22-26 May, 2017
Philadelphia, USA
published August 21, 2019
Entries on ADS

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We are pleased to introduce MPGD 2017, the 5th International Conference on Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors, which took place at Temple University in Philadelphia, from Monday, May 22nd to Friday, May 26th 2017. This conference has been dedicated to review:

(a) MPGD detector technologies,

(b) Applications at future nuclear and particle physics facilites,

(c) MPGD production and commercialization and

(d) Related detector technologies (e.g. RPC's and TPC's). 

Modern photolithographic technology on flexible and standard PCB supports has allowed the invention and development of novel and very robust Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD: such as GEM, Micromegas, THGEM and others). This technology offers the potential to develop new detectors with very high spatial resolution, high rate capability, large sensitive area, high operational stability, radiation hardness and good time resolution. In addition, the design of MPDGs is now mature for industrial production. Nowadays the progress is so advanced that the possibility to apply these technologies beyond nuclear and particle physics such as medical imaging, homeland security, beam monitors and neutron detection has become fully realistic.

The program consisted of invited and contributed talks for both oral and poster presentations. We strongly encourage the submission of abstracts. Postdocs and students are especially encouraged to attend the conference.

The conference was followed by a meeting of the RD51 Collaboration, the world-wide community dedicated to the development and the dissemination of the MPGD technology and its application.

Editorial Board

  • Matt Posik
    Temple University
  • Bernd Surrow
    Temple University
conference main image
Main session
Status and Future Developments of Micro-pattern Gas Detectors
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E. Oliveri
Charged particle timing based on Micromegas in the sub-50 picosecond regime
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E. Oliveri
The first beam test for a GEM-readout TPC module with a large aperture GEM-like gating device
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Y. Aoki
Performance of the chromium GEM detector
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B. Mindur
A new design of Micro Pixel Chamber using DLC electrodes
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F. Yamane
Numerical predictions of GEM sheet nonlinear mechanical properties under large deformations
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J.A. Merlin
The RPWELL detector – its physics and potential applications
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S. Bressler
Preliminary Results of GEM based Transition Radiation Detector/ Tracker in Test Beam at JLab
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K. Gnanvo
HARPO, a Micromegas+GEM TPC for gamma polarimetry above 1 MeV.
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P. Colas
GEM foil gain prediction
T.E. Hilden, J.E. Brucken, D. Varga and M. Vargyas
Characterization and Validation of first GEM Foils produced in India
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K. Ashok
GEM single-mask characterization and influence of GEM foil orientation
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J.A. Merlin
Development of the BAND-GEM detector solution for SANS experiments
G. Croci, A. Muraro, G. Albani, E. Perelli Cippo, J. Birch, G. Grosso, C. Höglund, L. Hultman, F. Murtas, M. Rebai, M. Tardocchi, I. Llamas-Jansa and G. Gorini
Gas scintillation Glass GEM detector for high-resolution X-ray imaging and CT
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T. Fujiwara
Cloud Computing for QA of MPGD GEM-foils using Image Analysis
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C.A. Rodriguez
Towards High Resolution Bulk Micromegas Detectors for Nuclear Physics Instruments.
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E. Pollacco
Characterisation of the charging up effect in Micromegas detectors
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J. Samarati
Beam Test Results from a GEM-based Combination TPC-Cherenkov Detector
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B. Azmoun
The micro-RWELL detector
M. Poli Lener, G. Bencivenni, G. Felici, M. Gatta, G. Morello and R. De Oliveira
Small-pad resistive Micromegas for operation at very high rates
E. Farina, M. Alviggi, M. Biglietti, V. Canale, M. Della Pietra, C. Di Donato, S. Franchino, P. Iengo, M. Iodice, F. Petrucci, A. Renardi, E. Rossi, G. Sekhniaidze, O. Sidiropoulou and V. Vecchio
Operation of a sealed Kr based micropatterned detector
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J. Veloso
Review of results and measurements obtained with GEMPIX detector
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F. Murtas
Applications of Micropattern Gas Detectors at BNL./JLAB and a future EIC facility
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T.K. Hemmick
Applications of Micropattern Gas Detectors at FRIB
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M. Cortesi
Applications of Micropattern Gas Detectors at Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics related Experiments
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J. Galan
Development of GEM Detectors at Hampton University
A. Liyanage, M. Kohl, J. Nazeer and T. Patel
Construction and test of the large GEM tracking detector for the Super BigBite Spectrometer at JLab
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H. Nguyen
Status and progress of the future neutrino-less double beta decay search with the PandaX-III experiment
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D. Neyret
R&D on Large GEM for the Forward Tracking at the Future Electron Ion Collider
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K. Gnanvo
Micromegas Tracker for the CLAS12 experiment and for a future EIC
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M. Vandenbroucke
Discharge probability studies with multi-GEM detectors for the ALICE TPC Upgrade
P. Gasik and  on behalf of the ALICE TPC upgrade collaboration
Radiation studies on resistive bulk-micromegas chambers at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility
J. Samarati, B. Alvarez Gonzalez, J. Bortfeldt, M.T. Camerlingo, E. Farina, P. Iengo, J. Samarati, O. Sidiropoulou and J. Wotschack
Characterization of Micromegas detector with elongated pillars
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O. Sidiropoulou
Characteristics of Micromegas detectors at high temperature
L. Longo, J. Samarati, P. Iengo and J. Wotschack
VMM3, an ASIC for Micropattern Detectors
G. Iakovidis and  On behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration
LEVEL-1 DATA DRIVER CARD - A high bandwidth radiation tolerant aggregator board for detectors
P. Gkountoumis and  On behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration
Imaging with glass GEM and dynamic time-over-threshold pulse processing method
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Y. Mitsuya
A model of charge transfer processes in GEM foils
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V. Ratza
The importance of LAr TPC in neutrino experiments.
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R.M. Gutiérrez Maritza Delgado
A photoelectric-effect-based field calibration system for the Time Projection Chamber at the CBELSA/TAPS experiment
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D. Schaab
GEM based alternatives for ion backflow suppression
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B. Purba
The GEM stability test against frequent high voltage on and off switching.
The sPHENIX TPC Project
K. Dehmelt and  on behalf of the sPHENIX Collaboration
Performance of the CAST Micromegas detectors detectors and perspectives for IAXO
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E. Ferrer
GEM Detectors of Proton Charge Radius (PRad) Experiment
High rate GEM readout and tracking for SBS
Test beam results of a Cylindrical GEM detector for BESIII experiment
G. Mezzadri, M. Alexeev, A. Amoroso, R. Baldini Ferroli, M. Bertani, D. Bettoni, F. Bianchi, A. Calcaterra, N. Canale, M. Capodiferro, V. Carassiti, S. Cerioni, J. Chai, S. Chiozzi, G. Cibinetto, F. Cossio, A. Cotta Ramusino, F. De Mori, M. De Stefanis, J. Dong, F. Evangelisti, R. Farinelli, L. Fava, G. Felici, E. Fioravanti, I. Garzia, M. Gatta, M. Greco, L. Lavezzi, C. Leng, H. Li, M. Maggiora, R. Malaguti, A. Mangoni, S. Marcello, M. Melchiorri, M. Mignone, G. Morello, S. Pacetti, P. Patteri, J. Pellegrino, A. Pelosi, A. Rivetti, M.D. Da Rocha Rolo, M. Savrie, M. Scodeggio, E. Soldani, S. Sosio, S. Spataro, E. Tskhadadze, S. Verma, R. Wheadon and L. Yan
TIGER: a custom readout electronics for the BESIII CGEM detector
M. Greco, M. Alexeev, R. Bugalho, J. Chai, F. Cossio, M.D. Da Rocha Rolo, A. Di Francesco, C. Leng, H. Li, M. Maggiora, S. Marcello, M. Mignone, A. Rivetti, J. Varela and R. Wheadon
Simulation of the ATLAS New Small Wheel (NSW) System
H. Cai and  On behalf of the ATLAS Muon Collaboration
Resistive Micromegas for the Muon Spectrometer Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment
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O. Sidiropoulou
The novel photon detectors based on MPGD technologies for the upgrade of COMPASS RICH-1
F. Tessarotto, J. Agarwala, M. Alexeev, C.D.R. Azevedo, R. Birsa, F. Bradamante, A. Bressan, C. Chatterjee, M. Chiosso, A. Cicuttin, P. Ciliberti, M.L. Crespo, S. Dalla Torre, S.S. Dasgupta, O. Denisov, M. Finger, M. Finger Jr., B. Gobbo, M. Gregori, G. Hamar, S. Levorato, A. Maggiora, A. Martin, G. Menon, J. Novy, D. Panzieri, C.A. Santos, G. Sbrizzai, M. Slunecka, K. Steiger, L. Steiger, M. Sulc and Y. Zhao
The high voltage system for the novel MPGD-based photon detectors of COMPASS RICH-1
J. Agarwala, R. Birsa, F. Bradamante, A. Bressan, C. Chatterjee, P. Ciliberti, S. Dalla Torre, S. Dasgupta, B. Gobbo, M. Gregori, G. Hamar, S. Levorato, A. Martin, G. Menon, F. Tessarotto and Y. Zhao
A large low-mass GEM detector with zigzag readout strips for forward tracking at EIC
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M. Hohlmann
From gated to continuous readout: the GEM upgrade of the ALICE TPC
A. Mathis and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
ATLAS Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors production status
M. Schioppa and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Japan MPGD community
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A. Ochi
Construction of Triple-GEM Detector Using Commercially Manufactured Large GEM Foils
M. Posik and B. Surrow
Optical readout of MPGDs: Techniques and applications
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F. Maximilian
Towards a 60 x 60 cm2 demonstrator for the NMX instrument at the European Spallation Source ERIC
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P. Thuiner
Muographies of the Giza's Great Pyramid with Micromegas trackers
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S. Bouteille
First industrial production of large area Micromegas by ELVIA: status, applications and perspectives
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S. Procureur
Precision Timing Measurement with MicroPattern Detectors
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S. White
Exploiting Psec Time Resolution
H.J. Frisch
Status and Future Developments of TPC’s with MPGD readout systems
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P. Colas
GEMROC2 – a self-triggered ASIC
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T. Fiutowski
sPHENIX TPC simulation studies
S. Tarafdar and  on behalf of the sPHENIX Collaboration
RHIP, a Radio-Controlled High-Voltage Insulated Picoammeter and its usage in studying ion backflow in MPGD-based photon detectors
S. Dalla Torre, M. Bari, B. Gobbo, M. Gregori, S. Levorato, G. Menon and F. Tessarotto
Results of the longevity study with the triple-GEM technology for the upgrade of the CMS muon end-caps
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J.A. Merlin
New results on COMPASS pixellized hybrid gaseous detectors for high muon and hadron flux
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D. Neyret
A wide energy range neutron spectrometer for fusion experiments or safety diagnostics applications
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P. Legou
A GEM-TPC for the CBELSA/TAPS experiment
J. Ottnad, M. Ball, R. Beck, B. Ketzer, V. Ratza, D. Schaab and R. Schmitz
J.E. Brucken, T.E. Hilden and  on behalf of the ALICE TPC upgrade collaboration
R&D and related Simulation Studies for the sPHENIX Time Projection Chamber
P. Garg and  on behalf of the sPHENIX Collaboration
The sPHENIX Compact Time Projection Chamber: Study of SpaceCharge Distortions from First Principles
C.E. Perez Lara and  on behalf of the sPHENIX Collaboration
Mechanical Construction of the field cage of sPHENIX TPC
N. Ramasubramanian
Improvement of GEM gain uniformity: production and verification techniques
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M. Kubota
Performance of GEM Detectors in the DarkLight Experiment at LERF
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J. Nazeer
On-line and real-time thickness and density measurement for quality control of thin films using GEMs
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R.M. Gutierrez
Status of the BONuS12 Radial Time Projection Chamber
G. Charles, S. Bueltmann, G. Dodge, N. Dzbenski, M. Ehrhart, S.E. Kuhn, D. Payette, J. Poudel, K. Griffioen, P. Baron, I. Mandjavidze, E. Christy, A. Nadeeshani, H. Fenker, N. Kalantarians, J. Zhang, C.A. Gayoso and  On behalf of the CLAS Collaboration
Possible Options for Gain Elements in a High Rate Time Projection Chamber.
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N. Smirnov
Implementation of the VMM ASIC in the Scalable Readout System
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M. Lupberger
GridPix detector with Timepix3 ASIC
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J. Kaminski
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M. Titov