BEAUTY2023 - (other beauty conferences)
3-7 July 2023
Clermont-Ferrand, France
published November 07, 2024
Entries on ADS

The 20th International Conference on B-Physics at Frontier Machines, "BEAUTY 2023", will be held in Clermont-Ferrand, France, from the 3rd to the 7th July 2023.

Initiated in Prague - 1993, the BEAUTY conference series is devoted to reviewing the latest theoretical and experimental advances in heavy flavour physics.

The scientific programme will cover a wide range of topics, including CP violation, rare decays, spectroscopy, and production of heavy flavoured B and charmed hadrons. Prospects for upcoming B-physics experiments at frontier machines, and at the next generation of high-energy colliders will also be discussed

conference main image
Main session
Young Scientist session
Main session
Editorial: Beauty 2023 at Clermont-Ferrand, France
R. Fleischer, R. Lefevre, S. Monteil and G. Wilkinson
Manifestations of CP Violation in the B–Meson System: Theoretical Perspective
E. Malami
Time-dependent 𝑪𝑷 violation measurements at Belle II
S. Hazra and  On behalf of the BELLE II collaboration
Measurements of CKM angle $\gamma$ in LHCb
CP violation in $B^{0}_{s} \to J/\psi \phi$ decay and $P_{5}^{′}$ and $K\mu\mu$ angular analysis
C. Kar and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
$b \to s$ Penguin results from Belle II
L. Martel and  On behalf of the BELLE II collaboration
Recent results in $b\to s\ell\ell$ transitions at LHCb
S. Celani
Lepton flavor (universality) violation studies at CMS
F. Riti and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Observation of an excess of di-charmonium events in the four-muon final state with the ATLAS detector
A. Hagan and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Quarkonium/QCD results at Belle II
M.C. Chang and  on behalf of the Belle and Belle II collaborations
Recent results on spectroscopy of X,Y and Z states at BESIII
R.G. Ping
B-decay branching fractions, helicities and lifetime measurements in ATLAS
R. Novotny and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Recent flavour-physics results in open charm decays
W. Xu and  On behalf of the BESIII collaboration
Recent Belle II results related to B anomalies
Y. Fan and  On behalf of the BELLE II collaboration
Recent results in semileptonic B decays at LHCb
D. Fazzini
Thirty years of the Beauty Conference
N. Harnew
Exotic Spectroscopy: A Lattice QCD perspective
D. Mohler and R.J. Hudspith
Recent results on Spectroscopy with LHCb
Towards a SM prediction for CP violation in charm
M.L. Piscopo, A. Lenz and A. Rusov
Strong-phase results from quantum-correlated $D^0\overline D^0$ events
Performance of LHCb Upgrade I in Run 3
F. Oliva and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Prospects of the Upgrade II of LHCb
Heavy flavor production in the Parton-Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD)
T. Song, J. Aichelin and E. Bratkovskaya
Characterising the QGP with heavy flavour hadrons with ALICE: state of the art and prospects
M. Mazzilli and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Production of Heavy Flavor in ATLAS
R. Novotny
Semileptonic B decays, latest |V_xb|
Measurements of $|V_{cb}|$ and $|V_{ub}|$ from Belle and Belle II
Global flavour fits to rare B decay observables
F. Mahmoudi, T. Hurth and S. Neshatpour
Rare B and $B_s$ decays at Belle
D. Marcantonio
Rare decays at CMS
L. Guzzi and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Rare b-hadron decays at LHCb
I. Bachiller
Connecting flavour at low- and high$-p_{T}$ in SMEFT
O. Sumensari
Status and Prospects of $K\rightarrow\pi\nu\bar{\nu}$ at NA62 and KOTO
A. Romano
Muon g-2 experiment and future muon experiments
E. Bottalico
Young Scientist session
Old and new anomalies in charm
T. Höhne, R. Bause, H. Gisbert, G. Hiller, D. Litim and T. Steudtner
New Probes of Electron--Muon Universality in $B \to K\ell^+\ell^-$ Decays
A. Rehult, R. Fleischer, E. Malami and K. Vos
New $b$-tagging using exclusive $b$-hadron decays at FCC-ee
L. Röhrig
Sensitivity study of $B^0\to K^{*0}\tau^+\tau^-$ at FCC-$ee$
T. Miralles
Impact of CPV phases on flavour violating H and Z decays
E. Pinsard, A. Abada, J. Kriewald, S. Rosauro-Alcaraz and A.M. Teixeira
B hadron reconstruction in early ATLAS Run 3 data
A. Hagan and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration