS(CD2024)113 |
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